The suspected terrorist was identified as Mejid Magomedov, who was born in 1988 in Russia’s southern Dagestan republic. He was arrested on Sunday in Russia’s Smolensk region in the west of the country.
If this isnt some low brown Russian propoganda I dont know what is.
Kayden Perry
Based and redpilled. Why didn't we think of doing that?
Ryder Rogers
I applaud Russia for playing along that there's a make-believe boogieman called IS. Ukrainian jews can't disprove it anymore than the international community can disprove IS isn't Israeli special forces.
The lies are getting bigger and bigger. I wonder if this is how the holohoax started.
Hudson Roberts
Isreali secret intelligence service
Thomas Sanchez
Many Dagestanians, Chechens and whatnot would kill Russians for free, I don't see anything wrong with giving them an opportunity to do so if this is real.
Carter Bell
Now why would Ukraine call for kike funded group to do the dirty job? Shouldn't they be based?
Unionized baby-burning pedos just like every other Federale
Samuel Moore
Its from RT the literal Russian state media channel you snagle toothed sister fucking savage
Nicholas Taylor
Ukraine's government is controlled by kikes and so is Putin's, Hoborussia is a fucking gay non-country filled with literal Soviet and Imperial Russia LARPers and westerners getting emotionally involved in the clay-grabbing pissing contests of slavs is pathetic.
Gabriel James
Dem wooski mediers aint free & unkiked like us 'muricans. Your sister was a total freak!
Ian Green
They must all be Tatars then cause sure as fuck they don't look White at least nowhere as White as the cheap Ukrainian prostitutes Schlomo provides.
Jordan Rodriguez
Reminder that Russia is not your friend, it hates the right wing and the far right and has banned, arrested and killed members of the far right in it's country for their political views, the whole country is a shithole full of drug addicts, prostitutes, Muslims and nigger tier HIV rates, you work until retirement and then die the next day because the life expectancy is lower than 1800's England, it is not something that you should strive for, it's closer to the future of Europe if Europe keeps going down the path it is.
Kayden Thompson
I would flip them off , tell vlad to go fuck a vodka bottle and remind them that the only good commie is a dead commie Go fuck yourself russia
Joseph Morales
Although OP is literally linking russia controlled journalism, I'd say it's plausable story. The guy in this pic was a georgian seperatist who led squads on attacks against russian tanks. he later became Islamic state minister of war.
Yeah…a lot of people in the West think; based Ukraine run by 'Nazi's' and they don't realize that it is worse than Weimar at this point. It is a literal hellhole and the people are being ground into mincemeat by their 'nazi' government. UKRAINE IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE ALT-KIKES (SO CALLED 'FAR-RIGHT') WIN UKRAINE IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE STANDARDS AND YOU BASICALLY LET GOLDMAN SACHS RUN YOUR COUNTRY
Julian Bailey
What if I told you that MANY intelligence services browse Zig Forums? It is pretty funny because most of them glow in the dark. Most of the time I note their presence and agenda and move on.
Xavier Watson
Fuck em, unless they wanna share info, those suits can go neck themselves like the traitors to the people they are.
Let them shitpost, the truth reigns free here, heil hitler.
Блять! Ёбаный стыд! Каждый раз одно и тоже, одно и тоже, да сколько сука можно то, а? Какое на хуй ФСБ? Это те пидарасы которые сажают за репост вконтакте свастики по 282-ой? Это те которые проебали взрыв в метро в Санкт-Петербурге? Или те которые так ненавидят чуркобесов и прочий Кавказ, что готовы отдавать свою преданность и честь Путину - чтоб он здох, гнида плешивая - положившего их под Кадырова??? Вы серьёзно? Путин убивает русских! Путин убивает украинцев! Путин продал Байкал и Сибирь китайцам! Он занимается геноцидом славян. Вы видели вчерашние митинги где ОМОН ловил малолеток протестующих против ограбления стариков по указу Путина? Вы там ёбнутые? А RT? Это контора говна по промывке мозгов от горской еврейки Симоньян - ты вообще в курсе что это не русская фамилия? М? Ты её ебало видел? Эту жидовскую харю? Это же она визжала что боится прихода националистов к власти в России в совете по делам президента. Моё мнение простое - Кремль и убил Захарченко при помощи дагестанца от украинцев. Они все там одна большая, дружная семья - все под Хабадом. Это война гоев для евреев и выгодна только евреям. Пиздец, видимо придётся делать английские субтитры к видео Эдуарда Ходоса, чтоб вам было проще понять про Украину и Россию, он хоть и жид выкрест, и верит в светлое прошлое коммунизма даже после отсидки в лагере, но уж в жидах лучше жида ни кто не разбирается.
Global ruskie traffic collection incoming 1st october. Little hope here you're ready and won't write stupid shit like you just did.
Ethan Davis
Neither are shabbos "nationalists" with EU gibs in mind.
Gavin Martin
Yeah, I'm not gonna check every single one of them and dig up some speculations when the other 12 of them are definitely not jews. It's like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Parker Cooper
Ukrainian nationalists and Chechen/Daguestan islamists go way back. You had Ukrainian volunteers fighting with the Chechen during the 90's.
Ukrainian nationalists are batshit insane that will allies themselves with actual xenomorph aliens if it gave them the opportunity to kill more Ukrainians civilians (because they're not Ukrainian enough). They're literally the "evil Nazi caricature" from propaganda, look up any WWII horror story that is not pure jewish fan fiction and you quickly will find that "the evil German troops" were mostly Ukrainian nationalists… See this post that's an Ukrainian poster. That's their mindset. See this post Ukrainian too, they really think that that's how much they're deluded/don't believe anyone will call them out on their BS.
Ashkenazim are Ukrainians… they have the same exact low brown cunning, the backstabbing pettiness and depraved mentality (which is normal since they come from the same place). Ukrainians are just far less successful at it.
You have a point, but it will go past everyone's head in here. Sorry you have to live in Russia, I understand how difficult it can be lived there for 20+ years I wonder what will happen to Russia when true gassings begin. Probably they will go full gommie again and will try to undermine/nuclear blackmail broken countries into submission.
From where do you think they get their info of the world?
Ryder Rogers
Nobody in Eastern Europe wants to live like that again. Strangely young people US, Canada, and European Union have this fanciful idea that it's a good thing. Fucking retards.
If you want a strong society, you need individual freedoms like being able to own property.
of course they browse 8ch. As does china, israel, france, germany, the UK (all of them) , even canada's special mounties fuckin browse 8ch. So if you told me "they browse blah blah im an inside man i know these things"
id be forced to believe you.
Christian Thomas
Dombasses. Fuck you Putin go suck jew cock some more
Zachary Richardson
David Morales
Whoa the Israel/Obama/EU/US/Globalist funded Ukrainian "nationalists" are soooo baste