== cis white male comic hate Gamergate nerds want white characters to be white again! == web.archive.org
A Sadly Predictable Storm Approaches As Netflix's 'The Witcher' Looks To Cast A Non-White Ciri
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Why didn't they make the MC a nigger, and the female character red head?They do that all the time.
Can't wait for The White Wolf to team up with The Black Bull.
I'd bet money that you belong to at least one communist facebook meme group.
I didn't even know there was a Witcher show being made. I would have been excited for that but now I'm pissed cause it's going to to have niggers. If they wanted to add niggers they should have done a spin off plot where Geralt goes to some ape continent killing witch doctor nig monsters. That would at least make sense and the writers could even add a WE WUZ and HOTEP twist to it. Like Geralt comes in and fucks some black queen then kills a demon monster god called Hotep. Then sails back to white land a conqueror.
I was first hurt by the news. But, I hate netflix and this will only further hurt there business so I hope it happens. I still have the games to play anyway.
So is the media tacitly admitting that niggers are invaders?
one of the subplots of the witcher is that humans invaded during the conjuction of the spheres and proceeded to destroy the established elven and dwarven civilizations because they were unwilling to defend it.
Because it's not made by the BBC.
Jews want to normalize oil drilling.
Stand tall to ==NO MORE NEGROWASHING!!!==
only whites can "whitewash"
niggers cannot "niggerwash"
they can only "niggerdirt"
Fuck CD Projekt (((Red))). Their faggot-ass 'Good Old Games' (LOL) protected a pinko pussy. Poland is kiked, CD Projekt Red is kiked. They love globo-homo and want niggers everywhere in their country, so long as they're 'the right religion'.
Kikes will flood them with 'Christian Africans' in the decades to come, they just need to complete the anti-racist circle and promote rapefugeeism.
I wonder if Sapkowski will fly into a rage and sue like he does with everything else. Kind of hope he does. Otherwise I guess I can add it to the list of things (((they))) have ruined, though, even if it falls under the category of bugman motivation.
Could redpill normies who like the Witcher as well, or be used to.
Mudslide? Is that the right term?
polite sage
Nigger just pirate already. Don't you remember the best thing about pirating.
Once it's in your hard drive, it's yours forever.
bumping only cus you're such a noob you fucked up your sage
It’s pathetic. Gaming never worth saving.
Since they're going to make Ciri a Kang for no fucking reason except virtue signaling and "btfo racists cuz it's the current year," I'm skipping this. They've turned nigwashing into something mandatory now. This shit only ever goes in one direction. I mean, think about it: the reason they do this is "we don't want too many White people." Too many of us is bad to the people who produce our media. I'm pretty sure Whites were here before the kikes or their dark pets ever showed up.
Hope this bombs.
Hope Netflix dies tbh.
Puts a whole new spin on "the black ones" doesn't it?
This is fucking Netflix doing, don't fucking blame Poland.
wouldn't call them based but neither would call them pozzed
if they were trully pozzed they wouldn't have done anything that would warrant an apology
though it is right that apologising was the stupidest thing they could have done
PR is the ruiner of men.
If this is is an indication of what's to come from CD Projekt they can go fuck themselves.
This is what Poles look like in 2018 and it's beautiful
This is Netflix doing, not CD Projekt Red.
I would like to see those (((artists))).
of course you cant. niggers like you can’t think with anything but your penis. its why white women are turned of by you
It's netflix, what else is new.
What I'm more upset about is that Norm Macdonald has show coming out on netflix.
Hes great, but he won't be appreciated on there, or if he it, he will have to tone it way down.
i was looking forward to this too..
more ragefuel to throw iron to i guess
Why the fuck are they making a Netflix series out of this?
I would've really preferred some novels based on the game world. Witcher just seems like one of those games that you play and you can't help but feel it would make a really good setting/theme for a book series.
It is a book series go read it user.
the games are based on the novels, pretty much word-for-word too
There is a zero percent chance that they weren't jewish as the Polish people are some of the most racist people on Earth. I mean they beat up niggers that go there on vacation for fun.
That's tame compared to what happens to niggers in israel. Then again nobody likes em.
and what about the novels
are they also copied word for word from the original?
Isn't the company behind the Witcher pretty redpilled?
Why would they allow that?
It wont hurt them though. They wont be hurt at all and they'll get to muddy a Eurocentric story.
Im really tired of people on this side of things trying to pretend these major companies are hurt by this sort of thing.
The first game's main storyline in particular is largely made up by CDP, the game basically starts right after where Geralt supposedly died in the books, everything that comes after that is basically stories from the books but in different ordering and context. This is also why Geralt has amnesia throughout the games, because it's a practical device to introduce all these stories.
Anyway, CDPR has nothing to do with the show, the writer sold them the eternal rights to his work for the purpose of videogames for a lump sum because he never thought anything would come of it, he absolutely hates CDPR and specifically said how he was going to make sure that the Netflix show was going to be nothing like the videogames.
I guess it's pretty obvious what he meant by that now.
idfk mane lel moorcock
>Polish photographer Piotr Sikora decided to collaborate with a Polish artist Piotr Bondarczyk on a project
I'm honestly surprised they didn't make the main character some half-nigger mutt and make her the most Nordic looking blonde girl ever. The nigger female white male thing is usually bigger in the UK while the opposite tends to be bigger in the US. Actually all sorts of nigger lust propaganda is more common in the UK. Anyway, how big a part of the series is she? If she's just a small side character that won't be visible too often, I'll probably watch just for the setting, the combat, and the monsters.
What the fuck is this kike talking about? When was it even in Poland, and how is it returning? They just say shit to try to normalize it hoping when you see it you think it's normal and don't say anything.
Wow dude…. A Jew York kike shilling for niggerdo in Poland while pushing niggerdom in the US.
I hate these wretched little fucks.
I did a job for a Russian that looks just like him. Always cheap as fuck and trying to save a dollar, while expecting the cheapest prices on labor. I say something pertaining to Israel on his wall. Something he got from visiting. It all made sense. He's a fucking kike. I'm not good with Slavs, so I can't tell who's a kike and who's a little bean-headed Slav.
>>Polish photographer Piotr Sikora decided to collaborate with a Polish artist Piotr Bondarczyk on a project
Soyjew strikes again.
Now getting back on topic…
Alik Sakharov … (4 episodes)
Charlotte Brändström … (2 episodes)
Alex Garcia Lopez … (2 episodes)
Lauren Schmidt … (written by) (1 episode)
Declan De Barra … (1 episode)
Beau DeMayo … (1 episode)
Haily Hall … (1 episode)
Jenny Klein … (1 episode)
Sneha Koorse … (1 episode)
Andrzej Sapkowski … (novel) (1 episode)
Jenny Klein … co-executive producer (8 episodes)
Alik Sakharov … executive producer (8 episodes)
Philip Waley … producer (8 episodes)
Jason F. Brown … executive producer (unknown episodes)
Sean Daniel … executive producer (unknown episodes)
Jaroslaw Sawko … executive producer (unknown episodes)
Lauren Schmidt … executive producer (unknown episodes)
Tomasz Baginski … executive producer (unknown episodes)
Gavin Struthers … (1 episode)
Sophie Holland … (8 episodes)
This has to be a Jew(ess)
Well we've got deepfakes. It would be a huge task but the salt involved in erasing the negress and replacing her with a valid white actress would be outstanding.
Hope is not a plan. Netflix is a corporation. It dies if it loses money or other resources. Hoping for its death is less effective than planning for its death. No one in this thread has posted any actionable suggestions for facilitating the corporate demise of Netflix.
Because there are no actionable mechanisms at our disposal at this time.
There isn't one. They're huge, they're rich, they've got the normalfags minds wrapped around their little finger.
What the fuck are we gonna do to them, eh?
Do you even need to be told you’re reported for demoralization spam?
Name Game.
We don't own all the guns, people own all the guns, and those people are more likely to sit back and call you a Nazi while watching cheerfags dance at an NFL game.
That's the reality.
You wanna do something? Then fuck off here, go make some friends, train, work, grow, do something about it.
Otherwise shut the fuck up.
"Hello goyim. Lookit dis nice light-skinned Schwartze woman we put in here for you. Doesn't she make you want to race-mix?"
Report the story you kikes, don't try to emotionally spin it. I hate journalists.
Sometimes I give nogwashing characters the benefit of the doubt. Some characters are loosely defined and the cast director doesn't give a shit about the source material so you might get a nog in a role that was traditionally white. I don't like it but I understand. When you see characters like this, a beautiful pale-skinned European woman with silver hair, changed into some snaggle-toothed mentholgolem it's obvious what they're doing. They're purposefully shitting on the work for political brownie points and then acting like anyone who's against it is a white supremacist. Fuck these whores.
must. bix nood it.
Eagle, your goons aren’t even following your own standards claims.
WTF are you talking about. The games take place after the events in The Lady of the Lake.
I bet you think I Robot was faithful to teh books too.
What empty justification from this under-sexed kike whore.
Jesus Fucking Christ this show is going to be absolute dogshit.
I hate this shit.
I hate this shit so much.
I don't even really like the Witcher that much, I'm just so fucking sick of seeing this kind of trashy bullshit transpiring.
There are 200 million Whites in this country.
If even 1% of them holds views like ours - and they do, FAR MORE than that do - we could take this country and others within a relatively short period.
If we just stopped being such utter faggots, found a shared belief that we could grab onto, worked together and didn't pay any mind to those who would decry us, we could crush our opposition with overwhelming force - the likes of which they simply could not hope to muster from their ranks, nor the ranks of the normalfags - and BE DONE WITH THIS SHIT.
But we don't.
We sit here, and we bitch. And we moan. And we argue and infight and get turned upon ourselves so many times that we're tied into a fucking knot. I'm so sick of this shit.
We have the means and ability to do this TOMORROW. To fucking END THIS TRASH once and for all.
But we don't.
And that's more maddening than any snarky faggotry that all the catlady twats and nigger faggots and kike subversives working in harmony could ever hope to concoct.
This thread has successfully made me angry.
I'm out now.
it wasn't chronologically in order, but many most even of the quests, interactions & dialogues were lifted pretty directly from the books
Michael Moorcock, unfortunate name.
But we shan't dwell on that, on family television.
I've never played with the witcher virtual dolls.
this entire board is a jew advertisment
I am so fucking done with this shit. You can't argue with these people. Any criticisms you have of them raping the source material is dismissed using the same "muh racism" excuse they use to demonize anyone who disagrees with them about anything. The only thing you can do is mock them, harshly and relentlessly. To turn them into the logical conclusion of absurdity.
Any anons want to audition for my new all white cast original series "King" about the civil rights era and Martin Luther King?
Really starting to hate these filth.
Can't wait to see how this all ends up shaking out with niggerpunk 2077.
Spotted the jew.
That’s almost impressive faggoty.
They apologized for having Postal 2 on their gaming-service.
Americans are so retarded… just wait untill the serie is finished and dowload it using torrent, that shit is worse than a shoa for them.
Underrated nigger.