Zig Forums has Just been Broken
Zig Forums has Just been Broken
Other urls found in this thread:
The Absolute state of Christianity
Why don't you post that BS over there, nobody here cares about semitic fairy tales and it's dozens of different interpretations because they only had oral tradition.
Reported for jewish spam.
Don't you have some goats to fuck, Ahmed? No one here cares about your stupid board or either of your Jew-created religions.
Nigger jew.
Reuploading before the false flagging kike deletes his post out of shame.
you don't belong
I guess I don't belong either.
*tips fedora*
Hi, yid.
Jews create the book that holds them all, greeks create Jesus, jews panic and write koran. Now kill something
All board names begin with lower case by design.
Proper names don't matter here. Additionally, Christianity, while a somewhat pure religion, has been subverted by the Jews for centuries
Live by Haavamaal and you'r ancestors will always be with you.
Zig Forums is a 404 board
spelling it with a capitol C means you're a newfag
remember that next time you decide you want to kike up Zig Forums
when was the last time a burning bush spoke to anybody?
Just keep crying.
Reported for jewish spam.
kill yourself
"The fish I fed the multitude was THIS big!"
Zig Forums perma bans Islam, Gnostism and LDS instantly. You cannot even talk about them theologically.
They're ten times worse than Zig Forums when it comes to wrongthink bans.
Your mothers speaks and it burns…consider calling 9-1-1
Zen Buddhism is the correct religion. Quakerism, Taoism, Sufism, and Sikhism have some insight. Tengriism is incorrect, but fun.
Just started listening to Martin Lings' Muhammad on audiobook.
Sooner or later we'll get a proper Aryan religion with Hitler as the savior. followed by the mutts who will inherit Europe
Menorah shills sliding the red calf war are at full force…
No user, we don't need to pay thought to Jewish desires if we exterminate the Jews. Murdering the filthy heebs has always been the answer.
What, you don't know about the capitol of C?
You must be new. :^)
The truth is simple.
All religions are false and there is no god.
All religions are cults that have grown large enough to be publicly accepted. But they are still cults. Still festering illnesses that trick people with mere words. Mere faith.
The reality of the situation is much more interesting. A world without gods, a world where the king does not have divine command, but is instead just another trickster.
And you? You're the one who is to be tricked.
Literally reddit spacing and Sam harris tier garbage.
Go back faggot
not to mention they are huge cucks who bend over for based niggers and spics and bash national socialism and for being anti-christian and "race worshipping"
Religion is empirically true as it correlates with higher birthrates, stronger (higher trust) communities, and happier people.
Theism has no empirical basis as there is no reason to believe in a diety.
Mods please kill this thread
When the soy hits hard.
wew, what a loser. Let me guess, a commie?
So, convert to islam.
Anyone else hear it?
I have no quarrel with most Christians. They're good folk. Christianity however has contributed to a great deal of rot. The great accomplishments of Christianity are in fact the great accomplishments of Europeans all united in a single cause. It seems the semitic foundation of Christianity, while suppressed by the European character, tends to lash out and weaken its adherents. We only need a uniting cause, not a spirituality with Semitic concepts like absolute servility to God or universal salvation for all men waiting to fuck us over.
That being said, if our future Ethnostate becomes Christian Identity I will be very supportive. Just make sure they don't read their Bibles too closely.
It's okay user, just turn the other cheek. Remember to return your sword to its place, for he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. So don't fight against these arguments, just be a martyr like Jesus because that's the most righteous way of showing faith in God.
polite sage for unproductive shitflinging
Are you literally retarded?
While the source on the image needs to be better, it’s not actually incorrect as far as I can find.
more births of retards
the retards are retarded and trust everyone
the retards are blissfull in their retardation
the retards are just smart enough to earn shekels for tithe
nice spacing too
Are abrahamic "religions" are poison.
They are all garbage.
Any self respecting White man should utterly reject them ALL.
When was the last time bullshit was made up?
I don't agree entirely, but Zen Buddhism is better than any abrahamic cult.
Remove ZOG and reestablish White homelands for White peoples only. If any given religion or cult is in the way, then it is the enemy.
They OBJECTIVELY ARE semitic fairy tales.
Your "faith" doesn't change the FACTS.
So, exterminate islam from White homelands.
What part of "opposing all abrahamic religions" is difficult for you cucks to understand?
What the bible says is to be a cuck and to abandon everything that conflicts with absolute faith in "god" and "jesus."
The bible says that "all are one in Christ" and that "all are the children of God" and to "just have faith and trust in GOD'S PLAN."
CivNat slave religion.
Don't insult fairy tails or faeries.
Reminder that you’re a jewish paid shill and a redditor.
Can you get the same positive effect of living by the haavamaal you think?
ALL abrahamic "religions" are poison.
Worth repeating anyway
Sage for double post
Check'd and Heil'd
The point is that the "abrahamites" act as though their foundational fairy tales and "creation myths" are somehow more legitimate than those of other groups. They aren't. They just became more popular since christianity and islam promote obedience and thus became useful to governments. Those governments forced their populations to adopt christianity/ islam as a CONTROL MECHANISM. Christianity and islam are both, quite literally, slave religions whose purpose is to create a controllable population. Likewise for communism.
jewish fairy tales.
You have to go back.
Higher birthrates, happier people more trust and so on. Is it because people know they are on the same side, belive the same thing?
Well, Christianity, Islam and communism were created by the same (((tribe))) after all. They bound to be similar.
IKR It is light kike leftypol invaded Zig Forums
If you're against Abrahamic religions, why are you quoting the bible there sport?
Titus 1:14 "Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth."
This. Every time I see the argument about the religious whites in the US have the highest birth rates I'm reminded that they also have the highest support for Israel and jews. Amazing how the cattle used to feed the kike machine have the highest birthrates.
That explains why you're on TOR.
Come back when you have basic familiarity with the discipline of philosophy of religion. Start with Aquinas.
Then you can read the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Federalist Papers and get BTFO by the fact that Christianity produced the most stable, prosperous republican governments ever created. What did the atheist USSR or China accomplish besides mass deaths of their own people and near total repression?
TORfag fagging it up again.
That's why you're NSA.
Shill sock puppeting. Same misspelling of Tor. Day of the rope is coming for all shills.
This is Zig Forums we don't give a fuck.
That's how we've always spelled TORfag and TORpedo you dumb TORnigger. Ask me how I know you're ban evading.
Last (You) for (((You))).
where are all these scrolls and documents and where can people go see them?
The old testament is jewish fairy tales and half-mythical self-aggrandizing accounts of jewish tribal history.
Whatever you want to call them, then. Hebrews, israelites, 12 tribes, followers of the torah and/ or talmud. Whatever the "christcuck kosher" term is.
Most of the characters of the new testament were jews. Their words cannot be trusted. Neither now, nor then.
No, White people did.
Specifically, Northwestern European Whites.
The Founding Fathers QUITE SPECIFICALLY stated that the USA was not founded as a "christian" country. It was founded as a SECULAR country that was populated mostly by christians. “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” —John Adams. It worked because the citizens were almost all WHITE. It is failing now because more and more of the citizens are NOT WHITE. Also, because of jews being allowed in the country and/ or government.
The ussr was not atheist. They were communists. Communism is a religion created by the jewish rabbi carl marx as a means to enslave the world under jewish rule. Now, communism denies any OTHER religion, which may make it look like atheism to those who don't recognize that communism ITSELF is a religion. Most of the bolshevics who created the ussr were JEWS. Thus, the suffering of the people of ussr was due to abrahamism. The mass killings were an attempt by the jews to remove all "rebelliousness" from the White slaves they ruled over. Why? Because enslaving the "goyim" is the central goal of judaism. After all, the term "goyim" means, roughly, "soulless man shaped animal whose only purpose is to be a slave to the jews."
China is chinese. China's problems are because they are chinese.
Also, explain the prosperity of Japan. How did they rise to become one of the top modern nations in the world when abrahamic religions are almost completely absent? Genetics.
Genetics is the foundation of EVERYTHING in human life. Culture, including religion, has an effect, but it is the thin veneer applied over the top of the genetic foundation.
It is a far greater assertion to state "the old testament is the word of an all powerful god" than it is to state "the tribal jewish religion is just like, and no more legitimate than, any other tribal religion that every group all over the world had and some still do."
Why do you need that information?
Don't you have some turkey faux-bacon to eat in your cellar you smelly inbred goblin?
Not another "Judaism is your religion, white man" thread.