Nike buying Nike shoes

Anonfag works at Nordstrom’s Seattle. 9:30 this morning (as in store is fucking empty just after open to customers) I saw two women buy multiple bags of men’s Nike trainers. I’d say four full size Nordstrom bags of Nike boxes EACH.

On and off been at Nordstrom’s six years, all in men’s clothing / footwear - never seen anything like it.

I think there’s some fuckery afoot. (Pardon my hilarious pun).

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Check the price of the shoes online
Some folks hustle by buying shoes at a place like Ross and then posting to eBay. I don’t shop at Nordstrom so i don’t know what their markup is, but it seems reasonable

sneakerfreaks, sure. But these women looked like smartly dressed office workers.

Would a Jewish-owned apparel company experiencing a bout of terrible PR do something as sneaky as buy back their own inventory from retailers to keep them buying product, thus ensuring their stock price doesn't drop? Naw. They'd never do that. That would be dishonest.

Nordstrom charges a buttload for shit, but admittedly has sales sometimes.

Companies do this before a recall as well…
"…Johnson & Johnson Hired Fake Shoppers To Buy Up Bad Motrin, Avoid Public Recall…"

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Probably scalpers expecting a short-term shortage in supply.

People do this and resell them on ebay to retards who don't know any better or do not live near a place they can get them locally.
We see this every year with the next hot Christmas toy or when something like a hyped videogame console comes out. Retail is $199 but people online pay $1000 just to be the 1st to own one.

Sending humans out to every store to pay retail for their on product makes no sense and is very inefficient. They would also be spending markup to some store owner.

If they wanted to dump product they could have just made a few shell wholesellers who order 500,000 shoes. Then their cost would be zero and they could move them by the truckload at once. Would look just like a normal transaction to a distributor.

Or buy them on stolen credit cards. Then sell them for cash at the local ghetto fleamarket.

What else was your pic related hired for user?

Most likely just run of the mill card fraud. But could also be some (((social media))) users who plan to use them in a photo op to virtue signal then return them the next day. A counter to the faggots that burned their nikes.

Follow up with the store manager in a few weeks. A credit card chargeback is coming or just a normal return.

I think the best thing anyone with Nike products could do is donate them to a place which will give them to poor people.

Burning them looks nice, sure, but you already own the fucking shoe so you're not actually depriving them of anything.

KEEP THE SHOES IN CIRCULATION. Increased supply of Nike footwear will drive down their value and decrease new sales.

If you donate them to homeless shelters or to places like Salvation Army then poor low-class people will be wearing them, and this could dissuade people wealthy enough to buy new ones from wanting to, because people will think they got them by robbing a homeless shelter.

this is why.

Try again.

This is funny because I saw something similar the day after Labor day up here in leafland.

A group of about three guys and a girl bought two shopping carts full of shoes, including putting some display models in weird transparent bags, they weren't shopping bags or garbage bags, but some thicker plastic material. Like what a mattress comes in. I don't know if they were all nike since I couln't see all of them, but the ones I saw were.
Very dark skinned people in the group as well, not blacks, but maybe dark skinned indians or arabs.

It stuck out to me because it was the day AFTER the labor day sale, which is insane that someone would wait a day to buy at a higher price.

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Greeting fellow teen.

Greetings fellow teen

Nike is doing this because they're fucking scared.

This is the look of happiness and self-realization after being empowered by women's liberation from antiquated notions of dignity.

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you are a disgrace to your race, get out

at least buddy's got a job.

Hey, in the future don't be so specific about your location at a specific time.

Just looking out for you.

Go work at Lady's Foot Locker. At least then you can ogle, or maybe even fondle women's bare feet and go home with some good jerk off material stored in your meat-based SSD. God forbid you have a pornhub moment and those two come back at closing time, eager to footjob you in exchange for a pair of cross trainers.

Greetings fellow teen

Sex is for procreation.

everything you wrote is so gay. are you homosexual?

who got the get?

Nordstrom is where you go to spend as much as you possibly can for a shirt you can get on the other side of the mall for far less.

It's a tactic that has been used to fake product demand. The company Hampton Creek did this with their mayonnaise and scored larger retail accounts because of it…. essentially elevating the owners into millionaire status.

But you are right, it would be inefficient for a giant like Nike to do this. They would have to hire thousands of mystery shoppers.

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spotted the footlicking jew

Yes. When there is no need since they have online stores. They could just order 500,000 shoes then (((forget))) to ship them.

These people never disappoint in their obliviousness. At least they ensured a 5 year old chink sweat shop worker gets his penny for the day.

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Literally every corporation does this. Cars, food, Hollywood, etc. Everything is run by jews, and jews are sneaking liars.

That mayonnaise is actually pretty good, I don't blame them

She's fit yet she looks like a worn out hag.

What's with that file name? You sound foreign, nigger. Nobody here has interest in Kikee shoes.

Oh no our multi-millionaire NFLnigger raised by White people isn't paid to pay a game anymore! Gotta buy shit from the Jews who put his poor face on a giant NYC billboard now!

Never mind that sweatshops are pretty much counter to my ideals!

I wouldn't put it past a company like that to buyback its' own product but they'd lose more money that way


nike shoes have been lame since like 1997.

New Balance is were its at.


Were they chinks?

Life hack for tired whores #15: Windex rejuvenates a sagging vag/anus!

But then they can report record sales to the lugenpresse, who will inform the goyim, who will buy Nike stock back after dumping it.

It's a good idea but what exactly did nike do to piss us off?

She's probably a striper.

Too big to fail.

Yeah I thought the same thing, something was very off about this.


These trips seem to confirm. Exposure is imminent.

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This Motrin pic is the only pic I could find on the J&J story, so i posted a more fun pic of a fake shopper instead, but here you go… lol

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Greetings fellow teen

Nice digits

Based off of what exactly? Your opinion?

Someone who believes it is ass lickers all the way down.

confirmed gaslighting psyop by nike: "you dont like our nigger goy? all the other goys are throwing down lots of shekels to buy this nigger endorsed shoe!"
"Colin Kaepernick Campaign Gives Nike a Big Sales Boost"
archive isnt working for me

prophetic gets

Also tax avoidance!!! Huge if true

How are you doing fellow goyim?

Based off simple logic.
We have the internet now. There is no need waste time and pay added markup with brick and mortar.

This is Nike. Those shoes are cultural appropriation and the logo is a hate symbol.

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Scientology is notorious for doing the same shit as well. They'd get their books on the bestseller list by buying hundreds at a time from bookstores, then sending them back to the same stores to be bought again. Oftentimes they'd even forget to remove the price stickers as well.

Most likely explanation.

Brilliant marketing move, Nike kikes.

Naggers skip town and never return. They also plant evidence.

Tor Books does this as well.

Makes sense. ICP said in a song "We used to buy our own records in all the stores so they would think it was a hot seller in all the malls"
Looks like Nike is taking that "fake it till you make it" approach.
Store manager thinks Nikes are flying off da shelves! Oy vey, it's a trick!

Back when I was 19 and capable and eager to shoot my load 10 times a day I'd hit that slut hard.

CBOT should issue an OTC derivative based on the odds of both her holes having been stretched to the max, diametrically and longtitudinally by a big black coon.

except digital money leaves a paper trail and with in store cash purchases the company retains plausible deniability

I helped remodel the Celine shops there, user. Never seen so much expensive shit in my life.

If we start saying Nike Heil we lose none of the meaning and we destroy their brand overnight.

Hiring 1000 niggers doesn't leave a trail?
You going to hand them CASH and hope they don't just skip out? Or are you going to come up with 1000 credit cards? No trail there?
Can you trust 1000 people to keep a secret?
1000 people with smartphones and addictions to social media upboats?

It would be infinitely safer to just to set up a shell company that acts as a distributor that places a large order. Nike isn't some little upstart. They have a massive distribution chain and adding in one would be nothing.

Nike's thought process.
Racism = bad
Slavery = Good

It's like they have retards on their marketing team.

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asians do this, get off plane, buy brand name shit, get on plane, sell in asia

Get out of here with that shit.

Looks like someone forgot their happy pills.

Or they just ship it there. That's why luxury/exotic car dealers can kick you out if they think you're an exporter.

niggers aren't corporate employees cmon now & read the op

NAH… The idea is to punish NIKE, Moishe.

Nice try. but we anons don't want any glowing 'human interest' stories in the local press and 'feel good' videos on local TV of smiling homeless men saying how much they are enjoying their wonderful Nikes.

Just don't buy Nike products ever again. Not now, not at Christmas, not next year - never again Nike.. Full stop.

Nike Heil! not bad

kike buying kike shoes

Absolutely and should a normalfag bring up the topic expatiate freely about the merits of the classical pantheon.

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Just got a couple of puts placed on nike
Gonna make me some money off this dumb nigger company


Just do fake buyer shell companies with mark to market profits. Just do Enron

I wish it did… Everyday

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Should we make a petition to the Greek Ministry of Culture about it?

this has to be the most cringy photo i've seen all day. why the fuck is that thing in the middle standing like that with its feet? I can't wait until they pay their toll.

hahahaha you fuckin' shills

reselling probably. Asians will even run businesses where they buy things for retail in America and sell them in China for a premium. "Stadium goods" is one such company.

Otherwise, it is likely the are buying discounted items and selling them online.

could be gypsy gangs committing credit card fraud.

Obviously a viral marketing attempt. Look at how it's staged. Who is taking the picture? Fake as fuck.

This. Isn't it weird that they're progressing with the program as if people don't understand what's going on? Tipped their fedoras a little harder than necessary.


–even if it means sacrificing hearts to the Aztec Sun God==

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id checked

It's such a normie message. "believe". Wait, what the hell? Prove it first, stupid ass nigger!

It may not have its' feet for much longer when it gets that scootypuff ^___~

Why not? I spent a life working in the music / major label record industry. Was common practice that if there was a record coming out that was sure to be a fail for a known artist, the label would send people to buy the records just to have high sales for the first couple of weeks in the trade papers. Also would overship orders to the record stores because Billboard didn't always track actual sales but rather how many units were shipped or moved.

Labels were known to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars of their own product back just so the name artist wouldn't look like a flop their first week.

And no industry has more jews than the music industry. Except maybe for porn.

still true what you said

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If they where asians it was credit card fraud for sure.
They send them on shopping sprees with stolen cards.