Jewtube shoahs video proving niggers are savages
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Last alive nigger checks hair then sail fone after shooting completed.
did that nigger just make sure his hair and cellphone were ok? what the actual fuck?
So many levels of fucked up beyond just the basic flying bullets, blacks do not have souls.
Absolute state of nigs. Sacrifices friend as meat jacket instead of rallying together to disarm shooter.
Proves low IQ and high levels of selfishness.
Take off your fucking fedora you probably don't even own a gun
I know right what the actual fuck even chinks have more empathy what the hell.
Why’s they shoot grandpa nog too? Looks like he dindu nuffin
Come back when your balls drop, kid.
Checked your dubs
Dude niggers are known as SUB (below) human for a reason , this is one of the myriad reasons
Plz leave Mr UN
I studied for more than 15 years at the cobra kai dojo and would have kicked the asses of the shooters are over this board if I was there
rekt LUL
Did anyone notice the one in the blue hoodie tried to use his friend as a human bullet shield
2 killed, 2 wounded at Washington Park gas station: 'Old Man Bill got shot!'
only two killed????
Everyone on 51st knows Old Man Bill, who was wounded in a shooting. He is a quiet 64-year-old who does odd jobs at the GoLo gas station at 51st and Indiana Avenue on the South Side.
He was in the vestibule of the station with three other people early Friday when someone ran from a nearby car, opened the bulletproof front door and fired more than a dozen shots inside, sources said.
The door from the entryway into the main convenience store is locked at night for security. The men in the vestibule had no way to escape.
One man was shot several times and pronounced dead inside the vestibule. Another man, 24, was hit in the torso and legs. He was taken to Stroger Hospital and pronounced dead.
A 25-year-old was taken to Stroger Hospital in serious condition with wounds to the legs and a graze wound to the head.
Old Man Bill was shot in the leg. The man in the gray hoodie, Shawn Jordan, watched him being lifted into the ambulance and taken to Stroger Hospital.
“I seen Bill, I just started crying,” said Jordan, 42, who has lived around the corner for three years. “Bill never messed with nobody.”
Family members of the man pronounced dead at the scene declined to speak to a reporter. Police had not yet determined a motive for the shooting, sources said, but the man known as Bill likely was not the intended target.
Bill's real name is David Scott. An aunt started calling him Bill when he was little. Scott's wife, Angie Anderson, stood at the scene rubbing her hands together for warmth.
A gas station employee had called her right after the shooting: “Get up here, your husband just got shot,” she recalled.
Her husband, a Vietnam veteran, had health issues, she said. She worried that someone had targeted him; maybe someone in the neighborhood was preying on older people.
Nobody would do that to Bill, said Jordan.
“Everybody know him on 51st,” he said. “That’s why when they brought him out I started crying. Everybody knows Bill.”
In other shootings in Chicago on Thursday, two men were wounded in separate South Side attacks in the Englewood and Gresham neighborhoods.
About 10:30 p.m., a 58-year-old man was shot in the foot in Gresham. He was in the lobby of his apartment building in the 8200 block of South Ada Street when he started arguing with another man, who pulled a gun and shot him in the foot. The incident may have been domestic-related, police said. The man went to St. Bernard Hospital and was in good condition.
About 1 p.m., a 23-year-old man was shot in Englewood. He drove to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn with a gunshot wound to the leg after an attack in the 7100 block of South Aberdeen Street, police said. His condition was stabilized.
Police initially said the man had been shot in the 7200 block of South Racine Avenue. That information was later corrected.
I'm more surprised that they didn't take his shoes, hat, and watch after one guy got most the barrage of bullets.
Anyways wheres the YT video on the Chicago gang violence, I can't find it.
Probably the most poetic recorded work of art in all filmography on the mentality, solidarity, psychopathy, and soullessness of blacks.
Delmonte Johnson, an active volunteer with GoodKids MadCity was shot to death on Chicago's South Side Wednesday night. abc7.ws
good, who fucking cares
in this case aiming the gun seemed to be the problem, only 50% kill ratio amiright?
Delmonte "Peaches" Johnson
use ball ammunition next time you stupid nigger. He would have gotten more penetration and killed the hiding nigger or just shoot over the nig youve already hit 4 times. Dumbass.
He diddu somethin' befo do
Literally the cheapest FMJ from the range would have gotten all of them.
Yes I noticed that but I thought the hair sail fone check were more hilarious.
But fuck it user wouldn't you use a dead shot up nigger for a bullet shield as well?
First I need to know if he was working on any critical research projects? How vast is the void in human knowledge now that he is gone? Did he leave any incomplete mathematical theorems? Scientific breakthroughs, or important discoveries?
Wishful thinking…everyone knows BBC is a lie.
Big Banana Cock?
Was he registered on any patents that might have ground breaking implications on the future of computers or weapons or energy?
No. In fact it appears that no person named Delmonte Johnson has ever patented, anything. Perhaps he was an aspiring scientist, with his whole life ahead of him, he jus' got mixed up in da wrong crowd nesheeit.
what do you expect when the president of your country is the lodestar for this attitude?
Do you legitimately believe Trump's IQ is less than a 100?
Chicongo, the new Detroit
Hey kids , did you know? You can make nigger chicongo (redundant , I know) sock 'berg accounts and actually take out hits on rival gangs. They are stupid and easily provoked.
Bang bang like eight birds with one stone
That's actually a pretty good idea.
Why doesn't Trump just legalize guns everywhere through executive order.
That is unneeded as the second amendment already does so
Seriously they are retarded.
Wait, that video was pulled? They have worse when they show cops gunning down idiots all the time. Re upload it with a title celebrating diversity.
Ah, what a beautiful celebration of the joys diversity brings us.
>Scott's wife, Angie Anderson, stood at the scene (((rubbing her hands together)))
nog kikess tryn ta gets her husban's gibs by trynna assassinate him
Why didn't he just lock the fucking door when the dudes approached?
Chicago is extremely segregated, with the whites to the northwest far from the gang violence. Apparently liberals don't want to live with the consequences of their insane forced integration experiment either. All this to say that the people who care and could do something about the situation have already washed their hands of the whole thing.
This looks like a drug hit. One nigger stiffed another by not paying for crack, the nigger tracked him and his friends down and shot them.
Just your average day in Chicongo.
I think he just got a bullet in the gut and collapsed.
I hate niggers but according to this post
he was grazed by a bullet in the head, but the phone check is pretty funny.
He can barely read and he can't think straight. Anyone who thinks he's of average intelligence must have a skewed idea of what constitutes "average"
He's about 86.
he doesn't read from a teleprompter and doesn't have speeches ready made. he just wings it. you're aware of his teleprompter speeches which makes him seem more eloquent than obama and we all know what a mess obama is without a teleprompter. you're fooling no one, chaim
As if I needed more reinforcement about how quickly we would win an actual race war.
Nigger are you fucking serious. A multi-billionaire with an IQ below 86. Have you heard his kids talk? They get their intelligence from Don, not his past two wives. Regardless of whether or not he is a kike puppet, he is not a moron.
He's just pushing the 'racists are stupid' narrative.
If you look closely, he's actually stealing meat shield nigger's phone jejejej
So he was in on the hit? I noticed that too. It seems like they set up the one who died
he ded
There were two shooters the one off camera killed the older nig. You can tell he was hit and dying by the way his feet slowly move at a consistant rate as he loses control of his limbs.
No user it is proven that intelligence is primarily inherited from the mother.
nah, the old guy lived. he only got shot in the leg
True diversity isn't bad. Diversity means non-white. This is 100% diversity. No white people around to be injured by the rabid niggers. Only niggers get hurt. That's when diversity is best. When it's only niggers being killed by niggers.
Man, casual style has really fallen off the wagon. This guy is dressed in some basic casual clothing, but he looks on par with someone going for a job interview these days. He's so clean cut and well put together compared to the average person these days.
hahaha triggered nigger spotted! sage doesnt downvote nigger faggot! thats your people in the video hahaha BUMP!!!
Top kek
Niggers are so shit at warfare.
I'm glad the cashier was slow this time
I just don't see why this is illegal?
Why not just legalize black on black crime?
Trump will ignore this, look down on us and talk about fuckin China and fake jews again.
They looked like they did something. Pay attention to the video. We don't know the whole story, maybe they had it coming?
when they golo we go high
I feel bad for these nigs. I feel bad that we live in a society that enables them, makes excuses for them, and demonizes the people who try and contain the violence in them.
Checks phone
To be fair, he’s probably in shock.
could have dialed 911 but no
Somebody revise this map. Arizona and Colorado are gone too.
It's like watching a lab experiment to see how niggers react to danger of other niggers in small confined spaces. Survival rate: 1/4 due to human nigger shielding.
The fact a gas station needs bulletproof doors due to its proximity to diversity tells all.
first of all, he's probably not a billionaire. second of all, his wealth is thanks to his father, who he not only inherited it from, but who also intervened on his behalf and got banks to loan him money even though they didn't want to because they knew trump jr's a moron who would lose it.
the reason he "wings" his speeches is because he can't read. and can barely speak english "google is very anti-trust!" "anomanus! source"
his kid's intelligence has nothing to do with him. he wasn't their teacher. Their school teachers were their teachers.
keep convincing yourself though if it makes you feel better though. we all know the truth serves no purpose in trump's presidency.
so epin. is that all or is link in OP longer?
I was wondering why the other nigger didn't dead. I didn't think about it being hollow point ammo; i was thinking "really? a 44 won't go all the way through a skinny nigger?"
Who the fuck are these mods???
Not so much: he still got shot and died.
A killer won't play hide and seek, he goes wild and just puts as many bullets as possible into each corpse, to make sure the deed is done.
Of course, shooter was a nigger, so he thought the bullets pierced the corpse of the other and killed the guy behind, instead of actually going and shooting the nigger that survived.
His mother wasn't technically lying when she said "He was a goodkid, he dindu nuffin"
Made Good
looks like maybe it was an accident. stop shitting up other threads with your retardation, newfag
Florida has the most Zig Forumsacks
95% of the whites are redpilled
This map is disgraceful. So much mud is unrepresented.
why doesn't jew york have a huge hooknose?
It's not my OC. I agree it could use a few corrections. Oregon needs a lobotomy scar up by where portland is as well.
This is a good meme pic