Video Jew Companies Expand Aggressive Word Censors to Include Terms Such as "DLC" & "hitreg"

Soy cucks finally crying about censorship

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DLC confirmed as being a jewish trick.

>giving your money to (((media)))

Yo deserve this.

shut up nigger

It's simple, complaining about shitty dlc is antisemitic.
This will definitely not backfire, EAs PR team is flawless.

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go back to reddit

You don't want to buy our historically accurate game, goy?

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Ubisoft started the ruining of vidya. Now if only we could lure a good jew to shoot up their HQ similar to how the last one lit up the most niggiest game tournament ever.

For the last time, stop giving them money, dont pay a single shekel for games, problem solved.

That one got memoryholed real fucking quick after people pointed out that he was a jew, didn't it?

it's even better when you can play as a strong independent nigger jew fighting for nazi germany.

No need. All you have to do is adopt codewords to replace words like nigger and faggot. Like how anons were calling niggers "googles" for a while. This will force them to expand their word filters to block out everyday common words causing a lot of problems among normalfags playing their games. Every time they censor a new word move onto another one, but always make sure to use a common word. What they're doing can be easily turned against them.

Goddamn I hate this current year cuckery, that stupid expression of unearned stoicism they have isn't by mistake.

Who the fuck is going to buy BF5? Its 100% sjw aids and even they wont buy it cause shooter.

For your generation maybe, but the historical starting point was always Nintendo.


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equally offensive.

all playstation owners because playstation is the chinese way to make video games for black and minorities. Minorities know this and buy:

-battle field
-no mans sky
-detroit: become human

and they will buy:
-the last of us 2
-anything not made in america thats non sjw because they hate white people

This. GooberGate got me reading through old Nintendo Power issues because "surely things couldn't have been this bad back in the day, right?" Wrong. Things were always this bad.

3 Niggers and a chink woman are now "Soldiers" from the late 1930s to mid 1940s? In European nations? Are they out of their fucking minds?

Holy shit, just noticed the trigger, please tell me that is a shop, and why is the color of the stock lack as default instead of brown?

They can call it "merchant packs"

Gaming market need to crash hard. Stop giving them money. Torrent games you want play

t. Schlomo

We're in 2018 laddie.

scrub censor and scrub
i like to (((rub)))

i agree. every time i hear "jew" i'm disgusted and nauseated. terribly offensive indeed

There is a fucking female german solider as part of yet another piece of cover art. If they ever try to say they're not shoving women down people's throats they are flat our lying.


It's funny how not even normalfags buy those kinds of games, I mean Mass effect andromeda and Battlefront 2 flopped. And the pre orders for Battlefield bagina don't show anything really positive.

Isn't "Jew" just a name for their nationality? It would be like banning the word "American" or "Christian".

Fucking lol the kikes banned their own word for themselves because it became a slur.


Don't give him (you)s

"Minority" here, we buy hardware, not software, you are like those american leftists that believes they know everything minorities want because they are PC. BTW, you have a lot of "minorities", minorities with money and minorities without money, from the ones with money you have a little minority that buy games, "shitskins" with money that buy games buy ps4 and football games, for some weird reason they believe that pc is for lifeless virgins and xbox is mostly ignored and called "inferior", i am talking about spics obviously, asian money is enough to said what americans can play and what not.

Video games are media too.

Am I the only one here who liked Hardline the most?
I guess not cos I saw one of you faggots ruining my game with bots the other week

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Non-gamer here. What do DLC and hitreg mean and how does banning them further their agenda?


Should this not motivate Zig Forums to create a new acronym? Let's see how many these (((DLCs))) can censor.

I dont get the logic of gamers, I still enjoy shit like bubble bobble

Downloadable Content, normally has the form of paid "extra" content but often it means the whole (read: actual) ending of the game, depending on how kiked the dev/publisher is.
Hit registration, IIRC this means that there aren't actual bullets flying out the rifle, no matter the animation, but that instead the damage from a gun is teleported to wherever the barrel is pointing at that moment. Not sure on that one.
It doesn't. Kikes are being retarded and doubling down for the 6.000.000th time in a row after too many goys caught on to their vidya scamming.
The might soon start banning the word lootbox or pre-orders.
Vidya gaems are fucking shit now because of the fucking kikes.


Dee El See

found the spic

hooooolly fuck this


"hitreg" would come up when someone is complaining that their hits aren't registering, due to lag or bad netcode or whatever.

This looks like something incredibly fun to fuck with. You guys wager we could whip up a controversy over this? Anything to hurt SJWs.

perfect timer for that old googles and skypes thing

Because DLC is just as bad as Jews.

/v/irgin here.
DownLoadble Content. It's kinda like small expansions with more crap for you to play with, but EA is infamous for cutting parts of the base game and selling it further down the line.
Base game can cost 60$, they'll charge you 5$ for each piece of DLC (10$ for the bigger slices) and if you dare buy anything, you'll end up shelling 150$ for a single game. It's THAT scummy.

A bit more complicated than other anons put it. Hitreg = hit registration. When you shoot a gun in a multiplayer game, you send information to the game server telling it "I shot a gun from this position and in that direction".
The server then has to calculate the bullet trajectory and register a hit on an enemy or a miss.
A long time, YOU hosted the server at home and your shitty computer would shit the bed every now and then, crash/fuck up and not register hits correctly.
Game companies responded by providing gamers with dedicated servers they put up for the games, completely for free*.
*They reserve the right to take the servers down anytime making the game unplayable, forcing you to buy the new one with servers that just opened.
Problem: maintaining good servers with lots of people accessing them is fucking hard. Millions of people sending information from their computers to your service? It's pratically a DDoS attack!
So you got two routes here: improve your infrastructure so you can support the large ammounts of data…
Or the EA way: pressure Dev's to fuck up when developing netcode so the game drops information left and right or the server simply discards information to avoid processing as much. That and shitty hardware.
If you ever try playing one of these games, see your character sticking a machine gun up some Hadji ass and watching him walkay even after you empty the fun on him, that's bad hitreg. Either your client decided not to send the information to the server, or the server dropped that information.

It's actually a lot more complicated than this, I'm giving the "non-gamer" version so you can understand. Stop by /v/ if you'd want to learn about hitreg in depth.

tl,dr: EA sells a product that is getting worse over the years (more DLC kikery, worse hitreg every year), people start to complain about it in-game, EA censures them because they're dumb kikes and keep forgetting the Streisand
effect all the time.

this is what brave new world looks like T B H.

Kind of like the word nigger, which just means black.

Is someone on the inside trying to weaponize gamers to fight against censorship? Or is that too tinfoily?

The absolute state of SJWs.

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Looks like they'll have to say National Socialist.

It makes it difficult to suspend disbelief when reality is so brazenly flaunted.

Yeah, they didn't even try the old

Don't mind me just checking these nice digits.

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This, I fell for the Sega Jew with Total War Warhammer and ended up spending nearly 200$ for the game.

To imagine how scummy this is, the five factions in the first game, as well as 3 'DLC' factions that are first-game-exclusive, are unplayable in the second game if you didn't buy the first. They aren't even throwaway factions, as they include all three human factions (Empire, Brettonia, Norsca), dwarves, wood elves, orcs, and vampires. You literally can't play as anything but a literal rat jew, elf, or lizardman in the technically superior second game without dropping over 80$ on the first.

I've always wondered why they all make that soy face. Is it something genetic?

THIS x1000. It's so simple. "muh vidya" no life fags turning over mummys shekels to these jews to pay for their own race-mixing brainwashing is the problem!

DLC has always been an offensive and dirty word. About time they caught up.

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Fear grimace.

Start calling it the DLJew.

Check it out laddies.

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Downloadable Cohen

Both are strong contenders.

lol what the fuck

as bad as I thought it was I didn't think the cancer would be that bad please user tell that is not real

That would work but DLC is still censored.

Came back for more didn't ya?

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Also i've read all the articles concerning the EA stock plunge and it seems the journo's are at it again. All of them mention the disastrous pre-order sales and all of them ascribe it to the launch window (having to compete will Call of Duty). Which is fucking retarded because the pre-orders opened up for sale LONG before Cowadooty.

So once again, video game 'journalism' is completely leaving out the controversy surrounding SJW shit and gamer push back. I wonder if it's about time to start mailing shareholders and investors. I highly doubt these guys even know what's going on.

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No fucking way


I think I have aids AND cancer now.

I expected this to happen, why did i do it anyway?

It's almost like they learned it is better to ignore the problem than to attempt to address it in their fucked up ways which will illicit an even greater response.

Notice how they've censored both Whiteman and White man (without and with space).

I just wanted to play the new Zelda, and thought bringing said game to hotels or airplanes would be fun. It is but holy fuck the shame is real, what an effective smear campaign.

Still though, a real journalist would've made mention of gamers pushing back against SJW shit forced in their game and the company attacking and insulting its own customers, even telling them not to buy the game.

YES THIS! Make them ban loads of common words (merchant), every jewish common name (moshe), keep pushing until they either give up on censorship, or make themselves look like the cartoon bad guy nazis that jews love to portray in movies.

Toying around with SJWs like this is more fun than playing their 'game'.

Imagine being a gamer in the 70's and 80's.

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Found your problem. Real journalists don't cover games. Take sports. Those "journalists" are nothing more than marketing. Real stories about players like dog fights, killings, rape, etc. all get touched on by the actual news anchors and aren't just left to the bints in the locker rooms. Otherwise it's all opinions and narratives and hype.



Fear grimace used to be called cocksucker's cramp.

If you want downloadable content
You have to pay the dues.


ABC News did before his identity was actually known, they reported shooter unknown but gleefully added he was a white male.

Have not all the Battfield's since 3 also launched alongside a Call of Duty?

I guess they do have a point, the DLC is jewishness, while the Expansion Pack is truly Aryan.

Your home may be at risk if you fail to adopt the required cryptocuntsy for DLCohen

Correct. You could literally fetch the release dates for said games and look it up on historical stock charts to see that these 'journo's' are talking shit.

You're right. This shows the absolute ridiculousness of censoring speech in an online game under the justification of ending "toxicity".
Let me give my own personal example, I had been playing rainbow six for roughly the past year.
Before they began their crackdown on "toxicity", chat was pretty much full of shit talking and blaming others, but the trolling and anger was mostly limited to this area of the game. You'd get the occasional team kill or vote kick, but overall it was a playable game. People ran their mouths and vented their rage in the chat, but matches were within a reasonable state of playability.
Once the toxic crackdown began, the trolling and chat moved from the chat box into the voice chat, and players started abusing the vote kick and started team killing more.
After the auto ban bot was implemented, people were using all manner of words to evade the bot and people were basically gaming the system to be as disruptive as possible without being banned.
My personal experience in solo que casual (I only rank que with friends) was that it became a cluster fuck in every aspect. Vote kicks, screaming over voice, team kills, suiciding near dok so she could get their phone, etc etc.
The game became unplayable and I just uninstalled.
There's something about being able to call someone a dumb fuck, or a nigger, or a faggot, or to call some chick a cunt that seems to keep the retards in line. When you prevent them from being able to vent out their retardation in chat, they find other ways to fuck with people and their actions become more direct and aggressive.
It was really weird to see the game reduced to a shit pile in just a few months. To see the collective player base just destroy the playability of the game once they could say "nigger".
For me, it's not a big loss. I don't want to play video games that cater to the snowflakes anyway, but rainbow six was a decent game imo, nothing groundbreaking, but reasonably fun and worth spending a few hours a week in casual just playing and wasting time.
I do experience schadenfreude when I see the snowflakes crying about how bad the game has got though. That is the world they asked for imo.

To me it seems like they're trying to convey an "oh my god" sort of excitement to try and fit in by going along with whatever's big at the time or showing that they're a fun and exciting person, but their eyes always give away that it's just a contrived facade.

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