World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day
get your head checked, you're all a bunch of nutters
Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, a day where people across the world come together to raise awareness and support.

Want to help? Just know that if you admit you are a threat to yourself or others 911 is going to come and get you, no if, and's or but's.

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I assume it's also Tranny Day? After all, they have the highest suicide rates.

Gene pool clean up day.

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Just be an NPC, don't think about it Goy.

Cynicism is evil. A lot of young men and women kill themselves because of depression and dislike of the world state. Someone somewhere was thinking just like you and killed himself.

This guy gets it. We've lost way too many white men and women to joke about this shit, especially ones that were sympathetic or supporting our cause. That being said, driving parasites to suicide is a civic duty.

Unfortunately, said parasites thrive in this current environment, it being their natural habitat of chaos, destruction, and confusion.

I have a feeling this was directed at me.

I get called a parasite. I had a job but low quality bait kept screwing with my livelihood

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Don't commit suicide, but if you're going to, at least take a couple of people with you.

Again with this NPCshilling. Its not organic at all. Is this a result of september, or something more sinister going on? There are 6 threads in the catalog about NPC's, every other unrelated thread have (1)'s throwing it out there, pretending to be organic.

What a perfectly appropriate day to follow the Swedish election.

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Hate to admit it but this, world needs more Dylanns

What reason is there NOT to kill yourself in this world?

I will kill myself later

No, don't harm people, end a nigger/jew/spic.

No sympathy for fags who off themselves for (((depression))), thats only researved for martyrs or people who've been captured by an enemy and know they are going to be tortured for information

So you can't list a single reason or reply to what was asked, got it. Thanks for admitting it.

Your family retard, you kill yourself then make others suffer? Most selfish thing ANYONE could do ever.

No surviving family members, too old to take a wife and have kids. What reason is there NOT to kill yourself in this world? What good exists in this world? What are you even fighting for? Because you're sure as shit not doing a goddamn thing out there in the real world.

I pretty much despise those who commit suicide. They give up so easily and pretty much selfish beings, the one will carry the burden of their action would be the ones who are close to them. If one cannot bear whatever problem that person is facing, run away from it and when all things settled, charge again or forget it completely.

There are some suicide cases in a dark way, reveals more things than the person being alive, special cases such as eunuchs killing themselves off after chopping their dick off, reveals the kikery behind the process of the so called (((trans process))) and some celebrity deaths like that beta chef, Bourdain opened a can of worms regarding the depravity of his wife and those witnesses that were (((suicided))) by some politician.

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Quit projecting.

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were made eunuchs before puberty. after puberty males would bleed to death you idiot.

The innocence and powerful vulnerability of a white child.
The intricacy and magnificence of nature.

Wasn't it's last words something like 'I didn't think setting myself on fire would hurt so bad' or am I thinking of another case?

I know. I just personally call transsexuals as eunuchs for laughs.

Nope the game is rigged. It’s called a doublebind for a reason. The only way to win, is to not play.

Why commit suicide when you could be securing the 14 words and preparing for the race war?

Not for much longer, fuckface.

Well that was uncalled for.

I do think that ending your life should be your choice, they need to legalize assisted suicide.