Astronomers Have Detected an Astonishing 72 New Mystery Radio Bursts From Space

Astronomers Have Detected an Astonishing 72 New Mystery Radio Bursts From Space
Last year's mysterious outburst of deep-space light flashes was even more frenzied than previously thought, a new study reports.
On Aug. 26, 2017, astronomers with the Breakthrough Listen project — a $100 million effort to hunt for signs of intelligent alien life — spotted 21 repeating light pulses called fast radio bursts (FRBs) emanating from the dwarf galaxy FRB 121102 within the span of 1 hour.
Some scientists think FRBs come from fast-rotating neutron stars, but their source has not been nailed down. And that explains Breakthrough Listen's interest: It's possible that the bursts are produced by intelligent extraterrestrials, perhaps to blast space-sailing craft through the cosmos at incredible speeds, some folks have speculated. (Breakthrough Listen's sister project, Breakthrough Starshot, is developing a laser-based light-sailing system that aims to launch tiny probes toward alien solar systems in the next 30 years.) [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens]
And FRB 121102, which lies about 3 billion light-years from Earth, is particularly intriguing: It's the only known "repeater" source of FRBs, which otherwise tend to be one-offs.
In the new study, Breakthrough Listen team members based at the University of California, Berkeley SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research Center applied machine-learning techniques to the August 2017 data set, which was acquired by the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and was originally analyzed using traditional methods.

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Oh No!!!
we're not alone

what is really creepy in the descending f-sharp chromatic scale beginning around 2:15

Anything to do with space on this planet is such an embarrassment.

sage for fuck you ayy lmao

So this is shit that happened 3 billion years ago minimum? If it is a civilization, it died eons ago

anyone know a really smart blind guy that speaks german?

I was told if enough humans awaken aliens will no longer consider it a violation of our free will to make an appearance. We are nearing threshold. See increased dramatic ufo citings. Double edged sword because not all aliens are benevolent. However If we can unify enough PCs in I intent, we can banish the Juden once and for all as the timelines unravel (one timeline cannot hold too many awake PC if their intent is divergent). This might involve some minor apocolyptic events though.

You guys ready to immanentize the eschaton?


Fuck off space niggers

What happened to sound can't travel in space? radio waves are a form of sound.

Aliens don't exist, take your meds.

Pretty cool.

No one on this boards prescribes to big pharma you glow in the dark double nigger .

Given the size of the universe, it would be quite incredible if they aliens did not exist. They most likely do exist, but there is a low probability that two civilizations exist simultaneously while being within a reachable proximity to each other.

Yeh no.. we know who you really are, chink.

Am I being baited?

Are ayys the ancient Aryan gods?

Today's new time-sink tactic: engage in frivolous off-topic debates.

user… no. Radio is electromagnetic.

No they aren't Mr. Glow-in-the-dark go report back to fat sister

Lol radio waves aren't sound, dumbass. They are electromagnetic waves like light, not pulses of changing density through matter like air.

Great, now this will bring out even more "It's happening!" doomsday anons in the sunspot thread instead of actually trying to figure out what's going on.

I bet that happened it's not like the earth is flat and Zig Forums is the final npc boss that obviously is forbidden from taking the final red pill of flat earth in an effort to keep me here in misery so I can be fed on by whatever entity placed me here. Stay cattle Zig Forums.

Flat earth is a psyop to distract everyone from the real truth, which is the earth is at the center of the universe.

That or they have evolved way beyond whatever they were 3 billion years ago, maybe they no longer have a reason to exist in our universe.

Works great against depressive blackpill and borderline blackpill anons that have more hope for ayys saving them from the kike nightmare than a chance to fight in earnest for their own freedom.

thats right Zhang, get off my board. Don't try shilling here again

Shills out in full force denying the truth, radio waves are sound, answer why supposed greater 'electromagnetic waves' cannot carry sound?

Hey, do you smell that laser?

Hide and report this faggot.

Considering the universe is infinite any point could be the "center" of the universe, including the earth.

What do you mean "greater"? Do you mean shorter wavelengths, like light? You can easily transmit sound data over light, you just have to convert it back to sound just like with radio waves. We use radio waves instead of light for transmission most of the time because radio waves are large enough to pass around large objects like trees, whereas obviously a tree would block a light signal.

Pssst user, filter the shill. Let's rack that noggin and talk about the actual discovery.

Kill yourself faggot.

You are a fucking moron.

People sleep better at night because light is too noisy.

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Galactic Empire when?

I think user is on to something! Every time I make a phone call the microwaves are so bright they blind me!

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This is a reddit meme that you only see from shill newfags. Any time you see it, you can guarantee it's some Media Matters basement dweller pulling from xir's list of approved insults.
this is why you do propaganda online. you're too stupid for any job requiring a high school level of education.

Oh god can you imagine niggers in space…the horror of a weightless sheboon land whale crashing into shit and screeching at the top of its lungs.

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They've been preparing us for assimilation for decades now. Soon, we will embrace their utopia and memes.

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I'm sorry, did you just say radio waves are a form of sound?
Radio waves are light, not sound. This is why they travel at the speed of light, not the speed of sound. The fact that those waves are read as sound data generally comes from our bias in having used radio for simple transmission of sound data, there is no requirement for the nature of radio data to be sound.

The only people bitching about take your meds are those who know they should be on them.

Only if you believe kike physics and math. Electric universe theory says the distances between stars are much smaller as red shifting is bullshit and the color of a star is based on its age. red stars are the youngest.



Today is the final day of the Jewish New Year.
There are also 72 mystical names of their god.

b-but muh npcs


this is also lefty shit spotted by newfags like yourself

oh wow, you ever heard of a long con, son?

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Ever heard how that story ended? Of course analogy alludes you. Try again.

That's not how that word works.

nigger it's literally a fairytale
you missed the point

Die, /x/fag. Your retarded bullshit is outside the realm of reality.

I like turtles.
Itz turtles all the way down.

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Literal NPC

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This fucking goy.

if anything, it shows a lack of critical thinking skills on your part.

if you really want to nitpick, the analogy I originally made described how you were merely "told" something, and believed it. Like a child whose father abandon's them by telling them to "wait here", you've taken creedence to a claim which doesn't involve fact or proof but literal hearsay and conjecture, a claim you still haven't bothered to clarify or expand. I simply wanted to point this out, so I decided to use an example from a popular children's tale, one which remains categorically a work of fiction to illustrate that your mindset is perhaps similar to that belonging to a child, or one who's lacking in brain development enough to know the difference between a hapless personal fantasy and the realities the rest of us share. In this way, your attitude is quite, and in an uncanny way, analogous to a child believing a fairytale to be real.

The gooks launch satalites for niggers but niggers can't even do the countdown correctly.


I fucking hate niggers.

Q predicted this

Ill start by not believing you since you don't have the self awarness to realize that almost all human knowledge is predicted on second hand accounts and you're operating from bad faith by assuming most fathers abandon and betray their children. Furthermore you cant compose a sensible analogy which means you have no abstract thought beyond "fairy tail equals insult." Whereas what I was told cross references with thousands of other accounts and my own direct experience.

this is exciting, but not for that retarded reason. scientists literally don't understand at least 95% of observed phenomena AT ALL, pic related

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Top fucking kek.

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Probably just the sound of the Infinite Interstellar Kike rubbing its hands together with glee.

If in your opinion the jews are the ultimate problem now wait till you get the ayy lmaos aka the space jews.

Good, skepticism is healthy. unfortunately for you, I didn't really make any claim, I just prodded you to prove yours, so have fun "not believing" me…
given your parameters, the second analogy I posed featuring a father leaving his child is actually suitable, in that I identified a specific and singular occurrence. You extrapolated that analogy to a larger population, suggesting your own "bad faith" in most fathers. As for abstract thought, I think that's been settled - I've just been playing around with you and you can't even generate your own response style - this is the second time you've copycatted my post

now back to the topic - your claim that you were "told". As someone with a real interest in ufo phenomena and other anomalous activity, I too have read countless personal accounts of UFOs and 'alien' contact. more times out of not, the "aliens" are labeled as "deceivers" and "demons". I invite you to explain yourself, and why you think whatever you were told is true

Let's clarify a bit for the peanut gallery. First I'm completely sane high achieving human with family and a great job. Second I was told by telepathic contact. Third I have millionaire friends with similar experiences and more direct contacts. Fourth paranormal phenomenon is settled reality within real world of experimentation. Docs are easy to find on this. E.g. Stargate. Fifth spiritual practices are relatively accessible to anyone. I have validated existence of souls and ET through simple meditative practice and direct experience. Sixth, millions of people through all of human history attest to similar phenomenon. Seventh detractors have no argument except insults.

Is that real?

Attached: de2456a2ae64ba9f1889eaa1d297d18e4d17c13472edfdc2445ec4cb1f9f320d.png (255x255, 10.93K)

Fake and gay.

"Ani.Itz quiet time,Ani.

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nigger why do I have to walk you through this you patronizing dumb fuck and what do "muh millionaire friends" have to do with anything, I have friends who aren't millionaires who have had experiences with ufos and the like
no one cares THAT you were told. I want to know WHAT you were told. and not that 'they'll come out when they're ready' or 'do a search on the internet' I've heard that before, doesn't mean shit else other than you better check your spirit
I wanna know what they said, VERBATIM.
also, you're not the only one with 'telepathic contact' you know - snowflake out if you want to on this board but you're right everyone has it, and you can fuck your life up good if you talk to the wrong 'people', trust me get right

also this is all like starter level shit
do you have premonitory dreams? because I do
don't be jelly you don't want them

Most scientists don't want to admit that Einstein general relativity theory is wrong (or at the very least incomplete) and therefore have strewn a never ending pile of BS "That is not observable" and breaks all the laws of phisics as we know them to make fit what is actually observable to the theory.
Instead of applying basic scientific reasoning to the problem and conclude that if your theory requires that 95% of matter to be undetectable or missing or something it's far more logical to assume that the theory is wrong.

You have other theories that simply don't think that this shit exist and are just as coherent, if not completely better and with much more complete maths.

But since they all assume that Einstein could have made a mistake (most obvious one is arbitrarily discarding entirely the possibly that mass is a force and therefore that negative mass might be a thing) it's apostasy, something only crackpots and potential Nazis could do.

Fuck off.

Both outcomes are equally wonderful. If there are ayys then that is neat, if there is nothing then humanity has a duty to populate the nothingness or not populate at all and end this horrible charade.

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worthy laugh

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You're right that ayyys and telepathic contact are not to be blindly trusted though.

That looks like FL studio skeuomorphery and that's a descending chromatic scale set to a fixed digital tempo, fake as fuck

The guy probably ran some peak filter with a sequencer preset through the noise recording

lol dude, the whole reason this started is because you randomly told everyone ITT that you were once told 'aliens will reveal themselves when enough people were awakened' do you know how new-age and cringey that sounds? it's why I compared you to a child believing in a fairy tale in the first place, and also probably why you got so butthurt over a joke

I see you my dude, my bad for making fun, but you're not special. there are still old gods and goddesses, some who serve Lucifer and some who serve the Lord. There is a war in heaven, and these entities energies are present on this plane in imperceptible, yet inexhaustible ways that can be tapped into perception as tangible messages. I happen to listen to the ones who serve the Lord. I don't think "maybe telepathy is real", I know it is. If you need an example, I used to speak to Isis (the Egyptian Goddess, not the muzzies). Now I speak with the Holy Spirit, who has showed me away from a life that would have undeniably led to my destruction. I can see parts of the future through my dreams and other means and I feel the passing of certain people - most recently Mac Miller, Terry A. Davis, and Aretha Franklin to name a few aware this isn't /x/ trying not to cringe at myself lol

now I'm asking again, what did they say?

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I know I'm right

"All restaurants are Taco Bell now"


Nothing you've said strikes me as being in good faith. Saging for way off topic.

wake me when it's from this galaxy

"please impress us aryan-14"
>"you will make paintings among the mortals"

nothing you've said has been informative

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Ayy Lmao.
Hopefully they are German ayys, lel.

Yeah its real:

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72. Same number as the number of demons in the Goetia.

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false. they know for a fact its incomplete bc it rules out quantum mechanics. there is no "unified theory" and scientists are quite aware of this

false. the problem is that there is no alternative theory which explains observable phenomena as well as general relativity AND explains these observations which, as you say, breaks all the laws of physics

that's not what it says. what it says is that there is something out there that acts as if it were matter but doesn't seem to be observable in the same way matter should be. "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy" are simply placeholders

that's not how science works, tho. its not about "right" and "wrong" but rather about the theory that best fits the data as we know it and is most useful in 'doing things' (ie. predicting outcomes when matter/energy/etc is maniupulated). empirical data, and even controlled laboratory experiments, very often come up with 'anomalous readings' but as long as it doesn't directly affect the null hypothesis at hand, its just noted and, essentially, ignored

science, being a human endeavor, has problems with confirmation bias and conservativism, for sure. but, this has very little to do with that (and even less to do with >muh j00s) and much more to do with the fact that there isn't a better theory

[citation needed]

The beanstalk is actually a wormhole to a world of giants.

they're fucken real you faggots

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Don't know if frb's are natural or not but aliums are 110% out there for sure and probably in large numbers. Virtually every star has planets meaning there will be who knows how many Earth like planets in our milky way alone much less the universe.

Likely we are too primitive to detect them.

Aliens exist, but they're actually fallen angels and demons. Be careful out there anons.

I do agree that ayyys aren't real.

SAGE for and gay OP.

Their music if fucking boring as fuck. We need to ping of Beethoven's 9th their way.

Saddam's Baath party was secular