I typed all this shit out then the fucking thread got shoaed so I'm making a fucking thread. We need it anyway.


I am Christian. I am American. I am white. I am male. I believe JC is our Lord and Savior. I want to eradicate my country of the Jewish population. I want a tightly-cohesive and connected white ethno-state. I don't think Trump is with us on this.

We need a nationalist movement.

a real one

How would one go about doing this? What are best tacts for creating a successful organization? What's best practice here? Any former campaign managers or charity organizers, please feel free to help us out here. We need to appeal to the masses. Website? Meetups? This all seems amateur. An NRA type of org seems more what I'm thinking. Can we lobby as a collective? How the fuck does this work? Can we 501c this bitch?

- James Allsup, American Media
- Greg Johnson, Counter Currents
- Jared Taylor, American Renaissance
- Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer

What are these guys doing wrong?
I know there are more people out there that feel the way I feel. I see it on their faces crossing the street, sitting in their cars. They're lost and they can't figure out why. I believe that a strong Nationalist movement is the only solution to our problems. We need to solidify

I believe that a legitimate US nationalist movement will never occur with hatred as it's core driver. I know this is the case for many of us with our animosity towards the Jews. I get it. But if we're going to be successful, our movement needs to be based on solidarity and commonality.

What the fuck do we do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You’re on the wrong board for that noise.

Kike free post


How do you feel about ETHNO-GLOBE?

Sage negated

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That's a non- starter. Christianity is the religion of weakness, we were great despite it, not because of it. We need to fight like cornered rats, not forgiving hippies.

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A good place to start may be to compile a "curriculum" of sorts, detailing American history in a way that sharply contrasts the drivel spawned by the (((critical theorists))) that gets crammed down our throats such as "muh slavery" "muh nation of immigrants" "muh native genocide", etc.
Focus on the spirit of the colonists and pioneers who settled the untamed wilderness, the statesmen who founded a free nation, and the brave men who fought to win and preserve it.
Bring to light the oft-forgotten heroes like Davey Crockett and defend the oft-slandered reputation of "le ebul slaveholding" founders. A nation needs to remember its history and heroes.
We need to revive the American Foundation Myth and have it overtake the Semitic one that began to spread in earnest in 1945.
In terms of optics, I've often considered that it'd be a good idea to market American Nationalism as "Restorationism". The cultural rot that is Critical Theory has been eating away at the Western Soul for too long for mere "Conservatism" to suffice. Why would anyone want to conserve the vile, degenerate state of affairs that we're trapped in? We have no collective identity, no shared values, just a vapid, hypercommercialized existence. Note that I say "existence", not life, because it isn't life. It's a meaningless living-death.
We need to rekindle the Flame of the West in the hearts of men, and show them that there's a better future than the mongrelized and commercialized dystopia that our ruling class is pushing us toward.

[Ironically I got a new appreciation for American history by playing Sid Meier's Civ4 Colonization and its mod Religion and Revolution (inb4 gtfo vidyafag). The games' internal encyclopedia are quite informative on the history of settling the New World. It may be a good way to get some Gen-Z'ers on board as we'll need all the new blood we can get]

stopped right here. fuck off christcuck

>>>(((Zig Forums)))

Look at the jew hard at work trying to tear the fabric of the White Western World out from under us.
Good luck with that you proto-jews. We have a religion unlike you degenerate heathens that were rejected by God.

The fabric of the White Western World is White Western Blood, faggot. So suck 'godly' nigger toes with your fellow cuckolds on Zig Forums

Sieg heil, my Aryan brother.
What needs to be done, is for a major movement/collective outside of the internet to be formed.
I hate to word it this way, but we need a secret society for the Aryan people, maybe we should call it "The dark brotherhood" or something cool and mysterious that will draw in the millennials who aren't caught up on the JQ and white peril, people who just want to play video games.
Look what the free masons were able to do, set up shop in every city in every state and draw millions of members, we need that.
Once you have your membership you can start to infiltrate every aspect of society and purge our states (and countries) of all the various evils.
Be prepared though, there will be opposition and there will be glow in the darks trying to infiltrate our movement and subvert it.
This isn't call of duty, it's more like Bloodbourne or Dark Souls with permadeath enabled … so tread carefully.
Semper fidelis.

The eternal (((christcuck))) everyone, they're all race-traitors at heart, they all fail to understand the true reality of race.

Niggers can't be civilized, and cuckstianity never united anything, the war that wiped out the largest percentage of Europe's white population happened due to your faggot religion.

Kill yourself famalam.

As Eric Striker says, we are a country of many nations. We need to make affirmative action go away, put the kibosh on non-white immigration, go to a gold or silver backed currency, take away women's right to vote, take away non-white right to vote. Then we can think about letting a few non-whites have little areas where they come in to bring some outside flavor. Also, exterminate every last jew.

The founding fathers didn't even care for Christianity all that much, except as a necessary but outdated custom to help unify Northern Puritans (who ruined both England and then the U.S. with civil wars for "equality") and Southern Anglicans (and other denominations) who lived fundamentally different lifestyles for reasons that have to do with where they came from in England (Southerners were from North-west England) and where they got off the boat (Northerners didn't have good farmland, nor did they care for it being (((merchants))) ). Christianity is ultimately socialist Jewish trash no better than Marx, Adam Smith and John Locke are the ideological godfathers of America, not the Bible. John Adams referred to the Holy Trinity as gross a sophistry as Rousseau's notion that "All men are created equal" in a letter to Thomas Jefferson. Edward Gibson said that Christianity destroyed Rome, and he was right.

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hey bro how about you stop worshipping the god of the kikes and start looking into some real european shit?

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Man I would love something that was open to European NON-JEWS, as long as it wasn't gay or LARPy but actually focused on European issues, self defense, survival techniques, growing or collecting wild foods, music, culture and customs, family well being etc. I think Suidlanders is like this in South Africa, even though they are mostly Christian they don't discriminate against others either.

That's the whole reason why white people are in this mess. We choose not to discriminate when we should.

Yes, quote Kikepedia to show me what a kike Jesus was. Good going, guy! You might convince someone that doesn't actually look to historical documents!

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Q predicted this

Well honestly it is none of your fucking business what I believe. I don't have a traditional religion, but I am sure as fuck not looking for your validation for anything. You fucking kikes are so goddamn pushy with your fucking bullshit.

Abraham's covenant is a Hitler-tier statement to jews that they will take over the world. Jesus was some hippie fuck who universalized it. The idea of god is over anyhow, we have no need to personify what clearly has no personality or concern for us.

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I disagree.

There's a number of reasons why American Nationalism is hard to sell at this point in history.

1. American protestant Christian tradition is not unifying. It's fractured and divisive. Also at least 50% of the hardcore nationalists aren't Christian. Any overarching religious themes would need to be theistic at best. You could go founding fathers theism and pull it off. Still this is a very hard balancing act which only becomes possible when the xeno threat becomes rather extreme. Christian fundies will drive out the non christians. Non christians will drive out the fundies. We all know this dynamic.

2. Larpers. Anyone larping as a German National Socialist is a non starter. It doesn't flow with the broad American narrative because we'd have to face up to killing Hitler and more guilt is absolutely not what we need to be successful. We need to project power and strength and a long, extremely big brained take on why actually America was the bad goys doesn't fit the feeling is certainty in self that American Nationalism requires. A successful American National Socialist movement would not call itself national socialist. It could be national socialist. It could have an identical platform. The leaders could dog whistle all they want. But it couldn't be directly tied to Germanic national socialism. New colors. New symbols. Go back to our fashy founders. Try to skirt by the 20th century as a "time of confusion."

3. Banning national socialist themes is going to make your most hard core supporters sperg. But you need these guys. They're going to be your troll armies. Your subverters. Your neo-brownshirts beating down the commies to secure your rallies. They're going to be the ones getting pamphlets out. They're going to the core of your first clubs and cadres. You need them but they're a terrible liability (like the historical brownshirts actually). These guys are like attack dogs that need to be made to heel. The only way you're going to do that is have an extremely strong leader. This brings us to ….

4. You need a new Hitler. I believe he's already among us. He just has to find his voice and a place in his heart to stand firm.

You're talking about Identity Evropa in America. They're still finding their feet but it's the closest thing to a European Identity Fraternity there is in the USA.

I don't give a fuck.

They don't have standards. They let kikes in.

This thread will cap at 751 and nobody will learn a goddamn thing.

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Go back to reddit. This is a National Socialism board.

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jews don't worship God, you lying heathen. God decimated the Judaens in AD70. The Pharisee hate God. The New Testament (which you quoted) is the closing of the Old testament. It severed his covenant with the Hebrews who he completely wiped out through the Roman Army.

You're basically saying that God, after completely wiping a people out, went on to promise them all the land and animals upon it.

Do you even shill, bro? This is so low effort it's pathetic. Next you're going to say that Jesus is actually a Pharisee and those that worship Jesus are the sons of Lilith.

How many of (((them))) do you think are trying to d/c this thread out of fear? The last thing (((they))) want is for us to organize. It's painfully obvious.
Religion has historically been a tool to keep ethnic communities together. FULL STOP. (((They))) purposely fucked over ours by shoving atheism down our throats, putting pedophiles in high positions within the church to dissuade us, and so much more. Whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not is fucking irrelevant. Though (((they))) make up less than 3% of the population, their religion is stronger than ever and thus their community is, for the most part, butt-hole tight. Whites need to stop buying into this d/c bullshit and focus on the bigger picture. Anyone who says otherwise gets the fucking rope.

Yes they do, they worship your god, a volcano demon that eats baby foreskins for power.

No, the pagan Romans did, because your cuckfaggot demongod doesn't exist, go cry to jeebus some more, you mouth breathing retard.

proof? Public sources say they don't admit jews but those could be lying.

You are NOT a descendant of Abraham! You are being jewed by the jew that leads you. You live in a caste system and you know that you will never, no matter how high your potential, ascend above your given position in the hierarchy. You have a 2 year service agreement that will run out and your predecessor will take your place. You will continue to hide behind a wall in a shithole desert surrounded by people who hate your fucking guts until the day you die.
And I'm the cuck?

Ok, bro

I'm convinced all religious spergs are shills. Filter them and this thread becomes very comfy.

Look at this projection famalms, it's you who are being led by the cucked stick-kike jeebus.

Worthless retards like you are the reason white civilization has gone to shit.

THIS is why I tell people it is none of their goddamn business. The kikes have made it a 6,000 year prerogative to meddle in other people's personal beliefs and if they try it again I am going to start capping their FUCKING ASSES instead of singing kumbaya with them. That is the one thing 'christianity' lacks is the willingness to ventilate a fucking nigger kike when they come round trying to tell me what to believe or think. That includes the fucking pagan larpers here on Zig Forums who think that when the catholic church breathes its last half nigger breath that it is their turn to 'rule the roost' but I got new for you pagan larp mother fuckers, I am going to start shooting your dumb fuck asses and not stop if you think you are going to pick up where the catholics left off persecuting our people.

Let me get this right.
I ascribe to a doctrine that binds 100 million or more white Americans in a collective power and you think this is somehow a jew cause?

I guess you would like us to think the jew like Christianity now, huh?

Do you realize how fucking insane your ramblings are to sane people?

Doesn't matter.

I don't care if it's Jesus or the Jews in general, they're all fucking wrong. Monotheists and polytheists are full of it. You could care less about the things you talk about, you're being vain. Anyone who claims to believe in god(s) is being dishonest.

God is not a sane concept.

They don't have anything but a paper application and an interview. Without DNA testing and weeding out ZOG it is completely fucking pointless. ZOG has embedded itself into European DNA but they are always loyal to ZOG, even 1% kike DNA stays loyal to zion and never to Europeans. They can never be European they will always be sayanim traitors that need to be exterminated.

I want you to know one thing. You are not a descendant of Abraham. You are a pawn in a caste system.
Take care now, thing with no name.

Sounds like something a jew would say.

Toghether with niggers, spicks, and all other shitskins, and they're your equals in your faggot god's eyes. How could any white man with half a spine ever consider following such a faggot religion? They couldn't.

They do, have you never seen the israel worshiping your religion stands for? Billions in free donations kikes every year, from stupid faggot bitches like you.

That statement is ironic beyond what should be possible.

Enjoy your nigger-brothers in christ, after you kill yourself for being a fucking failure.

Tell me that when you are breathing out more than your kike pie hole.

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No shit, noticing that now?

And anyone who doesn't understand that the enemy of man (those things in the desert lair) believes in gods is not understanding the importance of that information.

Christianity isn't a white religion you retard. The only kike is the one pushing abrahamic nonsense when white civilizations thrived under a pantheon.

That statement made no fucking sense at all.

Do you even know how to fucking read?

Jesus is not, was not and never will be a fucking jew. There are no jews on earth and those things that call themselves jews hate Christians.
Those are the facts I play within. Those are the facts that matter. Absorb the information people put out.

reminder to filter all religious spergs

This is one of those threads where you'd wish you can just delete. But can't because that would ruin free speech.

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Jesus was definitely a jew, more degenerate than most. Stop trying so hard to appropriate jews, it's disgusting.

Might as well filter the entire thread, given OP's initial statement.

Take your plebbit memes back to >>>/reddit/ faggot.

It doesn't matter what you believe, it matters what they believe.
or in the case of the attack on Christianity, what they don't believe.
Either way, the important non-arguable fact is the jew-things believe in gods and they hate Christians.
Work with what you know, don't work with what you don't know. What does what you know tell you?

That's stupid. It definitely matters what you believe, unless you're okay with faggots and Zionists in your ranks.

Yes, I can. But apparently you can't. Christianity has only ever been used to crush European cultures while simultaneously being used as a shield to condone the butchering of young men in the name of their so-called son of god.

You are so fucking stupid, it is painful. ALL OF THEM are the same thing. You are in the 31 flavors store of religions looking at basically what amounts to different flavors of ice cream and trying to tell everyone around you that because bubble gum isn't the same as mint chip that mint chip isn't ice cream.
The more you dig into religion the more you know that they are all THE SAME GODDAMN THING, EXACTLY with different flavors for different genetic lines and cultures. If you had any concept at all or had done any deep study you would know this yourself already…and there is no fucking way I am taking advice or instruction from what amounts to basically a religious retard.


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anchor this thread already for fucks sake


America needs to die so Whites around the world will be free to actually form a folk and be their own Nationalist movement including those Whites in the US. Its arms of the US defense department that spearheads any and all Nationalist movements in White countries and its the US military, full of non-whites, in these same places running rampant and hurting the local economy and its finally the US dollar which keep White Genocide going.

Yeah, jews are the core problem but their tool in the "American Country" increases their reach immensely.

If any Nationalism movement was to start worldwide it'd be American soldiers killing the Nationalists like in the 90s.

My contempt for amerifats and their willful ignorance increases by the minute, because of retards like you. I hope your country gets carved up by the European powers again once America collapses and Europe uncucks itself.

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Then read!
Everything. Read it all then come back and engage because I'm talking to myself 5 years ago. You're a detriment to your people.

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Cry more untermensch

Please choke on a dead man's penis, nu-fedora.

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Then you and Hitler have some reckoning to do.

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Americans are the dawn the of future faggot, We will take over the world, and thoroughly colonize it and the entire fucking universe. I live off of your contempt.

No point in reading if you don't have critical thinking skills. You belong in a factory where you can't think.

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You know user, not lurking is rude. If you lurked, you would know more about the board before you posted.
But whatever. You're here and you presented an idea that I like talking about. And it's not like you have th epatience to lurk and learn so I'll address some ideas in this thread.

Half the folks here will tell you to take your cross and shove it up your arse and they're not kikes either. There is a lot of… shall we say, skepticism of the benefits of Christianity. Especially considering that the largest supporters of IsraHell are Christian Evangicucks.
And I should probably preface this advice by admitting that I'm biased against your religion. However, I would rather live in a Christian theocracy run by the fucking inquisition than suffer one more day in humiliation at being owned by disgusting kikes.
That said, I would advise your political movement to promote Christianity, but remain low key about it. You know and I know that Christianity is losing its grip over the minds of people everywhere. And just as I would rather be ruled by Christians that I hate than live under jews, I hope you feel the same about us heretics. Surely even the faggot Amazing Atheist would make a less abhorrent ruler than the sneering piece of filth Benjamin Netanyahu.
So if I were to create a pro-White political party I would mention Jesus and "our Christian values" on occasion, but I wouldn't wave them in everyone's face. The youth are simply not energized by Christianity.
Race is far more important.

Nothing else your rotten mouth can say, (((burger)))? You're willfully the #1 golem of the kikes, and the reason why National Socialism still doesn't thrive in every corner of Earth. Fellate a shotgun, rabbi.

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In other words, I just owned your ass.
You are going to die violently.

I doubt your white.

This is a National Socialist board, kike. We respect our forefathers, unlike sodomite nu-christians.

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That's what I'm talking about, you don't think or listen. You just jerk yourself off like a redditor.


And Im sure you're a sliding jew.


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The Jews did the same thing to the Persians and the Byzantines, and the Romans, and so many others throughout history. This "Opening of the gates" is a common thread throughout Jewish history.

Shill of fucking what?

That world will not be for you but for (((them))). The last century proves White Americans inability to fight for themselves and only beholden to jews.

You look at the past while I look Janus-faced at both the past and the future, and even the present.

On strategy, we need to focus on local elections and positions and basically ignore the executive branch until we are stronger. We simply cannot take over this country without a string base of support on the ground.
YES, it is going to be difficult.
NO, it will not happen overnight in one glorious election.
YES, it is the long and "boring" road.
But it is the best path to victory.

It is the best path because we will not be allowed to take over the higher positions legally. We will eventually need to take America by force. And in order to do that we will need real, strong, and localized organizations and centers of support.
If you doubt this, I encourage you to open a history book of revolutions, revolts, and rebellions and try to find one example of a successful revolution that did not adhere to this time and tested advice.

nice counterargument fuckface

Careful user. Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house.

The one that's lied to our faces?

If you look through the same glasses you'll see the same thing. I hope Whites live on in the North American continent but it won't be under the auspices of "American".

You are negligible trash.

Be serious. Do you think you have a monopoly on god? Yes, of course having christianity was better than this insane jewish world today, but christianity was defeated and so fucking cucked now. We need something entirely new imo but we shouldn't toss out god/belief in something amazing.

Its not just America I hope that dies but most White countries I hope to see not function. I'm not after some kind of abstract concept of "country" but for the survival of the White race.

Most of "Americana" was established by jews on Madison Avenue.

I'm with you OP.

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And yet Vargcucks will, without hesitation, disown people of their own blood simply because they don't like the skydaddy they worship.

But yeah let's scream at each other about religion while are homelands and genetics are literally a generation away from being wiped out.