What's going on in Sun Spot NM? 2nd thread

Maybe they building a death star?


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i think we can rule out anthrax. if there was suspicion of hazardous material in the post office then the workers there would have been checked to see they are not contaminated. but they were just told to leave.

shills came in hard at the end of last thread. keep going

And, if it were anthrax the situation should have been resolved by now. Past anthrax attacks only shut down a place for a day or two and were promptly investigated and cleaned up.

If it was anthrax people would have been notified, no?

FYI: FEMA daily OPS briefs stopped reporting on space weather July 1st. This is something they've done every day since at least January 3rd.

I was thinking last night… If I am not mistaken what makes that observatory unique is its capability of analyzing radio frequencies. Could the situation have been that traitors/infiltrators turned it into a hyper powerful listening station or maybe modified equipment in an attempt to sabotage the operations of the near by missile base?

And, to add to that, a week or two ago there was a big raid, in which the airforce participated, on a wholesale produce distributors property in Florida.

nasa cant even get to the moon. you think theyre going to the sun? or doing stuff to it from here.

weak shill bait

well dont take the bait then genius

They announced it days before they get evacuated

hey faggot delete this and put some effort into a continuation thread or kys. you must be new here. lurk 88 more years.

try answering the question, disinfo kike.

hover your cursor over those blue numbers and check the last thread grandpa. Its literally that easy

The quickening is at hand.
Probably a good idea to buy some canned food. I fucking hope these solar rays won't destroy our videogames

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Agents from the Air Force and Homeland Security raid a Florida tomato factory - but won't say why

until that thread disappears, newfaggot.

continuation threads should include anything new we've learned from the 1st, and all the initial info from the first. lurk more.

I really enjoyed the user in the last thread whose premise was that the sun was the enemy. Of course, it wouldn't be the enemy of us, just the semitic fucks who were trying to kill the earth. It is like the White Blood cell that attacks an invading virus (jews) and kill them before they can kill the host body. So basically it is our solar immune system. Deadly terrifying basassed mother…I wouldn't count on it sparing your video games though…but no worries you will be too busy making White babies with some trad hottie to worry about video games.

What if last threads archive gets nuked and all we have is this one? Do it better next time.

This, fags are gonna fag.

your microwave works as a faraday cage, store your laptops and phones in it. A solar storm is coming like we've never seen before

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What if the sun is where master races live and the opening signifies them leaving the sun to visit us again. Maybe the messiah is coming back to clean up the JP

forgot the link, sorry


It's the same thing really when you think about it

Could you please point at the horizontal plane in space.

this related?

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actually most do not function well as a faraday cage

Supposedly that video is of an eruption of dense plasmas forming huge loops on the sun surface. You can find videos that are somewhat similar. i don't know for sure.

My guess is a spy satellite crossed the view of the telescope and the FBI is doing damage control. Maybe they're hoping to fake a space-weather emergency and taking control of any sources of conflicting evidence.

It sure is an interesting thing to consider. If there were past civilizations and unless they discovered some sort of technology tree that we never once considered it would seem that the one commonality that the current and past possible civilizations would have would be electricity.

Lets say a fucking wewlad tier carrington event happens and all electrical wiring and compontents that arent properly shielded are fucking toast. First off, without electricity society, in high population areas, would crumble after either a week tops or whenever people start to figure out that electricity is fucking doneski and it would take decades to rebuild the machines manually required to even start replacing the necessary infrastructure and thats not even getting into the fact that without said infrastructure there wouldnt be any replacing the parts necessary for trucks to bring food to the cities. And once the high density cities go apeshit it will be very much like a zombie apocalypse movie. Government employees and soldiers will eventually start to desert to go protect their families. All institutions would cease to operate almost instantaneously.

So, there would be no immediate widescale rebuilding effort. Organized rebuilding efforts would only exist in localized pockets where people managed to band together and quickly establish 1) defenses and 2) an agriculture plan. The rest would either starve or destroy themselves, pure chaos. The amount of technology that those localized enclaves are able to save and reimplement would be entirely limited to what they already knew, what resources they are able to scavenge and the sophistication level of foundries and other basic tech that they are able to implement. AND their ability to pass on that knowledge to their children, and their childrens ability to continue the process.

Basically, what I am saying, is this could be the great filter.

nasa tweeted a video of the moon passing in front of the sun twice in the same day from 2 different directions. That has me thinking much more than the post you are replying to, which could very possibly be a natural phenomenon

maybe, but would it be fbi then? im thinking maybe it would heve been nsa then, or?

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If the apocalypse happens I will more then likely be Immortalized in this manner

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Here come dat end times?

Heres a picture a friend took of the sun on August 23rd, lets see how long it takes you guys to pick out what’s wrong. Here’s a hint: 6 and 10 o’clock.

Let’s suspose someone from the observatory went against an executive order directing astronomers not to talk about said objects, tried to send a little mail, as letters, unlike emails, cannot he readily monitored, then got caught.

That or this picture is fake and somebody clogged the toilet at the observatory.


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Some strange weather going on, with the timing of this.

Snow in Africa, rare but not unheard of.

welp pack it up boys
hell has finally frozen over.