Happy 9/11 Zig Forums!
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You're early.
It's 9/11 on EST where it happened. It's not early, user.
Reminder that there are Jews in high places that want to list you as a domestic terrorist if you promote conspiracy theories.
Jews did 9-11.
Oops that's from my JFK folder. Still good read though, and helps you understand 9/11.
He must work for the BBC, gets the time wrong and can't stick to the script.
Every day is a good day to kill kikes.
Jews did 9-11
9/11 woke me up. 17 years of naming the jew.
My father was meant to be fixing generators at the WTCs. One of the generators, at WTC 7, was on the fitz and was causing issues with the security system. I'm thankful that he got sick that day, and never went in.
I've been looking forever for number one. I knew pol wouldn't let me down on such a happy anniversary.
17 years ago today, jet fuel melted steel beams.
Lot of fun stuff happened after 9/11. Like Politicians mailing themselves anthrax. Too bad they don't actually get anthrax in their fanmail.
Was the anthrax thing ever properly solved?
The reason it is hard to believe it was inside job by the military or some other branch of government is that such an operation would require too many individuals to possibly not have one who thinks "hmm, I don't like this idea of killing my fellow citizens…"
Off all the horrible things that happened in history, my primary school class was made to stand in silence for at least a minute because of this. For some obvious kikery that happened on another continent, in another country.
Yes I agree, that's why the Mossad theory always made more sense to me.
reminder that jews did 9/11
BREAKING NEWS - August 30, 2018
Corbett Report Extra
In the linked VIDEO James Corbett is "joined by Mick Harrison (and David Meiswinkle) of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss their recent petition to the U. S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York to convene a special grand jury into the unprosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001.
"We talk about the committee and its formation, the nature and powers of a special grand jury, and what legal options remain for those seeking justice for 9/11."
It's a Killer Good video for those who still hope for justice and the rule of law.
not surprising. they need to put laws on the books that actually force investigators actively to search for exculpatory evidence and put it in their reports
"conspiracy theories" what they call it when you go agaisn't the narrative. Nice tar baby the CIA made.
>click faggot Drudge Report and see World Trade Center Destroyed
It's been a long, long ride.
Must watch video
The most important info is that:
1) The hijackers inside had knives
2) and that there seems to have been (((OTHER))) planes destined to be kamikaze'd
(((HOW))) did they got knives inside and (((why))) does the MSM insists that it was boxcutters?
skip towards the last 10 minutes if you're interested on the above!!
They were no hijackers inside the plane, just hijacked identities. In fact a few of the "hijackers" are still alive, how is that possible if they hijacked the plane? You need to get gud.
Just think of the pure evilness of the first image. A kike purchases the towers as the lowest bidder, even though they need to me remodeled for asbestos, then insures it to hell and back. Uses Mossad connections and agents to train and move Saudi lackeys. then proceeds with the plane attacks. Silverstein then gets his initial deposit back plus billions thanks to insurance, then sues the airlines for more billions.
All at the cost of thousands of goyim lives from the first attack, then Israel can point the USA to destabilize other countries at the cost of thousands of more lives.
9/11 was an inside job. And….for 17 years no one has done a goddamn thing about it.
My blood is on fire. White hot.
forgot to say… based on these 2 pieces of info (other planes were supposed to be hijacked AND the fact the hijackers had access to the airport) and the fact that Jews have OCD which means they want to FINISH THE JOB, means that another 9/11 will happen soon. Even (((lucky)) Larry started talking about terrorism again. Might not happen this year but this is beginning to look a lot like the few years before (((9/11)))
Reminder that the Lone Gunmen predicted 9/11 six months before it happened.
Kikes are indeed evil they also insane, which is why they tend to have sacrificial rituals in the name of Moloch. They continuously prove hitler's point of how jewish they are, everyday I wish hitler won or a nuclear war happened forcing us to start over or a real life holocaust.
Tuesday, Nov 6 is our day, faggots!
This is the general dump thread for all 2018 related Memes, Articles, Infographics, Personalities, Sources, Studies, Research, Email Campaign Templates, Social Media Argument Bullet Points By Issue, Call-In Show Prep & Talking Points By Issue, Common Opposition Arguments \W Sourced Refutations, Polls (Past & Upcoming), Petitions Drives, etc.
From here it will be saved & sorted into the action/topic/issue specific board. Each one dedicated for future centralized access and distribution.
In 2016, many operators like myself were fighting solo when we learned how to weaponize memetic artillery.
In 2018, we need to usher in the next level of weaponized meme artillery in the form of a creeping memetic artillery barrage.
Our actions need to be coordinated amongst each other, and complimentary to each action. This is the only way we will be able to defeat our Globalist enemies who have coalesced into a single goal of rolling back every nationalist gain made in every nation over the past couple years.
Last week, I was discussing current events with an old friend with more leftist leanings and I found myself almost tongue-tied trying to lay out the precise details of the corruption and manipulation that has happened since Nov 2016 due to the mere scope and complexity of these crimes and the still shadowy nature of many key details.
We need a timeline, detailing every event, every habbening, every development. From the Russia-gate debacle to the FBI and CIA shenanigans, the incriminating texts, Susan Rice's unmasking, Trump surveillance, Parkland, Vegas, Seth Rich, the Dems and their open borders fuckery & so many other issues.
We need every headline, every article, every connection, in a coherent, well laid out, timeline for easily digestible Normie consumption.
We need a team of archivists to preserve each piece of info independently and redundantly.
Crowd sourcing research is key to crowd sourcing content creation by more people than the major platforms can pragmatically hope to censor.
In this effort, I have created a series of boards here on 8ch, but with intention of seeding them elsewhere. From Voat, Gab, Plebbit, Minds, and elsewhere.
A Non Action - >>>/anona/ - Dedicated Midterm Political Action/Ops/Projects Board.
A Non Engagement - >>>/anonen/ - Dedicated Board For Addressing Individuals Of Interest.
A Non State - >>>/anonst/ - Dedicated Individual State-by-State Action Board.
A Non Issue - >>>/anonis/ - Dedicated Issue & Topic Information Consolidation Board.
A Non Nation - >>>/anonna/ - Dedicated International Nationalism Action Board.
A Non Profit - >>>/anonpr/ - Dedicated Action Board For Everything Corporate & Business.
A Non Law - >>>/anonlaw/ - Action Board Dedicated To Everything Legal Within The USA.
A Non Archivist - >>>/anonarch/ - Dedicated Archivist Action & Coordination Board.
A Non Archy - >>>/anonarchy/ - Dedicated Free-For-All Board.
A Non NGO - >>>/anonngo/ - Dedicated Action Board For International NGO's.
The boards are still new and I haven't yet had opportunity to fill them with anything other than some test threads while learning the dashboard controls. However, populating them is the goal for the next couple of weeks. So, pardon the construction.
And for those curious intent and dedication of myself to these ends, here is a sampling of the topics I've posted here in the past year:
Circumventing Censorship:
Deep State/CIA Democrats:
The DNC's Plan To Subvert The Electoral College:
Leaked Dreamers Memo Is Quintessential Treason:
IRL Flyer Campaigns:
Hate Crime & Sharia Creep:
House & Senate Contact Info:
EU Article 11 & 13:
The JQ, Zionism…:
Predatory Financial Zionism:
Removing Assad Is Treason:
Rand Paul / Tulsi Gabbard 2020:
Media Friends & Foes:
Political Twitter Handles: pastebin.com
Tips For Circumventing Modern Online Censorship: pastebin.com
Flanking The Left From Their Ideological Rear: pastebin.com
Your Friendly HOW-TO MANUAL For Reporting Illegal Aliens: pastebin.com
Global Elections 2018:
Operation Information Liberation:
From one of the articles:
Food for thought also:
Pentagon was hit by Popeye missle launched from Israeli sub
Building 7 was a control nexus for staging the day. The people who actually pulled the triggers were killed and buried with all the other evidence when 7 went down.
How do you do it for so long? I've only been here since gamergate and it's treading water just to get up in the morning.
I love you user…
GTFO newfag. no one is watching your retarded jewtube vid. i'm so fucking tired of nu-Zig Forums
:itera;;y to;d you the two important parts and the time
9/11 was nothing more than payback for 50 years of The United States unconditional support for the little criminal state of israel.
can't tell if you're doing this on purpose (for the lulz) or the whole backtracing paranoid meme is real
Seventeen years later, the US is fighting Russia to defend Al Qaeda
of course not
Combination of not caring about normalfags anymore while holding out hope that I'll live to see the violence escalate.
We will finally get our vengence for what they have been doing to our people and countries for all these years.
I could embrace this if I didn't have a gaggle of preteen Aryan images of purity missing nothing but wheat fields to stand in as little cousins who I fear for.
do you name the Jew?
The amount of new fags in this thread, that don't understand Israel did 9/11. What happened to this board?
>Seventeen years later, the US is fighting Russia to defend Israel. Al Qaeda, is just a boogey man, made by Israel, in order for voters to support their wars. I should clarify an Israeli - (((American))) creation along with some Saudi money.
Violence will come, the Jews are working hard for it. 5th (((chemical attack) in ME happening soon. Old tricks never gets old for normies.
Not much some new fags here and there that will later get bullied out or become one of us, how ever you would be whining if this was cuckchan.
I've turned my Hagee-loving, Gaither-singing Zionist cuckservative family against Israel over the past two years. The Talmud is now a household word.
It gets easier every day.
You got people like me who could go nuts in any minute by now and the fact that alot of normalfags are brainwashed.Just hold on for a little bit longer user.
So what do you think about DJ T.? (((T))) or baste T? Me, I say, since the niggers, the spics, and the kikes mostly hate him, he's pro-white as he can be.
If WTC was a Loli, she'd be legal now
17 is legal where? Alabama?
What helped me was this video. The problem facing the European man, is a death of spirit. Hitler is the solution to that problem. He will be reborn again, in the second coming against the Jews. The Jews fight out of fear, the communists fight out of jealously, the European man fights out of pride.
To get you into the mood of celebrating with the dancing Israelis of 9/11.
Can you even begin to imagine the repercussions if the majority of Americans held this opinion?
Hence all the Alex Jonsey subterfuge.
Support for Israel is to blame for 9/11 but they weren't actively involved.
It's a very clever trick really
it's actually 16 in most states and 17 in many others. it's only 18 in 10 states. texas is 14 if it's a 3 year difference (ie 17 and 14 ok, 18 and 14 not ok)
Oh. Marriageable age. You should be more clear.
The only way to prevent this from happening again is Larry proofing your nation.
What's your view on DJ T.?
no. age of consent.
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams but the plane became an aluminum bomb aimed perfectly at the right floor, only a state power like Israel would have the computation power in those days to pick the right spot twice in the same day for that effect, with the right floor chosen to allow enough hydrogen to accumulate to blowout a few stories sending the above stories down.
11 + DC
There is the small matter that Osama's family was, and is to this day, a construction company family.
I didn’t see any 9/11 footage until 3 months after it happened.
We need 500k signatures for free speech. Even larpniggerloving Q/ueers and child raping leftists can agree on that.
Traitors are working for ChiNa
I don't want him freed. I want him to be a living example of what happens when you trust the kike.
yeah it was those super clever and devious muslims hating Americas freedom and it's support for Israel, born out by the never ending and devastating attacks on Israel everyday by these same killbots.
HOWEVER, if you look at the thread that outed his tranny tab, on 4chan, and note that's the first instance on the Internet, you'll find it's a clear case of a Mossad op (you can tell the author is pretending to be a local, but doesn't care about getting it done well, because, as pro spies know, retards team the world, and they listen to the (((media))) assets, so it only needs to pass retard scrutiny).
What are you talking about? They fucking planned the whole thing, for decades and had mossad execute it once the pieces were in place. Lucky Larry being the final pawn needed. Holy fuck are you bluepilled. now
FUCK OFF, we're full.
You might want to watch Bollyn explain it, since you have no fucking clue, about any of it, except what the MSM told you. FUCKING NEWFAGS LURK 2 YEARS!!!!!
I don't agree with the theory that Saudi Arabia was uninvolved. I believe they were an intimate part of the semite conspiracy.
Alex Jones used to be redpilled until the Jews got him on tape fucking a tranny or a homo. Now he is a tar baby, whos job is to distract people from the actual truth. All his gay pills, is selling Jew owned inventory. He is just a salesman for them, both ideologically and materially.
If you need more proof watch Dawson's series Alex Jones woodshed videos.
Consider, for example, how the kike press has given Saudi Arabia a pass on literally blowing to bits 40 school children in Yemen, with a single bomb, while they were literally loaded up in a school bus, and literally with a US-made bomb, and literally supplied by literal Hillary Clinton.
Whatever. Prove you're not another Mossad hitman, and act like a fucking human.
They were involved as much as Larry is (((american))) Crypto Jews ever heard of them? Just because some is Saudi doesn't mean they aren't (((Saudis)))
< spam
fuck off
Cheap as a high-end AR-15.
REDPILLS ARE TOO HARD FOR YOU NEWFAG? Why are you here, if you are going to shill Jewish propaganda?
You may ask yourself, "gee, self, is a bomb an arm? If so, why doesn't the 2A provide me the right to ownership of such items?"
And the answer would be quite simple. You're in a prison, you're the slave, and the kikes own you.
pick one
either tell me or fuck off. i'm not listening to more than 2sec of that fucktard, and that's already been done
So, I very much dislike Jones, and quit reading him long ago, but it happens that there was an attack on him, on…
You're not an authentic person. You won't participate genuinely, and are just typing out generic fighting talk. Jock bullshit.
Working overtime chaim?
Seems like lots of people assumes it's 18 everywhere in the US. I think it's because of the Californication effect.