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OP - You Suck Balls. This is important. Learn how to post properly.
U.S. Says Syria Plans Gas Attack in Rebel Stronghold
Chlorine assault would target Idlib in what could be a decisive battle in seven-year war, raising prospects for new retaliatory strike as thousands flee
Days ago, French officials did the same. Macron himself stated publicly a similar message.
Do they really think people are going to fall for this shit? It makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Why the hell would Assad use chems when the article itself admits he already won and has them on the ropes?
Fake and gay. Like really fake. Jesus.
Well no shit. At least make it sound like him.
Assad is the latest in a long-line of contrived boogeymen meant to keep attention off the jew while he destroys
Correction: French official are actually upset because they expected a chemical attack days ago. One can only assume they had assets deployed and waiting. Who the fuck knows at this point. The whole thing is a fucking circus.
Will this end up like the Battle of Benghazi?
Hoping not.
What bothers me most is that the vast majority are so fucking brain dead they forget how the government and media colluded in the Iraq War about Yellow Cake, dirty bombs, and nukes for fucks sake. With intelligence like that it's a wonder how we've accomplished as much as we have. Says a lot about the countries we occupy though that they're literally being controlled by retards.
those "French Officials" are likely globalist jews or their tools. French Nationalists don't even get a vote in the matter with globalist tools running the show. No 'Nationalist' in any sovereign nation gets a vote when JWO-tools are in decision-making positions/bodies
They've been running this jew scam over and over. Like every six months for the past five years
Speaking of which, Twitter has banned one of the heroes from Benghazi because he disagreed with King Nigger.
Not the one in 2012, the one in 2011 where everything went horribly wrong in Libya.
How many times you making this thread stinkies?
would you quit the red text please?
You were in the other thread too.
stahhhhhp it.
Isn't it kinda funny Zig Forums supports Assad? I mean I thought some Zig Forumsacks believe in white global annexation.
and you know what?
the only ones who know how to contain the jews are the arabs.
White europeans are too nice to them.
different mentality and tribal 'laws'
How? He's a fucking Ba'athist, retard, like Saddam and Qaddafi. They scare the shit out of Israel, that's why they were removed by the US.
Why did you praise him while also calling him a kike shill?
How convenient after Russia put out that "rebels" were planning a gas attack in Idlib.
watching this Larp-user…
Lurk 2 years more and you will find out why is that.
Meantime, refrain yourself from posting again.
It's not, so get the fuck out.
oy vey goy, lions and tigers and barrel bombs!
yea assad with russian help has mopped up all (((their))) rebels who are isolated and surrounded in one area about to get their shit pushed in hard so instead assad plans to use gas instead of conventional tactics used to take back all but idlib.
Yea,NO.No one in the world is buying any fucking word coming from dirty lying semite screecholes ever again.The goyim know and your influence/media propaganda is dead and stinking like the rotten peices of shit you are.
Fascism isn't bad, especially for a shithole like Syria.
fixed it.
I really wish I could end every Jew in the US tonight. I really wish I could, world. Give me this strength, world!
FFS. 2017 it was a Passover false flag, and their really going to try a 9/11 false flag gas attack this year.
I’m going to kill (((polvol6))) for deleting my comments.
No one cares what you think, yid.
hot wheels, is that you??
the kike fears Assad
roasting in a sticky bread
Any day now…
It just makes you want to legally take over the US government to stop what is soon to be done upon those people in Syria.
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
The only kike I'm looking at here is (((you)))
Keep your fecal fetish to yourself kike.
jews say < insert lie here for jew agenda >.
If Trump doesn't gtfo Syria then he should receive no help from us. Fuck him receiving any beneficial meme jobs from h8ch come election time. Dangling a wall in front of us like a carrot on a stick should not work. It is not worth the destruction of Syria for the benefit of Jews. He will not be re elected if this goes that way. Jews be damned. It is like raising a child, or making good men. We cannot reward such bad behavior. The red line is Syria. Any Trump supporters will only be seen as obvious shills if this year's up against Assad. I hope is desire to get re elected will Trump his desire to obey jews.
I really appreciate it when the faggots shitting up this board just declare themselves like this. Makes it easier to just filter the leftpol flotsam.
You planning to bash the fash with a black powder revolver, son?
He - is correct.
- Completely With You On This
I noticed Iron March Siege-tier LARPing faggots have been more vocal lately on the board.
Prove your atomwaffen with a timestamp than I might respect you more.
Also just having the mask and a gun doesn't prove shit.
This bullshit might carry a little more weight if the US itself had not verified the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons years ago.
I doubt their even Atomwaffen, those faggots won't be dump enough to post using iphones the filenames where proven to be from iOS posting. They're just shit stirring shills.
*be dumb enough
Why would he do that?
That makes no sense at all.
This is ridiculous.
lolololol where did the post go, why did he delete it
No, we're going to topple the US before forces even get mobilized after the mid terms.
Hope you've been prepping for cold weather action niggers.
polvol4 shoahed it because he was derailing and issuing stupid threats. Normal day. Pic related because it's funny.
Nah, it makes perfect sense in that context.
Gotta get rid of the Jew before you can annex the globe.
I almost hope they do try to make a go at Syria/Iran. Its going to be the death of the United States due to sudden onset civil unrest.
Stop user.
I can only get so hard.
polvol4? whaaaaaat
Daily Reminder
The wall is worthless. It has symbollic value, nothing more - the vast majority of illegals are not coming across the Southern border anymore. Its just not a thing, so a wall won't stop it.
Meanwhile, Trump is importing large numbers of foreign muds via legal means, on top of the illegals that are coming in (most of whom are using visa scams now instead of border-jumping).
I never cared about the wall.
If you suck Israeli dick AND do fuck-all about the demographic implosion at home, not only will I not support you, I will actively campaign against you. And after the mid-terms I'm going to come at these Republicuck faggots HARD with demographic data on the elections to demonstrate that muds don't give a fuck about them and never will and DEMAND they acquiesce to service of their White base in explicit terms.
Good idea, goy. Let's all vote for Based Corey Booker in 2020. Or you could get the fuck out and just assume we know Trump isn't doing enough to reverse the displacement.
Not even trying…
Ah the "lets be like the friend Israel"-scheme. Meanwhile that bastard of a project isn't even started yet the diehard fooled ones cheer the plan.
Reminder that military and weaponry protect a nation, not a damn wall.
You mean this autist?
Well it's not wrong, legal immigration IS a problem, we know that last about 700,000 immigrants have been naturalized in the last year and a wall is useless without deportations.
Just looks like he's doing his job
Anyway Asad dindu nuffin and no war with syria!
Was his dad in Gremlins?
Then why do you support him user?
That doesn't make any sense.
Cite that for me. I want to see who these great minds are that think like me.
I ask because you're full of shit.
Anyway, you didn't make an argument, so there's nothing for me to do, except maybe point out that your image is pretty fucking degenerate and suggests you're desperate to draw eyes to your posts.
I mean, 20 years ago, the wall might have been a good idea, but its an obsolete approach at this point - it would have been a good symbollic thing, if he got it started like Day 1, or even Day 100, but he didn't. And now, as the other user suggested, he's waving it around like a carrot in front of the faces of people who apparently aren't intelligent enough to realize that it only ever had symbollic value, it only ever served to send a message, it could never have acted to combat the mudslide into the US which is transpiring in ways other than across the Southern border.
your shilling isn't working here chaim, the slow crawl to ramped up to 6 gazillion anti trump bs before midterms is so obvious whatcha doing rabbi
Fuck off back to the synagogue or relax your kvetching, go eat some gefilte fish,and wait for the gas.
You're using that as a cloak at this point user.
Sure, there's shilling, but you've been hiding behind that shit for a good year now.
What's happening is that we're coming up on another major political event, and the shills ARE coming out, but that's not the sole source, nor even the core, of the criticism of Trump at this point. To suggest otherwise is cowardly in the utmost.
And it doesn't even make any sense - religious Jews love Trump.
The sort of Jews who would be criticizing Trump and shilling as you imply would not be religious Jews, but atheistic Marxist-progressive Jews who haven't set foot in a synagogue since they were kids, if even then.
You just come off as a clownish fool or a disingenuous administration shill if you try to pretend that the criticism of Trump, at this point, in the lead-up to a major political event, is merely "whatcha doin rabbi" shit.
That's the face of a colonial.
You're retarded if you think Mad dog and Trump will do any thing but set it on fire from far away.
Yeah, Mad Dog "Trannies Can Serve" Mattis and Trump will be far away, while they send poor White Southern boys (and girls [and god knows what else]) to die for Jewish lives.
Interpret exposing that subhuman as you wish.
Yes some sort of symbolic physical border might serve a good purpose as symbolism does.
Great, then take yours down
No, you misunderstand. The wall is meaningless without deportation of all nonwhites. “Legal” nonwhites can’t stay either. They will simply outbreen whites, vote to tear it down, and it will be wasted.
Whites are outbred in the United States within the next 20 years. The Second Civil War will begin, at the latest, in 2038. There is no stopping it other than mass deportation.
It's the face of a jew.
The physical border won't serve as much value as the symbollic message would.
Physically, the impact is variable.
I'm a White American, I don't get a wall like that. Of course, even if I did, it wouldn't solve the current problem, wouldn't even contribute to solving it in much more than a symbollic fashion.
Which doesn't mean much to me.
In a sense, this.
The wall just won't stop whats happening. It would be a nice symbollic thing, as part of an effort to correct the issue.
But Trump isn't correcting the issue, and he's not doing the symbol - he's holding the symbol up like a carrot, or rather, a banana peel poorly-disguised as a carrot.
Alright, putting my feelings aside (feelings don't care about facts) I'm left with the following approach.
1. Full-blown conservative push. Rally the spics, niggers, chinks and whites as one group. Push "American National Socialism" and continue to redpill our own and others on the merits of NS.
2. Sell the idea of "We're all Americans!" and sell it hard!
3. Enjoy an environment that will allow us to self-segregate. Form "CampAnons" all over the US and grow the true separatist movement under the guise of Nationalism.
4. Slowly start to take over politics from the ground up with the backing of our "CampAnons" working across the country.
5. CampAnons push propaganda and redpill the fuck out of whites. Meme War like we've never seen before.
6. "Muh Israel!" pops up and is quickly squashed because everyone hates pissrael by this point.
7. Rich environment, strength in numbers and financial backing, full takeover of the structure from the inside.
Timeframe - 12-17 years.
What we can rely on? Niggers will nig and spics will spic. Asians will be given the opportunity to go back and compensated well. We can live in harmony with them on separate sides of the globe. Competition would be nice. Whites vs Asians in space race, robotics race, etc. Mutually assured destruction will keep us from waring with each other and we're both smart enough to get that.
Not sure what you've been reading but you sure as hell don't know that man personally. There is nothing left-wing about Mattis. Nothing.
what's that sluts name, i want to see more of those titties in that first pic. Never saw that before. I had no idea she had anything resembling assets about her.
More ambiguous fearmongering from the media, or is this a legit leak from an insider in an attempt to use Nissenbaum to get Assad to stop an attack?
Which officials said he approved the use of chlorine gas, and when? More unknown, unverifiable sources? Just trying to forment a war for clicks and newspaper sales?
Nissenbaum can't even say President Trump, he says Mr. Trump.
I am so sick of these people abusing the publics trust. If you want to print stories don't call yourself a newspaper or the news media.
Reporter for The Wall Street Journal based in DC. Formerly based Istanbul, Kabul, Jerusalem. Author of A Street Divided: Stories from Jerusalem's Alley of God.
Auto-Fail for a variety of reasons.
First and foremost, you utterly fail to understand why they don't support you already.
Are you going to give them AT LEAST as much gibs? No? Niggers are gone.
Are you going to be AT LEAST as lenient on illegal immigration? No? Spics are gone.
Are you going to be AT LEAST as lenient on LEGAL immigration? No? Chinks are gone.
You fundamentally do not understand the people you're talking about. You're not mentally equipped to engage in negotiations or appeal to these people.
They don't want your idealism. They don't want your ascension.
They want you in the mud, or better yet, dead, or better yet, enslaved. They don't want to stand with you, especially when what you're proposing represents inhibition to their group interests.
Horrible idea.
No such environment exists in the paradigm you've theoretically created - niggers and spics and chinks, even if you didn't drive them off, don't want you to be allowed to segregate them in any way, and they demand they be allowed to segregate you at all times.
Nothing you have described has any capacity to do such a thing, but even if it did, we don't have such time at our disposal.
The rest is just the utmost in retarded civnat-themed LARP. No offense.
And if you inhibit them in any way, say, from fucking your women, etc, then they will turn on you.
They don't want to go back, they want to bring more in, to gain more power for themselves.
This is the fundamental misunderstanding you face - these things don't want to live alongside you. They want to destroy and/or dominate you. They don't feel your empathy. They don't care about your ideals. They want to fuck and eat and be comfortable and to hurt things they don't like, such as you and your kind.
That's all there is user. That's all there is.
Neither do you nigger.
What are you talking about?
There are no good Jews.
You're just calling everyone who criticizes Trump - which is well-deserved due to his actions - in the face of an upcoming election a "Jew" or a "shill" and that's simply not the reality, obviously, so if you do that, you're either shilling for Trump, or you're a fucking clown.
Who the fuck would possibly believe that at this point that doesn't have their head up their own ass?
Of course he has.
Of course he has.
You don't understand the people I'm talking about
Solid argument /b/ro
You're under the impression that I'm saying things will be smooth sailing. I'm not. I'm only saying that we continue on in the current political environment we are in while building our resistance force. If we lose seats or if it goes into the hands of the marxists, it's game on. We go now. All I'm saying is that we build the forces before starting to play.
Yes I do
I don't know where you got your operational training at, but offering no counter solution to my proposal is nothing shy of disruption at best and outright misdirection which makes me question all of your "RACE WAR NOW" bretheren. I can't believe whites are that stupid that a collective of us would agree upon a fumbled volley to start a match we otherwise don't have to start on a fumble.
alexandria ocasio-cortez
for a lefty she's a fucking prude. bitch never shows her tits.