Some shady shit going on at the
National Solar Observatory facility in Sun Spot, New Mexico. Threads on halfchan being shoa'd.
Why would the FBI close an observatory?
Some shady shit going on at the
National Solar Observatory facility in Sun Spot, New Mexico. Threads on halfchan being shoa'd.
Why would the FBI close an observatory?
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How close is this to the muslim jihadi faggot who murdered his own son? You know the one the judge released even though he was planning terrorist events?
That's what I was thinking.
Further, that doesn't follow: The FBI isn't going to show upa nd close a place like this with Blackhawks and shit because of some muzzie that works for the CIA.
I am going to have to look into it to see if the timelines are even a remote match/possibility.
Dude those muslim faggots have been caught with enough chemical weapons in the form of drugs to murder an entire city. This is just a small town. It is definitely reasonable to assume it was revenge if they were plotting it already.
PLUS, THINK YOU NIGGER, 'CIA' (not your or my buddies)…that pretty much says it all right there.
why the red dot in your pic?
This is why every major military power are ready to battle for the middle east, this will be the place to be, if you want to survive the coming ice age. They have known this for years, there was an article in the "Time magazin in 1977 among others.
Brace yourself faggots it's about to be mutch less people on this planet.
They say it will be a global cooling, but i don't think so, to much point to exactly such an event. Hail Global cooling
I see absolutely nothing to suggest association between these two stories.
Those muslim faggots may have had a ton of chemical weapons - I can't verify that off hand - but then why would they target a fucking observatory in, as you say, a small town?
Why would the FBI rush in like that?
Doesn't follow. I would suggest monitoring the solar activity and keeping an eye for other similar Solar observation facilities being similarly shut down.
The fact that they shut down the post office suggests to me they were worried about material correspondence getting out - that is, they thought someone who worked there might have used that post office to send a letter out, and want to make sure it never gets out of town.
Now why would they do that?
Why would they shut down a solar observation facility AND shut down the local post office, while telling the local authorities nothing?
The Muzzie thing doesn't add up in context IMHO.
Snip tool error.
Call me sarcastic…but 'busy work' ring a bell?
No, it doesn't… But your commentary stinks of FBI trying to distract.
Also we know nothing about who was employed there or their connections…was it some type of kin of the prosecutors? Or a close relative? People do all kinds of strange things for even stranger reasons.
They could never come up with half the stupid shit I do…lel
Sure thing man.
So what is your grand theory, Mr OBVIOUSLY NOT FBI? What are you going to lay on us for our edification. Other than "IT COULD NEVER BE MY MUZZIE NIGGER FRIENDS, BECAUSE ONLY ROSES COME OUT OF THEIR ASSHOLES."
wow. so that means that it could be somrthing about the sun after all, even though other observatories are business as usual?
Could be.
My theory is that it has something to do with solar activity, as suggested previously.
Your muzzie narrative just doesn't add up, and you leapt in pushing it and now seem strangely committed to pushing it.
Fuckery and kikery is afoot here
Ayyyyyy in thirty
I think I'd prefer Ayyys to a coronoal ejection tbh.
No I am very open to your sunspot theory…totally like a REAL REASON to evacuate an entire part of a town. Because someone might get an idea about looking at the sun if you let them stay.
they only evacuated the observatory and post office
They didn't evacuate part of the town, they evacuated the solar observation facility which contains a one-of-a-kind solar observation telescope.
You can look at the sun all you want, all you'll get is blindness if you don't have the right gear, which the FBI has now closed off to the researchers in question while also taking over the local post office.
Its fascinating how aggressive you've become since I pointed out that you sound like a FBI agent and noted that your muzzie theory doesn't make any sense.
i think someone working there picked up a signal or message that he was not supposed to and made a printout that he tried to mail to someone. fbi closes the observatory and checks all antennas to see how it was possible and make sure it doesnt happen again, and also close the post office to retrieve the sent evidence.
If you're after solar status/kp/general incoming/outgoing energy this site updates daily. It hosts a bunch of different meters and such from various sources.
This sounds like someone at the institute looked at a part of space that they really weren't supposed to be looking at, and found something
Only logical thing I can think of that would demand the post office and institute put on lockdown.
No correspondence to warn peers, and all the scientists are waiting at gitmo for their execution.
So the next question is: What could they have possibly seen to trigger such a quick and precise response?
so anyone find images from this thing yet?
anything look suspicious/censored?
The FBI aren't my buddies either.
This is the most recent video from the SDO satellite and nothing is out of the ordinary so if they saw something I doubt it's the sun itself.
ruh roh
that's really fuckin weird op here are the most recent images from (((nasa)))
Note: The day before this (Sept 7th), the facility was closed.
Very possible, its not like the Sun is the only source of potential concern - then again, also can't be sure that feed hasn't bee modified.
Sunspots are born and die regularly. The sunspots on the disc you can see some activity in the video above, even that is very, very standard. I watch this shit daily. Now if we saw a flare and THEN a sunspot release, that would be concerning for the double-tap scenario that might cause a severe loss of electrical grid. As of yet, absolutely nothing that concerns me and I'm a paranoid fuck about the sun.
secret societies would love it here
yes but not necessarily something in space. could be related to spy satellites or something like that also.
What the website? Any non-US/NATO/EU ones?
Something going on w/ the Earth.
But you acknowledge that this conclusion on your behalf if dependent upon the accuracy of the data you're being fed, correct?
Also possible it wasn't space-related directly, but might have had to do with interception of an Earth-bound signal of some sort, perhaps military in origin.
What is the purpose of those links? Are you suggesting you can and/or will gain anything of significant value via those basic-bitch home-made methods to look at the Sun without burning out your eyes, laid relative to a state-of-the-art one-of-a-kind Solar observation telescope?
can't download the video/gif because cnet is a shit but check this out
See the moon pull an epic double photobomb of the sun
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory got an eyeful of the moon twice this weekend."
Whats this about?
giant x class solar flare incoming?
Is it just me, or does it appear to be moving in opposite directions on each pass? Probably just some facet of lunar activity I'm not familiar with, but seems weird.
maybe one or both passes weren't the moon
And whats this shit all about?
(((nasas))) explanation
""The moon does not, of course, actually change direction, but it appears to do so from SDO's perspective based on the fact that the spacecraft's orbit essentially catches up and passes the Moon during the first transit," the space agency said."
doesn't add up to me
trips of truth
well, won't you look at the timing on that one
Just seems counter-intuitive.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around how the fuck that could happen.
If you're observing the Sun from a largely-fixed point, and the moon passes between you and the Sun on a left-to-right vector, how the fuck is it then passing back right-to-left within a 24 hour period?
Sunspots have been observed for thousands of years, you can look up with an easily made box and see them. Put a piece of foil over the end of a shoe box, poke a hole with a pencil and hold it opposite the sun, when the light of the sun is shining directly through the hole you can see sun spots against the back of the box, works better if you use a sheet of white paper inside. Same concept as those eclipse viewing boxes. This is verifiable information and a wealth of recorded information.
I don't know of any but like I mentioned above you can literally do this yourself with a box and a pair of scissors. The earthquake intensification is muddy because we genuinely don't have enough data to even theorize why the spike of quakes would be occurring. We didn't even know about some major subduction zones before the 1990s, geology is still largely in it's infancy as far as earthquakes go.
The KP index is how much energy is exciting the magnetosphere. Those dark areas on the sun are coronal holes, when those face the right side of the image they produce a particle stream which strikes the planet's magnetic/electric fields, the same action that causes the auroras. Up to 7 is fine, but at 7 you wouldn't want to see a flare at the same time. 8 and 9 are pretty dangerous and you'll see some electrical problems. If a flare occurs at the same time as an already 7 or beyond you're going to see very southerly auroras and extreme electronic failures.
The sun goes through cycles of high and low sunspot production. The effects of that aren't as well known but one theory includes that low sunspot production is tied to slower, rarer but more devastating tectonic movement and global cooling. I'm not learned enough in other theories to sum them up.
oh shit just noticed that
Please, the ones of you not a jew stock up with popcorn, no serius you should stock up on popcorn. Thank you for buying popcorn
Not in anything approximating the same degree of detail from larger and more advanced platforms. This is verifiable information and a wealth of recorded information.
Well, that's mildly worrisome.
How often is a 5+ expected to occur?
Those cycles seem very long, and it would appear that there is a trend in diminishment of solar activity in that capacity. Would the an accurate conclusion?
wonder what it was
oh wow this is getting good
My best guess is that the US is testing out a massive? anti-EMP device. The solar flare could be directed towards the town, and big enough to test. Probably do't want the public to interfere. I could be wrong.
Again, town wasn't evac'd, just the facility, which was taken over, along with the local post office.
That'd be interesting, and make sense with the likelihood of upcoming conflict in Syria if that report about the Russian EMP device used on the US battleships is actually legit.
You can do much better than a ghetto box but you absolutely don't need more for verifying what the satellites show.
A KP5 is a G1 magnetic storm and those are pretty likely every time a coronal hole passes along the sun's relative equator. Several times a month generally.
The biggest concerns regarding this is that as earth's magnetic field has been weakening an M class flare, nowhere near the fabled X3s people scream about, would be enough during a 7KP G3 magnetic storm to take a large chunk of the electrical grid away with blown transformers and such. Some people theorize that the magnetic poles of the planet are in the process of flipping, during which time the magnetosphere will not be as sturdy a shield against these common space weather events. You can look into Magnetic North Pole Declination if you want to read more on the subject.
It's accurate, the chart right there shows so, you read it correctly. "The sun is going to sleep" isn't entirely wrong. It'll wake up after a nap but we'll see what the effects of a solar calm period are here on earth for ourselves. That is difficult to find evidence of archaeologically unless you consider the temperature of the planet to be a sign, but that isn't accepted yet by most mainstream news sources. Some theorize that the maunder minimum cold period was a solar low activity point.
Fuck off back to kikechan, nigger.
They've been talking about EMP's being used in the military for a while so the tech has to be crazy now. Also seeing as how a large enough EMP can fuck up anything that runs on electricity at a huge range, that would be the threat I would want to get rid of first.
got the video but it won't let me post it
following up on this
I thought this satellite was in a geo spatial orbit first of all second of all if it's orbit was faster than the moons and it "caught up with it" why the fuck would it pass coming from the opposite direction?
the also said
""This double transit shows how complicated the motions of objects can appear even as they move along simple orbits,""
how the fuck does that make any sense at all? am I retarded anons? am I the only one who doesn't get it?
I’m willing to bet the researchers saw something, or were about to report on something that someone higher up doesnt want people to know about. What’s that I say though is up for speculation
An anti-emp device is an interesting idea, but you cant redirect a solar flare it’d be like trying to redirect a hurricane in the 1700syou cant
This is why FEMA bought coffins and prepering for marsal law i guess.
I'll embed for now and keep trying to post the video
Here's two webm guides that I picked up a while back. Can't attest to their accuracy, though.
Self sage for off topic.
And being on 30 minutes of sleep, I forget that sage does nothing if you attach images. I'm going to bed.
SDO sat. does not have a typical pattern of orbit. Lunar transits would not always be one direction to the other. Likewise, you may once in a season or so see the sun spin 360 degrees as the satellite calibrates it's angle.
Not him, but if I want to post a relevant pic in a thread but there's a duplicate in another thread, I'll make a dot on it in mspaint.
i guess its like when you see the moon while going in a car
but if you are standing on the ground hypothetically walking in a figure 8 pattern observing the moon how would it change direction from left to right (see the cnet article the have both passes the video embed only shows 1)
also isn't it called an eclipse when the moon passes in front of the sun?
If the satellite reaches periapsis it would look to have changed direction. Here's another example of the orbit and orientation, might be easier to see what I mean.
nice radar dish on the back of that beast
flying low and slow in an oval pattern
what are they looking for?
Trips confirm umbrella corporation
I honestly couldn't think of a better thing than a ice age right about now. Cold is the optimal environment for pretty much everything.
Hunting, exercising, having your solar panels not overheat from the heat of the sun, having your battery bank last even longer, all the while your greenhouse still works perfectly fine. That's not even mentioning the pure bliss of seeing a snowy landscape 24/7, almost nothing in the world beats it.
open in a browser with translate, you can go to the root website first if you prefer. it's the Russian Observatory with recent and past data
"In mid-1947, a United States Army Air Forces balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico."
"In September 1947, the USAF issued a contract to HAO and Harvard University to conduct a survey and thereby identify an appropriate site for a new solar observatory and to determine which instruments to install at the new site."
Don't be afraid of the sun, respect it. Have a nice, sharp hatchet and some sturdy tools just in case. If the sun takes all electricity away it's unlikely we'd get it back for a considerable amount of time, however we've had power grids damaged by severe solar activity in the past and it didn't end all electricity ala Escape from L.A. The 1989 geomagnetic storm took down a good chunk of Quebec. It's worth considering if you're not in a majority white area, however.
Thinking about it now that the ice age is mentioned I doubt it’s a serious solar flare, solar activity has been slowing down pretty drastically over the past few years. So I’m thinking they’re testing something or keeping information from getting out
Eh, this thread is nothing compared to what we used to get a couple years ago. You’d think the world was ending every day.
Ayy lmao
Here's another theory: the FBI suspected something to do with the sun and took over the observatory to investigate it themselves. It's obviously not a terrorist or shooter threat.
The only other option is that the employees found something they shouldn't have, and the FBI came to clean up any evidence. If that was the case several scientists would have gone missing. We should get a list of employees and search their social media for anything odd, or see if they have not been seen by their family since Thursday.
After having weeks of 80-90F weather here, it suddenly cooled way the fuck down to 50-60 weather in a day. It felt so good. Im ready for the ice age.
That's a cute ayy in the third pic.
They're freaking out because these levels are off the charts
okay that's great but nasa said it "caught up" with the moons orbit not that it was closest to earth and isn't it an eclipse when the moon passes in front of the sun?
also from checking all of its points of orbit, at around the time this anomaly was picked up by the satellite the moon was over the horizon so how the fuck does that work?
not as cute but have some more
Levels of what