Jewish Groups Proclaim End Times Prophecy is Being Fulfilled by Donald Trump
Jewish Groups Proclaim End Times Prophecy is Being Fulfilled by Donald Trump
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Kike Puppet in Chief
i wonder if Donald is circumcised?
"Abrahamic" is a sandnigger meme. It's a term invented and used by Muslims to give their semite-hating semitic cult credibility, by lumping itself in together with Christianity and Talmudism. That's why sandniggers will try and argue that they respect Jesus as a prophet and holy man, but they have no choice but to suppose that he was totally delusional and a liar that still somehow did miracles for some reason, since they reject him as the "true" prophet.
Jews have never lumped themselves in with Christians on "Abrahamic" reasoning, and until the Scofield Bible, Christians didn't lump themselves in with Jews either.
"Abrahamic" anything is islamo-semitic nonsense.
Sage because neurotic kikes kvetching about how numerology predicts the end of the world are no less valid than heretical protestant Boomers doing the same thing on radio stations and televangelist shows. If somebody made a thread about that, it would be anchored, and rightly so. Their delusional fairy tales do not suddenly become valid simply because they are kikes. Kikes aren't going to bring about the end of the world by raising a perfect red bull, and Trump isn't the Antichrist. Jews are mentally ill degenerates and have no clue what they are talking about. Even their own scriptures suggest the rules they're trying to follow are no longer valid and argue that God no longer listens to or cares about such sacrifices.
End times for jews is a bad thing, they lie about it, but their books literally talk about being ovened.
It doesnt mean the world ends, it means the jews will cease to exist on it.
While we're talking about prophecies, don't forget about September 23rd. I know it was supposed to happen last year and the year before, but it'll happen this time, trust me.
90% of American males are
They will have to work instead of having goys do it for them?
What about the final pope prophecy on top of this?
The antichrist was meant to wear his branding on your forehead.
MAGA hat.
He was meant to be loved by all at first then hated by many.
Zognald Betrayed us.
Branding is ashen cross, loved by all was when kikepope started by being auper conservative, then hated when turning liberal, calling christ a failure, and betraying europe while washing niggerfeet.
90 percent? I think you mean (((americans))) then
nobody mention that in the protocolz of the learned elders of zion, the messiah will be blonde
they will also attack on thanksgiving, while you are fattened up
History is not linear, it is cyclical. So if kikes are ready to call it in, all the better for whites to get back in their feet in the aftermath.
What's your position on voting for Republicans, and supporting Trump? I have heard it said that it would be impermissible to support Trump. Indeed, the conclusion is that the only permissible view is to hate Trump. But the reality is that most kikes hate Trump. Likewise, most niggers hate Trump. Simultaneously, only Trump, and supporting Trump in the Nov. v0te will lead to any kind of financial gain for whiite people. This is indisputable, given the tremendous pain caused by liberal plans like Obamacare. But there are also many other things like that which the DNC will do to whiite people, but even a generic Republican won't do.
Me, I'm not stupid enough to believe that putting all whiites in the bread line will cause Adolf Hitler to rise from the dead.
A fool's hopes spring eternal, I suppose. And self-damage is a ritual of kikes, so we know where such an ideology actually originates, because it's so sick.
what an awful post
says the christcuck.
What are you sliding?
Syria user, I regret to inform you that Thanksgiving isn't really like Eid. We do eat quite a bit, but most people are perpetually dieting, and most groups don't drink, because Thanksgiving brings together young and old, which means old teetotaler morality kicks in. And now that football is anti-American garbage we really have nothing to do. Some people play sand lot football, but that's only the particularly active or more aggressive families. So there's literally nothing to do.
My own opinion is we should bring back croquet.
The rules here are basically 100% of everything must be anti-Trump. If it's not anti-Trump it gets deleted. That's who runs this place. Whatever. I'm not ever going away.
My advice, think cancerous linkbait. So they want to make all of the ops anti-Trump. Fine. We'll bump them and fill the interior with the red pills. Literally just like if we were to buy ads anyway.
How's that for some Judo meming?
Also, is it resolved if it's meming or memming or memeing or maybe even memmeing?
He's not a Christian. Watch.
Are you anti-circumcision? If you are not anti-circumcision then you are not a Christian. You are a judaizer.
Bump because you’re from reddit and a cocksucking faggot.
No one believes a word you say. Nothing you have said is true. You’re a fucking faggot. Trump has done nothing for us or the rest of the white race. There is no reason to support him.
Reported for admitting to mass spam.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, cuck.
Between the eyes of the Messiah there will be the symbol for the word of God.
lol, bump
They'll have a major problem in that they are not the sons of Abraham.
The things calling themselves "jew" are not of hebrew descent. They're Turkish-mutts that have bred with everything under the sun. All Jews, ALL JEWS were wiped out in the Apocalypse of 70AD.
You do know that 'hell' just means the grave, right? So basically it is like saying…we kill them all and exterminate every last one. The end.
I am starting to believe this is true looking at the DNA…this mongrel fucking half nigger horde that calls themselves 'jews' are all one people on DNA charts.
sandnigger detected. allah is a pig that jews like to fuck and fill with semitic cum
Yep. You'd think that the main message of every single one of Hitler's speeches would slowly break through your fat head, if given enough time. Apparently not.
Jews talk to much, there was once a time when the whole word didn't trust in Semitic prophecy.
goat fucker Mohammed was a Semite. most Semites are Muslim.
That's categorically untrue.
Just because you're a low-IQ savage that wants to throw yourself into the whims of a defeated cause doesn't mean you're right.
Trump has a mass following and followings can be redirected. Christians make up 100 million whites in America so unless you have that kind of following, you may want to use that little pea-brain of yours to start contemplating on how we can shift them from their current status of tolerance to justly intolerant of subhumans.
Sounds more like your fishing for a simp to do your work for you.
Get off your ass and do the work you want done yourself. Be the change you want to see.
Reminder that you still have no argument and your jewish shills aren’t supported here.
And you’re mentally ill. Thanks for admitting there are no reasons for whites to support Trump, the zionist neoconservative civic nationalist.
Are you posting the image in support of the quoted text, or as “refutation” to it?
Wasted. That is what I was saying, goon.
How much did Chaim pay you for that post?
oh, and these
These 2 things have a youtube channel H3H3 productions. Both of which claim they are Jews, neither of which practice Judaism nor have Hebrew blood. They made the mistake of posting their DNA results and I screen-clipped. Confirming what I already knew without having to insert any bias.
You can wish that were the case, but we aren’t playing the same game. You’re fish food now.
You threaten like a prepubescent kike
Are they actually hiring retards now?
What part of infiltration do you not understand heeb? Or you just don't like it when Aryans make use of it for the benefit of their own kind?
these two should go together. Confirmation that there are no Hebrews. Apologies, I have so much information in my head that sometimes I forget to spell it out step by step.
Reminder that you have listed absolutely no reasons for us to support someone who publicly disavows white nationalism. Reminder that you can’t justify your support for a zionist who has nothing but jewish grandchildren.
Explain to me what this nationalism of yours is.
I see a lot of talking about it, but have yet to be told what it is.
Either way I am going to have some good leftist made grub.
Do you understand what language and abstract words are?
I am a Christian, and yes. What now, you dumb nigger? Are you really such a newfag that you think anyone on Zig Forums is pro-circumcision? Lurk three years before posting anything again.
Filtered and reported. This is a white nationalist board, musselmen are not welcome here.
Good to know that the "christcuck" meme is coming from sandniggers now. I'll be sure to rub that in the face of the next pagan who decides to be autistic.
Yeah, just like mutt meme and everything you don't like. Kikes and sandniggers are the same pests.
it is a pretty extensive DNA grouping. Purple is the mongrel 'jews' to me. Green is the European peoples. Someone mentioned the other day on Zig Forums that turkey and greece exchanged much of their population over the last 100 years, so to me the greeks are out as well as romainia. Look at the seat of honor in the 3rd pict. Right next to the words richest dirtbag kike 'queen' who is flooding the commonwealth nations with shitskins as fast as she can sits the King of Romania…both a couple of shit eating dirtbag swine who are doing everything they can to genocide us. INVADERS OF OUR NATIONS, USPERPERS OF OUR OWN LEADERSHIP AND MONARCHS, DESTROYERS OF OUR PEOPLE. EXTERMINATION IS TOO GOOD FOR THEM AND THEIR PEOPLE.
If the jews are excited about the "End Times" its not the "End Times" you're thinking, but rather one that'll bring about humanities complete enslavement.
Look at that.
reddit go
but also i am confused by
because in this post
he told me he was circumcised zionist
NO you have it wrong because you have THEIR MINDSET imprinted in you. THE ONLY END IT IS, IS THEIR COMPLETE END.
Reported. Lurk before posting or do not post at all.
Reported for ban evasion and hoaxes. You have admitted that your zionist god is a traitor.
Q predicted this
When I get what I am not on my own board
i think you must be confused
i don't worship any zion
and you did tell me your peepee was zionist
which was very strange to say
you can email proof of this to me at pphunter1488 at furaffinity dot net
The former does not because they dont want to be lumped with their slaves while the latter does not because they fear the former.
That would explain way too much.
I hope I get a job torturing religious fanatics after Xi wins world war 3.
lol reported
Reported for libel and ban evasion.
Filtered, kike roach.
Checking those quads.
You people really want us to oppose Trump, don't you?
That said, he is not /our/guy, unfortunately.
Letting the mexican communists win more seats will be bad for us though.
White countries for White people and only White people and no jews.
The healthy and natural way.
Since the "end times" is all jewish fairy tales, it is most likely that the kikes will try to string along useful idiots with the promise of "bringing back Jesus" while maneuvering for total enslavement under kike one world government.
Believing in jewish fairy tales is never a good sign.
(to be clear, ALL abrahamic religions are poison)
Tens of millions of White gentiles in America are circumcised. Blame the (((medical))) industry.
Chinese bugpeople are almost as bad as jews, and there are far more of them.
Chinese "winning WW3" would mean White people losing everything.
Gas yourself.
Where do you think that you are?
This site is 50% insults.
Nah, we won’t. Zionists and civic nationalists rub us the wrong way.
No one said anything about this. This has nothing to do with supporting Trump.
but i was never band
i dont want to be hacked by zog
tho i don't know why you change your mind now about circumcision
and i left a clue for you to send me proof
yes that is very bad
but 0673e0 told me he had a 'zionist cock'
which was a very strange way to say it
Keep hoping Trump does something significant for white people besides making okay signs that agent jamal and bloomstein at the NY Times swear is the white power symbol. China losing the war to the jews is the real end of the white race.
So, does Q think that this is a good thing?
It took them this long to try to call him the antichrist? pfft
Ashkenazi Khazars, the modern day Jews, are miscegenated Turkish mongrels. They are not of the bloodline of David, and they do not practice YHWHism, the religion of the Old Testament. They practice Talmudism, which is actually younger than Christianity. They are not even the people of the Old Testament, and will admit as much if pressed, though they do not like having to do so.
YHWHism as a religion can no longer be practiced: even if you were to attempt to follow it's strictures, all priests must be of the line of David, and the geneological records were lost with the destruction of the First Temple. We do not know who is or is not of the line of David. It is quite possible that the line is entirely extinct. The implications of this, among other things, means every single rabbi on the planet is illegitimate, and in fact all rabbis have been illegitimate since before the birth of Christ. The rabbis who first codified the Talmud and the Kabbalah together, creating what we know as Judaism, were illegitimate, as were their teachers and their teachers teachers.
All of the legalese and doublespeak the Jews employ to try and circumvent these issues is done out of neccesity: without it, they would be forced to admit that they are mongrels of no nation that are practicing a bunch of made-up nonsense invented by a bunch of inbred pretenders who were furious that the Greeks and Romans were better than them and hated Jesus with an undying and eternal passion.
There are some mistakes in your statements, but i see that you have good intentions in posting this, so i will correct you in some points.
Not delving into the khazar question, as i myself have not made up my mind about this topic, i have to contest the latter half of the statement.
Talmudism is merely the historical movement within judaism that adopted the rabbinic tales and jurisprudences present withing the talmud, many of which were already present in the jewish faith as part of their oral tradition. Of course, a fair deal of new ideas got introduced in the age of the talmud, but those are mostly accidental, and not essential. On a minor note, many ashkenazi are mixed with sephardi, actual middle-eastern jews, the people of the old testament, who were invited into the Iberian Peninsula by muslims so a couple of them might actually be descendants from the old israelites. Probably not enough to justify all of the cohens out there, obviously.
Yes, but some Cohens pretend that they are the actual descendents of the high priesthood, which is probably anachronistic even if you disregard the khazar theory.
Not all rabbis needed to be part of the high-priesthood, though.
Actually, this is more recent than you might think. They started larping as ancient israelitez around the 17th-18th century with proto-zionism.
Look it up and deal with the fact that there are no OLD Israelis.
You can't choose to accept portions of the historical documents and dismiss others, especially when 7 historians from differing geographical locations all documented the complete annihilation of the Judaens in 70AD
That's true in the literal sense, that you don't have to be a high priest to be a "teacher," but almost everything important that rabbis do, they do without legitimacy because they are not high priests and were not taught or instructed by high priests. The master-with-apprentices-and-helpers system doesn't work when there has been no master in millenia and the helpers are just appointing themselves.
The entire thread about the red bull sacrifice the Israeli's are trying to put together is wrongheaded, simply because there is no legitimate high priest to oversee the process and proclaim everything clean and pure. The whole affair and everything associated with it has zero validity. Even if God still cared about all those old laws and YHWHism was still in the right and Christianity was heresy, their little song and dance play of rebuilding a new temple out of gold and cedar and blessing the ground with a pure calf sacrifice is utter nonsense. Their temple is impure, their ritual busted from the start. Rabbinical Judaism as we understand it, Orthodox Judaism, is fundamentally nothing more than a cargo cult.
Jews use pilpul on us to decieve us about their intentions and desires, but their pilpul was honed and created by inventing loopholes in their stolen and borrowed rules to justify their own existence.
I appreciate your corrections and thank you for the information.
Then why are Christians so intent on gargling (((YHWH)))'s balls?
Ye ye, modern No True Jews left and other assorted Christian Identity bullshit. The ancient Israelites were just as cancerous and nefarious as today's Jews so it's no stretch to say they are the same.
And Talmudism can not be younger than Christianity if the Talmud was written back in the days of the Babylonian Captivity. If the damn holy book predates your religion, the religion around aforementioned holy book is definitely older than yours too.
is Jacky V connected to this?
I think I feel a sizzle in my synapses.
The Talmud was written over a hundred years after the death of Christ. What the fuck are you smoking?
Good. It means the jews time on earth is coming to a close!
the chicago bulls have a new mascot then
In the tradition of the Rabbis that compiled most of the Old Testament when they were slaves in Babylon. I did not mean to say the Talmud was part of this original compilation.
Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati
agenda 21
the protocols
I often said during the elections that they and their servants act like Trump getting elected was the end of the world. I wasn't being this fucking literal.
Synagogue means meeting place. A church or mosque is a synagogue in the biblical sense, it just isn't called that in English as we reserve the word for the Jewish equivalent.
I wish the delusional /x/ autist would get permabanned.
The abomination that causes desolation (a nuke) will stand on the walls of jerusalem.
You know the direct translation is Old Covenant, right? Meaning the covenant that God had with the Hebrews which he severed himself of by wiping out the Hebrews. New Covenant renders all of the Old Covenant obsolete.
This is the reason todays proto-jews hate Christianity so much. It shows them for what they are. Roaming Godless miscegenationists. Nothing more than creatures.
No they're not.
Each jew group is genetically the same as their host nation. The exception is the ashkenazi who are arab-mixed.
The jews, like their semitic cousin the Arab, descend from the same few families and all are 4th or 5th cousins. They only appear as their own on distance charts which are not as accurate as the specific haplotypes.
So what? The Old Testament is bullshit that didn't happen.
This would be a good time for memetic symbolism involving the phoenix. Take the current for ourselves. The end of the time of the kike is over with the Kali Yuga. Now we must be reborn.