Can normies be saved?

When they watch shows without critical reasoning whatsoever?
They all rant and rave about shows that have white genocide in it, white shaming, explicit racemixing sexuality in it, jew love, or plain bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They'll respond the same way when the talking heads on TV are telling them how important it is to sterilize niggers and set up white settlements in Israel even though it's the only place Jews are allowed to live.

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Not unless we are able to name the Jew publicly without fear.
I just asked two Jehovah Witnesses today if they support Israel and the Jewish State.
The Jehovah's Witnesses try to keep out of that discussion.
So I started to try to redpill them on how people are afraid to name the Jew for fear of repercussion

–Friendly reminder that 80% of people are mindless NPCs with no inner dialogue–

So you're saying to endure them and work to gain the levers of power?

Bit of a complex answer tbh.
Years before; "normies" were told what to believe on TV.
Now? "normies" are on the internet.
Are you there showing them the way?

Fucking satellite TV is expensive. I'd rather get my entertainment from other sources.
Normies are still using social media sites.
Are you there?

More or less.

People who cant or don't vote are irrelevant.
We only about half of voters consistently voting republican.
We need about half of the people who vote in primaries to vote in pro-white republicans.
We need about half of the elected officials to be pro-white.

Any wokeness beyond that is icing on the cake.

Why bother?

But you really have no way of determining whether an individual has an inner dialog unless you talk to them.
Should I shut down all operations in redpilling simply because some "study" says that my efforts are futile?
Sounds like a kike trick tbh.

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I suspect that all of us here have an inner dialogue…
. . . .
except for

Something something "lemmings", something something "if you ruin their life they'll magically turn into natsocs too".

This is the correct answer. White countries really only have one (((problem))).

anyone have that cia nigger admitting that uncritical viewing of visual media is the best way to brainwash people? something like it creates false memories because you can't tell the difference between a movie and reality unless you consciously go over it and realize it's not real.


Stop generalizing faggot.

We definitely more than voting to fix this world, voting got us in this mess.

Hi drunken leprechaun

Believing in the electoral system is a mirage. No matter who you vote, you vote the for the kikes' candidate.

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and why would (we) want to save them?

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It matters where they are when the trap is sprung on them.

We traditionally have 4 options.
1) Full Ziocuck
2) Full Globohomo
3) 50/50 Globo/Zio
4) 100% Nationalist, fuck the kikes

Zionists have endless kompromat and will crush you and everyone around you with it
Globohomo controls the media, finance and the schools and will crush your economy and send mobs of protesters at you.

If you try to balance them, you get nothing done and globohomo and zio both make gains
If you reject them both, they both team up to remove you instantly
If you go full ziocuck, you have a chance to take things for your nation
If you go full globohomo, you will get rich and sell out your nation

If you side with ziocuck, they will use their kompromat against your enemies
If you side with globohomo, they will use their finance and media against your enemies

That is simple reality of what we are dealing with right now. The zionists are weak, but they have kompromat, and they won't tell your kids to chop their dicks off. So if you can overcome the finance and discredit the media you will win. The kikes cannot be trusted though, so you must always keep them on a leash.

lurk 2 moar years before you think about making a thread again, faggot
if you are legit you should know

This is retarded. Don't focus on saving everyone or you have already failed. Focus on helping those you care about, norme or not. Then buI'll a community from there.

The opposite is also true. Don't focus on extermination either. You will fail before you've even started.

Set realistic goals. Have a solid game plan. I won't tell you what to do because idk. I just know what not to do.

Normalfags are meant to be directed. There were normalfags in every great empire all throughout history. They are a necessary part of a functioning society. Their sole purpose is to follow the traditions and governance that is set before them by the leadership. Thats why its not important to save the nornalfag, its important control them. The kikes found this out and exploit it excellently in form of media sterilization, mass electronics distribution, food supply poisoning, and educational infiltration. With these major routes controlled by primarily their influence, you see a shift towards the shit world we live in now. You may have noticed that upon election of trump the tide seemed to change slightly but even then it is not enough as zionists still control the show. So the answer to this question is simply no, they are cattle and will be treated as such by any side. That is until a proper pure white nation arises in which these problems can be fixed. But that is a while away still and for now the most important part is control of power. Once that happens you can begin to shift the balance of power and focus on improving these brain dead sheep and mold them into critical thinking, rational adults capable of seeing the jewish parasite for what it is.

I'm starting to encounter normies who will one on one will nervously agree with many of the subjects discussed here on Zig Forums, hence it's politically incorrect to discuss these subjects and of course normies will first and foremost go along with the lemmings over their own principles but they know deep down that the neets are always right.

The reason the Jehobah's Witnesses wanted to stay out of the discussion is because they believe that being active in politics is immoral. They also don't vote in any election.

What youre seeing is a transition from normalfag to a slightly more intelligent lifeform. Often times this will simply be a neutral mindset where they arent sure what side to grab. If grabbed early they will be molded into a man/woman of the white race (note this applies to whites only). If they stay in a neutral path they will become locked in it and resort to a stance of inaction. Their mindset will once again be no different than that of a normalfag. Encourage those around you who are beginning to turn and make sure they know their thoughts are what bring real discussion and real change to the world. Silence and restriction only harbors corruption no matter what your belief. Save them if they can be saved, otherwise control them and turn them against the corruption that so many nations face today.

Stop viewing normalfags as all the same. Normalfags belong on a spectrum of how predisposed they are to becoming redpilled and how likely they are to remain bluepilled. The most success I've had redpilling normalfags are through determining how logical a person is and how unafraid they are to view material that challenges their beliefs.

If they respect intellectual honesty, they're guaranteed to become redpilled. Respecting intellectual honesty also means being repulsed at intellectual dishonesty, which that level of dishonesty is the realm of the jew and by extension jewish media. By showing them how the jew conducts dishonesty, you instantly find grounds to redpill someone in a heartbeat.

Sage for shit OP.

I know this is a slide thread, but this question gets thrown around enough to deserve an answer.
Yes. Always yes. For two reasons

1. There is always a new generation of kids being born brought up with a school system's with of propaganda. Any fresh mind deserves a chance. They don't know anything but what schools have taught them and need us to teach them.

2. Even those that are older and have had a chance to come to our side and have seen enough to do so but still haven't still deserve a chance. Of course, most of them will never wake up, but those few that do are worth it. Many of us were normies at some point, myself included. I supported Israel and did not see why anyone wouldnt. Sometimes it just takes the right amount of redpills and circumstances to give a normies the push to wake up.

The problem with normies is that you'll never know if they'll decide to turn on you in the future, it's good to keep open channels with normies but yet they're not to be trusted.

Lots of different answers. Thank you Zig Forums
You are my hero hivemind



nigger cattle

Depends. At some point, no, normalfags cannot be saved and that's something you just have to accept. The deeper we go into this demiurgic black age the more likely they either become aware or sink deeper into the darkness. It's about spiritually cutting your losses, accepting their spiritual fate they've chosen, and crying about it later.

In war emotions are pointless because you don't know which end you'll wind up on in the end. You might shed a tear only to find out they end up spitting on your dying corpse.

by Kek I swear we mustn't give up. Npcs be damned we are the thin chan line. If we don't try who will? Normies let it happen in the first place! If they weren't dumb they would be great full - maybe some are later? You must use all the power you have to spread the truth! The 14 words are good. Really they can work on any race if you think they deserve to hear them. Fox News fags (le Donald's) are the worst! They buy the propaganda load and clear, tucker is okay but much of it is garbage. Forgive the normies because they know not what they do. Show them the worst things you can get. The other day I saw a gif of an aborted fetus twitching on an operating table. It really touched me- poor kid , he literally never had a chance. We got a chance! Even if we use ugly shit to open eyes and minds we got to do it! Fight on anons it's up to us.

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There are only 30,000 people on Earth all others are created from CIA experiments.

>White countries really only have one (((problem))).
That's it mane.
Niggers will no longer be a problem when jew media doesn't blast cops daily for dusting those creatures at the first opportunity.
Chinks aren't a problem anyway. Oh no, they do better in jew school than us!
wetbacks will self-immolate once welfare is dropped.
jews are the only problem and should be the only concern until they are taken care of.

Of course they can. The folks of Weimar were far worse off. The awakening has only just barely begun. Those of us who caught on early did so because our natural protection instinct and perception of reality is much higher than theirs. Most of these normalfags only see the occasional exception to the rule nigger or other nonwhite who is decent to be around. They don't really watch the news, nor do they bother thinking on it much when they do. It is a harsh reality that things are going to have to get worse before they get better. As long as they feel secure they trust the system. That's not to say our work is in vain, not in the slightest. If we do nothing but make them aware of our existence we are paving the road to eventual success. The number 1 thing we need to do is avoid the "evil nazi" stereotype. Those who think our cause is one of hate and all about genocide and world domination are wrong or the enemy, and should not be encouraged. Love for our own does not equate to hatred of other Gentiles, who are simply being used by our enemy as tools. Our movement Is one of love of our people and faith in the Lord. Ignore those who say otherwise, they are nothing more than derailers, defamers, shills, and gullible idiots. If we can establish ourselves as protectors of love, not soldiers of hate the sheep will only turn to us faster as the times get tough. The other major goal needs to be uncovering the usuery and lies of these demons, but not by blatant accusations that fit perfectly into the stereotype the juden want us to fit, so we continue to look bad, but by helpful hints that lead them to come to their own conclusions.

Inb4 the kikes attact this post and call me a nigger/nonwhite lover for wanting a peaceful solution or a Christcuck and claiming that a holy diety is jewish

Christ shits on the jew

but you do realize that the jew has implanted the nigger into our society so we wouldn't be able to rise up against the jew, right? They're too stupid to figure out the jew and only know what the jew has taught them, so the moment whites start to rise a bunch of fucking niggers will start chimping. This will result in whites slaughtering niggers and drive a big dividing line in the whites, further dividing our efforts.

I picture you looking like Michael J Fox for some reason.

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I can't anymore. almost too blackpilled to care.

most of them being women who can't self-reflect.

But you really have no way of determining whether an individual has an inner dialog unless you talk to them.
I can't stand people with a strong aversion to silence.

Thread on why normies get hypnotised by TV does not mention hypnotic and brainwashing effects of TV.

==Zig Forums you are fail.== Sage for slide thread.

The follower follows, they'll be our useful when the time comes. Don't waste your time worrying about the NPCs.

No. Let them bask in their irradiated hellhole, convinced of their safety by the fissures in their backs.

The only option left is to start anew - slowly, in secret, and amassing enough to defend yourself from anything less than the whole rest of the world trying to destroy you at once.

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Well, just the tip.

As a normie. Yes.

Also is any spider men truck drivers are heading east on 70 in the next few hours near my location please let me know.

I don’t look like a school bus you invasive queer


Life is dictated by great men. Great men are exceedingly rare and usually only correspond to hard times and the right amount of circumstances happening to luck out in their favor. When a great man passes, the pieces are unable to uphold the accomplishments of that great man. This has been shown to be relatively true time and time and time again.

As for normies, the masses of them are incapable of taking great action in their lives; whether out of apathy, a lack of knowledge and being in a perpetual loop of debt slavery. The general masses will understand the presence and theories of a great man: whether through force or speech. However, expecting the masses to wake up and furthermore take action, is unfortunately exceedingly rare to happen.

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Surprised the Lemmings explanation hasn't been posted yet. This clears up most of the thread by itself.

Herd immunity, and to direct the reconstruction of a better, more wholesome society. You would rather your offspring or kin's offspring not live as a slave, correct?

Basically it, except the seeing of the parasite comes before the purification of the state by the nation. In the same manner that the JQ itself is unutterable by the normie now, the same automatic response for seeing the problem must be inoculated into the masses to provide the context necessary to take action. This will almost certainly require an economic depression and hardship, for only then will the flow of resources be sufficiently threatened that the eternal normie will demand answers and look to those who can enact them. Therefore, the current tasks of the honest here is to spread redpills, organize locally and offline, and prepare to influence those around them to follow that organization which arises to aid their kin in that dire times to come. The more that the JQ can become common knowledge and people begin to notice the Jews and their activities as distinct from their own peoples', the more fertile their minds will be to accept the explanation of why their lives are miserable and the solution to those problems.

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wew, I was just about to post that infograpic. It really explains it.

Friendly reminder that most people posting here were once "NPC's" as you faggots like to call them.

It's called the Overton Window. This is a war of propaganda. Our being lazy is the only reason we would lose. Never let up, even in victory.

Can I lurk two fucking years?

It's an entry level truth, thank you for reminding us friend.




No, they are NPCs.
They can only be used.

We have rules here.