The International Jew

that a group of "international Jews" was striving to take over the world. On February 8, 1920, the
Illustrated Sunday Herald (published in London) ran an article by Churchill. Its title: "Zionism
Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People." At the time, Winnie was
Secretary of State for War and Air and had already been a prominent Member of Parliament.
Churchill didn't slam all Jews; rather, he painted them as a people of two extremes. "The conflict
between good and evil which proceeds unceasingly in the breast of man nowhere reaches such an
intensity as in the Jewish race. The dual nature of mankind is nowhere more strongly or more
terribly exemplified…. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of
Antichrist ware destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious
race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical."
He identifies three strains of political thought among the world's Jews: Nationalism, in which a
Jewish person identifies first and foremost with the country in which he or she lives. Zionism, in
j which a Jewish person wants a country specifically for Jews (Israel would be formed 28 years
after Winnie's essay). These are both honorable, says Churchill, unlike the third option — the
terrorism and atheistic communism of "International Jews." He writes:
Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the
unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race.
Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from
their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not
new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky
(Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman
(United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the
reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and
impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs.
Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French
Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the
Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the
underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by
the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that
enormous empire.

actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most
part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With
the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the
principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin,
a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of
Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or
of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek — all
Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the
prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the
Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews,
and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in
the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon
has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been
allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all
these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish
revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the
population is astonishing.
question its authenticity. However, the leading Churchill bibliographer, Frederick Woods, has
pronounced the article genuine, listing it in his authoritative A Bibliography of the Works of Sir
Winston Churchill.

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For someone aware of the JQ, he sure did a lot of work for the wrong side in WW2. How do you excuse that?

The 2nd WW was not centered on Jews, but on power in Europe. Jewish genocide was a side result of the struggle of Germany for domination against France and the UK.

Tel aviv ip?

t. fashy based anglo

you can read the whole thing here:

Churchill was an ardent Zionist, and the message of this article was a form of blackmail: if the Goyim don't give Palestine to the Jews, the Jews will destroy the world using Communism. This was a false dilemma because there were more options on the table regarding the Jewish Question.

Yeah, I think you should fuck off back to plebbit.

Winston Churchill was savagely anti German, and dedicated his life to invade Germany, only out of greed and thirst for power. He was also very kosher and a first class shabbos goy during and after WW2, and a holohoax preacher. He clearly picked his side (the anti white side) through his actions. What he wrote or said is irrelevant at that point.


What he wrote and said is absolutely relevant. People need to understand this and learn from it. Churchill knew full well that the jews were the biggest threat to the world, but he got himself in debt and sold his people out to the jews in order to keep his cushy lifestyle. He's a perfect example of how knowing what is right isn't enough, you have to be willing to sacrifice your own personal comfort and pleasure to defend what is right.

Well of course Churchill knew.
He worked for them.

Churchill didnt believe that - he knew because he was bought and paid for by the Jews - the district he ended up winning in was a fucking jew ghetto and he was very vocal on removing immigration restriction laws. He was elected by Jews and drummed out for massive fuck ups in WWI sending people/navy fleet to die en masse in Ottoman Empire, though this wasnt done until post-war and his massive starvation campaign that killed millions against post-war germany.

He became a drunkard (well, he was always a drunkard, but poor and useless) after this. The Focus, a group of (((international bankers))) then approached him and financed his campaign to get him into power for WWII.

He was free to speak post-war about anything he wanted because the Jews already won at that point and nothing he could say or do would change that.

Bullshit Kikery at its finest you fuqqing fuq!

the battle is contrived bullshit (Good v. Evil as both are personified in the jew) based on contrived bullshit (Talmud/Torah), and this is the beautiful part:

The International jew sees the world as his oyster. He has a homeland but refuses to fuck off. Instead, his time is spent destroying all successful nations built by the finest minds.

Then, we have the Zionist jew. He is a "Global Nationalist", that sees all whom are not him as those who serve his interests; financing his 8 million strong small nation moving much of the planet at his will, financed by the global goybuxx structure. The goy finance, fight and die in his wars. All self-determination of the goy is in the hands of the jew.

Whether he is "a good jew" or "a bad jew"; he sees the world as his oyster content to pull a shiny new pearl from it whenever he feels the need, and at the same time, he is ready to destroy the entire oyster (the Samson Option - nothing sociopathis nor psychopathic about that; huh?), when he feels that he cannot get his way

If you think Churchill was redpilled, you should read Patton's post war diary entries (specifically around Sept '45). He finally understood he was fighting for the wrong people for the past 40 years, and regretted not dying in battle instead of seeing what became of victory.


And the "good ones," in Churchill's eyes, the Zionist kikes, thanked Churchill by murdering Lord Moyne when he was sent to arbitrate a dispute between them and the Palestinians.

Read churchill's war before posting.

HG Wells also hated jewish nationalism. unfortunately he himself turned into a kike.

Jews are Jews, and at the end of the day you can't fault them for doing what's in their race's best interest, but Churchill was a traitor. Jews would have no power in the west today if it weren't for traitors like him.

OP here,

It just doesn't fit current politics, if Jews only serve Jews in all cases, then why Netanyahu and Victor Orbàn love each other while Soros funds Israeli leftist opposition against Netanyahu? Soros is open in his hatred against Netanyahu, why if the Jew act in a monolithic manner thye fight each other?



AND specially:


All written by Jews for Jews.

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No one knows about it better than those who are part of it.

Whoa whoa whoa there big guy. If you go one more block in this direction, you're going to end up in a gas chamber. Why don't you turn around now and just slowly walk away, alright?

We're about 15 light years past that point in the narrative, pal. If you want to play ball here, you're going to have to start working with a touch of reality. The good ol 80/20 rule as your books tell you.

Might want to look at Marx later books such as "A world without jews." Everyone that gets in bed with the devil regrets it when they're close to death.

What I am saying essentially is that there is indeed a large percentage of nomic Jewry that acts in the way Zig Forums says they act. They subvert, they are carpetbagging, and they finance the degeneration of Western values.

However, there is also Jews that support our nationalism because they love their country themselves. And they are currently just above the majority. They are our allies AGAINST parasytic globalism and they oppose the same things that we oppose.

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There was no jewish "holocaust." There was no genocide of jews.
Hitler's Germany did not genocide anyone.
There were no death camps, only concentration (aka "holding" aka "internment") camps.
There were under 300,000 jew deaths, nowhere near "6 million," and most of those were from typhus or natural causes.
There were no "gassings." The zyklon B was for killing LICE on clothes and shorn hair as part of attempts by the GERMANS to prevent the spread of disease among prisoners.
The "final solution to the jewish problem in Europe" was DEPORTATION.


Also this. It's false dichotomy.
"If you oppose these semites, then you must support these semites."
The correct answer is to oppose both.

I CAN fault them, though.
How so?
Because they seek to improve themselves SPECIFICALLY by tearing everyone else down.
A proper Nationalist seeks separation for their people so that their people can become strong and prosperous from their OWN efforts.
kikes seek to parasitize off of others and profit from HURTING and IMPOVERISHING them.
Very different.

It's all part of the circus to keep people, IE Whites, confused.
Do jews fight amongst themselves?
But they all want to enslave the "goyim" under jewish rule. That is what the talmud tells them to do, after all.
All jews follow the talmud (the VAST majority, anyway) and what the talmud says about "goyim" is very clear.
"Goyim" aka "soulless man shaped animal slave."
That is how jews think of non-jews.
The worst part is that they spend billions of dollars and millions of man-hours pushing "multicult" and "diversity is strength" bullshit onto everyone else while viciously attacking any racial or ethnic solidarity amongst Whites.
They are malicious hypocrites who push "nationalism for me, global shitholification for thee."

White countries for White people and only White people. Governments of the people, by the people, and FOR the people.
jews can never be a part of any people besides their own. They have betrayed Whites OVER and OVER and OVER. Look at the USA. We, foolishly, worked in good faith with kikes thinking that they could reciprocate. Have they? Not at all. We are repaid for our kindness and tolerance by kike-created mind-fucking propaganda, kike-backed degeneracy in every direction, kike bankers bleeding America dry, kike bullshit wars, kike-pushed non-White immigration, and the general thrust by kike-controlled government towards the GENOCIDE of WHITE AMERICA.
I believe in Volkism. I believe in separation into nation-states for races and/ or subraces. A people must be united by common blood and heritage to have brotherhood and unity within the Nation. Also, the only way to ensure a future for a people is to build a secure homeland for that people (and only that people).
So far, jews show no signs of stopping their parasitic nation-wrecking behavior and LEAVING White countries.
More and more people are waking up to how bad things really are and (((who))) is behind it.
jews should not have done what they've done. They should not be doing what they are doing.
There is a very real possibility of the proverbial levee breaking in the next few decades. Likely caused by the massive economic depression that is coming, sooner or later, since the entire world's economy is a giant ponzi scheme. Also, trying to replace White workers with shitholers and feminists is destroying the economic foundations of the real economy (IE, the economy of actual goods and services, rather than the parasitic economy of kike finance).
Once the pot boils over, who knows what will happen? Probably massive civil wars everywhere as the famines begin and the world support structure breaks down. Millions, possibly billions, will die horrible, miserable deaths.
Things did not have to be this way.
Things could be so much better than this.
But the jews just had to desecrate, debase, and destroy everything good in the world. They just had to attack Whites from every direction using every tactic that they could weasel up. They just had to breed billions of retarded shitholers with (((aid))) so that they could be flooded into White countries as the footsoldiers of White genocide.
Things should not be this way, but they are.
The ONE MOVEMENT that could have prevented all of this and created a world SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS was German National Socialism. Ironically, even the jews themselves could have been part of that future since the final solution had always been deportation, but instead they rallied all the useful idiots towards destroying the last, best hope for mankind to build a brighter, more beautiful world. Thus, we are rocketing towards White genocide and a brown favela shithole world.

Here's hoping Whites rally.

What are you? Retarded? The worst shill ever?

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Jews that support nationalism do so because they're shortsighted and believe it will free Israel from international criticism while forgetting or ignoring that it will also starve Israel of international aid. Once the gibs dry up they will immediately switch back to globalism.

Sadly, that fat alcoholic Churchill worked diligently on behalf of the kikes.


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tbf, the jews were a big part of building the british empire. i can't really fault them for taking their pound of flesh when the Israel issue came around.

this is weak

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Two sides of the same shekel.

Way too obvious, fellow goy.

no he was a bitch who got turned out by jews

the international jew made me puke and thus waste half a beer yesterday.

I think it was in jew jorvik, there was this some vegan protest stuff, and then this nutjob showed up, eating on something. I thought it was a ham or so anyways he ate it as I saw there whilst triggering these idiots. then I saw these two niggers on the table, some asked what is he eating
I heard grain….
on of them went off puking, while the other one laughed his ass off….
so I went grain? is that "bad" n ow too? raw grain?

oh no, as .. the camera man went forwars, it became clear, it was brains, cow brains. he ate raw cow brains to counter protest those vegan faggots.

I puked, I puked so much.
even thinking off it, I have puked several times today. in my mouth

just like hitler said after he got control, we protest inside, in silence, we don't go out in the streets

counter protesting or not, who the fuck eat "raw" cow brains.

my god, I have stopped puking now, but how about raw whale instead? just saying