RIP Europoors: Article 13 Passes, Internet Officially Ded
RIP Europoors: Article 13 Passes, Internet Officially Ded
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The internet is a double-edged sword for everyone using it. Hopefully the people in Europe will gain something from this that will free them. They need to use force, not facebook.
Good. Let people get even more pissed off. Maybe they will eventually do something, or not, maybe they are fully cucked
Now that it's come to individual member states it would be a great idea to speak directly with Euroskeptic governments before it's too late.
You goddamned accelerationists are the first ones to die, you know that?
The internet needs to move to decentralized blockchain systems (which may be the purpose of this internet crackdown) that cannot be censored.
Problem is the blockchain may be the mark of the beast.
EOS IO could be used to run a UN-censorable social media system.
The only solution remaining for the EU is now to be fully disolved or to have a civil war.
Can't share a link? Welp then, archives exist. I wanna see them copyright whole paragraphs.
How does this effect mongolian lamma herding forums based in Southern America though?
W-w-what link, Police Officer? T-these are just numbers. N-no it's not an unresolved IP address. It's just 4 numbers separated by comas.
Disgusting Europoors cant meme on you anymore.
Problem is they are already going after archiving as it will violate copywrite.
Also, links will be copyrighted.
Really gets the nogging jogging
Good luck with that. EU laws are notorious for not being carried out in Eastern Europe. We can tunnel through Moldova, Ukraine, Turkey or Russia to post here.
The time has come
Do the mutt memes truly hurt this bad?
lol you'll have to leave your house first status Quock
VPNs boiiiiiis
This is about sharing content. Websites will be blocked that don't conform, and most sites will conform to get entry to the EU.
wasnt GDPR enforced globally? so what makes you think they wont do this too
Finnfag spotted, dont worry you will get properly assblasted like winland always does
Can't wait for the e-celebs to go completely mental and have their channels shutdown. It's almost worth it.
The richest ones can still keep doing it, these laws just fuck the poor and benefit the rich
Realistically the internet was going to die here the moment this poo got to it, given how much of the traffic passes through the US.
it would be a shame if any euro anons reading this stole guns and shot their politicians
The internet died when king nigger handed off ICANN to the UN.
just look at them
Go back to >>>/reddit/
This should finally get the normies woke.
Eurobros, time to go everywhere and tell people how bypass the censors, and be sure to point them at red-pill sites whenever possible.
Make this a huge black-eye for the kike media giants and your EU taskmasters.
In a way they are fucking up bad because now they are cutting into the bread and circus. You can attack everything else but when you take away the distractions and people are forced to live in reality they have a tendancy to actually do shit.
No they are just moving to a netflix model. The bread and circuses will continue, it will just be kike approved entertainment.
However, the original internet people will not be amused and will most likely revolt by adapting. Blockchain systems are just now getting to the point of scalability.
Revolution now. Hang the EUSSR plutocrats!
Good point. Although I wonder how long that will take and how much this ruling will affect said bread and circuses. I guess if it just creates more mire and fucks with Faceberg and Twatter then the normies will get pissed. Their rage will get creatively redirected though, probably to things that shackle them further. Like more government to fix the problem. Somehow this will be painted as the "tyrannical right wing's" fault or some shit.
Not to blackpill just throwing out food for thought. We should use this as an opportunity.
I have no idea what they are so proud of. If their intention was to ferment a race war in Europe then……………..good job I guess. I guess we can talk about the EU's deal in the 70s with Saudi Arabia about islimizing western Europe for oil but I somehow doubt the arabs will get what they want.
I really don't want to have a repeat at what happened at the early 2000s with mass internet access. It's the whole reason why we're here in the first place. Also I don't think the military would be happy with a lot of people piggybacking on their traffic.
==i have question that was never answered from old article 13 threads=
how do burgers fuck with the eu on this one? linking all things wrongthink to as many sites as possible? how do i fuck with the eu?
dbl post to self wew at failed redtext
It was only a matter of time. From the moment this piece of legislature was written down it was going to be passed one way or another. lol @ anyone thinking a bunch of European citizens being able to stop the bureaucratic machine of the EU.
Post dank memes containing copyrighted material on government sites. Bring the fight to them.
Every single MEP on this picture is a jew. Seriously. All 6 of them. Jews.
People, wake up. It is not European parliament. It is Great Sanherdin.
Copy paste passages from Harry Potter and post it on every government site.
They just shot themselves in the foot. Normie memes are all copyrighted.
It has been proven well enough that we excel at OC, and that the left is horrible at it.
It is time for the Reichwing OC to overtake social media in the EUSSR.
These people are drones and Yes Men. They are happy because they did their job: Saying yes to whatever.
so "copyrighted: materials is the trigger to spread the butthurt?
True. This is the way politics have always worked. Even in the US. One draft is made with the intent of getting people worked up and shutting it down. Then once they're tuckered and distracted from fighting the first proposal a second one is introduced and passed. it happens every time with this sort of shit.
there was modification and memes are excluded. or something like that
what this does is hamper the sharing of bad news for (((them))) so they can control what will be shown to sheeple
This is true, but honestly they are just doing this to force AI into all platforms and then it will be used to censor anything they don't like, and to stop the spread of anything they don't like.
Then they will just "opps" but the damage will be done.
The "mutt" meme is getting tiresome.
Whites in the U.S. are probably less likely to racemix than Euro's are.
We have lived with "multiculturalism" for much longer than you, we developed to stick with our own, and race-mixers are still looked on with disgust, even if no one will be rude enough to say it to their faces. Race-mixing here is the realm of landwhales and crack-whores, for the most part, and it is only really prevalent in cities, which is where the greater part of our "minority" population lives.
As for Europe…I haven't been there for a long time, but I notice your media (Dr. Who, notoriously) push coal-burning harder than I've ever seen it pushed before.
That's the real mistake they're making, their propaganda is starting to wear really thin. All they really had to do is allow a greater degree of escapism to exist as a relief valve and tone down the political correctness. A circus is useless if no-one cares for it and people find it more appealing to express their anger instead.
Given the timestamp of your post, I think you should elaborate.
They have just been going with the "machine gun" approach and just blasting as much distraction as possible.
Just the idea of the smart phone is doing so much damage it may be lost already.
The Medium IS the message to quote Mclluen.
Every. Fucking. Single. One.
All jews.
That's true. It's still possible to channel the anger into so many different directions that even if the propaganda fails it creates so much divisiveness, people find it difficult to communicate complex ideas with each anymore. But that would eventually lead to a catastrophic failure of society as the effects of such stagnation would ripple through the economy.
Download and backup everything while you still can. Though i doubt one piece of legislation will kill the internet, they've been creeping closer to this for at least a decade now. The internet will be entirely controlled by corporations/governments within the near future.
Anons need to step up their game, but I don't blame them for not being around as long as I have.
The world Government already exists and is using AI systems to predict the future so they are always going to be several steps ahead of us. Their only weakness is the massive size of he apparatus they have to control and move, and our victory is in our speed of movement. Name of the game for them is stabilization. They can only continue to rule as long as the beast system remains stable, and therefore predictable.
Where we were victorious in 2016 was with our pepe memes of chaos that DESTABILIZED the system, and therefore became unpredictable by AI and unable to control.
What they are trying to do now is re-stabilize the system by killing the old internet, and moving us to one that is controllable and therefore predictable by the AI (in the sense that they can move the giant beast system without destabilization).
Blockchain is another double edged sword in that it cannot be censored because too many players have an interest in keeping an accurate record and to falsify the blockchain destroys it, however vulnerabilities do exist, and it might be used to track everything everyone does.
Also, some of the newer blockchain systems could be controlled if kikes were able to control all the "producers" of blocks, kinda like ((((democracy))) give the illusion of choice, but in reality the same players own all the parties. The same could be done with some blockchains.
This move may be to force us onto the blockchain while the hidden hand acts like "oh no please don't throw me in that briar patch!!!!"
We won't allow that.
It's too big to control, and people are too used to it, they will revolt, especially in the states.
I think we'll be seeing a lot of normie revolt, from just this action. They originally had to postpone the vote, because of the backlash, hoping to sneak it through when nobody was looking.
But I think Eurobros are very much looking, and this could be the test case that sinks any future attempts to thwart the internet.
Blockchain systems?
How the fuck is that going to have any relevance to our problem here?
Blockchain is just a huge stack of encrypted records. You can't scale it without either having absurd quantities of available memory or deleting data.
People keep going "oh blockchains can do anything!" but no they can't.
It's a method for storing encrypted data in a manner that makes it resistant to tampering.
this. i'm already downloading every piece of thing i wanted or need, the internet will be crashed.
you don't get a vote, my man. they don't need your allowance.
the normie revolt is a giant meme. They don't care, and will just use memes that are legally free to use. Open your eyes, you idiot.
Ouch. Sucks to be a European shitposter right now. Thank you, fate, for making me a United States American. :^)
*monthly 20-25000
backup what? NCBI is not gonna go down and SCI-hub is already illegal.
Speed and chaos is our ally, stabilization and AI are our weakness.
I've only recently started studying the blockchain but its hype is UNDER reported. Its literally the beast system, their is no other way to look at it, with that said, it also would prevent Jews from Jewing. Just like the internet is a double edged sword, the blockchain would lay bare everything the kikes were doing to pubic record. A "huge stack of encrypted records" is not able to be censored is the point. Newer systems will scale to the size of Faceberg or twatter with millions of "transactions (posts)" per second. In order to censor a post on social media you would have to control all block producers and basically stop the whole system to get rid of offending shit. That takes tremendous effort and would be open to public scrutiny and no way they could do it for some small shitposts.
What the spiritual fight is over is the idea of "free will," will the experiment maintain free will, or will you submit to the beast system removing choice (to do evil or good).
The Jews think they will force all goyim to do Satans work, but all it will do it expose them for their true nature, and force the universe (God) to re-balance the system.
The mutt meme was created by jews and discord trannies from 4cuck and perpetuated by europeans who think it's funny. Same deal with 30 year old boomer, same deal with the manlet meme, brainlet wojaks, you name it. The meme vector in recent years on cuckchan is demoralization. Sure, most people just find this shit funny, but if it has demoralizing potential then they want to meme it.
Are memes and derivative fan works in danger?
No, they are absolutely not in danger. They will fall under copyright exception of national law as they do now. The user is not harmed by this reform at al. Only the platforms are responsiblel.
What does Article 11 on the digital use of press publications aim to do?
Nowadays, the big platforms use press content, make a lot of money with it, and the publishers do not get a share.
Is the internet at risk?
No, of course not. Nothing will change, except that platforms will be responsible for copyright infringements.
It IS funny because it makes Burgers blow a gasket more than any other meme. View it as payback for decades of "lol fucking Europoors" faggotry.
We're talking more political material and information useful to political dissidents. Such as ourselves.
I can't see any blockchain system being able to efficiently handle such a flood of transactions outside a controlled experimental environment far removed from the reality of actual deployment.
Look up EOS IO, Cardano, and the new Etherum. News system will be developed as time goes on.
They are already being deployed as we speak.
Hang those dirty fucking communist bastards!!
you absolute retard, you have proven yourself wrong in your own shillpost.
yeah, and the platforms are what will not allow any of the memes to be posted.
It's not that citizens will be jailed, they will simply not have access to the pictures in the first place. Think before you spout drivel, you fucking dunce. jesus christ, please tell me you are just shilling and not believing the nonsense you spout.
we hate it because, unfortunately, at this point it is true. American cannot really be considered a white country anymore.
However we are in a better position then Europe, because we still have the culture of guns and guts, and we area a huge nation. The poze is still contained to certain areas, although, our most important areas.
Balkanization would put us back on track with a 20 year recovery time. Europe can't really do that because your countries are too small. France split in half???? You would run out of farmland.
This. Americans see belongingness in terms of people, not land, because America is not a racial home soil in the same way that Europe is. Europeans, on the other hand, are literally having their mother soil raped by shitskins. After all, the concept of Volk is rooted in the concept of the Fatherland, for to lose the Fatherland is to lose the essence of what it means to be German.
Americans, in contrast, have adapted to the idea that their essence is in God, Family, & Guns. Niggers only have guns, and even then they use their guns in ways that even the most bluepilled liberal finds degenerate. Mexicans have family, but no God, and rarely guns. Asians have only family. But the White American has all three, all essential characteristics of people who love liberty and not libertineness - that is what White Americans describe as American.
its what Axel said, the laughing shill on pic… sorry for not including sauce
Yeah, that's the exact point. I never said it wasn't funny, just that it has demoralizing potential. Work on your reading comprehension.
Can anyone explain how they expect this to be enforced?
They cant seriously hope everyone will pay 0.99 or some shit to link something online or that someone could get fined for posting a screencap from a movie.
Its completely absurd.
Will that affect pirating by the way?
AI user. If you don't comply AI will just ban/block you.
And the constant barrage of anti-European jokes here is not demoralizing?
Good luck in them trying to stop highly abstract memes. Like the merchant ones in this thread for example:
This plus a whole bunch of lawyers who are just rubbing their hands in anticipation of taking down any bad goy they can find.
Such information is not subject to copyright law. And it can't stop anyone uploading a video of muslims behaving like animals on YT or any other platform. If it's about articles, either archive them or post the unresolved IP address all broken up and anons will resemble it. Or just post the entire article here. In the end they just inconvenience us.
Please point to the part of my post which suggested this.
they will take it down with AI system thanks to every content having an ID…
Well shit, i guess thats possible, having bots watch over everyone.
I just hope this will be the nail in the coffin for the internet in the EU.
You'd basically be unable to do anything online, unless i'm missing something.
What do normies do with the internet?
Shitpost about their daily lives and watch mind numbing entertainment pretty much.
Is that how the country went from 90% white to 50%?
It's sad that our fellow Europeans are willing Jewish pawns to push blackpilling because "it's funny".
You want people docile? So more shit like this happens? Maybe they'll read the fucking laws trying to be passed and think for once. It's true some fucks want war, but most want people to change this bullshit that is fucking with everyone.