Another Day. Another Embarrassment

Simpleton nigger with a 4th grade vocabulary strikes again!

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What does this have to do with us? You can fuck off now.


What are you sliding?

He has to use words small enough for you to understand.

.02 kushnerbux have been deposited into your good goy account

TIL only niggers know hurricanes are wet, because Op said so.

Attached: You're a fag.gif (413x192, 1.29M)


the 00 buckshot will be deposited in your spine shortly standby.

This thread is pretty pointless, when I saw it I was expecting him to have done something incredibly jewy yet again but this is just him talking like a retard.


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other than (((you))), who gives a shit?

How the conversation went from dirty talk to absolutely degenerate with just a single admin overstepping his control box.

Get back in your cage Admin.

Where are all the good shills? Where are the shareblue guys? Where are the pro shills so good at blending in they actually further the debate constructively until they become one of us? This lazy nigger tier shilling is just sad. We deserve better.

That goes without saying.

"& big.And powerful.
Very,very big and very,very powerful.
Believe me.

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This is what makes papa Trump endearing to the people that support him. Jews and faggots forget the fact that he's not talking down to US, he's talking down to YOU.

Holy fuck does this man know how to meme or what?

Huh. It's from reddit huh. I didn't know that.
But == YOU DID==

And it blows, user!! It really blows!

how do you retarded newfags even find this fucking place?

You have to go back newfag.

That WAS funny.

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checked. The_Cuckold. That's how.

neck yourself moshe

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Florescent confirmed for desperate fatty at the party.

Hey,DOnTARD, dont you have Assadam's Serial tourists to blow up?

Is he wrong?
Everyone can understand him. Even children.

don't worry friend. You only have 6.5 more years to go. Hang in there, tiger!

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Johnny Neptune broke containment?

He's done in less than 2 months when he loses the house.

He's your friend? Does he bark?
Does he still have half your cds AND owe you $40?



The coincidence meter is pegged. There must be Jewesses plotting something nearby.

How much do you get paid for this? Not much I'd guess.

Also watch for the niggerporn threads and DDoS attacks to start. It always comes in waves after threads like these fail to sway the board to their narrative.

You misspelled smug, user.

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Confirmed, cat poster is in league with Jewesses plotting to topple the regime.

Uh huh, sure thing moishe.

Just like the polls before the 2016 election lmfao


call em boomers next

You mean the ones done by jews who own the media and Donald Trump's family? I wonder why they lied, user?


Are you implying it wont be wet?

Yeah, those polls. Same ones you're evoking as something to take notice of here.

Those jewish conducted bullshit polls.

Attached: always ALWAYS right.png (420x946, 611.11K)

They only lied to get their puppet into office, user.

Attached: 3256.jpg (793x887, 129.7K)

Reminder that you are not on reddit and that trump support doesn’t fly here.

So the entire media in coordination to bolster Hillary Clinton and destroy Donald Trump was all a fake out? And this current poll done by that same media is not? You seem convinced that this poll is legit based on your posts here:

but wait, I thought he was a puppet, why would that same media that conducted such a fine operation hoodwinking the nation into supporting (by not supporting?) a candadite now be reversing (not reversing?) that decision? Can you eulucidate on this clear mastery of deception for this simple user who can't see the layers of 7-dimensional backgammon at play?


Oh yes, you tell him, user. He's a stupid new faggot that doesn't understand our clear consensus on the matter.


Yes, I admit I'm too stupid to understand why the media would do such a double fake and the implications behind it. I admit it. Can you please spoon feed my some explanations, oh wise one?


You redditors aren’t even trying to fit in.

Yes, okay. Thanks for admitting it. Shut the fuck up and go the fuck away. Either lurk before posting or don’t post. You don’t belong here.

Fun fact I used to write the blurbs on pr0n DVDs… back when that was a thing.

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You’re a degenerate sack of shit.

100% only hitler and zizec support allowed here
all others get out

I was.

Is there a redemption arc here or not?

Oh, I can understand what controlled oposition is, I just fail to understand why this user here is placing faith in a poll conducted by the media that seems to be counterintuitively rallying against their "puppet"?

And why is that anyway? If he was a puppet would it really be necessary to have the entire media apparatus be aligned against him like this? I can hardly remember any recent coverage at all that was positive.

Sure thing. Run along now.

Yes. Telling people that a candidate has a 99% chance of winning of kills turn out for that candidate. Trump was put in to benefit Israeli interests any nothing more. All negative publicity you see about him in the jew media exists as reverse psychology for magatards. "DUH MEDIA HATES HIM SO I HAVE TO LOVE HIM DURRRR"


i'm not sure what you mean friend
do you not support hitler and zizec?
if not, get out redditor

Do you mind answering the question I posed? Why is the media so aligned against donald trump if he is just a puppet of the same jewish masters? Wouldn't having a puppet installed in the white house be a net benefit? Why have the entire media apparatus attempt to unseat him?

Is he talking about the blue wave?

Yep, answered it. Bump because your civic nationalist redditor ass is triggered.

Dammit, boner, not now.

i mean do people here actually think like this? this kid's insane ramblings and "thinking" is straight out of lefty fan fiction. basically, you're fooling no one except your consensus cracking friends

Alright fair enough. But why then are you rejoicing over polls like this?

If this poll here is a ploy to bolster support for donald trump why are you amplifying it on this board? Wouldn't that be counter-productive?


get out reddit
this is the only answer you get
ziongonald drumph is finished

Shillwave hitting the board, huh?

Why would the jews actually be upset by Trump? Think about it, what the fuck has he done that's a detriment to them in any way? I can't think of a single thing he's done that hasn't been for them explicitly so far, he sure hasn't done a fucking thing for the US anyway. At least other shitty ZOG presidents have enacted policies for the US, all Trump has done is blubbered around in global geopolitics and given everything to israel on a silver platter. Worthless fucking faggot.

Then why are those same jews rallying so hard against him through their controlled media? Is it as this user here states?

then why these posts here if these media hit pieces are a ploy?

Only because I want the Israeli operative who pretends to be /ourguy/ out of the white house. I rather have someone who openly hates us versus someone who secretly hates us.


reddit go

you are a very smart man and i bet you have a big peepee too

The reasoning expressed ITT and the fallacies displayed are lacking. Shills. You faggots are gonna have to get your narratives aligned before you attempt something like this again. Nothing but missteps and overplayed hands. Better luck next time, faggots.

Yeah, that’s par for the course.

Bump because your zionist shill has no protection anymore.

go back to your shareblue playground kid. adults are debating adult topics here.

I honestly thought I was on cuckchan for a minute. The quality here is embarrassing.

is your cock zionist?
i thought you were antizion
why would you do this D-:

At least you’re bumping the thread you hate so much.

her cunt looks awesome, I just dont know how i'd get my cock in there at that height and angle….. piledrive into it on a scaffold? yeahhhhh

well that is too bad
i guess maybe its not your fault if your parents circumcised you
but it still means you are zionist

why would it be cuckchan? we know exactly who it is. it's who it has always been which is Zig Forums faggots and TRS. TRS has always tried and cause division between 4/pol/ and 8/pol/

Reported for supporting 4chan.

Go look at the post quality on 4/pol/, then come back and look at the mouth-breathing going on in this and other threads at this moment. 4chan is faster, but we tend to have higher quality posts for the most part.

It's not the cunt she's hung for.

Stop trusting the media

bungholio? face abuse? just figured i'd start at the cunt as an appetizer

I was just playing along with the given shill narrative to get them into a snafu. Of course the media is dogshit.

Yeah, somebody's having a laugh.

Face, yeah. Throat, more specifically.

4/pol/ has always been shit. a few years of getting spoiled from non stop happenings won't change this fact. only newfags will say Zig Forums wasn't always shit and constantly raided

I mean is he wrong? I don't get it. Why is this outrageous to (((them))) again?

thats hot. my wife would require a lot of training to get to that point bur i like my semi-trad wife so ill just fantasize