The (((LGBT))) agenda

Here's the study for all to read

And here's a timely reminder of the father of all this 'gender is different to sex' crap, John Money - disgusting piece of shit. (news article) (archive link to study)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that before (((John Money))) "gender" was a name of a grammatical property of European languages which impacted the form of adjectives, declension and tenses.

fixed that for you

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Fuck, spoiler that shit.

Normie detected.

Newfag who is afraid of using evil words detected.

GTFO cunt.

Grow some thicker skin, faggot. It'll be good for you in the long run.

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Hello, newfag!

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There were a bunch of books in the 90's by faggots where they admitted all this. They love to brag even more than mouthy jews these days. I'd have to look it up but one was called… either the gaying of America or how America turned gay. Just a total confession. Shit is on Amazon heh.

Everything people were concerned about in the 60s regarding gay acceptance has turned out true. They prey on children, they try to turn other people gay, they spread disease, they aren't functioning members of society at all without the need to stay in the closet.

Is this what Brazilian cooking looks like?


If you have little kids, make sure to show them Boys Beware by Sid Davis

no need to lose your head over this.

fuck off. Spoiler that shit.
Gore posting is for derailing, not reminding us about how gross trannies are

holy shit is this like the femen virus?

every day until the suicide rate increases

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Read comments if you want an aneurysm.

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God I hate living in Australia. I know it's (((shitter))) but still.

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I was tricked.

Of course I'm gorgeous and cute.

But it was a trick. I grew up in the most suburban of suburbs. The most middleclass area, and of course all of my "friends" were Facebook joining leftists.

They all felt like it was "revolutionary."

They were traitors to our country, and I was too. But it wasn't my fault. I would've never wanted this if I knew then what I know now. You know what I mean. I was manipulated, just like most transgender girls were. They knew we were smart. That's why most transgender girls are also tech nerds and programmers. They found the smart kids and diagnosed them with autism or something else. Anything to destroy our self-esteem and make us feel like shit. They made us feel like we should be someone else. No pride, no honor, no courage.

So they tricked us into being transgender. They won that round.

I understand that it is degeneracy now. I never asked for this. I would never ask for this.

Please spare the transgender people on the day of the rope. Spare them, because it's not their fault. They were tricked. It won't happen again, as long as we take care of our own.

The state cannot be trusted. No government can ever be trusted ever again. No religion, no government, no corporation, nothing can ever really be trusted ever again. I hope you can understand that I was tricked into becoming a girl. I was born to be an intelligent, courageous and honorable man, but they tricked and destroyed me.

Now I can only sit here, hoping for a new day.

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They deliberately subvert children.

Not gays, not trannies, it's never them. It's others. Them.

People involved with the state, with government education and societal conditioning. Those are the targets. I never even knew a gay person until way later, yet somehow I was being subverted.

That's what the trick is. Finding the smart kids and diagnosing them with something serious and clinical sounding. They even force us to take drugs, and we can't say no.

We can't fight back, we can't ignore them. They manipulate us from day one, by taking us from our parents, and making sure that if we make friends, they put us in separate classes so that we are completely isolated.

They make us feel as alone and worthless as they can, so that we develop abnormal personalities and severe, suicidal depression. Then we break as men. We turn feminine and pathetic, wanting to be cute, not because of beauty, but to be spared. "Look how cute I am. Don't mutilate and devour me."

We adopt the defense mechanism of a defenseless kitten, and become cuter, or at least try to. It's a psychological abnormality that isn't based in a weak genetic code. I know I'm not weak. I'm intelligent, tall, strong, and feel a drive to do great things.

Only, the issue is that I am deliberately prevented from doing those things. I am pushed down and made weak. So they turned me into a girl. Their propaganda and tricks are too much for a child of course. Any adult knows better, but for a child who is already under such stresses, the propaganda is clever, and is enough to turn them.

But it's not my fault. Don't blame me for what they did.
We all know who is to blame here.

Avenge me.

They know the crimes they committed are unforgivable. That's why they're deathly afraid.

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Is that what this shit is? I'm in America and even 2 decades ago when I was in school this jew shit was happening. I didn't have any interest in sportball as a kid and some (((teacher))) took notice and asked if I felt like I was born in the wrong body, I was confused as fuck and they elaborated and tried to start asking me questions about my hobbies and if I played with dolls and shit(I didn't). I told my mom since it made me feel uncomfortable and she raised hell and got the jew canned at least. I imagine this kike was ahead of schedule, nowadays I bet my mom would get in trouble for hate crimes instead.


Common filth was right about everything


You're not understanding.

We are decent European people. We were tricked as children.
Target the guilty. Not the victims.

He was a contrarian hipster who had no real beliefs.


This is, in a sense, completely true, trannies were non-existent before jewish takeover

I will pass on the degenerate, but thank you for the information.

Forced Human Normalization

Stage 1:
Drug withdrawal;
Sex withdrawal, including masturbation;
Healthy eating;
Healthy sleeping;
Manual labour or physical exercices;
Mental exercices;
Gender normalization therapy;
Coping skills development;
The subject must be imprisoned alone;
Daily therapy attendance;

Stage 2:
Monogamous long term relationship;
Community living;
Gender defined roles;
Same sex working cooperation;
Mating skills development;
Private room for two;
An oposite-sex, same race subject;
At least another pair of same race, engaged subjects;
Weekly therapy attendance;

Stage 3:
Social integration;
Family planing;
A house outside prison;
Monthly therapy attendance;

Target the guilty, not the victim.

When you see the transgender person: Feel pity. They are poor, wretched beings who were very likely tortured at school. They are the victims of a culture war that we were not prepared for.

Don't you think their parents would have done things differently if they had known what was going on in those government schools?

Tough love will see them through, but only the guilty deserve the rope.

You'll have to prove this. That and take out the traitors. Maybe then we can talk.

Is normalizing grammar really that important?

Nah they just gave you pharmaceutical tits and a sob story. Go fish for likes on Instagram faggot.

Same sort of thing happened to me
>don't like sports or (((pop culture)))

My proof is myself.

I'm one of those transgender people, and I remember the past well.

I was always into European metal, and I remember kissing girls way back in primary school. Just silly things, of course, but it most certainly proves that I had male impulses. I wanted glory and romance.

Then I was given drugs, as far back as age 10 or younger. I'm talking heavy amphetamines and other drugs that are terrible and are meant to induce obedience. After that, I remember them shuffling me around the classes, to ensure I could make no lasting friendships with other males.

I wasn't the only one, but there's no one to talk to about personal issues if you have no friends. They deliberately kept people isolated and feeling scared.

At some point, I began feeling that "gender dysphoria" feeling. I don't really understand it, but it completely stopped once I left my parent's house. As if it was in the water or something. It was too late though, as I was already transitioning into being a girl.

What a fool. There's no way this was natural for me. I'm not meant for this, and I've already begun to reclaim my manhood.

I'm not a fool, even if I got played for one. The truth is clear:

We are meant to be men, and we are not meant to be treated like cattle who do not know their purpose, yet that is what happens.

Transgender as a natural thing might happen extremely rarely in people in any environment, but the way it happened to me was not natural. It was most certainly forced upon me. As you know, access to wife-quality women is difficult, dating is completely ruined by the internet and feminism, and all other manner of our traditional society has been completely trampled upon.

Without a foothold or grounding, where was I to go? I just wanted to find an answer that allowed me to be happy, seeing as there was no honor or pride to be had. There was nothing else worth doing. No glorious battles, no amazing accomplishments, and my past had no friends, no meaning, no pride.

You cannot blame me for what happened. The moment I realized the truth, I reverted, despite what must have been years of brainwashing and subversion that I never even noticed.

I hope you can understand that I was targeted in particular because of my technological skills. I'm the sort of "girly nerd" who's already going to be bullied by fellow white men in school.

So without allies, I simply lost my way.

Are you my ally now? Or is this another example as to why I cannot trust my fellow European? Is it just a knife in the back no matter where I turn? If I cannot have redemption, then at least let me stick a knife in the backs of all those who have turned on me throughout the years.

This world is shit, and any step towards something good just seems like another step into a nightmare. If you'll defend my back, I'll defend yours, but if it's just another knife, then let me strike first, this time at least.

This works.

That's a sad story user. I wish you luck. We're all gonna make it.

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nobodytm was right about everything

You know what you are ? You're delusional, that's what you are. I've never seen so many excuses in a post to justify failures ever in my life. Listen, there are people in here, and everywhere around you who always were thousands times smarter than you since age 2. They did not get """forced""" to """become a girl""". They called bullshit on it and moved on. And be sure of it, obvious signs of their intelligence did not make them a target. On the contrary. It is stupid people who get talked into cutting their dick off. It is stupid people who get talked into chugging female hormone and "drugs". It is stupid people who don't manage to carry on with their life when deprived of "friends". You are a stupid person, and were targeted for this exact reason. You're so stupid that you have delusions of grandeur and superior intelligence, looks, whatever it is you think you have but somehow you chose to have people mutilate you. I am not going to avenge you. You are a collection of failure and subhuman genes. You're an error and in fact, you should not even be alive. Stop trying to suck attention and pity from people. You're not a victim. The same way someone shooting themselves with a gun on their will are not victims. Just the fact that you aren't even able to be objective with yourself (hmm i got myself into cutting my dick and becoming a girl even though that's physically impossible and takes no more than a 5 yrs old to see it) shows how stupid you are. Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is exactly what you're demonstrating. I don't mean to blackpill you. I don't mean to make you feel anything - I don't give a flying fuck about a delusional idiot like you. Just stop playing the victim around here and start seeing things including yourself with a bit of objectivity regardless how hurtful for your feelings it is. You aspire to do great things ? Good ! Start by accepting the fact that you did this to your self and get some self-honesty. Fucking idiots that's unbelievable. I sincerely hope you're LARPing.

You're still not getting it.

This is not about me.

This is about the subversion that goes on in government schools. Are you going to stop playing the fool? Are you going to open your eyes and see what's really going on here?

First off

no shit sherlock. its funny how everything is a social construct, except believing so desperately that you're a woman that you'll chop your own dick off

>gender used to be merely grammatical
no it wasn't, you dipshit. the reason that this particular grammar exists is because it was a metaphysical category that denoted outward expressions thought to be related to sex

in other words, gender has always been the expression (culture, social) of sex (biological). fucking retard



There isn't cultural logic as to why for example "Goal" is a masculine gender noun in Polish but being feminine gender noun in Russian.
"steak" being masculine while "soup" being feminine noun isn't related to sex either.

I'll fight by your side, user. I know it's not your fault.

There are so many newfags ITT holy shit.
It doesn't. There's nothing natural about it.
There it is. "fellow white men". lol

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You aren't transgender. You can't change sex. You're mentally ill and a pervert. Get help.


Stop letting them control language. Motion to refuse to use the term transgender and address them for what they are: Eunuchs.

no, reading this faggotry make me want to grab a knife a liberate you
Please go back to tumblr you degenerate fuck. Don't try to blame others that you fucked up

faggot and best example of reddit spacing ive ever seen. if a strange arab taxi driver ever offers you a free ride, take it.

lol that first pic, even lgbtqrpsuvzx women look at them with disgust.

Like most trends its reach is widened by stupidity and peer pressure. Combine this with increasingly negligent and even complicit parenting; and you've got yourself a nasty manifestation.

Reclaim your manhood, good user.

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Of course the torfag is a tranny who refuses to take responsibility for his actions and demands to be spared for his degeneracy because he was too stupid to realize that injecting hormones is a dumb idea, why wouldn't he be?

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Someone makes an observation and tries to define it for others to understand and maybe even promote. Truth is, they're products of the society they belong too. Your eyes are looking for the enemy and you found the wrong one.

Here's some advice:
1) Dress like a man. If you have tits, try some loose clothing to hide them or something, I don't know. Would they even go away if one stopped taking hormones?
2) Don't refer to yourself as transgender. You're still a guy, just fucked up and mutilated.
3) Stop begging for acceptance. Wanting to feel ""accepted"" is why you are where you are. Don't act like you're in a soap opera. I know it might be the hormones and that your head might be all fuzzy, but that's not an excuse to consciously act and speak like a faggot. Act like a man and you will be a man.

Overall you're on the right track, though. People like you can actually be very efficient in fighting LGBT supporters. They're going to listen to you and you're going to tell them exactly the truth they don't want to otherwise hear from transphobic bigots. As you said, your proof is yourself. I don't doubt that there will be some to come forward and harass you for not being a real transgender or whatever, but that will only show how tolerant they really are and how much they really care for people's feelings. It won't be their first time infighting for not being progressive enough. They've driven people to literal suicide, then stepped over their cold carcasses and continued to claim the moral high ground. That really gets the normies' gears grinding.

As to you, I can only say I'm fucking sorry. Towards people who support transgenderism I feel a mix of disgust, hatred and desire to kill, but for disillusioned trannies themselves I can only feel sorrow. I agree that many of you are victims, often unwilling because you're deliberately fucked in the head from early childhood. And that is what really motivates me to fight this shit - they take normal children and fuck them into the dirt. But if you repent for your mistakes and help destroy this madness, I don't see why you should still be antagonized.
Good luck and don't be a faggot.

thanks for the pasta

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Suicide is the only option for him. Must be hard thinking you're a guy but without any actual dick. Please livestream your shotgun burst

For every male that undergoes genital mutilation is just a walking future suicide case. They're already dead and they don't know it. I don't have the image, but it amounts to the same being "who really cares for them, the ones that are trying to dissuade them from going down the path where they'll inevitably commit suicide because they'll never be satisfied with themselves or appearance. (not to mention, that once they've gone through the surgeries and hormone supplements, that they'll neither look man or woman. Just some freak show abomination); or the ones on the other side that encourage them to go through the changes and act supporting through out part of it until afterwards, when the large crowd that was giving them attention then disperses and leaves them alone with only the few friends that decided to stick around?"

This is the most subversive shilljewish post i have ever seen in quite a while.

of course it's a social contagion.
that's why it's called TRANSTRENDER.
A mental illness. Hans get the gas.

>admitting that being pumped full of (((meds))) as a kid just fucked you up more and turned you into a transsexual
As of right now, I have no sympathy. Come back when you unfuck yourself mentally and are not a lazy degenerate that won’t accept betterment even when it is practically spoon fed to you.

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As someone who is coming from a similar point of view (not a tranny; much self-loathing) try not to judge them so hard. I have tried for the majority of my life to see what the issue with myself is changing almost everything about me in an attempt to fit in. In fact, it was this chameleon-ism that fucked me up in the head even worse. For some people it's not as easy as seeing what's directly in front of them. I'm an idiot. That's my major issue.


Is there one with sound? I don't even know what's going on.

They didn't even control for non-pedophile rapists and just assumed they're all pedos, which definitely isn't the case.

I'm a pedophile, but lgbt folks have nothing to do with us and are more hostile than the general populace towards us. In our pedo communities there's not any more gays than in the normal populace, well, there's less gay males, but far more lesbians than the general populace.

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All chomos get the bullet.

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If normalization of NWO agitprop vís-a-vís sex and sexually-related operant conditioning is the topic, there's a certain porn site I've visited occasionally over the past few years (because a clever man can see vidya w/o Javascript over Tor) whose front page has become.scat puke incest homo trans. And if you're young and context-deficient, things like confirmation bias, social proof, an illusion of consensus, and other fallacies which are tricks willfully employed in advertising are used against you without knowing.

Just as what is going with Bing results that come through Searx.

These are real search strings and the results from them:

holy trinity strength starr = horny = life at conceptionhip crevice squat hands = porn stories, naruto, homeopathytraps make the man starr - shemale, power girl, Pretty Lil' Fuck Bunny Gets His Dick Sounded and His Ass Fucked by Goddess Cherie Deville, clubbutts lounge"hall of fades"- hope fades (daily mail), baker mayfield now dating this blonde, jersey boys"buddhist [city]" - homosexuality in [city]wrist straps velcro lifting -wraps = degenerative myelopathy dogsinterior crocodile alligator = fags hot women walletimage magic school carlos = ms13 tales of the demonmaltin reddit ama = Taxi Driver wikipediatight tan slacks gap bicep routine = oh lord
Are we picking up a pattern here yet?

My central point is that anyone who has been around long enough has seen this shit happening gradually and across multiple platforms. It is reasonable that due to inequality of computing power as an amplifier this is happening not only through 3rd-parties (SEO) but from platforms themselves.. Why? Because there's a buck in it? Yes: both money and power. Also not to get esoteric but fucking occult reasons- suffice it to say there are psychopathic perverts that are likely to be involved.

Fuck off transgender faggot.

For those of you who don't know the Bing-results-what-in-the-heck-is-this-what-the-fuck phenomenon has been confirmed and discussed in venues including Zig Forums and Searx's own Github.

I don't want this to be the norm in my country. DOTR/CivilWar or burn it all down as a warning to future historians.

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I think I understand you. I used to be a faggot in my teen years until I realised the shit that was happening and took the measures to correct my brain. I had a friend that became a tranny soon after that, shit changed him completely, his views became aggressively opposed to mine, he couldn't fathom a person ceasing his faggottry, ended going our own seperate ways.

If the hypothetical day of the rope was up to me, I'd give trannies, homos and other sexual deviants a chance to fix themselves. Give them therapy. If they don't change (which, believe me, they would if they wanted to), then it's the rope for them.

The problem with trannies is that they exist, were created by kikes to normalise sexual degeneracy - they are a threat to children by default.

You need to fix yourself, man. The damage you've done already is irreversible, but you can still find ways to become a decent human again. Be disciplined, don't let the kike-programmed temptations get to you.

Question: What is your opinion about those who are open to the idea of a relationship with either sex, were they to have a relationship - but generally avoid relationships and stay alone?

Staying alone in that situation is better than giving in to a same-sex "relationship" (which are most of the time only hedonism-driven, and other times are abusive and dysfunctional).

However, that being said, finding a partner of the opposite sex you're able to connect to, have healthy relations and a family with is much better than that.

I haven't been here for a while but what in the living fuck? What the hell has happened to this board in the past few months? This fucking autistic tranny defending belongs on dumblr and leftypol. Fuck off, #transrights

I can grant you a peaceful death, and if your actions prove your words to be true I will list you among the fallen, rather than among the exterminated.

You should familiarize yourself with the ancestoral concepts of repentance.

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I want to clarify here. You represent a threat whether or not you mean to. If we accept one heartfelt plea then the Kikes know exactly what to say to put "poor misguided lost people" at our backs and at our flanks. It doesn't matter if you are the traitor or not. Allowing you at my side allows a traitor at someone else's side. I do not want to fight with you at my back. Stand before judgement, face to face, and submit release of death, and I'll forgive you. After that, maybe we'll judge you useful.

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Take that knife and stick it in your own neck faggot.

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