India's faggot revolution

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Poo on dick.

AIDS in the poo

And that's a good thing.

Faggots ruin everything. India is already a horrendous place and now they'll have homosexuals pushing their psychosis on children and waving dildos in everyone's faces.
Indians will suffer as a result.

I wonder who could be behind this faggotry?

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Don't they already have a huge influx of transvestites due to lack of women in their country? I think they were called hijras or something

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India is not a stable or natural country. It's a multicultural mess and the moment that the economy tanks, they will devolve into a blood bath. You have over 2 dozen different ethnic groups and several different religions. Throw Islam into the mix. And you have a sex imbalance too just to fuck things up even more. And a low energy Marxist rebellion (though it's actually an ethnic nationalist movement against the dominant ethnic groups masquerading as a Marxist movement because it gets them gibs from China)
The entire shitstain country is an irredeemable mess and when it collapses there WILL be fireworks.
Pakistan is going down too.

dial it back. now begin again.

Hinduism never was a country so India is just bullshit for occidentalists, an illusion kept alive or else we would not understand it at all and would have little way to communicate with it through our modern institutions.

Okay but what did you mean by "it's actually an ethnic nationalist moment"?
If I misunderstood you, I apologize in advance

movement* my bad

Just imagine for a second. Entire streets reek of aids infected feces.
Aids in the ocean.
Aids in water supply.
Aids everywhere.

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He's talking about any separatist movement using the rhetoric of welfarism and "anti-colonialism" as a front for what is really an ethnic issue. Just like how all the tribal armies in Apefrica claimed to be marxists despite having no interest in communism or economic theory in general. They just used it as a means to get military gibs from Russia. In this case a separatist group which would weaken India as a regional power would be in the interest of China. So they might adopt the appearance of socialist bullshit like "land reforms" in order to dispossess whatever other mudmen they want out of their province and bribe their co-ethnics to support them with money expropriated from other groups who they are exterminating. Basic shitskin stuff. Though the pajeets are more pudgy weaklings than retarded violent apes like the niggers so perhaps the model isn't perfectly predictive.

Frankly I don't think anybody needs to pretend to have an economic ideology anymore to garner support they can just make direct overtures to China.

As someone who works in medicine. Aids being safe to be around with is fucking bullshit. I suspect aids will start spread in Indian water soon.

India needs a legitimate nationalist movement.

They're like the Basque. They claim to like Marxism but no one really gives a shit. The entire movement is composed of three ethnic groups who hate the government because they're discriminated against (they want to secede).
They only parrot marxist or rather maoist talking points because if they don't, they get no money from China.
Actually, China no longer even does anything for them anymore so far as I hear.

Essentially, it's like how random African tribes would say "Oh yes, we communist nao! Gimme gimme so we can kill dah capitalist tribes" so that the USSR would hand them weapons and they could kill their tribal enemies.

Thank you for the information.

Well put user.
Old habits die hard.

Why? I mean sure if it fucks with them and the Chinks gain nothing from it sure. But isn't the ultimate plan of hypothetical revitalized European and American empires Colonialism II Electric Boogaloo this Time We are Gonna Kill Everybody? I mean the ultimate plan is to starve billions of shitskins to death and then go in and slaughter the remainder. Africa could be a nice place and was for many whites in the 19th century, we just need to kill all the muds.

This is undoubtedly the direct result of Justin Trudeau's visit.

I don't really agree on that and Zig Forums isn't based on one single opinion.

Super Power by 2020

Aids spreading in indian waters means aids spreading towards pakistan and china in water supply as well, closely living countries.

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After WWII you could walk from the Mediterranean wearing a backpack with a gun to S. Africa and be completely safe from criminal niggers. It was that lawful.>>12119403

The OP is partly correct but basically wrong.

You don't understand what India's government and ruling elite is doing.

India is not a normal country but then no country is as we have been taught in school.

Countries are not run for the masses they're run for the elite cadres.

About 30 years ago or more India's elite sat down and seriously asked themselves what kind of country they were going to be.

Would they be a country of 1billion or so losers barely getting by stuck in the ancient world or would they be a country of 110 million well educated well fed people living in modernity with a space program and computer industry with vast squalid masses of starving beggars swarming around them abandoned by the government to their wretched fate?

They chose the latter.

This can be very disturbing to the western mind but it seems to work; their space program is pretty good, works well and their elite is doing just fine.

Now what to do with those masses of losers?

Let them fuck each other up the ass I suppose. Seems to be what they want eh?

literal fudgepackers.

This is a good thing. Because they are a democracy they are able to advance. Homophobia lasting that long was due to Indians being used to a very patriarchial culture, where men lead and women silently follow:

Now hopefully they can focus on getting their rape problem under control as Indian immigrants have brought those problems to North America:

See it all the time…Indian men always getting too close to women, rubbing up against them on crowded buses.
At work, they cannot keep their hands off of the women…saw it all the time at Metrolinx I&IT (Indian & Islamic Technology).

The Denisovan filth must be purged.

But it just sounds like plan A and B leads to the same outcomes for the starving masses? What's the difference.

Those shitskins will make MEGA SUPER AIDS.


What might you mean by that?

This is good because diseases will flourish even more now

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Wait, what?

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mmm that mustachioed man is kind of seductive..


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Aw man. Poor goat.

Oy vey

probably a psyop

Yeah, it would be a really cruel way to go out, getting gangbanged for an hour

That would biblical tier plague that puts Ebola to shame.

Holy shit, that's worrying. What if AIDS or some disease related to faggot sex in India evolved and it's main trait is spreading through water?

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So much for India becoming a superpower.
Poo in the loos on suicide watch.

They meant world pooper power

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What the Media fails to publicize is that this lack of ban will literally result in a surge of HIV. India has a bizarre history of transgendered God figures throughout their history. To the point where those who undergo a rudimentary sex change (rudimentary in that they literally remove the penis and testes leaving a whole in which to urinate and fornicate.) are seen as holy beings who not only bless newborns and their Mothers but support themselves through public offerings and prostitution. Now that the stigma is removed, it's really only a matter of time for latent homosexuals to cave. Superpower indeed.

Interesting. Source?

This is actually an AMAZING thing! Right now there are far too many of these people that are cluttering up the streets. If they want to be gay let them. This will reduce their numbers. India is full of thieves.

Dont forget the nukes.

Mein sides.

This shit will make ebola and aids a joke.

The difference is that 110 million create a modern country. A smelly nasty country that's rather cruel but still modern.

Chandigarh, India's capital designed by the French creepo Le Corbusier epitomises this new vision for India.

Attached: capitol-complex-le-corbusier-chandigarh-india-benjamin-hosking_dezeen_1568_1.jpg (1568x1120, 451.15K)


India needs more aghoris….a lot more aghoris. I want to see vast armies of them in their hundreds of thousands, feasting on corpses floating down the Ganges, covered in flies and maggots, smoking opium and fucking each other up the ass as they assume the most strenuous yoga postures.

This like the third dancing Indian getting hit by a truck gif

Admittedly those 110 million are still 90 mean IQ shitskins, but better than 82 for the general population eh?

sorry i was late guys. what did i miss?

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take it easy on the return key. this isn't reddit and people will actually read your entire post if you don't purposely make it unreadable

I'm guessing it never rains or snows at the capitol?

Poo in the loo has morphed into loose poo

I'm cool with this. They have way too many people in India.

How long can HIV survive in fecal matter?

Sauce and context?

By beings smelling like feces nevertheless.

there are gays everywhere in the world legal or not this ruling

Already happened years ago,alot of the subtype C hiv infection in brazil can be traced back to british travellers to brazil who travelled to india and east africa.

Attached: journal.pone.0009311.g001.png (1759x1016, 154.85K)

What people do with their own lives is none of your business.
What is wrong with you?

For which nation?


A hospital porter with an opinion!

Do you really agree with government legislating behavior in the private sphere? Telling you what you can or can't do with your life? That's the kind of society you want to live in?

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I would recommend studying HIV subtype studies on the internet and infact infection studies in general. It lets you understand the nature of degeneracy.

if you wanted to catch HIV you generally have to have sex with at least 50 men on average who were positive in order to catch the disease.
Brits are literally going to africa and catching enough AIDS to affect HIV patterns in India,Kenya and Brazil.

Think of the airmiles, the unused condoms and the international aid to those newly infected with HIV from gay brits back from bumfun in recife or mombassa. Think about the AIDS campaigns mainly aimed at gay men in the 80s, notice how the graph mentions a spike in 1992 of new AIDS cases from travelling around without using a condom.

its not every gay which is like this but a big slice unfortunately that will not use condoms or will demand to use PReP for free on the NHS.

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i lost a few t cells just looking at the pictures

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Yes, kill them all and the entire planet could be an absolute paradise for our people. Can you imagine what turning off the poo in the loo effect would do to the natural beauty and life of that region and of Africa. Street shitters, subhumans and faggots all need purging. A world without parasites should be the ultimate goal in every Europeans mind.

That is the modern vision? It is fucking filthy and that green pool is disgusting. It looks like a steampunk shithole. There is shit falling off the building on the left and a satellite dish just plunked on the building as well as random air conditioning units hanging off it like lice. There is nothing worth redeeming in that photo or as far as I can tell, in that nation.
The modern india is a travesty of disgustingness just like its half nigger butt fucking people.

Who knew that the camera would be a successful lure for faggots in order to slay them.

He is that angry faggot who wants to genocide 50% of Europe by murdering its women and instate FAGTOPIA on Earth. Just looking at his leftyPOLE faggot comments you can tell which one he is.

Yeah so you insisted that women should use those artifical wombs and that women should be in a higher population than men.

Found you again. How is FAGTOPIA going? Looks like you have takers in India…here's a thought, why don't you fuck off to India (something more your caliber) and join the shitfest with your poo worshipping friends.
Filtered ;)

I'm not even MGTOW but I'm asking why you want men gone

Not agreeing with criminalizing private behavior is not the same as agreeing with everything else members of a sizeable segment of a population choose to do. What kind of slopping thinking is this?

Whether HIV is in fecal matter depends on whether there is any blood in it, no?

How much disease must be all over every surface in India at this point? You have men and women shitting everywhere, and fags fucking each other up the ass spreading hiv and weakening immune systems, plus spreading all kinds of other STIs. Shit itself is full of e-coli, hepatitis, parasites/worms, and all kinds of other stuff that is already very bad in a place with terrible drinking water and bad sanitation. Telling men they should feel free to stick their dicks in each other's assholes is basically asking for a massive disease epidemic. Not even necessarily entirely due to HIV, but you could also have shit like cholera and worms. Just completely fucked up. What a dump.

You have me thinking about the 'fecal plume' that comes out of the toilet with every modern toilet flush. This is further spread through the entire bathroom by air hand dryers. It is almost like they are desperately trying to make sure that the entire populace gets AIDS via lack of sanitary precautions. (I was doing research on the 'fecal plumes' for the MERS/shitskin/airline infection thread since an unknown disease is coming out of this years Hajj at Mecca)…50 partners or 50 flushes of a modern fecal plume toilet. BRILLIANT…what a way to depopulate the Earth.


Save the earth by using electrically powered hand dryers instead of paper towels! That's not even a true statement anyway, and yes, lol how it ultimately spreads even HIV, potentially, but certainly various bacteria. LOL. Kike-run civilization needs a nuclear reset

Good, I approve of gay rights in non-white countries because of all the AIDS they'll get.

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Kill yourself immediately.

Lol How the fuck can they pin this on colonialism.

Anyone who has sex with a non-white deserves AIDS

That’s not what was said, you fucking retard. You realize these diseases can spread in other ways, right? And that they don’t always fucking PRESENT until it’s too late? Never mind the medical costs IN OUR COUNTRIES of dealing with them.


i bet the chinese did this. they didn't want to be outbred by 2050.

Diseases mainly affect cityfags who take antibiotics like candy and have wild negro orgies. Ebola will be a natural purge of the undesirable elements of society. Anyone who lives in a city is a homosexual by association

Yes. Kill everyone who does it privately too. :)

top kek
Be careful around anyone who travels to India.

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The idea of faggots having sex was already pretty bad, but the thought of faggots in India having sex is absolutely disgusting. Poop all over their dicks, and probably doing the usual ultra-depraved shit faggots do and going ass-to-mouth, so poop in the mouth too.