I tried to come here like I did in late 2016 to participate in a live thread during a Trump Rally. He held one in Montana yesterday so I came here. The amount of shit I saw in the thread was ridiculous. Basic memes that looked like they came out of a zip file shared on network with "Trump is a jew shill" comments. Out of a dozen posts. It looks like Trump's twitter feed after that judge orded he wasn't allowed to block people from his account.
Also there's people posting READ SIEGE with overly stylized (retarded looking) men in intimidating masks with guns and. Nobody seriously posts this shit, and even if out of the 50 paid agitator accounts 1 person really was, they would be encouraged to stop or banned if they don't. Yet the posts are sitting up there.
There's an entire community of natsocs who do stuff irl together. They have their own memes and originated on ironmarch. It's not shills, it's just a group that split from Zig Forums early coming back and giving their opinion.
Xavier Clark
Jason Davis
Why is such obvious discredit/shilling/trolling being allowed? A few trusted moderators or janitors to get rid of this stuff would be pretty simple.
Mason Sanders
you realize it's 24/7, right? constant, unending, automated, garbage.
Henry Davis
its so obvious when your a kike and/or a cuck because you have to overcompensate in your false projection that those images do not scare you. change is coming and the overton window is shifting. there is nothing you can do to stop it and history will repeat itself.
I have been a user for a while. I haven't posted in a few months but it was never to this ratio of shit like this in 2016
Grayson Mitchell
Trump is a kike shill and everybody knew this from the start. I would say the biggest problem we face here is all the cuckchan refugees who derail threads with their 2015-2016 MAGApedo memes. Andrew Torba isn’t to be trusted either, and alt-kikes such as Christopher Cantwell, (((Mike Peinovich))), (((Weev))), Patrick Little, Paul Nehlen, Richard Spencer, etc. are all controlled opposition CIA psychological warfare assets.
Jaxon Myers
They make it so any legit criticism gets brushed off as a trolling attempt. People need to calm down if they aren't actually shills. The only people who get THAT angry about Trump are leftists.
It's not just here. The mods/janitors you think are at fault do a pretty good job, honestly. It's total war, big guy. It's everywhere people congregate. Be it your internet cartoon trading platform, or your local bar.
Aren’t you that kike from the (((Bolsonaro))) thread calling everyone a leftist because your favorite shitskin Zio puppet was being laughed at because a mystery meat nigger stabbed him?
If the mods are really trying then I salute you, cause this shit is ridiculous. I can tell there are good people here too, especially in the recent France thread discussing the interracial children.
There are lots of good people and discussions here regardless of the shilling and READ SIEGE alt-retards, so to those of you reading right now, no matter how confident you feel, the ideas are still spreading here, and they're our ideas.
It's really a brilliant strategy. Social herding, basically. I fall victim to it. They want you in an identifiable group, with spokespeople they can ridicule. It's much more comfortable for them that way. Also, notice we still refer to "them" as "they", and of course "elites". What an exclusive name they carry….parasites are elite. Certainly, the tape worm in you bowel is ELITE when compared to the retard feeding it.
Lincoln Thomas
When Trump won, most anons moved on with their lives. Thats why active IPs plummeted. What you see now on 8ch Zig Forums is a shadow of it's former self. It's been infested with shills, hasbara kikes, this bitch and NatBol retards like
tbh I do most my shitposting on halfchan now. More exposure to a wider audience to influence culture, plus they still make memes.
My opinion, the mods here are actually decent. We had an issue with one and they removed his ass quick. I don't know how long it will last, but just use the filter option for now.
Jackson Jenkins
the reason your on half chan is because you are not White and support race mixing and anti-west values. if you didn't, they would have banned you many times by now.
we already are, otherwise you wouldn't have to deny it
Hunter Williams
singulars get singulers, user conscience just conscience and you're right. We're probably a bit ahead of the rest but that happens to a few outliers to the mean.
Brody Campbell
Kill yourself. You fail badly to address to issues that Trumpnigger is showing. He DISAVOWED US; he deported a 95 years old to please the kikes; he is pandering to kikes, women, niggers and invaders; he is playing the "wall" card over and over again without any concrete result; he is following instructions from a foreign country to wage war; he is… should I continuous?
This user is on the ball, cuckchanners and little shills have been shitting up this place to no end.
Dylan Price
Michael Miller
Call the mods, nigger.
Matthew Williams
Yeah I do most posting and reading on moot's old site too. I think the sheer traffic of human beings manages, and the ability of people to detect the uncanny valley of shilling leftists renders it neutral by some natural human law. The only reason they ruined this place is lack of activity.
It seems like a lot of real life leftists (not paid shareblue/soros "infulence bunker" shills, just real individuals) post there. They are obsessed with it, they just can't leave it alone. You will NEVER see such interst or dedication from the right towards left-leaning spaces. It's insane to me.
Sebastian Fisher
Zig Forums had an exodus months ago. This is a shill board now.
Jordan Robinson
Go back to reddit if you want to suck Trump cock. Imkikey is gone for good. You civnat sacks of shit need to get the fuck out.
Adam Lewis
They are a paid or voluntairy shill. It's a discredit op.
That;s part of the herding. Cuckchan is basically unusable. Who ever owns 4chin Zig Forums (it's a little japanese boy) is purging it's users. They aren't banning them, or shadow banning them, they just make it impossible to post. They then blame (((google))) for that. There is no finality or solidity of being "banned"…you just have to solve endless captchas, until (((google))) says you offended their captcha AI. So, they leave, and come here. 4chan is California, and 8 is….
Lucas Ortiz
Because this is a national socialist board and you need to leave and never return if you don’t comprehend that. This is not a place for your civic nationalism. This is not a place for your zionism. This is not a place for nonwhites. This is not a place for anyone who believes anything painted as “normal” since the 1950s. Get out.
Too late kike. We already have. Many of us are proof of it. I've come a long way. So are many others.
Camden Sanchez
switch ID's man, it will at least make you SEEM legit. its funny to see how some of these posts upset you.
Matthew Sanders
You sound like every kike ever who wants to shut down people from thinking, like how holohoax denial is illegal in many countries and (((hate speech))). Trump has been the worst fucking thing to happen to our people in decades. He has people literally shilling for israel and hasn't done a single god damn thing for the future of our country.
Nathaniel Turner
What exodus? The one that was real in your mind?
Grayson Kelly
more divison from liberals. Liberals and democrats are unpatriotic and are traitors to america. Supporting Trump and opposing liberal and race baitors is the only way to keep america a thriving country.
Siding with liberals is hating america
Parker Watson
Zig Forums had an exodus slowly over the three years prior to this May, as imkikey killed the board beyond repair. Actual right-wingers came back after he was outed, but we were overrun again by redditors in the last month. They sockpuppeted CM and got rid of one of the mods, and now there’s more Trump cocksucking than ever here.
A distinction you make for… what reason? Not the right one. 1. Kill yourself for supporting Trump. He is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist who publicly disavows white nationalism and personally supports white genocide. 2. Kill yourself for supporting the ✡GOP✡. They are exactly the same as the ✡Democrats✡, except THEY LIE about their goals instead of stating them publicly. 3. Siding with either party is hating America (which is white and only white). Get it through your head or return to reddit.
Juan Lewis
Even supposing the cringe militia posting is real (known as Heimbach tier alt-retards) and not divisive shilling… I mean if the mods want to support that , espeically if those are the ones spamming the TRUMP KIKE comments, I guess that's their choice. Taking this website out of the conversation, ceasing to create memes that have a culture ceiling above a trailer park, and doing the shill's work for them.
The mods don’t have a choice. CM has made it explicitly clear that right-wing speech is not protected here. “Protected” meaning “all leftists can spam all they want and it’s not against the rules and can’t officially be deleted.”
Julian Clark
It's the Trump faggots who are the shills. This is not kikebart, you piece of shit. Go die you white genocide supporting anti-white
Ayden Young
shorten it:
Jayden Hernandez
america fuck america
Connor Scott
Sorry I don't bite it. The kike's dichotomy is not working any longer. This game was played by my grandparents and parents and I will not fall for it. The solution is not in the electoral process.
I've noticed Trump shills have moved beyond trying to pretend to be pro-white at all lately like they did in the unlikely era and have embraced full cuckservatism as if that will fly at all here. At least you're no longer hiding it.
William Morgan
That is a revenue browser, with no software running, just raking in the datamining sheckles and….no ability to post. Not b&, though, but b&
Considering more than half the pro-Trump posts including the boomerfag who got deleted for being straight out of kikebart are civic nationalist and attempting to insult the anons who are national socialist and pro-white, nah I'm very serious and the only shills here are in favor of Trump's kiked presidency.
Sebastian Ross
We got the Embassy in jerUSAlem, or whatever. We're winning, dude.
Cameron Cook
Don't forget nigger employment is at an all time high. /s
Is this the feeling he meant when he said we'd get tired of winning? Because I've definitely feeling tired of it.
Nolan Nguyen
imagine hiring the (((deep state))) and then letting them rape your family and everyone around you, and then….whining on twitter. That is Trump, basically. It's like he thought if just won the election, he won…because that is how retarded he is.
Colton Wilson
Bump locked for this
Kevin Hall
You have to go back.
Angel Reyes
Well they tried during the turmoil period of post kikey but it was futile except they were able to just shit the place up enough with spam. Now its improved but not perfect with this thread being bumplocked as an example. I wish one of the chans would give me status I'd go through these commie kike faggots in a heartbeat.
Logan Thompson
Everyone should honestly read siege. If they manage to take down Don through jewry (They seem as confident as they were of Hillary winning in their midterm kvetching) then it will be necessary.
Aiden Allen
Quit mixing truth and error with your disinfo shilling, Moooooooooooarpheus. Every one of your posts that we track is another minute we will torture you alive before putting you out of your miserable existence. Paul Nehlen, Patrick Little, and Chris Cantwell have ALL suffered greatly for the cause and are /ourguys/, and anyone who says otherwise is dead facto an ENEMY OF THE WHITE RACE Of course it's true that Trump has sort of sold out to the Jews, AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHY PAT LITTLE IS RUNNING AGAINST HIM IN 2020!!!!! Your shill narrative doesn't even make logical sense! Remember: on the DAY OF THE ROPE, TRAITORS HANG FIRST!