Attached: fortress-monastery-russia.jpg (550x390, 132.06K)

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Sure is a lot of threads dedicated to Ridf propoganda right now


Another prophecy come to life.

Didn't you see the sign "no dogs and Ukranians allowed" here? Fuck off.

Yeah that about sums up one of the main differences between east and west orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodoxy is a church which is a utility of the state and which submits to its rulers. Even before the schism you can see this plainly in mosaics and other artwork of Justinian who was depicted in churches as a somewhat godlike character himself, complete with 12 guards sometimes to mimic the apostles. His image was used in churned at the edges of his empire that he never personally visited to maintain loyalty.
In Catholicism, I think the best example would be Charlemagne's conquest of Italy. The Carolingian empire didn't overthrow the church or install a new Pope, the Pope himself crowned Charlemagne king.
In the Eastern tradition, the military and the church are state institutions, so I can't think of anything more fitting than a church dedicated to the armed forces, really …

After communism, everything is the state


They weren't any Catholics back then, the Great Schism happened centuries later in 1054, Roman primacy and the idea that the Pope is above everyone else is one of the reasons of the schism as orthodox tend to consider the various Patriarchs of various people to be on the same level of authority as long as a concile establishing said patriarchy has been done.

Q predicted this

Can you really be mad at a people for what the kikes tricked them into doing?

Go on…

it's the kikes, surely it must not be the character of the rusnigger at fault

Attached: 15338998447921.webm (800x450, 3.1M)

Great !! -D

Russia = Moderately based
"ukraine" = shit

Attached: russian military cathedral.jpg (1024x764, 107.3K)

Errors of Russia. Our Lady of the Sun predicted this.


perfect storm nigger

Sure it was before the schism but it is one of the culutural differences that eventually caused the schism. The more practical reason for this difference is that by the time Islam was created, Byzantium was on the frontier of the civilized world, and was a target for Arab warbands once a handful of Muslim warlords started taking over and organizing them. So the church in the Eastern world became reliant on the state and its military and became more reverent of political and military leaders.
Monasticism on the other hand had great, albeit fluctuating popularity in the west. Ireland of course was always a stronghold of monasticism for hundreds of years but when the Papacy was temporarily moved to Avignon, the Italians turned to fraternal orders and monasticism to fill the spiritual void left by the popes absence. I believe this not only fostered a culture of self-driven study and independence but also one which values moral codes over diktats. When people say Catholics are more scholastic and less mystic than those of the Eastern Orthodoxy, I think this is the reason for that, too. Papal primacy in this sense is really a manifestation of the need for supreme moral codes which surpass the authority of laws and politics.

It's not linked to the mudslimes, Francia was also the frontier of the civilized world with the march of France (today Aragon and part of the Catalonia) being the borderlands with the mudslim hordes of the Córdoba Emirate right next to it.
The Córdoba Emirate main export was slaves from Galicia and South of France for centuries, even after the Reconquista the muslim raids (Razzia) continued basically until Napoleonic era…

The main difference is the byzantine empire was still the roman empire with a powerful administration and a proper management structure.

In the frankish empire and subsequent kingdoms you had no-one that knew how to read and they were all more or less still pagan.

The result of that was that the only actual structure was the Latin Church, which influence and omnipotence grew completely unchecked and the period was largely de facto a christian empire made of a multitude of states led by the Pope, as the Church of Rome was the only thing guarantying a semblance of law and civilization.
It only changed first with the crusaders kings (that stopped and went home, de facto telling the pope to go get stuffed) and then with the protestant uprising.
Before that if the Pope said "jump", all the king could answer was "how high?".
And while it got better, foreign policy was still entrusted to french Cardinals basically up to the Revolution…

Compare that to the East where the Church certainly had power, influence and wealth, but it stayed a "normal" religious affair, largely separated from the day to day administration of territories and it's pretty obvious that's where the diametrically opposed ideas came.
It's internal differences rather than external pressure.

The best church in Moscow is this one, the story of how it came to be is an absolute miracle. The article is worth a read:

Great, so it'll mostly be a circus of propaganda for "muh great patriotic cannon fodder for jews war" and "muh evil Nazis, hail glorious Comrade Stalin and his jew masters."

you're absolutely right. this board is completely compromised filled with russian shills

why do the russian subhumans automatically bring up the ukraine out of nowhere?


Attached: nl1YJBG.jpg (2816x2112, 456.43K)

Zig Forums hates russian subhumans

The russians are currently and have been for the last 5 years spending billions to fight a war directly against jewish interests. USA is the one fighting for the jews

The Borg is real, and it’s made of Soviet Era armaments.

theyre fat enough to be american. mudding themselves up too.

This looks like a shitload of fun tho

Also why not just make a giant sized "MurderCube" cut a central room in it, do a little praying and sprinkling of holy water and poof! you got yourself a

This is a board for white hence no Russians

That's nice. Take it back to half.
