I literally used their own logic againts capitalism but in the sexual marketplace.
The left should be pushing this.
I literally used their own logic againts capitalism but in the sexual marketplace.
The left should be pushing this.
There's your problem
why don't we push the meme of sexual egalitarianism and use commie logic but for sexual marketplace?
They literally do though, for example the Socialist leader of the UK Corbyn endorses state sponsored girlfriends. It's just Zig Forums knows they're too much of losers to even get one even if provided by their masters.
The terminal conclusion of communism is Soddom and Gammorah where all sexual potential is forcibly distributed to everyone, aka institutionalized gang rape.
Leftists don't have rules, only realpolitik. They screech about "toxic masculinity" but they'll gladly make fun of you for being a virgin loser or whatever when they somehow extrapolate that you can't get a date from your criticism of feminism.
we can push their own commie logic about opressed minorities but about incels.
They don't care. They're not going to change their minds, ever, on anything. It's the plan they're serving, they'll pick and choose their evidence to serve the plan. They don't care.
Did Corbyn really say that?
yeah, but we're using their same arguments.
Doesn't matter. Do you even Rules for Radicals bruh?
Like that matters. Why do you think Based Pinochet declared the argument over and sent the helicopters?
but we can make normies realize how retarded communism is.
at least average female.
You’re fucking retarded. Get out.
Because the communists in Russia DID THAT and everyone rebelled. Go watch a fucking documentary.
I remember watching the Yuri Bezmanov video and he mentioned that when he was a diplomat in India he actually had a state sponsored wife. They chose her and married them. Her job was to inform the government of his doings. He hated her apparently
You have to do that through charisma and clever wording, not logical arguments.
I started looking into that too, but instead I found this and have to stop now:
I was thinking about maybe making this a meme and post it on twitter.
Best thing would be to pose as one of them, and argue in favour of just that.
In fact, now I think about it, it's actually a really good idea. wtf I'm a communist now.
just use gang rape analogy
I think we should push this as some kind of memes at least.
Be careful because a small but non-negligble portion of women will go for it. The whole handmaiden larp group wants enforced chad semen distribution.
I think some kind of commies memes about killing Chads would be pretty kek worthy.
Needs to be withheld from them at all costs, mental defectives all of them
They also claim to support the poor while stealing land from dirt poor farmers and forcing them to starve to death.
Communism is full of contradictions which is why they believe so much crazy shit. After a certain point their brain just shuts off.
In the early USSR they, and it was a complete and utter disaster. Rape everywhere, fatherless children everywhere. Of couse they wont talk about it.
The party leaders got all the women and everyone else had to fight for the scraps. Same as it ever was.
that pretty close to charisma and clever wording
we need to make this a meme.
this means women having the freedom to own their own sexuality.
this means women not having a right to decide who are they're going to fuck.
It needs a name, something that sounds like an offshoot of communism, like just another sect and then just claim youre part of lefty/pol/s community. The same thing they did with Ancaps.
Dude there is a reason people that believe in communism are failures and a joke. It isn't just because we want to be controlled by the rich and want a fucked up system. Most of us arent rich and are eating a shit sandwich.
Think of it this way, imagine you want to have sex and god tier waifu. Right now it sucks girls dont jump on your dick on command and they act like cunts a lot of the time, and many are fat overweight slags. Communist solution to the problem is to cut off your nuts, your dick, and lobotomize yourself and others so you dont have the sexual urge. The current shit state is a FAR BETTER situation than the communist solution.
They are too stupid to understand basic shit like monetary policy vs economic policy, the difference between, fascism, socialism, and capitalism.
sexual egalitarianism.
sexual comunism.
we're just talking about making communism memes about the sexual marketplace.
It may be a simple enough concept for the retarded leftist to realize since it involves their crotch.
It would not surprise me if communists supported affirmative action for the sexual marketplace.
That sounds incredibly disgenic.
All healthy mentally sound men should be able to find mate(s). If they can't attract one then there is clearly something wrong with them and they shouldn't be breeding.
So the male culture of a prison. That sounds exactly like what I would expect.
Her face looks like a cartoon. Why.
which is a stupid idea under everyone's perspective, except the establishment's.
the jews have fantasized about it for decades though: Read "This perfect day" by Ira Levin
Look at the nose
I dunno bro, I'm just some retarded spic talking about communist sexual memes.
I'll never be able to look at a nose again, without LOOKING at the nose. These rats are everywhere, I was watching this ancient black and white video this morning where someone was interviewing an artist and viola, THE NOSE was right on the face of the interviewer.
Leftys don't even have realpolitik, it's their (((masters))) who do. They are simply pawns being used to subvert and destabilize societies allowing their (((handlers))) complete control to form a new government. The new Masters desire stability in their totalitarian nightmare of goy slaves. If they don't get with the new program after the revolution, and still cling to their society wrecking ideals, then they are lined up against a wall and shot. Truly, leftists are the Earth's most pathetic creatures.
…he doesn't know about commie cunny coupons, you guys
Kek has spoken.
This was a good thread. Naturally, anchored. Interesting. Clever. But they are worthless trash, that anchor threads, curses beyond infinity upon them.