In lieu of "Arrest and fingerprint every goy in America." which IS their goal, how about a Jew reg?

Register every Jew in the USA, including fingerprints, detailed photographs and X-rays, multiple DNA samples, so that we can start putting some names on the many murdered children being found.

Attached: bound girl.jpg (1024x1024, 358.5K)

Any major action against the Diaspora must only come after Israel has been occupied by non-pozzed forces, otherwise Diaspora kikes will flee to Israel and then it's game over for the West.

fuck off

It isn't a move against Jews, per se.

It is a move to free them from suspicion in the event of a crime. With such a database, we could instantly put to rest any suspicions that may occur.

It's for their own good.

If you want to capture a house occupied by both your enemy and your comrades you would first seek to extract your allies before engaging the enemy. Jews want to extract their own people from the West before attacking. What is military science 101?

So are you suggesting that they should be extirpated worldwide and invited to only reside in Greater Israel, and their influence thus physically removed from all parts of life in the entire planet?

Jews are a homeless people. They're so mixed that they don't have a historic homeland, and when they do run a State they use it to attack everyone else. Israel should be de-armed, returned to Palestine, criminal/subversive kikes imprisoned, and normalfag Jews deported to the world's largest concentration camp … just as Hitler envisioned.

How is it game over if kikes flee your country, you retard?

Nah, just efficiently gas all of them.

How the fuck does your "science" figure they'll survive any attack when they are all in one location for retaliation?

Would there be any greater joy ever heard in Israel than when the entire diaspora get to securely reside free from the goyim in their sacred homeland?

It would be the greatest day in their entire history!

Katharine Graham, Conrad Black. Eric Schmidt. Kenneth
Clarke. Timothy F. Geithner. Henry M, Paulson. Tom McKillop.
Marshall A. Cohen. Henry Kravis. Rozanne L. Ridgway, Carl Bildt,
Dianne Feinstein. George Soros. Melinda Gates. Craig Munie.
Frank J. McKenna. Frank H Pearl. Bertrand P. Collomb. Lynn For¬
ester de Rothschild. George J. Mitchell. Fouad Ajami. Richard
Perle. Joaquin Almunia. Nellje Kroes. Martin Feldsteln. Peter
Sutherland. Bill Kristol. Tom Daschle. David Rockefeller. Richard
C. Holbrooke. Vin Weber. Queen Beatrix I. James Wolfensohn.
John Deutch. Josef Achermann. Henry Kissinger. Roger C. Alt¬
man. William J McDonough. Hawrence H. Summers. Bill Clinton.
Jessica Tuchman Mathews. Henri de Castries. John C. White-
head. William Bundy. James Steinberg. Paul Wolfowitz, Thomas
E. Donilon. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. George Shultz. Timothy C.
Collins. Bill Richardson. Donald E, Graham. Klaus Kleinfeld.
Robert Zoellick. Harold Ford. Richard Haass. John Browne. Ben
Bernanke. James A. Johnson. Paul Allaire. Gianni Agelli. Steph¬
en Freidman. Barneet R. Rubin. William F. Buckley. Jean-Claude
Trichet. Vernonr Jordan. Marie-Joseacute Kravis. Peter Mandel-
son. David Gergen.


Jews use Israel as a base from which they subvert all other Nations. Those capable of attacking Israel at present are controlled by Israel - everyone from the U.S. to Russia to China. Any deportation plan at this stage would be carried out by Zionists themselves for the benefit of their agenda. This is why if we're to circumcise Israel's ability to subvert and attack it must begin with the People themselves, not the Governments.

So, you don't have an answer for my question. Once all the rats are back in their pissraeli sewers, even if they manage to set off embassy nukes in every major country they built a nest, what stops everyone from destroying them completely once and for all?

pick only one.

Once they have been returned at long last to their blessed homeland, to which they are all, ultimately loyal, the Jews themselves can enjoy policing and veting anyone who gets to live there. I imagine high fees will be levied for certain of them, which will help build Jerusalem into the heaven on Earth that was always intended.

Once again, such blessedness. How could anyone honestly call themselves a Jew if he was not positively slavering to (not to be confused with "slaving") be part of such a wondrous concentration of God's Chosen People™

If they are gone they won't be in control faggot. Keep trying, you fucks are burning.

Of course, all communications, of any sort, would be cut off from Israel so that they could not be poisoned by external influence of the Goyim Cattle, and thus pollute themselves.

What a dream! an entirely self-contained country basking in the bright rays of God's love and protection!

Of course, they would not be allowed to communicate in any way with the outside world, either, because why would we want our politicians influencing policy in Israel?

You're counting on non-Jewish Zionist world leaders to save you from the Zionist menace they themselves helped create.

Seems legit.

Attached: brainlet 47.jpg (1170x742, 70.19K)

Hell, the rest of the world should chip in to help build a nice and tall fucking wall around the entire country. Furnaces need proper walls to concentrate the heat.

Yes, it wold be necessary to protect The Chosen™ from outside impurities. I'm thinking 100-foot-tall walls would be a 666th wonder of the world.

Whereas you're counting on pilpul to save your matzo.

Attached: How do they know.jpg (535x800, 109.69K)

666 feet high and 666 feet thick.

Attached: Whip It Good.jpg (489x624, 149.52K)

You can't just claim I'm using pilpul without showing exactly how my argument is pilpul. Otherwise it's you relying on tricks of rhetoric. Is it true non-Jewish Zionists control the international ZOG? Consider China. China is completely pozzed and yet Xi Jinping is not Jewish though he bows to Israel. If China deported all Jews to Israel, while Xi Jinping is himself a Zionist, then can't I safely assume deportations is a Zionist trick?

Attached: pharisees.JPG (480x283, 26.92K)

basically a slide thread

That's stupid. We need to control our own societies before we are able to do anything outside of our nations.
That's just common sense.

That's all well and good, OP. But this action is simply not possible without having control over the governments HERE. All of these great ideas are simply thoughts in your head until we have seized control of the state.

Attached: Ukrainian patriots smash statue of Lenin the oppressor.jpg (4984x3437, 981.21K)

Thanks shillbot.
Time for your new IP.

I haven't said we shouldn't control our own societies but that any major action directed against Jews specifically in our Nations will result in Aliyah.

If you want to kill a kid just use gloves a hair net and a condom idiot

If you actually read anything, it's about protecting Jews from Leo Frank lynchings by gathering the entire set of their biometric data so they can be instantly exonerated from any crime.

The ADL should be totally on board with this.

How exactly is China pozzed? China is by no means a utopia for the Chinese people, nor does the government of China seem very interested in bettering the lives of the Chinese race. However, China is by far less pozzed than the USA or Britain.
In 100 years, there is no doubt that the Chinese people will still be the dominant group in China.
But if current trends continue, Americans will be an absolute minority in their own country in less than 20 years and in less than 50, British people will follow them into minority status.
And after that, extinction.

Sounds good to me. Once we have control of our nations again, we can simply obliterate that shitstain from the face of the earth.
Or if we are feeling very, very vindictive, we can do to them exactly what they did to us and slowly exterminate them through forcing IsraHell to maintain open borders with Palestine and bomb them every time they fail to elect the "politically correct" Prime Minister. All the while we force them to sell all their media outlets in IsraHell to White nationalists and Palestinian nationalists.

Attached: Jew Revealed.gif (250x250, 4.32M)

Attached: china pozzed.JPG (1209x917, 214.01K)

Attached: Shiggurai.png (290x324, 141.58K)

How so? Even if they sent every nuke they had at us, they'd be able to cover MAYBE 30% of the continental U.S, whereas Israel could be glassed in its entirety by two or three of ours. IF they were to focus on strictly military and logistical targets as they should if they're using nukes, the impact to U.S. civilian population would be even more minimal and we'd get even more fucking mad.

They cannot fight the U.S. That is why they have been trying so goddamn hard to subvert it.

Non-Jewish Zionists head the Governments of the world's Nations. Mass deportation will require Government enforcement. Because these same Governments are controlled by Zionists you can safely assume deportations under their authority would work in favor of their Zionist agenda. Isn't this true?
Do you really think Zionists controlling the U.S. will put up much of a fight when it's the themselves who conspire against the Republic?

Yeah? And America does that except 10 times more humiliating.
It's no surprise that China wants to deal with the (((center of the universe))) and treats them with respect.


Attached: bypass.png (436x623 339 B, 97.43K)

The Governments of America, China, Russia, and the whole of Europe are under Israeli control. What do you think "ZOG" means? Because of this fact any action taken against the Diaspora by these Zionist Occupied Governments will only further their own Zionist agenda, including deportations.

Attached: wha.jpg (250x240, 15.86K)

You are talking gibberish. ZOG will take no such actions against the diaspora.

Action comes in many forms. At the moment ZOG is weaponizing anti-Semitism to push Jews into Israel.

Attached: antisemitism america.JPG (1224x971 74.55 KB, 197.59K)

Without jews in the USA, IsraHell dies. The Zionist state is unique among states in that it is a parasitical-nation. Without a constant flow of blood money from European slave-nations, IsraHell will perish.
And this requires jewish domination and control in all the host nations. Without jewish control, the blood sucking will end and the Zionist state will die.


Non-Jewish Zionists are the ones in control of our Governments, not Jews.

How exactly will that happen?

I call it The Desert Lair
Imagine being so degenerate, the only way to feel safe is to hide in the desert behind a wall with armed guards patrolling day and night.
the state of israel

i like it

Well, they wouldn't want to be standing on the bow of the Liberty when the air raid starts.

it's already been predicted by the birth of the red heifer. what do you mean how? total global war, do you not understand the end of days, jeez

lel true

False. EVERY single major US media corporation in the US is run by jews. They set the policy and control elections.

Also, China doesn't send 5 billion dollars to Israel every fucking year. So if support for kikes is a barometer of degeneracy, China is among the least pozzed countries on earth.

Reread my post.
Jews are parasites.
Israel is a parasitical nation.
Without blood in the form of US taxes and military support, Israel collapses to the Arab states around it.

Why the fucking hell does anyone want kikes in their countries? They promote death and decay at every opportunity. They use their control over the media institutions and education system to brainwash entire generations of people to loath their own people.

Attached: Abolish White race.jpg (974x928 46.84 KB, 280.82K)

Non-Jewish Zionists control the Governments on behalf of Israel. Jews control the media and education.
How is the relevant? China is ZOG as much as USA.

The media is the government.
They set the policies and control who gets elected.

Pay attention to how this conversation began.

How would a giant sweep be effective? Rife for system-gaming, silly gentiles.

Attached: CtS0NYiWcAAf0kK.jpg (1024x741, 176.41K)

Attacking what? What the fuck are they going to attack is with? How will they have any power without us? We're the only reason they have a functioning economy in Israel. We're the only reason they have a military. We're the only reason they have a recognized border. What are they going to do, nuke the whole world? Then what? They'll die with everyone else. There's no future for them in the middle east, nd due to their diversity agenda, there's no future for them in our countries. The kikes have backed themselves into a corner. It's a catch 22. They have no good options. They don't even have a population largely capable of defending itself from a real attack. They have a population of well-fed, fat, comfortable, suburban trash living on the backs of white people. The rural population here in the US alone has the manpower and experience in combat, or with firearms in civilian life, to exterminate them off the face of this planet. If they ever attacked us, they'd be done for. The only thing they could do us use nukes, but they'd have to use so many it would destabilize the global ecosystem and they'd kill themselves.

Daily reminder that when jews say "fellow kikes come back to motherland israel" it's a LARP. Jews know that they NEED to be spread out in the whole world to be as subversive as possible. All of them going to the same country would be the biggest mistake for them. They only want goyim to believe their goal is going back to israel, all of them together. As long as kikes are in white male's country they are able to do damage. If they regroup in israel it's as simple as glassing them to get rid of them.

It would be true if the Zionist agents were selected for competence, but the reality is that most are selected for how easily their handlers can collect blackmail material on them. If it looks like they haven't thought things through properly, it's most likely because they haven't.

These pictures show the foundation for all jewish success–ancestral whoredom that left them looking enough like us to blend in, while actively working from within to steal from and hurt us. If they were a few shades browner, these monkeys would be living in huts in the middle of nowhere.

GOVERNMENTS are run by NON-JEWISH Zionists. The media is owned by JEWS. In the end Israel controls both the Governments and the media. You can say
but you're trying to discount the role non-Jewish Zionists play in all of this.

Why do you think the Zionists controlling our Government will try to prevent Israel from attacking?

Israel is a theological concept, not a bordered State. You're missing the bigger picture.

Definitely not a kike-free first post. The diaspora needs to be attacked BEFORE pissrael. If there are a bunch of kikes fleeing to isreal then it solidifies that they are criminal and fleeing to their stronghold, which could be justification for glassing. If you attack isreal first you will supercharge the diaspora

If we attack the diaspora won't they just flee into Israel? Who will glass Israel when the Nations capable are controlled by non-Jewish Zionists?

Though I'd wager that there is something genetic to jewish parasitism.
The gypsies also look like us. Yet they do not get to steal land from Palestinians and get 5 billion dollars a year from the USA alone. Gypsies don't get to murder Palestinian children in their mother's arms and buldoze entire refugee camps and then the media covers it up. Gypsies don't get trillion dollar propaganda campaigns designed to guilt lemmings into handing other money. Gypsies don't have laws in place to imprison those who question research into the number of Gypsies allegedly killed in the Holocaust.
Gypsies don't get to bully other nations into making BILLIONS of dollars in reparations every year. Gypsies don't get to run the Russian mafia and then imprison everyone who points it out.

Since you just keep repeating yourself without adding any new information, I want to dial back the conversation.
You appeared earlier to imply that we shouldn't be kicking the jews out of our homes until we had ground troops in the disgusting Zionist state. Do you stand by that or did you mean something else?

Why do you think if we were attacked at home a government that doesn't protect us would have any power? Our military and civilian population would immediately reclaim the government.

Are you looking for code such as a .bat file or like a hard copy book?

Until both Israel is de-armed and Zionists world leaders dethroned, we should not attack Diaspora.

pic related.

Attached: jews us military.png (800x1137, 1.23M)

It's impossible to disarm IsraHell without kicking these blood sucking vampires out from our homes.
Israel is shitstain of a country. Without Western support, Iran could finish it off.

Just build or obtain a database of al their names and addresses. Insure it's DL'd by millions. Insure the kikenvermin knows we will set upon them when the kikery has reached critical mass and our hatred bursts forth. The very existence if this database will drive many to flee.

Attached: badge2.png (738x673, 226.9K)

What happened to no dual-citizenship?

If he doesn't defend us he'll be shot in the head by someone under his command.

Not true. The People have the power to kick them out of Government, prevent the Diaspora from Aliyah, and finally de-fang the Jewish State.
You underestimate Israel's capability. Pic related.

Attached: Israel is powerful.JPG (683x784, 93.95K)

You think he's defending us now?


Are we being invaded or bombed by a foreign country with him refusing to do his job? Stop shifting goalposts, nigger.

Go away.

Do you or do not agree Israel has already taken control of America?

Power rankings should be made based on facts not polls

Do you think Iran, Syria, and NoKo can defeat the International ZOG?


What about Russian support? Chinese support?Egyptian, Saudi, and every other Nation protecting Israel?

How the fuck does that mean anything?

That's great. Lets do that.

Why the fuck do you want to keep the kikes here?

Stop funcing Israel.

Do you think that that Zionist shitstain is capable of defeating America or any White nation on its own? Surely you're not that retarded.

Software viruses in their military equipment is a wonderful thing.

Two things must happen before Jews can be concentrated in a single area:

All major Nations must be freed from Zionist occupation, and Israel must be de-armed.

Hasn't Israel already conquered all but three Nations?

This. It's entirely reasonable to think we can defeat Israel but not unless we first abolish the ZOG, otherwise who will write and execute the viruses?

I disagree. Jews don't control the US. Jews have the largest influence on US politics and social trends. But they don't directly control. They influence. As a result it's much easier to overcome them. If we were directly ruled by a Bolshevik-style government, it'd be much harder.

You seem to think coding viruses is somehow gatekeepered by government. No.

Neither NatSoc as it presently exists nor Nazbol/Bolshevism will solve our problems. Current NatSoc is insufficient because we face problems Hitler did not, chiefly the State of Israel and the stranglehold it has over all States, whereas Hitler faced a ZOG comprised chiefly of just America and Europe. Nazbol/Bolshveism is insufficient because it's Judaism. A new socio-political system and new symbols will lead the way to victory.

Attached: bolshevism 2.PNG (1200x627 280.84 KB, 142.45K)

Sure, but who can code and execute such things? Anonymossad?

Reported for not even trying.

ITT anons organize a pro-Jew spoofing organization to "help with Jewish organization" by "finding our chromosomal people" with DNA kits that are GPS tracked

Do it before the Jews do.

Guys capable of coding and running viruses are far and wide.

Are you the dumb-fuck kike that purposefully boastfully talks about how jews are such an unstoppable dominant force, while trying to word in in a way so as to appear that you're against it, while in reality you're just trying to embed in people's minds tat jews are superior to sooth your own frail ego? Kikes are literal niggers with white enough skin to benefit from out success while they attack us from behind.

that's true…

No, no no, you have it wrong!

The ADL banded together to protect an innocent Jew from goyish persecution, and this database would take it absolutely to the top level.

Never again would any Jew hang for crimes done by the schwartzes!

Free the Jews! DNA/fingerprint/footprint/retina scan/3D x-rays NOW!

That's idiotic. By definition, once jewish influence over White nations is removed, we are free from ZOG.

Not by force of arms.

This is required at the Government level. How do you think we can achieve that? By deporting Jews? What about the non-Jewish Zionists still controlling our Governments?

Hitler envisioned his country free from the influence of Jews. He wanted them out of his country not to have to manage a camp full of them for the rest of his life. Nor did he want to leave future Germans with that burden.

He worked with them and other countries to find places where they could emmigrate. But as we all know, working with Jews is like trying to deal with a defiant, spoiled, hatefilled child. And immigrating was a difficult process at that time. I know the US drastically cut back on immigration due to an immigration reform.

IIRC many other countries were very apprehensive about accepting immigrants during that time due to WW1.

Hitler didn't want them in camps he wanted them out of his country and he wanted his country to be free from the influence of the international Jewish clique.

Your post is untrue. Hitler wanted Jews living under an SS police state. They were not to be allowed a military much less nukes and bioweapons. The plan for Jews living in a massive concentration camp controlled by Germany was not one of Hitler's mistakes. You really think Hitler would deport Jew to an Israel with a booming economy and modern military?

Did you know that the fact that there are almost no photos or records of Jews being in the camps in large numbers is PROOF that it happened!

To reinforce this, it's a capital offense to question such unassailable truth!

At this point it's the slow game, in my opinion. The government is so throughly compromised, but it's mostly due to social subversion, not money. Money and blackmail buys the politician, but social conditioning makes us accept them. With each generation that acceptance gets smaller and smaller. Why do you think they brought shit-skins in? They saw the writing on the wall decades ago. Problem is, shit-skins are supporting even less that we are. Shit-skins only support their own ethnic/racial groups. The slow game has been in effect for two generations now, and we're almost to the point where their influence socially is too weak to maintain their influence politically.

i respect but disagree. As the Enemy accelerates European Genocide, user wants us to slow down in response. We should be moving quicker than the Enemy to produce and spread truthful propaganda. Our only way out of this mess is everyone waking up at the same time.

Israel didn't exist at the time.