Name me one better person than him. Just one. He is arguably the best thing to come out of American post-war white nationalism.
Could this guy be the biggest hero against cultural marxism in post-1960s America?
Other urls found in this thread:
Joseph Paul Franklin
wow I had no idea one guy did all that…it's been buried breddy deep desu.
Wew lad! You’ve had too much internet today. This is literally the first time I’ve come across this name. And I’ve been searching and sifting through articles on “conspiracy theories” as many would say for over a decade now. Can’t believe this is even real. I’d love to know how what other Americans at the time he did this thought of him.
No. Hardly anyone has ever heard of this guy (See >>12139603), I highly doubt that we're any better off today because he got himself executed.
literally who?
It was buried. I heard of Larry Flynt getting gunned down and I heard of Vernon Jordan being shot and I heard of interracial couples being targeted but at no time have I heard of all of these being tied together in the news. It was probably one of those stories that was isolated to local news stations and was deliberately kept out of the national and international press
Sounds like a protégé of the notorious Zyklon Ben.
Yeah, he’s so much of a nobody that he has a book written about him by Dr. Pierce.
He spent +40 years in prison. If you're going to go this guy's route, do yourself a favor and take the hail of lead instead.
Choke to death on a cheese log joan.
lotta scared angry yids in this thread, have a bump
He is no different than any other kid at the age of 18 coming up on the internet, reading Mein Kampf, looking at memes all day with pro white imagery such as what’s being pumped out on Zig Forums. What’s interesting today is that someone doing this would become a spotlight for decades. Someone matyring themselves in the name of GTKRWN would face unfathomable amounts of backlash in the media. But for Franklin, I feel the exact opposite occurred. Simply because seeing his message come across the screens might have actually propragated that race war. Or maybe not. That’s the one thing that I found sad about listening to his interviews from recent times is just how much he’s back pedaled on his views. Very much a broken man.
I didn’t even know half the names in that post until just now.
Just one?
Posting the first (You) on the inevitable dogpile.
This is another stupid psyop to generate fake praise for a murderer/criminal to make Zig Forums look like fringe lunatics.
Others that were executed
William Pierce
Hitler (sort of, maybe)
William Cooper
Now the first (((you)))
How to set up a nation for invasion
1. inflate the currency
2. Remove true wealth / Ie: Gold
3. Divide it's people into identity groups
4. introduce foreign enemies into country
5. create a conflict outside of the country, attracting their war-age talent to leave homeland.
6. activate foreign assets on nations land.
7. hot war begins
Which phase would you put us in, exactly?
Wow that is totally amazing. Never heard of the guy. But he really stood by our people. Puts Saint Roof to shame by picking really fucking great targets! Looks like the guy in Breaking Bad
they tried to make him an unperson and memory hole him
gawd I read that as chinese log…and I was going to assure you that joan, the warthog from hell, could probably swallow chinese log.
WTF mate…are you mongrel nigger kikes the only ones who are allowed to WAGE A FUCKING WAR against us…you think it isn't going to come back and bite you in the ass? If Zig Forums knew what I knew about you, you fucking kikes would be dropped by snipers on every corner of the USA.
this guy is openly anti-white, full zionist and kike worshipper. his manifesto reeks of jew cum
also anti-Hitler and anti-natsoc.
He did good. But you know what would have been even better? If he found an aryan qt3.14 to 1488 with, and then teach his many sons how to be cold blooded snipers instead. They would all be adults today. Just saying.
Pic related.
And better planning…look at that sniper dude in AZ who killed all those people from the back of his car. I believe he was some kind of a nigger or something but a white man with training would put that nigger to shame. And someone intelligent would be able to have his qtπ and enjoy his war activities as well.
That's not saying much.
Whoops, not a nigger, was two person team, driver and shooter. Killed 17 in Phoenix, raped, wounded and attacked more…checking to see if the shooter Hausner is part kike.
You're better off remaining committed and living for your Race than dying for it. That having been said, I hold all respect for actions against the enemy. If you weren't considered a hardass even in combat arms, then your odds of resisting brainwashing and breaking under endless pressure are high. We all must do what we can. I am one of those few who do not break. No matter who you are, don't overextend yourself and break.
We must keep shitposting and maintain shitpost culture against the kikes. Many of our people know what's right, but it is ALWAYS kept out of (((media))). The correct term for media is ENEMY PROPAGANDA. Don't listen to enemy propaganda except for research purposes, and don't overdo it because it's garbage for sick people.
Remain committed to our cause–our right cause–for freedom and for life for our people. It is holy, and it is all that is good.
No. Warfare is a suspension of the law. Kikes do not hold to laws, ergo everyone is at war with them all the time by sheer virtue of kike war on other races alone. Get a clue. Is truth """fringe?""" Maybe sheep should go fuck themselves if they can't handle truth.
This is correct. All of the smart people already are trainers. Remember, by the time anything is "news," it's over.
Checking his mugshot dubs
Kek was with him, lads
Robert Jay Matthews is definitely the most significant NS hero in recent American history. He successfully created a large band of similar minded men for one purpose, revolutionary action against ZOG. He failed because one of his men was captured and talked probably after weeks of Mossad torture. He then died in a heroic last stand against almost a hundred ZOGbots on his land. The Order made ZOG's hair stand on end and they went after it with extreme zeal because of their actions. They're also my favorite because RJM and others were followers of Odin so thats a plus.
Attached is a speech by this martyr before the founding of the Order.
This is what I believe too, I mean I get that some people want to go out there and start shooting people but it makes you look more of a psycho, and then kikes win again by making you the "nazI" version of "white supremacy." (which you're not).
The only way to win this is to keep red-pilling anyone out there with perseverance. The more that joins the right side, the merrier.
Me neither. The scariest thing for (((them))) ever utter on this board: "lone wolves get results" its always downplayed but I always believed in it.
literally never heard of this guy until now>>12139603
Wasn't he the inspiration for Hunter?
You realize we're in a state of war, right. Celebrating a hero who sacrificed his life for the good of your people is perfectly normal. If you think that is fringe and crazy, you're an utter soyboy.
Fewer and fewer people seem to understand this, we are at war. The war is silent, and it's one-sided as it is illegal for us to fight back and defend ourselves. Any of our volk that are killed by ZOG and their brown hordes are the casualties of war, and any of our heroes that fight back are considered criminals and terrorists.
Lone wolves get results, but a loose and decentralized support network for lone wolves achieves even more.
You mean natsoc?
Yes, although Pierce removed the dedication for the second edition because he tried to take credit for other, non-racial murders that he obviously didn't commit.
The alt-right/neo-nazi ect in general are useful idiots and unwilling pawns of cultural marxism. They have no chance of countering it because they are clueless to not only this, but the actual nature of what cultural marxism and critical theory actually are.
thankfully, as that whole alt right thing fades away into irrelevancy every day, actual intellectual counters to cultural marxism can emerge without being immediately thrown away for supposed ties to dumb nigger tier behavior of neo nazi groups.
Any idea where I can acquire names of executioners, you know, for science? What organization handles hiring for this sort of thing in Missouri?
He killed white women who probably wouldve made white kids. Fuck this PoS
Someone do this, intro scenes would be perfect.
Didn't mean to reply.
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
Doesn't shoot the REAL targets
He is worthless. Larry Flint was shot because (((Jerry Springer — of the Jerry Springer show))) was running for mayor and against Flint for having strip clubs. This was WAY before his magazine.
And? What did it say? I trust Pierce, not you.
Iirc, he shot interracial couples. Mongrels aren't white.
No it wasn't. He shot him over a famous interracial pictorial published in Hustler.
The ones who do it right cannot be named because they don't get caught.
To any ABC organizations in here, first off I'd like to say this man is a evil murderer and his actions should be condemned.
I would also say that's one hell of a spree.
The man had his principals.
Does this mean he considered japs honorary? He didn't kill any asians
After 5, before 6
Wow so effective.
Larping isn't about effectiveness, it's about feeling like a badass.
>Me neither. The scariest thing for (((them))) ever utter on this board: "lone wolves get results" its always downplayed but I always believed in it.
Agreed, but another highly important phrase is "if you don't get caught you can do it again".
I won't lose any sleep over his crimes but I do not believe killing random coalburners or niggers is an effective strategy. After all, niggers kill each other in record numbers every year but it doesn't get rid of them, there's always more. The conditions that allow miscegenation still exist and will continue to exist until we have complete racial separation. Killing off a few mudsharks doesn't even begin to make any real difference.
Glenn Miller, the guy who shot up the Jewish Community Center in Kansas in a drunken stupor and managed to only kill 3 non-Jews, was a huge Franklin fanboy and wrote him letters in prison. All that behavior leads to is life behind bars, and you are much more valuable to the race on the outside. Don't go sacrificing your life and freedom over shooting a few niggers. At least Breivik attempted to attack the root, not the symptoms.
He didn't kill a single jew. Brainwashed gentiles are symptoms.
Funny thing is he was on the Jesse Lee Peterson show 3 days before he did the murders. I mean I get what you mean but violence can't be the answer. Like I said before, redpilling people via the internet/word of mouth is a more effective strategy.
FBI thread
He did kill a jew. (((Gerald Gordon))), who was at Beth Shalom Synagogue in Richmond Heights, MO was jewish and cohencidentally the one murder he was given the death penalty for. Read here:
You think niggers and white women who are going to breed the next generation of blue voters are “random targets” or “low priority”? Are you trolling or being serious?
There wasn’t a media spectacle. See >>>12139735 and >>>12139633
What did he do that was wrong again?
Whoops I meant to put only two >’s.
see and
A real life ben garrison
Here are some similar mission oriented serial murderers OP.
^ Including this degenerate because it fits the topic.
Have a spicy pic of Matthews yelling at a dyke.
That's Oscar Yaeger IRL no ?
holy shit, this guy is related to my best friends (second family, basically). I grew up hearing about this guy
Checked… for stupidity. What you believe, is based on nothing more than your female emotions. Killing random niggers is what spics do and it works. It literally drives coons out of their homes in TERROR. Shitskins like jews are terrified of awaken White men.
Hi stupid, jew, pussy.
October 8, 1977: in suburban St. Louis, Missouri, Franklin hid in the bushes near a synagogue and fired on a group attending services. In this incident, Franklin killed forty-two-year-old Gerald Gordon.[8] He also wounded Steven Goldman and William Ash
Useful idiots aren't the enemy they don't deserve to be shot unless in self defence
I like your post & I'm glad you took the time to write your thoughts. Thank you.
Why can't we have a modern day version that kills Greg Lansky?
This, nobody is talking abouth Argentina's 200.
Lansky would be easy because porn producers have criminal connections. The police wouldn’t be in a rush to investigate his death. I’ve been mulling over the idea of killing this faggot mayor in a town near me, but I know that the death of a mayor, especially such a virulent anti Trump one, would merit harsh investigation that would probably end with an inexperienced guy like me getting captured and unable to serve my race in prison. In Lansky’s case, the police likely wouldn’t know its political, they might think its part of a gang related thing or a robbery, but not an assassination.
Thanks for that, not many pictures of that legend around, and I feel like not many people know of him and the Order. He was a rare man and not many of them are around today.
Whoa whoa whoa FBI. Pol is a board of peace.
I mean you should probably just stop and get your head straight, you just commented on a completely public space that you've been thinking of killing someone pretty specifically. You've already made a huge mistake in talking, if you're dumb enough to do that you probably shouldn't do anything else. Even though it's war propaganda the saying "Loose lips sink ships" is extremely true even today.
toasting in an ebin honeypot bread
this guy was just a goo boy gettin he lyfe on trak. he wa finna go to church erry sunday on gaw
me ,im better. Im not a cry baby that throws a temper trntrum when I dont get my way. I dont watch degenerate porn.
Im not dead. Im 10x better than this loser
OP is a fag that adores losers. What a failure
This. It's not so much that targeting such wretched individuals is wrong, but they are hardly in any position of influence and you do far more harm adding to a "right-wing terror" list somewhere. Keep in mind that there are always more jews and nigs who'll replace a paltry few dozen as if they never existed while our movement is slandered constantly. The only way you can keep them in line is with full-fledged RWDS, and those can only stay around so long as the (((State))) is in disarray and people consider such squads a necessity.
When a quarter of the population will not only overlook such actions but actively support it, then we've won. Becoming an hero is treason for our race.
It's fairly obvious because it stands for Peace-On-Line
No, Kim is biggest.
Board of peace indeed. We're all gentlemen here and as such should neither pry into nor bore each other with our private affairs.
get this cuckchan shit out of here.
sage this shit you assholes
I'm not scared of any alphabet agency.
well, this gentleman died in what he perceived to be a battle. The whole "losers are bad" argument is so jewish. So, what, Hitler lost so does that make him a "loser?" Technically yes, but the term loser has been charged in a way to make the accused out to be a mopey dumb dumb. Nah, you're the mopey dumb dumb. Willing to side with whoever is the "winner?" say what you want about "losers" but you, user, are a coward.
I remember watching a show on the televitz about him years ago and was recently trying to recall his name. Thanks OP. He should be remembered among the all too few white martyrs.