Trump To Sanction Any Foreigner Accused of Election Meddling by (((US Intelligence)))

Trump is just a puppet for the swamp at this point pushing and defending their narrative. Sad!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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So sick of this worthless jew

Sanction foreigners meddling in the US election?
That's every fucking Jew in America.

It will never apply to them of course

This reminds me

It goes without saying that this won't apply to everyone.

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Trump cucks out again

I saw this article a few days ago.

I don't care about this jew puppet getting BTFO, I just wish I never told anybody I supported this pathetic faggot.

House passed bill that would require POTUS to slap sanctions on anybody the (((intelligence community))) says is doing cyber on us

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Oh yeah forgot to mention:

He doesn’t enforce any of our other laws, so why would he bother enforcing this one?

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Because he's an Israeli operative.


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lol seriously ? He said himself the dossier was bullshit right ? Is this fake news ?

he can't be fucking serious, he's done absolutely nothing to resolve his own problems with the intelligence agencies


What's the end goal then? To get us to not vote for him? To not vote at all? Being extremely pro or anti Trump is a retarded diversion.

Remember when he issued an Executive Order to push feminism when just took office turning the Obama administration's practices into law.

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Except Israel of course.

kek what a faggot!

You’re not “us.” Since when does Zig Forums support zionists?

No wonder they havn't done anything of value in recent years.

All the Whites and Nips work at SpaceX now.

Whoops. Forgot pic.

Attached: spacex-crew-photo.jpeg (2048x1365, 1.03M)

Keep the white women at work and she'll produce less kids, who'd of guessed it'd be coming from a jewess.

Q brediktid dis

Still 25% diversity hires.

I guess you it's a legal requirement that you have at least that much.

You can't have a big company without the government pozzing it.


Well, that's very foolish.

Can someone explain how Zig Forums was co-opted in 2016? Was the board flooded by reddit kikes or were they actually duped by this orange kike?

How retarded do you have to be to think like this?

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I don’t have the image on this computer, but I can get to it in a bit. Short version:

Reported for shilling for zionists and civic nationalism. Nothing you said is even remotely true. You have no comprehension of US law or who Trump is.

Even if so that'd be very foolish, jews always kill those who suspect they are "jews" even if they've apologized. Trump has done to many implicitly Anti-Semitic things to escape the jews knife no matter how he'd ask for forgiveness. Of course the jews are happy to letting him be a vehicle for how long he be useful.

Its important to understand Shakespeare on the matter and how the jew always gets his "justice".

Kill yourself.

Any proof that Trump was mentored by a jew and the largest donor to his campaign was jewish? Though so shill, now fuck off.

1. Why the fuck are you bringing this up out of nowhere?
2. Yes, since his mentor was ✡Roy Cohn✡, and since jews donate the most to both the ✡Republican✡ and ✡Democrat✡ parties. Reported for paid jewish shilling.
Reminder that Trump gave the jews the city they caused every war in the last 150 years to get.
Reminder that Trump shut down the Palestinian authority in DC because he supports the one state solution.
Reminder that Trump gives tens of billions to Israel for free and gives nothing to white America.
Reminder that Trump cheers on niggers and spics at every rally and never says a single thing about white people, ever, at any time, for any reason.

If it's the kikes then yes please and good riddance

chesscuck pls go

So the Israel lobby is goodbye?!!!

lol. Of course not.

Impeach yourself, traitor.

Fuck yes! SOROS BUX MUDDAFUGGAZ!!!!!!!!1!
activating reddit spacing
I'm going to hate on orange kike drumpf so fucking hard I'll be able to buy my wife's son that pink Shopkins trike xhe keeps begging xe for!!!

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Thanks for keepin it real, stankdawg.

This is a board for mindless worship of the ZOG emperor, got it? Good.

I love these threads. The kikes always converge on them to screech their usual talking points and leave the rest of the board alone for a bit, allowing actual anons some time for yid-free discussion.


IC is a bunch of deepstater kikes hand selected from faggot ass Harvard and the like. Nice work, Dahnold.

This. Every single Trump thread is a complete farce these days, to the point where unless it's a particularly interesting headline, I just outright ignore them. The funniest part is that the shills think they're actually swaying opinion, when really they're just screaming uselessly into the void.

The Trump administration is a literal Mossad operation.


He's got a point though. Who else do we have besides him? He's a cuck and Zionist and probably never going to deliver on that wall, but his election (though not his presidency, mind) has helped move the Overton Window immensely by showing the world just how hysterical Kikes and Niggers can be when they can't deny reality.

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This tbh. I never liked the guy due to him chasing around Pat Buchanan in the 90s and calling him a nazi but I at least appreciate him building a wall and getting immigration back into the forefront of the political debate.

No to mention all the "undocumented" activists >uninvited foreigners working (publicly) to dismantle our sovereign borders.
ZERO fucking chance Mexico or Squatemala get sanctioned, despite their agents running amuck in OUR Country.

It hasn't moved the Overton Window anywhere but hard left. His base is a shrieking, hysterical cacophony of race-mixing nigger lovers, hindustani imperialists, and literal rabbis pushing supply-side trotskyism. They wave a fucking flag around and just mindlessly repeat the word "patriot" over and over.

No punching to the left faggot.

Plus nearly every Canadian.
Not to mention every foreign national.

I doubt he will pull the trigger on them.

Yeah right, moshe. The Overton Window has not only shifted right in the U.S. due to Trump's election, but throughout the entire Western world global resistance to immigration continues to rise. I'm not saying that this is because of Trump, but he has absolutely contributed to it. Your statement is so outrageously false that one can only conclude that you must be jewish.

I'd argue that Trump's election was a product of said resistance, rather than a contributing factor.

All of the developments in Europe were happening long before anything serious happened in the US – which isn't actually happening in the US. That's the real distinction. And it isn't going to happen because the Trump administration is a literal Mossad operation. The president is a classic asset. His only job is to salvage the neoconversative project as best he can for israel.

It works both ways; it's literally a positive-feedback loop.


mouth breathing single digit IQ maga nigger.

Mate, you're joking. I know for a fact the political discourse has changed in Australia as a result of Trump's election, because our media, even if critical, has to address the points the President makes. Whether he has been effective in solving U.S. immigration issues or not, the very fact that POTUS is talking negatively about immigration issues has shifted the Overton Window. We've certainly felt it here, as have other nations all around the world. Like it or not, Trump has contributed to that enormously.

He has not.

There’s no rational direction to punch once you’re Nationalist

If he actually brought immigration issues to the forefront and made the overton window shift hard towards nationalism/anti-immigration then you'd think there'd be more people like me who have become fucking furious with Trump, instead we have fucking spastic retards who do nothing but shit up threads calling everyone who points this out a jew(ironic) or a shill. Trump has only shifted the overton window to fucking retard, honestly.

The majority of Trump's old base is gone. His new base is composed of mindless redditfags and neocons who used to be never trumpers. He's done winning elections.

Lel. I'd say only fucking retards don't realise how effective Trump has been in shifting the Overton window. But anyway, I have real work to do; we'll continue this another time.

Same. Shills, President Trump is going to gas all Jews.

People just don't realize how good they have it. I'm voting for Trump next election unless a better candidate more open to pro White issues appears( which isn't happening).
Any other politician is even more of a Jew footsoldier and ten times more detrimental to white people. At the very least, Trump has stabilized the economy and conditions for the (white) middle class and completely destroyed White Americas remaining trust in the jewish media. If a Democrat was president right now we would be killing young white men in a war with Russia or North Korea.

Yeah I’m sure you did. Fucking kike.

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Look at all the triggered soyim in this thread. Yes, snowflakes, he's going after the fake news media (who took foreign bribes), Hillary's campaign (who took foreign bribes), and even the precious shill farms. He's going to drop the hammer about the second week of October, just in time for everybody to see how the media, social media, and the swamp are trying anything they can to influence the election.

This is also a shot across the nose of Soros. Shills will writhe and moan and say "nothing will happen" but just remember - Pizzagate is real and Trump busted a major sex cult, Jewish Rothschild attaches are now in actual trials and facing decades in jail.

Just relax and watch the show, we're about to harvest more salt than you could even imagine.

Mods needs to start banning this obvious bait.

Clown "President"

How many years ago was that dude who landed a satellite on a comet which was an amazing feat but was attacked for wearing a shirt with nude women on it? That was the last big thing NASA did.


Good shill, keep spamming these totally spontaneous and relevant President Trump Twitter threads and keep the other ones clear for actual discussion. After all, there's no D&C you can do in those threads so you're completely powerless.

sure thing man, yeah sure, any day now

He's already attacking a number of Jewish scams, the Pizzagate cult being the most obvious, but there are others.

50,000 sealed indictments, Jew boy.


Jews aren't human. They aren't part of "everyone". Neither are niggers

What a loser.

Ke, even bigger loser.


Hi, ban evading Q-cumber. Reported for spamming your jewish hoax.

holy fucking shit how long are you ass clowns scream this same dribble over and over and OVER again? we already know he's close with israel and what not, he's just a stepping stone.


2 minutes later, astroturf ha ha ha ha ha you suck at this, Mossad agent

What about the following?


So the same agency that says Hillary lost because Trump & Russia, now gets to sanction nations that are acused of having meddled election?

It's on pacer, Q must be incredibly powerful. Reported for saying 'reported,' it's against the rules.

Saving pisreal for last. Trump can’t take down the joo fags until his second term when aipac has no affect on him.

Isn't CherBlew funded almost entirely by Soros?

any foreigner = illegal aliens…

Honestly this sounds very targeted at Iran and China an argument could even be made that it can target many of the Muslim advocacy groups pouring money into DNC causes.

Silly user, laws don't apply to chosen, and besides, they have double citizenships (^:

Nice. Can't wait for israel to be sanctioned.