Tucker Carlson Dares Question Dogma of Diversity; Pointing and Sputtering Ensues
Tucker Carlson Dares Question Dogma of Diversity; Pointing and Sputtering Ensues
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Tucker is a national treasure.
go away cucker tarlson, you aren't welcome here.
kike free first post
jew missed first post
inverted Satan trips confirm Tucker is a Saint.
post more salt please
Except for the fact that later in the episode, he appeals to his "Christian background and Judaic Moral code", when discussing his qualms re: Amazon's slave wages with a lolbergtarian woahman. I like Tucker, but I wish he would break away from the juden.
He's come a long way. With any luck he and Molyjew will be naming the kike by the end of the decade.
Tucker is definitely reading the feeds all day. He's had this planned out since he probably got his show deal to drop these little red pills and keep building and building it up.
Trips confirm Tucker is absolutely mad and that at a point in time where the kikes will shut down fucking anything to the right of Lenin. I wonder how they'll attack him for this. Will they try to remove him like those alt-kike faggots on jewtube?
Right now we still have boomers and cuckservatives believing in assimilation/magic dirt and "based" turdskins, we need people like Tucker as a sort of initiation into greater redpills. Hopefully eventually he names the people responsible(the jew) and if not there's people like us around.
Bretty good way to get the message across. Good job, Tuck.
Nice dubs
More salt, please.
And as we all know depictions of WW2 from Hollywood are always rooted in fact and are not in any way influenced by modern day politics. Tucker is just another stupid goy. Diversity won the war!
According to the statistcs above roughly 10% of the armed forces of the United States during WW2 were non-white, which was around the percentage of non-whites in the general population.
Trips of Truth!
I've seen a lot from my bygone days of political apathy (no way I'm paying to watch their propaganda anymore) and I only scarcely remember one nigger sprinkled here and there.
Oh, and that movie with the Navajos.
They used to play navy cooks and foreign grunts. Using them for much else here in the states is something rather new. They are fucking useless even now and the only reason we let them in is because it would be unfair to draft only our white boys.
Literally the only thing any of them ever says, and instantly disproven by the fact that white chefs cook anyone else’s food better than they do.
Every fucking time.
Man, can you believe they had to import the Italian chef in pic related all the way from Italy to Japan to make Italian pizza?
And has anyone ever figured out why it's physically impossible for Japanese chefs to produce Italian cuisine?
These people really are retarded.
Are the "pro-diversity" people schizophrenic? they are butthurt about Whites, but at the same time get outraged and hate when White people want to stay away from them, what the fuck do they want? and why should White people accept their presence among them?
He's a gatekeeper, not a gateway.
Moneyjew is never going to tell the truth about his race.
For broad is the way and wide is the gate that leads to destruction.
Wisdom will never be down the easy path!
I can't wait for the twitter salt
< file names
You'll have to wait for Saturday afternoon. That's when the shabbot is over.
user, are you implying that Japanese chefs can make pizza? That's very clearly false. Don't you know the food forcefield prevents, say, Polish people from making sushi, or Americans from making anything that doesn't come in a can, or French people from making pierogie?
For fuck's sake, what schizo-fueled bullshit are you gonna come up with now?
Another Fox News host, Laura Ingraham, recently spoke out against "diversity", which was quickly followed by an apology.
There's just no words
minorities were segregated into their own divisions during WWII. even fellow whites were broken down into more obscure cultural divisions. the military largely made no attempt to "diversify" until vietnam and you know how that went.
Tucker surely knows about this, so I believe he is planning to stand his ground.
What point were you trying to make with this post?
The case with the Navajos was where the US developed a code based on their language. The US up until that point had a hard time doing without the Japanese breaking it. The ethnically homogeneous Japanese could not break the Navajo code which went a long way for the US to win the war in the Pacific Theater.
The thing about diversity is that you have to define what that diversity is. Having people with a diverse skill set like doctors, engineers, soldiers (or in that case code talking), etc is good for society. Having people with a diverse set of loyalties, not so much. It's the reason why SpaceX was able to put crap in space while homogeneous nations like Japan or Norway (at least on their own or yet) haven't even been able to do that. SpaceX was able to get people get talented people from different backgrounds to work together regardless of their ethnicity although sometimes that may play a factor.
I hope he really is that fucking stupid. Most of the soy based abominations just say "muh food" because it's the first thing that ever popped into their pea brain.
Pic 3 exemplifies Poe's law.
So all you have to do is go somewhere to LEARN someone’s language and then build a code on it. We didn’t even need the indioes in our country to do this. We could have gone to Nambutu in Africa and learned some native dialect and then turned it into a code.
also note that these navajo came from reservations and were mostly living in segregation anyways. Now since "integration" we have a bunch of mix breeds and barely indians running around and further diluting that native american culture that this guy likes so much.
Go take your meds, I'm not gonna waste my time on this shit.
Fucking retard.
You really are retarded.
Nice D&C Moshe.
7 minutes late, Moishe. Shekels will be deducted from your paycheck.
"ethnic" food is the fucking easiest shit in the world to make. faggots like to pretend there's some secret art to following a recipe a foreigner made, not to mention that most of their food is either shit or all tastes the same
I've started to enjoy talking like them. Like being at Disneyworld and some french cunts realizing the American boy already knows French.
This just really shows how the boomers really are. Their stupidity goes into outright malice. They don't mind burying their own children, they now have more money to spend on themselves and they think they're going to live forever. Materialistic slaves who with the jew destroyed every White country.
It's not just "ethnic food"; it's the women too. Beta boys love their chicanas.
That's where you're wrong, cunt. Having traditional shit pushed in failing restaurants is one thing. Food is very much a part of a people. What the fuck can you do? I bet you can't even properly tenderize a piece of veil. Let alone bleed a turtle or make blood sausage.
95% of Spanish-speaking women over 25 are hotweather babushkas. Staying young is hard in the fourth world.
It's the Sabbath, they have a harder time finding people to use computers.
Tucker has been doing an incredible job redpilling the normalfaggots. Why? Because I've watched him and his rhetoric change over the past couple of years as his views have refined and shaped over time. His journey is their journey. I remember a point where he was acting like a complete whiny faggot over the racial question and it was hard to watch him - it was all pissing and moaning over "we (Whites) have been so good to you, why do you treat us this way? It's not fair!" It went on for a couple of weeks like that and was unbearable. But then his balls dropped; he accepted reality for what it is, and made the transition into what is effectively the only mainstream warrior for White Americans, and has been doing great work ever since.
Tucker isn't perfect, obviously. He doesn't challenge the jews. I honestly have no idea what his real opinions are about the jews, because anyone that gets anywhere near a show like Tucker's is forced to sacrifice their true opinions on the alter of Zionism, supposing they had them, to keep their job. But that's not really important. The job Tucker is doing waking up the masses of normalfaggots to the fundamental problem in America - the race problem - and doing it night after night, drumming that into their lemming heads, more than outweighs the value than if he were to sperg out one night and say "it's the fucking jews!" and lose his job instantly. I mean, it would be hilarious to watch and we'd be able to say he's /ourguy/, but overall it would be a net loss in the culture war. Though if he ever decides that he's achieved all he can from the pulpit of TCT, that it's time to move onto the next thing, and wants to go out in a final blaze of glory, then that would be the way to do it.
He brings too many niggers on his show.
Oi don't be a cheeky cunt
Not me but the US military. They do have a habit of naming helicopters after them.
Cultures grow when they take successful aspects from other cultures and integrate them into their own society. Civilizations have followed this since their have been civilizations. Usually in the past as an Empire grew it assimilated/conquered the surrounding cities and tribes into their own like the Roman Empire, Ancient China, etc. America is just a recent example of this as when the country grew it took in various Celts, Italians, Slavs, and Germanics in what was originally intended to be a WASP nation. Yes, American culture is built on previous examples but France is primarily a Gaulic nation with a Latin language and Middle Eastern religion.
Even Japan has had foreign influences that shaped it's culture including western concepts like Western government, feminism, economics, animation, food, philosophy and much more. Even before that Japan had its written language based on Chinese letters and imported a foreign religion known as Buddhism.
That comment alone proves they have absolutely no other reason than different foods.
Perhaps don't kill white folk. You don't end up will meals named after you after making a solid deal.
a lot of german americans were not acceptable to fight other germans, although they were not interned like the japanese
Never happen on the kike networks.
For once the torposter was not a faggot
God bless Australia tbh
Reading SJWs, knowing many of them are white race traitors themselves, and others are deluded shitskins themselves extremely racist towards whites really is blackpilling sometimes. Hopefully things will eventually get to a point where truth cannot be ignored anymore, and will be seen to all. So far, years pass and more and more normies are starting to pop redpills
The Overton window is shifting slowly behind Zig Forums
I had this disagreement with my mother this morning, she is a brainwashed 3 husband nitwit that went nowhere very very slowly dragging her kids behind her. Hasn't seen her grandkids in years. Doesn't care.
My mom buys into all of the tripe from the "authorities" of the last 60 years like a raging loon. It's a terrible black pill. Walked away today thinking she's report me to the police because of my anti-semitism and has no clue that bra burning bullshit from the 60's got her nowhere.
This is exactly right.
Don't be blackpilled, user. Let us make such a fight that it will be worthy of song, even if no-one is around to sing it.
Right. And at no point does this mean ACTUALLY IMPORT anyone, PARTICULARLY people from shitty, nasty cultures. That makes your country become third world. Your examples actually collapsed. Every empire failed. Small, homogenous countries survive the test of time.
You are a disingenuous kike liar using manipulative bullshit to promote white demographic replacement, which by definition is genocide. You kikes are perpetrating a genocide. The goy are waking up and you will hang.
That's how it is. Our generation (millennials/gen z) must take full responsibility, or whites have absolutely no future on this planet. It's now or never.
Eh, last I heard she adopted a niglet. Complete, no going back, fail.
Goebbels stated in his diary that US POWs demanded to be segregated from Black soldiers lmao
Pics related on empires.
He already bring the j-question, lsreal and everything else.
A guy that hates conservatives and nationalists once admitted on air that Tucker Carlson was the smartest guy he ever met.
You make the entire cause look like those faggots with MAGA hats
*smartest conservative he ever met
And goddamn I hate Hitchens. He was an open Marxist who shilled for the war in Iraq. Basically a Trotskyist who missed the memo about the change in economic beliefs
Bump & test
I knew there had to be SOMETHING muslims could teach us! Oh…
Bite me.
Judaeo-Christian is such an oxymoronic term. Jewish hatred of Christians is made abundantly clear in their religious texts as well as their own words and actions (especially toward whites).
Judaeo-Marxist is a more accurate term for what now plagues the west and is destroying western culture. Christianity is plagued by this degenerate influence as well, hence the repetitive use of subversive deceptive terms like "Judaeo-Christian Values".
Not so subtle D&C
Christians gladly await the rapture, whole series of books, TV shows, web specials, to Christians it's their very own DOTR and they are all looking forward to it. With the birth of the Red Heifer it'll be any day now.
Shock my imagine.
Read posts before replying to them.
Get out.
Seriously though he was talking about the Jews for a second. I agree, i agree.
This is exactly what he is talking about. Why exactly is diversity good? They never say why, just that it is.
And be specific.
When he questions why we fought wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason, you know Tucker knows about the reality of the Jews. He is a great man.
Don't forget the Scofield Bible that evangelocucks gobble down with glee. At least they are all going to hell for their heresy.
She has three adopted kids, all from out of the country. She is fake as fuck.
Solution - freeze any immigration, kick out the ones that are already here so that they can stay on their lands. It's just that America and Europe needs the gears to kick start this.