Ban circumcision, hit the kikes where it hurts the most

i really dont know why you guys dont go harder after this. the jews are notorious for being non-religious and secular but at the same time making fun of other religions. "why are you christian? draw mohammed! buddhism is for hippies." etc, etc, etc. But they retain their weird sand-dune semetic tribe bullshit and close ethnic ties. let's go after their most obvious and weird desert cult bullshit, circumcision. it's the easiest, most overt and scientifically and especially psychologically fucked. ive studied politics for a long time. if i had to attack the jews, this would be the best, covert and somewhat true way.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because you need to lurk the fuck more.

I agree.

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This is a big one to me, and I'm consistently disappointed by people's "meh" attitude towards it. Basically none of the ecelebs (apart from Stefan) have a strong anti-genital mutilation stance; most defend their mutilated cocks. It's a personal vanity issue. Nobody with a rekt dick wants to admit some evil, traumatizing shit happened to them. They want it to be normal.

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Hahahaha haha, no.

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Mine was exceptionally well done by any standard, but I'm still furious every day about being mutilated as an infant because of kikes.

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I've been restoring for a bit less than a month, went from CI2 to almost CI3. Just that small amount alone and sex with the wife is so much better. This is a really good idea because once people even try to restore and attain any sense of "recovery" they will truley know what they lost. That alone should piss you off, just don't be an idiot and blame your parents for taking falsified medical studies as accurate. On another level it works because it isn't tainted with the "Nazi" jew-jew people usually shy away from, and also carries with it a sense if empathy for those who have had the procedure. It's babies first redpill, but it's a far easier barrier to entry than anything else that has been tried.

more about saving American white babies from being circumsized.
How fucking stupid are you?

This is how ridiculous that sentence sounds to me. At least you're still pissed.

Good for you.
The Jew cries out in sexual frustration as he stabs you.

No, your parents are nigger.
Stop bumping this kike pity party.

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How is it a kike party? Just because a kike researched it and did a presentation on it? If his research or the information on Zig Forums wasn't sound then I might agree with you, but there is no harm in bringing this to light. Name one bad thing that would come out of it? Pro fucking tip, you can't.

Nigger ideal in this thread.

Call it karmic justice, mutt.

I have no idea what you are on about. Intact peeps don't dwell on muty problems.


thats not the avenue to go for. the avenue to push is the psychological damage this does. kike ritual knows this and encourages this, to create despotic little villains. trauma you feel is actually projected onto you and thats the way you feel about the world. so if a soldier sees people dying, he will assume responsibility and his soul will be in question, unless he believe his cause is 100% just. same with bad trips on drugs, if you're unprepared psychologically and in a bad environment, you will have deep scars.

unfortunately women don't care about your pleasure. the liberals want to destroy the male, but they have a very big "shelter" culture that promotes no pain. they believe in bread and circuses and nothing more. freedom, sexual liberation of genders, women, etc. we need to mask this as a traumatizing event for the child, which it is and get jews within their own tribe to question it. it will disseminate seeds which will grow deeply which can be used for further divisions. we need to divide the jews, the orthodox from the secular first. then press further.

Banning circumcision should be a core policy for any serious Nationalist/National Socialist party.

How 'bout we all stop calling it that. It's mutilation.

That's what the ADL wants the public to believe.

if you guys were smart you'd push that all men are evil because they are circumcised. just say, all men prototypes of aggression and hatred towards women stems from this psychological trauma indured from circumcision. then you unite the right by saying what a barbaric practice it is in the old testament and that jesus wasn't circumcised (lie). then you push to the middle ground, hey circumcision is bad for a whole plethora of chances of where and how it can fuck up. and big companies make a big profit out of it. hit all three and get the left, right and middle to unite and the jew will shake and splinter along this divide.

t. half dick kike

this is bad. it's mislabeling the issue. you can call it what you want but for the sake of conformity, please call it what it is, circumcision. it's given that title to make it sound less threatening. we're not trying to make mutilation sound any less worse than it is. it's terrible. but we're trying to take that soft word of circumcision and make it sound much, much, much worse akin to mutilation. then and only then the public can cry out in fury.

Yes, it certainly is. Genital mutilation has no place in the West.

Division amongst Jews is a good thing, however I think something bigger is needed.

Something like this.
Although, whatever it is it would need to start small. Maybe free flyers at planned Parenthood about the dangers of circumcision. Flyers at churches about how it is an affront to Christians.

give me an argument, nice strawman faggot

moving on. the only weakness is if this picks up steam, kike doctors will come out of the woodwork. the best point is to subtly point out all these doctors are in fact, jewish. then find goyim doctors that argue against it and cause further divisiveness amongst the medical community to spotlight the jews. if we push this long, hard and right, we can get the jews to capitulate on this one, shift the cultural narrative and for the first time in their thousands old narrative of sand-nigger tier doon cune monkey kabalatic satanic books a real crack in the glass.

Start small. Go big. That's how all the right things start. what you want to go straight to blood libel and Palestinian genocide? no, strike in the corners.

you got it though with the flyers. start small. very small.

Fuck off, kike. Not even reading the rest of your horseshit.

t. moron that doesn't understand politics and wants to march on washington with le windmills of friendship

grow up faggot and move out of your moms basement. real politics is subtle, far more clever for your too dumb mind

I know it's hard for you to gain the proper perspective, but not everything revolves around your mutilated penis. Move on with your life. ;)

No further explanation needed.

Oh jew!

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Uphold your jewish language somewhere else. Nobody here is gonna fall for it. Also, learn to use shift, you retard. Are you a teenage girl jew?

He's right, the flyers are a good place to start. If anyone here doesn't remember the general population is really fucking stupid, they will need to be bottle-fed the conversion of the word circumcision to mutilation. Flyers could have the word circumcision in the title, and then subtle lines about mutilation synthesizing the words into one.

I didn't read his post after the point that he insisted mutilation isn't mutilation, but rather "circumcision". I'm not against tact, but I'm wholly against not calling things what they are. That's what liars do because they're lying. So, no, I don't agree at all. Speak the truth.

It's very simple:
Do you support the sexual torture and sexual mutilation of babies, yes or no? Simple question, yes or no? If you're in favor of circumcision then you support the sexual mutilation and sexual torture of babies. You're no better than a pedophile, and worse than some pedophiles.

Didn't Iceland try it but basically all the "faith leaders" across Europe denounced such an action because it'd be hurting "religious freedoms" in "Western Countries"? Also then Iceland got its first permanent Rabbi. Its an issue the jews won't give ground on but Whites certainly will with any push back.

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Iceland has no brothers. None of these other countries have any real right wing. There may be like what? .01% in some European countries? So curse Europe, and curse Iceland (commonly considered part of Europe).

Curse South Africa too. They are cucks, so let them pay the cuck's price.

Curse Australia likewise.

iceland banned it right?

I don't know what happened in denmark but it was up for talk there too. if they both banned it, it will be illegal here too, as it should. mutilating a baby for religious reasons is insane and should be punished for so

what is norway?
what is the faroe islands?

we're lit the same people, go kys

But you don't get it. Even the most right-wing elements of those countries don't consider themselves out brothers. I'm saying they wouldn't lend a hand, that's what I'm saying.

And such? Curse them.

And those that are not as I describe? Then they are truly brothers, but I must inform you sadly that there exist no such creatures.

Men of worth are rare.

And all are American, though there may be a few Japanese or German, but Germany itself, indeed Japan, are to be cursed, for they are anti-white.

This is a good front to attack, where we'll get the support of tons of normies and even leftards, too.

Jew circumcise themselves and their slaves.
Aka, meme wise, circumcised people are the slaves of the jews.
Aka, if we stop this shit, it will have the memetic effect of the white race breaking the shackles the jew put on us.

you got the anglosphere, this is the norsesphere. it used to include the orkneys(orkeyjar) and shetland(hjaltland) too, they spoke a language there called norn kinda like on the faroes, but it is long gone now. still many there identify as such

sadly our rulers are traitors and outright cunts, it's very dissapointing. I know exactly what you are talking about. during the crash of 08 they could with ease bailed you out, but you are not a nigger so they didn't, people hérna were furious over this

Favor i ir i chimrie,
Helleur ir i nam thite,
gilla cosdum thite cumma,
veya thine mota vara gort
o yurn sinna gort i chimrie,
ga vus da on da dalight brow vora
Firgive vus sinna vora
sin vee Firgive sindara mutha vus,
lyv vus ye i tumtation,
min delivera vus fro olt ilt.


Attached: norn.jpeg (1674x3136, 1.11M)

say OP
you like posting pixs of cocks, don't you?

Long uncut cocks, with that slimey precum…yum

this is the gayest fucking thread on 8ch

welcome cock suckers

Ironic, coming from the mouth of the shekel sucker himself.

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Burn in hell kike, it's fucking MUTILATION.


I, like so many others was mutilated at birth so some fat kike jewess could have exotic facials. I can't even begin to fathom a torture and suffering appropriate for you yids…

you are proud to have your dick cut off "better than others" ? your mother is a whore and a coalburner for forcing you to have your dick cut off. you should kill them at least

You have the context wrong, it's irredeemable no matter how subjectively well it went.

never forget!

What the fuck do they do with all the foreskin afterwards? Fucming ass backwards fuckery shenanigans. Fucking niggers.

they probably make expensive dresses out of it, you know jews it's always about the money

my mind is fucking blown.

they make skincare creams for women

stop concerning your life with people that dont matter.

If people want to be losers and act like jews let them. Stop fucking allowing jews to make decisions on your life. Shouldnt you be studying to become a doctor or a lawyer and have the jews pay you to mutilate their children? Just fucking stop being a loser cuck.

Kill yourself.


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its their boys not ours , what are you going to do OP … save all the good little jew and black boys and make them good people

"If you dont get circumcised and you learn to read and be honest you be loved just like white people"

Is this really what you are going for? What exactly are you going for. What do you hope to gain by stopping jews and blacks from circumcising their kids.

Anyone that circumcises their kids is not white.

Circumcision, or rather male genital mutilation, should be banned, but you don't need to point out it is jewish. Just that it is a
retarded relic, comparable to other penis mutilating practices by other cultures, and should be banned. Just like female genital mutilation
is banned in numerous countries.
Sell it as a general ban on all genital mutilation done on children

I had to tell the literal kike doctor and his kike nurses several times not to circumcise my son. They kept sending someone else to ask me. At first I was annoyed, then I started taking pleasure in telling them NO when I figured out they were all jews.

That's what you have to watch out for. They'll use every trick in the book, even so far as to wait till you're absent and pressure the mother.

you niggers really do glow in the fucking dark. cia/jidf is going to have to try much harder than that. the day of the rope is almost here.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-15

For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind

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Any lawfags in here know how we could apply the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause and the 1996 FGM act, 18 U.S. Code § 116, in court?

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/thread tbh. This is the one thing that we push for the hardest. The problem is that it doesn't come up very often in normal conversations.

really you fucking come back with a fucking jesus quote

brother, checkme out.

What are you going to do with the jews? Live in peace? Ass hats like you literally act high and mighty but cant fucking come to terms with the consequences of your arguments.

What are you going to do when the little jew and black boy come and fucking decide to be your leader after you have fought for them? You really have faith that they will follow your bible.

Retard. I hope you are right. But I dont see it. I havent felt it. Ive felt betrayed and taken advantage. They are mistaking kindness for weakness. You should not mistaken inaction for kindness. Defend what you think is good.

I will

Fuck this niggers

The biggest barrier that i commonly encounter is that large numbers of slave-goy have become judaizers identifying with their mutilation. Pamphlets and flyer strategies have been employed for decades with little effect, because the strategy is based on logic and reason, whereas the choice to mutilate your son comes from a gut-level horror at the thought that you have been harmed down there, a thought usually suppressed by cutting your own son.

We need an approach that delivers a gut-blow to cutter parents. I propose educating the xhildren directly under the eyes of their parents during sports games in public parks. The parents are forced to seeth as little Jonny in left field learns that he has lost a third of his penis.

We should aim for pre-pubescent boys, as they do not yet identify with their sexuality and by extension phalluses. Ive tried making threads on this, but mods keep nuking them.

Signs can be ordered from Bloodstained Men, or you can make your own. Aim for simple language. Instead of words like circumcision and mutilation, we need to talk about cutting parts off of babies' penises, something to break the spell of medicalized propriety.

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penis chop-chop, sliced dick, cock fillet.

I thought they used semen for that

regardless, this is an evil business, which should be outlawed everywhere. there is lit no excuse for mutilating a baby for some kind of fucked up religious belief.

ffs we used to throw unwanted babies on spears here so they would go to valhalla, but that was made illegal by harald the first in the fucking 800ds, yet here we are with sick people mutilating baby benises

Yes! These are good, I'll be putting them into a monologue in the next week or so. My local rec league's baseball season is about to start.


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that happened to me once too when I was a kid, there was a portal in my closet which monsters came out from, then they would go under my bed

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Are these what new chatbots look like? Interdasting.

What's ironic is that Stefan had a Jewish mother himself, but possibly that drove him to his view on circumcision (he's not Bobby Fischer tier, but Stefan's okay in my book at the moment).

no… it doesn't quite work like that, I am analyzing this my self

my god, this is exactly what a chinese bot would say

A couple interviews back, David Duke finished his interview with (((JF))) with a thorough assault on cutting baby penis. (((Peinovich))) has said some pretty woke stuff about the metaphysics of it, saying that Jews seem to almost gain spiritual power from the metaphorical mountain of foreskin that gets removed.

3:10:50, it's the 2nd superchat

Hey Elliott (youtube liftbro) came out STRONG against it recently. When Styxx did his most recent video on the American muslims performing female circumcision (always refer to it as this, to trigger your opposition), he spent half the video denouncing cutting parts off of baby penises. Finally, Patrick Little is against it, but he doesn't seem to understand the power of demagoguing on this issue, so he hasn't incorporated it into his public appearances much.

There's been more comments, but no one has really gone through and put them all together. I generally try to keep track of them though. Gregory Malchuk is pretty good about going to these e-celebs and trying to get them to speak out against this publicly. Lt Corbis would be a goldmine, as we'd reach hundreds of thousands of teen boys. These boys could later form a fighting/protesting force against the mutilation. They would also be in a good position to prepare legal cases for when they turn 18.

If anyone here is under 18 or knows an underage person angry about circumcision, reach out to ARCLaw (Attorneys for the Rights of the Child) to see if you have a case.

Ideally, we eventually get class action lawsuits against hospitals and insurers and use the proceeds to fund TISSUE REGENERATION, but that's a long-term goal. We have to win the culture war first by breaking the taboo against talking about this in public.

newfags forgot how to talk properly… another eternal september

it's only 'genital mutilation' when it's done to a muzzie vagina

a little skin doesnt fix the actual nerves that got cut off

the male brain never fully matures because cells vital to male brain maturation are missing. The practice is delayed in Judaism until after the boy has matured, then it is removed: bar mitzvah

so many wonder what happened to cause White men to become pussies compared to what they're known for historically, and circumcision/newborn male genital mutilation plays a huge role

it is also historically the sign/mark of a slave; like the eunuch

I am not circumcised.

That doesn't even make sense.

He gets it.

No you're just retarded.

Division. Call it circumcision but describe it as mutilation. You don't understand.

This entire post is made up or wrong.

Unfuck yourself before going all out about banning mutilation

What a well thought-out … nay, a cogent response, user. Such attention to detail on your part will totally convince all of the other anons that you're, and my post was wrong. And the great news, is that you don't sound like a fucking jew, at all.

No, it's removed on the 8th day after birth, because the female blood of childbirth is considered to be contaminating the boy for the first 7 days of life. On the 8th day, the boy is cut, and the male blood, embodying the generative force, purifies the boy and brings him into the tribe.

Source: first 30 pages of Leonard Glick's "Marked in Your Flesh" (a book on the Jewish significance of cutting baby penis. Read at your own peril; it's quite a black pill)

I agree that it's a form of spiritual castration. Glick confirms.

In the Torah, in one story, a tribe of Israelites tricks another tribe by agreeing to give up one of their daughters *if and only if* the other tribe circumcises all the men. On the 3rd day after the group circumcision, while the freshly circumcised tribe nursed their wounds, the first tribe mentioned ran through the village, killing all the men and taking the women as slaves.

The idea that circumcision is mutilation is too jarring to insinuate into the mind of a reader, imho, or at least too jarring to significantly move the needle on this issue. I propose an emotional gut-punch: directly educate the children.

If you have the stones, go to sports events and drop off and pickup at elementary schools, and talk about this issue for ~5 minutes. If you're worried about being doxxed, go to the young adult section of your local library and drop cards about circumcision into books marketed at boys. Here are the cards I use for that.

I am from the nordic restance something.

hitler and stuff, come see us

we're natsoc, come fight us, vote I mean

ffs this is the most tragic election shit ever. SAD NMR. SAD

NRM were fags in disc0rd and they got pwned twice, once by UnicornRiot and the other is in August (DB is in an .onion site)

But "someone said something slightly negative about jews at a college let's comment on this unarchived news article because nu/pol/ is nothing but a comments section now" is ok, right?

exactly. we have lots of jewish filth to wipe off this board.


Not him, sorry. IDK if he lurks on these boards. I have a friend who's trying to get in contact with him, but personally I find him too cringey to get through. If you can get through the cringe though, I think some of his research was probably pretty good.

I made 2 threads on circumcision in the last day talking about how to effectively protest (see my posts above, talking about parent-child education), and they both got nuked within 4 hours. How can you tell if a thread is being auto-saged? I think mods are against us on this topic, but I'd love to have a method of firm confirmation.

Based on mod behavior, I think this thread is going to disappear soon. If anyone is interested in an effective protest strategy, join me on leddit. I've tried making threads here, but clearly the mods won't allow us to meaningfully impact the real world, at least on this issue.

mods are absolute kikes always. they'll never let anything have any real impact. i'll join you on reddit brother