What alt-tech platforms can Alex Jones migrate too now that all the big once have excommunicated him? Also, YouTube’s who care about freeze peach don’t mind risking their channels should invite him on live streams in protest.
What alt-tech platforms can Alex Jones migrate too now that all the big once have excommunicated him? Also...
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He should forget using other (((platforms))) and build up his own.
who cares? alex jones glows in the dark
forgot sage
reported for shill thread with guid image
He'll have to advertise it like pre-bigtech takeover internet. E-mailing lists, paypal, bitchute.
In short, he has to do it like Shadman. Use his infamy to grow his platform.
Another is a long game: encourge people to move away from pozzed platforms. That way, there's true competition again and it should encourage people to explore the web once more.
this. and we need to twist the screwdriver the jew stuck in his back, to remind him that if he lies with dogs, ….
>implying his platform wouldn't be a (((platform)))
post method to detect guid images plix
Reported for spamming your GUID hoax in every thread on every board of this website.
this will happen but it wont truly be a free web. The current platforms have placed themselves in a corner, that sitgma will not be able to be removed.
There will be two Internets just like there are two major news outlets and two major political parties.
Only one platform is suitable for Jonestein: Gas chamber.
What stigma? People don’t give a fuck.
check this thread
Why is it that youtube banned Alex Jones, but leaves Dennis Wise (the creator of TGSNT) up?
A serious question. If youtube cared about removing "hate" content, why wouldn't they fully ban Dennis Wise instead of just putting warnings on some of his videos?
the answer is because the warnings that shut down view count, comments, and likes is the real censorship. Alex Jones was not banned, he was amplified
we already know iphone posters do this so who cares
Posting in a glow thread:
No reason any alt-media producers can't use torrents and/or torrent-streaming, this is exactly the intended use case, all they have to maintain is a few dedicated seeding servers, and a private tracker service if they wish, which could be physically located in Cyprus or wherever. Could hypothetically be done for next-to-no-cost if they rely on public trackers.
So what's the excuse?
He's on bitchute. bitchute.com
Now fuck off.
Alex Jones is seriously fucked.
I started to listen to him back in 2008-2009
He is not perfect, but he made the word "Globalist" become mainstream and were a link to red-pilling millions of people in the west.
Thank you, Alex Jones
God bless
Do you still listen to him now? Can you admit that he's done a complete 180 on almost everything, or are you lying to yourself about him?