OSCE Observer: "Most undemocratic election I have ever witnessed"
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Based. Democracy is Jewish.
The Swedish voting system "shocks" Danish politicians
>He criticizes criticism primarily against the system of ballot papers, which he does not mean guaranteeing election secrecy. (((JUST LIKE THE JEWS WANT AN ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM SO THEY CAN HACK IT)))
>Calls for peace
>"Absolutely illogical"
>Over the block limit
>Requires influence
I don't know when the last time I thought about democracy and didn't think communism. That is the main reason I never vote…seems silly to vote in a communist system. Obviously these people/'candidates' are complete foreigners to our people and in our nation's and our people…what is the point of voting for kike foreigners who have uspered and murdered all our natural leaders and monarchs…??
I swear it's the same guy complaining about every new thread can you fuckoff and die?
In most countries you get mailed a form that you can bring with you to get your ballet at the polling station. If you pay your taxes you get this form.
yes sir that is accurate
The Swedish voting system "shocks" Danish politicians
Danish politician Michael Aastrup Jensen strongly criticizes the Swedish voting system. He will address the question at the next meeting of the Council of Europe, he says.
"During all the election observations I have been on, I have never seen a choice as undemocratic as the Swedish," he says.
"It is far from European standard.
He criticizes criticism primarily against the system of ballot papers, which he does not mean guaranteeing election secrecy.
Jensen is foreign policy spokesman for the Liberal Government Party Left in Denmark and has been electoral observator in Russia and more eastern European countries.
If they don't fight back against this bullshit it proves it.
So everyone can see what party you're voting for except SD because they didn't have ballots? And the commie hags that always volunteer for this shit have no problems with this kind of sham democracy?
The media is all "the far right surges in the polls". They want SD voters to revel in the small concessions their ruling elite gave them instead of question if their election was rigged.
It's weird how communists only respect democracy when it's convenient.
native swede mind telling me what's going on in these webms?
in the first one it appears many ballots were hidden in the second it appears to show ballots thrown away in the back alley
I suppose this is what happens when (((women))) run your country. Men just want to see naked bodies. Women want to see naked minds!
Was that first webm showing the final storing place of the ballots or something? Or were they taken back there and not fed into the proper ballot box? I guess I don't really understand how your system is set up, over here (burgerland) in my district we have paper ballots that get fed into electronic cabinets for storage, then those ballots are tallied. Suffice to say I'm a little confused why the ballots are on display like that in the first webm.
Its not weird at all is part of the plan.
Did he ever ask for this?
hi Zig Forums
Since the election thread is now dead.
New development in the comment section of this:
>Anybody who can analyze website data
So this was posted, and apparently it was enough to get him banned from Facebook and social media. So now people are spreading it around, along with the link which supposedly contains website data
This, what's to stop people from taking a whole stack and just slipping it in a box? The guy was holding a handful at the end. Paper ballots are usually better, but this just looks absurd. Of course the commie kike didn't have a problem with how insecure it is, but with that fact that it might not be private.
More people like us should volunteer at polling places and use their tactics against them, if not stop them from their tricks.
Appropriate theme for this thread
In case anyone's curious
There's a middle-man who will check your name off the list and then put it in the box for you. However, they can just stuff the boxes with their own votes and check off names that didn't vote after the voting has closed.
It's a good thing the US isn't a democracy like all those swarthy europiss nations.
We are a republic.
Government vote count site went down as sd reached 23%
media was still somehow able to continue counting the votes
People pointing this out is being banned by facebook
We had/have to deal with this in the US. Since like 2006 they kept jewing Ron Paul out of votes, magically in the counties that use electronic voting machines.
In his home district in Texas they used paper ballots, so he always got re-elected, same with Rand. Kentucky uses paper ballots. But when the vote would go Nation wide, like for the Presidential Primaries, he would always under-perform in electronic voting counties.
Since Sweden uses paper ballots, what is with all these websites? Is that how they add them up?
You Swedes need to investigate, this is what they have been doing to us in the USA for years until Trump. They had to counter hack to get Trump elected.
the US is a jewish/anglotraitor oligarchy with heavy corporate influence. pretty fucking far from a republic at this time
NPC hypocricy at its finest
They see this word as refering to the system of moderate centrist social-democracy, as if that was the inevitable product of every peoples will ever. Welfarestateism.
Yeah, it used to be really great when the entire electorate were WASPs or at least Northwestern Europeans. But then Woodrow got us into World War I, FDR got in, then Kennedy got domed, then everything went to shit. Now I get to vote whether I want a socialist spic or a zogbot neocon to take my rights and/or income away, more than they already do.
Founding Fathers should've made the first ten amendments unchallengeable and added an eleventh that controlled immigration entirely.
News site reporting on days before and after election which had received "numerous reported on election fraud" and was planning a report on it now unavailable.
Of course it was rigged.
So did (((they))) just take all the SD votes and toss them outside?
And to continue, the previous government established a direct phone line to Google and other media-companies to take down "fake news" and propaganda from the right. I wouldn't be suprised.
Havent voted since 2010 when I cuckservatly voted for Moderates and they went ahead and bombed Gaddafi. Felt sick in my guts how they take your vote and then go ahead and use it to legitimize the most twisted shit you don't even want to imagine.
The whole thing is nothing but a left-right stageplay march and yesterday blew away the last bit of doubt I had that they'll even go as far as tamper with the results, to get the results they strive for.
Yes, the website showed the result. Before it got shutdown it showed SD at 23% and going up. After it came back it showed 6% lower somehow. Way below all predictions and trends for the last 15 years.
and theyre trying to memory hole this
I think this is how its done, Finnish media is going on how voting percentage is nearly 90% in sweden.
Sweden does not have some kind of supreme justice organization they can appeal to.
Toned it down the D&C have we there kike faggot? I hope you don't think anyone on this board other than you is blaming 'women' and not kikes, none of them are quite as stupid as you are…cheers!
We haven't been a republic in anything but name since pre-1913. Dream on with your MAGA-KIKE dreams.
haha, you stupid cucks. keep voting :^)
What are you going to about them throwing out your ballot? vote even more rightwing for the next election? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
voting for Hitler even if he is dead is better than not voting at all unless you are a kike
lmao fukin plebbit fag
ur vote matters, ok?
throws out ballot
reported and filtered
ooh he used a script who gives a fuck
>(((Still voting)))
continued from another thread:
The actual number is probably around 2 million non-whites
So, take that off the the social Democrats vote of 1,775,636 and you get 1,197,636, that would hav meant roughly 30 less seats for the Corrupt social Democrats and 2nd place.
What are these people called again? A Brit?
yeah just wait next election this time. vote even more so they have more votes to throw out they'll get tired of throwing them out eventually and we win!
keep voting you fukin dumb goy. dont ever think we through ur vote away
Before the election even started, Säpo was warning there would be no electoral fraud by gaslighting people with the usual "any critical ideas are just Russian interference" rhetoric. Those fuckers had this planned out for quite a while.
dont be a sore loser. get'em next time tiger!
A zogbot democratic republic, amerimutt.
Touched a nerve, I see. Even resorting to desperately separately replying everyone like some whorish Romanian trannie, it never will end up how much you so desire. Derailment.
Of course those fuckers would blame anyone but themselves.
how dare u
oh sweetie…
They even released a whole pamphlet to every household in the country named "If the war comes". A bit in it was about Fake News.
I suspected all the planning to "avoid foreign interference in the election" had some ulterior motive like this, but then the observer was announced and I thought surely they wouldn't with observers present. But here we are.
The whole point of voting is so that they are forced to do shit like this, and prove voting means nothing. If you don't vote, you just make it easier for them. Why make it easier, it takes so little time out of your year to inconvenience these jews greatly. Voting is never a waste of time, even when its pointless due to corruption.
it wouldn't surprise me if the observer in the OP gets disappeared or has a sudden change of heart and black eye
Excellent point.
Stealing this for future use against fatalists.
So I guess all the other parties will just sit on their hands and congratulate the incumbent largest party and go on business as usual? That would be your big telltale sign that all opposition is controlled opposition in Sweden.
Fair point. Now what happens when its proven voting does nothing?
the absolute state of votecucks
the swedes have guns
they seem to like things as they are
not untill the system breaks will people be forced to do anything
and the swedish genepool will likely die before the system does
You vote to piss (((them))) off and continue on planning for the next 50 years.
A nation of catladies
You identify everyone who participated in the scam, then you make the rubble bounce.
Don't let them memory-hole it; bring it up every chance you get, and don't let up.
Also, don't listen to any of these blackpilling shills when they try to push the false dichotomy of armed revolt and resigned apathy; the elephant can escape any time, he just has to come to the realization that the rope can't hold him.
There's only so much you can rig. From my observation, you can steal 10% of votes top, then you can have those 10% votes out of the nation,.
Rig more than that and it gets unbelivable and you risk a civil war. Even if the cucked sd has been rigged, they would barely reach 33%.
Votecucks like the votecucks that voted for Hitler? What was your point again chaim?
Outrage is a slow fire to kindle. But there is nothing more triumphant than the collective fury of a people.
Thank you for naming the eternal anglo as coequal conspirator with the international Jew.
"When I am weak, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles. When I am strong, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles."
You vote so as to make the corruption in the system obvious, then when you have the proven corruption you can convince people of the need for more direct action.
I have so many Burned Bernouts who know that the elections are rigged now, all in their 20's, all gaining status. They will never forget that the system is rigged, and that just makes them more able and willing to swallow more truth.
Reminder of the Austrian elections, if people try to pull the "tee hee, elections aren't rigged in 1st world EU countries" meme, then remind them of what happened in Austria
You know damn well that Hitler would have never accepted defeat, he probably would have attempted another putsch, after all he was a Natsoc and not a votecuck .
Next election, bro.
I didnt know Hitler was running
and like said
Hitler was a by all means, bullet or ballot, kind of guy
Meanwhile jews steal yet another election and zero people have been shot or stabbed or clubbed to death over it
no one cares enough to do anything
The next election will have even more ballot stuffing in the form of newly imported, or by then adult, shitskins.
Which, in any other European nation would easily get them a large part of the government. (Remember: Europe has more than two parties, over 30% would usually mean they're the biggest)
Problem with Sweden is that every other party wants to keep SD out of government at any cost, even if they end up having to make a coalition of literally everything that isn't SD.
They pulled that trick in the Netherlands, where Wilders came in second place but was not even considerd as a coalition partner.
So they tried for 3 months or so to form a coalition between liberals and our (cultural)marxist party but that failed.
Then they made it work with a tiny 5 seat christ cuck party to get a coalition of a whopping 76/150 majority.
If they took the 4 largest parties, which isn't even that far out of an idea they would have gotten 91/150 instead.
But if you think that is bad, wait until hear about our Rotterdam (2nd city) municipal elections.
All because of literal playground tier shit like x is friends with y and a friend of y said z so nazi racist hitler.
Do you want to know what z was implying in the most unoffensive way possible.
Differences in cognitive capabilities between groups of people.
Oh look. The containment thread permits discussion of foreign politics, but not American politics. Seems about right. What a laugh.
Well, that's how things are here. You get banned if you so much as suggest it wise to vo XXX te, much less speak well of any dimension of Mr. T (can't say his name, because you'll get raided by shekelsbergs reporting it).
Who did the GOP run in the Presidential elections of 2008 and 2012? John McBraintumor and Shit Romney were lackluster zogbots, the first selected for his obvious neocon loyalty and the latter for his 'conservative' economic policies that were contrasted with Obama's quasi-socialist ideas that he floated in his stump speeches.
If the GOP were serious about winning elections, they would embrace the Sailer Strategy without reservations, quit shilling their based blacks and pajeets like Dinesh D'souza, and field more Trump style nationalist-lite candidates. Even a paleocuck like Ron Paul would walk back our failed and overextended imperial policies, and actual nationalists like Pat Buchanan would redirect our focus on actual 'defense', at the border. The Overton window would normalise, we would penalise white-hating cultural enrichment programs in the universities, and pave the way for Literally Hitler to take over before collapse were immanent.
That the GOP is being taken for a ride by Sheldon Adelson & Co. means they aren't serious opposition. Best of luck to my swedebros.
jejjed @ that screenshot
fuck you dude
you mimic us but you are not us
and you try to guilt US into doing something?
really? you really fucking think we can be guilted into anything?
no, i know you cant think and you'll be back here tomorrow as if nothing happened but if anyone has been historically persecuted its us not you fags
Whatever. You're a member of a doomsday cult that's highly useful to the kikes. Stupid.
the government’s Statistic Sweden keeps track of those “Swedes” not born in Sweden, and according to its latest “Population by country of birth, 2017” table, there were 1,047,923 “Swedes” living in that country who were born in the Third World.*
This figure does not include those of Third World origin who were born in Sweden, of which there must be several hundred thousand.
Taken together with the recent fake refugee influx of nearly 180,000 nonwhites, this means that the total nonwhite population of Sweden must now stand at at least 1.4 or 1.5 million—and most likely more.
Given that the country’s total population stood at 10,142,686 on 31 March 2018, this means that least 13 percent of the population is of Third World origin. In reality, the figure is likely to be even higher than this, but there is no accurate way of determining the true figure at this stage.
This in turn means that of the 1.4 or 1.5 million nonwhites in Sweden, at least half would be eligible to vote, which means that around 700,000 would have voted in the election of September 9.
This figure of 700,000 translates to over 10 percent of the total number of votes—which is also precisely the number of votes which the Social Democratic party polled more than the Sweden Democrats.
That the nonwhites voted for the Sweden Democrats was obvious from polls and anecdotal evidence—such as when the leftist Local news service—an English-language outlet aimed at English-speaking expatriates in Sweden—interviewed a number of voters in Sweden during the day.