HR refuses to tell me the post. We recently had a black woman who previously ran for office become supervisor from out of nowhere. She was fired from her previous job for data fraud. Shes been targetting every white man in the place and reporting them to HR for things as simple as turning on the radio. She just put her 2 weeks in a few days ago after she demanded the manager tell me to remove my MAGA hat and I said no. And today i am terminated.
Is this actionable? They wont tell me the post in question. Only that it contained a "threat."
The company is SGS.
Her name is Alsie Dunbar, community leader and activist.
I bet you said something like "I keep dark clothing separate from the whites when I do laundry", you filthy apparel racist.
Ayden Gomez
Depending on state law you can sue for discrimination based on political views.
Samuel Myers
Get a good attorney.
Liam Green
I bet this is Alsie hoping "alt-right nazis" attack her so she can get on the news.
Cooper Bell
I don't know of any state that has laws against political discrimination.
Anthony Foster
If you can get them to admit they wouldn't have fired you if you were not white you probably have a case, but political beliefs and shitposting are not a protected characteristics.
Gabriel Nelson
Ayden Howard Pic related, it's a simplified wording of your laws that protect political activity in your state. I'd say that if you bring it up with the authorities and report that you were unlawfully fired for your political association you can talk it out with them and see if you are covered further under state law. Since you work at Walgreens you might be over that 20 employee limit required to be covered by those additional political activity protections. Of course, you would probably have to look up your exact state laws and have them on hand so that you could convince that you were wronged. Good luck, OP.
Why are you posting dox on here for someone? We need some evidence. I don't care about some bitch's name or a company. Give me proof that I should care.
Just get on unemployment and maybe sue for wrongful termination. What line of work is this?
Colton Davis
Unfortunately this. Why people use their real names on social media I'll never understand.
Cooper Kelly
Welcome to the world of at will firing, something that exists in almost every state. Your boss can fire you for any reason at all, including no reason. This is one of many reasons why capitalism is gay and Jewish
Wyatt Reed
ask a lawyer, not taiwanese cherrypicking enthusiasts, shit for brains
you're probably fucked tho, kikes will never go after her, nobody will believe you. you should go rogue - like dorner or whatever, matt damon.
There's a fine line between saying OP deserves it for being a dumbass and telling all white people to just lay low and give in to everyone's whim, and never air their opinions anywhere in fear of offending them.
Ethan Johnson
Also, you could contact the ACLU and present your case to them. They could help you if it's a freedom of speech issue.
Connor Turner
We don't have capitalism you stupid nigger.
Ethan Jones
Depends on the social media policy of the company. However at least in the UK depending on the company size you have the right to an investigation and have a hearing with a representative (including union representatives) discussing possible actions, and then the possibility of an appeal with a different manager taking over the case to make that judgement.
Elijah Sanders
OP get everyone who was fired to lawyer up and seek council immediately, dont sit on your ass twidling your thumbs
Don't dox yourself, nigger, but do get a (((((lawyer)))))) and sue the shit out of them.
Sebastian Young
The manager said no*
He said its a fucking hat. So she took it over him to HR.
Isaiah Cook
OP, we also shouldn’t have to tell you that when you do this you need to make sure you get lawyer with a white surname, but you’re also breaking all sorts of protocols by whining about this in public BEFORE your lawsuit, so I’ll mention it since you don’t seem very bright.
Caleb Williams
lol. redneck loser. good to see another moron relegated to the trash heap. bye.
Noah Long
and all this time i thought it was an underwater south american staring frog & ethiopian cheesecake rug-weaving waffen ss drum circle enthusiast interpretive dance troupe with a semiannual mailing list and sweepstakes (enter now, no purchase necessary. terms and conditions apply, see fine print). i guess i need to lurk moar.
Meh, would find a lawyer, and laugh your way to the bank. Assuming you’re a person of such means.
There’s a lot of esoteric nonsense kicking around these days. When someone calls you a pejorative, remind yourself that’s them, not you. You’re whom ever you decide to be. Never let a stranger tell you who you are, especially if you’re fully aware of who you are already.
Luis Perry
I assume you’re referring to me. You’re wrong on all accounts. Enjoy believing what you will though.
Lincoln Taylor
OP was obviously fired for wearing a MAGA hat, dipshits, the company just told him it was social media so they coulr be as vague as possible. That's assuming any of this is true, of course.
Cameron Wright
That doesn’t matter. It directly violates the equal opportunity act. Political affiliation is not a legal cause for termination of employment.
Tyler Thompson
bake my cake faggot
Jace Wright
This reeks of a shill/false flag thread
Leo Gray
Christcucks leave.
Nicholas Cook
This thread is an incomprehensible trash heap, what the fuck is going on?
Landon Campbell
Cameron Ward
don't listen to the double niggers calling you a faggot and telling you to go back to reddit. you did the right thing posting your personal grievance here without any documentation nor evidence, and being bold enough to publicly and eternally dox yourself to the ADL and SPLC on their most targetted Nazi imageboard.
we whites need to stick together. which is why i'm going to help you. i have the name of the uppity sheboon who did this to you, because i have hacked into the FBI to access PRISM, using the tools and viruses i stole from NSA TAO's EQGRP.
as you read this, RWDS sniper teams under my command are moving into position in the neighborhood where your nemesis sheboon lives. don't worry, the nigger will be taken care of, just like in the good'ol days. and her brood of niglets will be put down as well. of course she has no husband and her monkey troop has no father, because the niggers never do. my sniper team already has planted evidence to frame MS-13 for the crime. nobody will question what happened—just another narcos and animals killing other narcos and animals incident. in a way, when one criminal murders another criminal, it's a victimless crime to the rest of us.
all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and you should be fine. and i ask nothing of you in return, other than be a good person, a good husband and father, live a good life and help other white people and achieve the most that you can to the best of your ability.
What you going to order pizzas to his house because he got fired for nothing? If you ain't running a ring zero siberian kernel on a limited edition military grade laptop with a nipple from 1999 opsec is already bust nigga. Dey in your MACnCHEESE
Easton Miller
Although OP is a complete retard and probably came from reddit, what's the harm in doxing and destroying the life of a sheboon anyway?
With that said, OP should take matters into his own hands and drive a truck of peace to his old office.
Cameron Price
Dox yourself on Zig Forums that'll show em
Juan Rogers
Washington DC is the only one I heard of that had such protections. Political leaning is a protected class.
Nicholas Watson
Samuel Foster
Thanks bro. I knew pol wouldnt let me down.
Asher Sullivan
The most striking thing here and what I would pursue is that she has provided no evidence. She also has a record for dishonesty. For all anyone knows she could have fired you to give your job to a relative of hers, for example.
You should speak to a solicitor and negotiate a reference from your old job. At any future job interviews (if you have to) make up some bullshit that they forced you out because they weren't willing to honour a contract and you got a pay-off and a reference.
Levi Miller
Let them be the fish.
Hunter Watson
Every state has that, it's a federal law
Ryan Adams
So basically you have nothing to go on and you just assume it's the sheboon, not the SJW white people you work with? That makes you exceptionally stupid. Glad you were fired for being socially retarded. Wearing that hat tell me you have no social skills (in addition to being a neocon's stooge) and that you should kill yourself as soon as possible.
To clarify my point about speaking to a solicitor, you can usually phone them and receive free advice, just phone every solicitor in town and get a shit load of advice. You could even lie in a letter to the company that you have a solicitor and get a friend in a suit with a briefcase to deliver the letter.
The letter would explain that you were fired unfairly without evidence, but you are willing to negotiate a reference, otherwise you will be forced to take them to a tribunal and seek damages. Hopefully the company doesn't want to deal with the hassle and backs down. At this point get a union rep or a real solicitor to actually negotiate the reference.
Isaac Evans
Stop bumping this thread, stop whiteknighting some magafaggot and go back to r/thedonald.
Brody Lee
OP this is how you know I'm giving decent advice
Dylan Jenkins
knife yourself to death, seriously
Leo Cruz
This is called tortious interference and you can get a lawyer to request for discovery of the person responsible and sue them for damages.
Then you can see if they are part of a group and look into filing a class action against their big money donors for racketeering.
Hunter Kelly
This is good advice. Also, OP, if you're not a complete retard you should report your thread to the mods and get them to delete it. In posting your scenario and the belligerent, you've practically doxed yourself in the process, and having created a thread here is not going to help you in any legal battle. Take user's advice, and get some legal advice offline. You stupid faggot.
Cooper Jenkins
Wow. Dude. This is sadly common. Niggers operate like this. They all need to die.
I feel for you, brother. Have had a similar thing happen. This is how it is until the war starts. Keep your chin up. Fuck this nigger.
Alexander Morales
Do you have no life experience? This happens all the time. Whites are targeted at this point.
Sebastian Bell
No, and lol t. former employment lawyer
Cameron Gonzalez
Literally the only at-will employees now are white males. White males are the only group that can be fired any time, so as a result, we are fired all the time. That's called being in a "targeted group."
When is the fucking hot war going to start?
Bentley Kelly
You misunderstand, theres no denial that happens. Its just the way OP formatted their thread makes me think its disgenuine.
Gabriel Jackson
Yet another example of why literally nothing will improve in America until every shitskin is exterminated and not a minute earlier.
Dylan Myers
You need to get a lawyer, but I think this person is a UK poster or otherwise not from the United States, because the stuff about tribunals etc. is completely ridiculous. As a white male, you're pretty much fucked as a targeted class–the only group that can be fired in practice. I would sue based on race.
Luis Gray
I got suspended without pay for a weekend for not getting a flu shot - I quit that shit hole.
Isaac Turner
You deserve this and more. Treat it as a learning experience and get on with your life.
As far as I know user, it is an illegal invasion of your privacy for a company to use your social media to make decisions about your hiring status. I am pretty sure you can sue the living fuck out of them and win. I don't actually know the law but I know someone who knows it and they said it was illegal as hell. I hope you have some record that is what they fired you for though…without it they can say anything. Most large corporations would touch a social media post as a reason for firing with a 10' pole…
Kayden Russell
niggers have to enact employment laws for their inferior genetics
Jackson Baker
You know the HR lardasses pick candidates based on social media profiles anyways, right?
Jace Lopez
A maga hat is revealing your power level nowadays? Gee, i sure can't wait till we're a minority.
Seriously, nothing is going to fucking change until more people risk their shit and make face to face change. Thats why the left is winning. They've read rules for radicals and arent afraid to manipulate the system in person.
This being afraid to speak shit isn't synonymous with good sense. Its cowardice. Im ready to go down in a blaze of fucking glory.