How do we fight the rise of fascism in America? Following Trump's election and even during his campaign, millions of racists have been emboldened by his hateful rhetoric and are now taking to the streets demanding America be turned white like they think it was in the past (Newsflash, hun, it never was. America is a nation of immigrants and you would know that if you passed history class).
So how do we go about countering this movement? Perhaps we can organize with Antifa to put down neo-Nazi and pro-fascist riots, on top of calling up their employers/families/etc. and letting them know what's up, so as to have them fire and de-emboldened, so to say.
How do we fight the rise of fascism in America? Following Trump's election and even during his campaign...
It would be nice if you guys would maybe stop being so evil to the goyim.
You want to "de embolden" white men - getting them fired and disowned will do the opposite. But you would know that if you studied history hur durr
That is incorrect. By standing up to neo-fascists and depriving them of the means to continue their wrongfully hateful movement they will recognize that they can't just prance on in and take America for themselves, to the exclusion of other groups. By that logic, would mounting an army against an enemy's only worsen the issue? Again, in history, when fascists have been opposed they crumble, and their ideas with them.
go ahead give white men nothing to lose.
Oh wow, this salt is delicious, but it's a little TOO salty.
I wonder how fat and ugly OP is.
European immigrants sweetheart, now calm down you know what the doctor said about getting your blood pressure up.
Lol, even back in the day the leftist sucked at propaganda. GL with your plan commie jew, enjoy the rope. It's not 1933 anymore faggot, we have free flow of information, that is what ALWAYS makes you look like the authoritarian, and makes us look like the good guys, fighting against corruption and fighting for free speech, unlike you, who fight for MORE government meddling, MORE un-employment. Your anti whiteness will be your down fall, because most NORMAL folk disagree with your craziness. Shoo SHOO JEW
Nice try (not really) but white men aren't the target here nor will they ever will be as a group. The people causing problems aren't male Caucasians but rather those that try to foolishly divide the world over petty differences simply because they haven't bothered to pick up a book. Very few will miss the fascists just like they did after the war and beyond.
I can see the quality of your "reasoning" now.
Yea, totally discounting the Chinese, South American, and miscellaneous African people? Totally, especially considering it was only a very loud and virulent minority propagating polices against these people because they felt insecure against these (gasp) different people!
Exactly, people (of all strides) want to be free and they will want to be free even more with this information. They will reject the senselessness of fascism and the wool it tries to pull over people's eyes, and they will instead mobilize against the ignorant minority. You talk about government meddling, but you carry with yourself the heaviest irony by promoting an ideology that is predicated on nothing but.
You will never be white
Why are you pretending that the chinks and niggers were immigrants? They weren't… they were our property.
What kind of pills are you taking?
If you want arguments and facts I got em on standby for you. For instance, the aforementioned fact that the animals we brought over were technically not immigrants, but property.
shouldn't you be dressed in drag and puffing an old man's peter right about now?
Antifa is an organizing technique, OP, not a "movement" on its own. But yea, I agree, Fascists are making the streets unsafe all the while claiming that refugees n blacks n shit are doing it. You could look into joining a rally nearby and making sure to be well prepared in case of a confrontation. Also pic related, good luck
You won't. The reason why is the same reason you can't can't bring about a workers revolution.
Wouldn't do anything but make life worse for the left. Leftist have names and addresses, and we know you materialist whores are nothing without your mob. And lawyers can't unkill you.
gr8 b8 m8
this is now a dead nigger thread
Funny how just about no one back then considered the Chinese as property. They were paid, although poorly because those with the means to employ people only saw them as a group to exploit.
It's interesting to see that you sound like the kind of person to mock Justin Trudeau, and also as if Leftists are the only ones with personally-identifiable information online.
The few casualties neo-fascists will take will result in the effectual ending of their lives as well through the prison system, so good luck with that. Not to forget the horrible PR hit it will have, which will make Nazi supporters look even worse.
don't forget to water the pickaninny!
user pls stay on topic. Post dead leftists instead.
How about, instead, a reminder to what happens when fascists feel like they want to spread their shit beyond their containment area?
White Immigrants. Not niggers, not spics, not muslims, not jews.
Hey, I actually didn't know that about the little insects.
Funny how Americans weren't always so smart about how they handle those creatures.
Good thing we are waking up race realism.
an oldie but goodie
How do you know that pile of bones belonged to leftyfaggots? Also I thought OP was just shitposting, the obliviousness and exact flavour of condescending retardation was quite on point. But maybe this is just another plebbitor who has no idea what he has gotten xirself into.
Its a tumblerina or ledditor
They are putting too much effort into their half-truths to be anything else
So close to the get
(s)he'll scratch your eyes out!
I'd rather remember that commies and jews fap to images of the people they murdered.
Well it's obviously to become fascists yourselves. If no one will go out there to intimidate and harm people who you disagree with, then who will?
It took the whole world to take down one truly Aryan nation. Even in your victory you reveal how pathetic you are.
Are you fighting them or are you "fighting" them? Being passive aggressive is not fighting, although its all you whores know.
By all means, bring it on.
It is all fun and games right up until the FINAL WAR where we exterminate you from the Earth forever…YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE UNLESS YOU WERE AFRAID.
Mass grave of subhuman leftists from Spanish civil war.
I want pacifist boomers to get the fuck out already.
Nice argument.
Source? Or were you just trying fish for a comeback out of your ass?
When you fight back against fascism you are fighting foolish reactionary ideas that try to spread baseless chauvinism, unnecessary military support, and the attempted subjugation of peoples that will in the end rise to crush those who thought they were better then them. It's a one-sided conflict so long as there are sensible people around, which there are plenty more of than fascists.
The Soviet Union did the vast majority of the fighting. Germany was under-prepared in all sorts of areas including resources, manpower, and geography because they believed they could fight a war with only idealism.
Please resort to violence, I C&C and would not mind removing degenerates from the genepool.