This will never happen so long as Jews run our government. We have to kill all the traitors before we can have a sane healthy clean society. They simply are too stupid and psychotic to do anything sensible.
Jeremiah Adams
Every time someone comes up with a good idea, the shills tell us "we can't do this good idea until we fix other problems" even though the good idea fixes the problems they're complaining about. The best way to expose the bankruptcy of the ruling class is to show how much better things could be.
Lincoln Torres
Grayson Nguyen
We already know very well how to use this technology. In fact we even know technologies with even better yield and safer operation. Same for every legacy energy source that are still massively used because kikes have invested tens of years in advance to maintain their monopoly on the fuels we use today. As you have well written, kikes (and their pet shabbos goyim) have absolutely no interest in the welfare of the planet. There is no solution other than literally OOFing them (in Roblox of course) before anything can be realistically done for the improvement of the way of life of humanity. This is also true for chinks gooks and japs. They are careless about living in a wasteland and being the main cause of earth's demise as long as they profit short term from it.
Ayden Hall
I've been shilling for molten salt reactors for years. It's a good idea bit it will never happen because you can't use them to enrich uranium.
you can keep thorium in your pocket for 40+ years and not get cancer. your skin blocks it. well maybe not yours, i am unsure if kikes and other melenin enriched subhumans are immune.
Alexander Harris
What would it take to cloudfund a small working LFTR?
They raised $400k for a homeless guy who walked to get a can of gas.-
If you could get a really efficient design figured out, small scale, you could probably get enough funding from donations, or agree to sell some of the power or biproducts as a reward
For example, you could sell hydrogen or oxygen, using the surplus energy from the process
The energy savings alone could be enough to totally disrupt local economies allowing the group to reach escape-velocity and totally break free of financial control
Lucas Bennett
Jacob Watson
Uranium more like Uranusium
Chad Thorium vs virgin Uranusium
Eli Long
Not our department.
Thomas Baker
It wouldn't cost very much to build a reactor at all. The problem is masonic control of the regulators, which you overcome by creating public outrage at their holding back human advancement to protect legacy industries.
Jayden Perez
Another slide thread Sage and report
Kevin Mitchell
Jonathan Cook
Thorium is more abundant than uranium so there is no way for them to allow this to occur. Everyone would be free from being slave to the dirty power companies.
Blake Ortiz
This is never going to happen as long as you have hippy tree huggers who see nuclear as some kind of buzzword for danger. They actually think that a nuclear plant can blow up like a nuclear bomb.
Ironically these morons are making it more likely that a nuclear incident will happen by blocking any new power plants being built as the US has to rely on really old ones that were developed during the cold war to produce weapons grade materials rather than being developed in the computer age to produce electricity.
Gavin Richardson
Yes, but good luck finding a company that is openly allowing investment. Do not invest in the fuel as it's already stockpiled everywhere. I'd advise looking into what companies build parts for the reactors. It requires strange ceramics. Alternatively, look into companies that are doing the research into it. One of them will hit the jackpot and their IP will be worth billions.
James Flores
Bump because it triggers you.
Samuel Flores
Yes leddit, we know.
Liam Ramirez
That's why we're going to start building thorium reactors. And if they don't like it, they will be dealt with.
That is a result of propaganda by the (((malthusians))) who don't want economic growth because it makes the cattle wake up.
Lucas Thomas
Not an argument.
Lincoln Murphy
This is one of many untapped technologies that have ben supressed to keep pockets lined. I have long felt that nuclear based power is the only road forward. I firmly believe "enviornmentalists" are actually doing nothing to help the earth, just using lies to drain pockets and in the long run will end up doing more direct harm. For example, there is technology available to let cars get 100mpg, but thanks to "enviornmentalists" the push is for electrics instead. Well, fun fact, the materials needed for the batteries are far more scarce than oil, cant be synthesized like fuel can be, and then once used up cause pollution to the ground and groundwater, unlike co2 which plants need anyways, and regardless of what the propaganda tells you, is the only major gas emitted by modern cars in any reasonable amount. Back on topic, I'd be willing to invest in a Kickstarter for this or any technology that kikes supress. As some have said, the only way to get the normies on our side is to show them how much better things COULD be.
Robert Gray
The question is not whether it works but what are its applications? Having a reactor in every town is the most likely use. Minituarization (the only novelty use) seems dangerous and innefficient.
Mason Carter
Cheap, abundant, clean power for the entire planet.
Josiah Gray
Video on some of the advantages of thorium made so idiots could understand it.
Grayson Martinez
This is so cartoonishly dumb the rest of this shit isn't worth reading.
How does using Thorium reactors genocide the kikes?
It's a simple fact that kikes will never allow humanity to advance. Every thread like this is just larping and fantasy until the kikes are completely and utterly destroyed.
Logan Thomas
It can meltdown but if it does it wont explode as its not pressurissed if it goes into meltdown it just gets really hot then burns through the earth,if you put a containment chamber underneath it falls into it. Yeah its bullshit that its not used, as a britbong we have some excuse as we dont have any of our own thorium, burgers have no excuse
Dylan Garcia
An easy way to get it outlawed forever.
Liam Jenkins
Step 1: show people that their lives should be much better Step 2: people demand changes Step 3: if changes don't occur, pitchforks are grabbed
Blake Baker
can you elaborate on that word?
Chase Morgan
man i like the japs and they seem to care about their nature
Henry Perez
Christopher Perry
Whites only. This should go without saying.
Nicholas Powell
We don't know, because we still don't know what kind of metal would be able to contain the corrosive salt for that long. Low estimates are $50 billion.
The cost of the fuel isn't the big issue, the cost of the reactor itself is. You would in no way be free from power companies, you would just be buying power for a slightly higher price. If you want to be free from power companies, you need your own source of fuel and your own generator, and this is not in any way practical for such a small scale.
John Wright
You completely made that up. Post a link to the cost estimate in your next comment or I'm reporting you for Jewish tricks.
They ran an MSR for several years in the 1960s without corrosion being an issue.
No one is telling you not to kill traitors. You are telling us that thorium reactors can't be built until every single traitor is killed.
Brody Jones
Thorium reactors are why we have alloys like Iconel.
Tyler Morgan
I don't believe this is true, explain plz.
Jaxon Gomez
Imagine if there was a building material that only white people would be immune to.
Thomas Parker
During the rush to gain nuclear weapons, old reactors were 'accidentally' designed from the ground up to produce a lot of waste, the waste being the very specific radioactive isotopes needed for nuclear weapons. Once these designs became industry standard, non-nuclear countries paid lucratively to get their hands on them. Newer reactors remove the ability to become a nuclear power if the world system suddenly crumbles, so they're considered 'worse' than old designs. (Japan can become a nuclear power in 6 months using their old reactors, which is why they keep them online. And, like usual, Israel just got the CIA to steal a bunch of the Uranium from the United States in the Apollo Affair.)
Jonathan Adams
Enter the thorium age now! REEtec are commercializing a new method for efficient separation of REE.
Jackson Allen
they are not a class, they are parasites.
Noah Miller
Truly an awe inspiring idea, we could recolonize niggerhoods with houses made of it and be impervious to all attempted robberies by penalty of cellular deconstruction
No, corrosion was an issue. That was what several teams were studying, trying to figure out how to contain the highly corrosive molten salt for decades, when they estimated their prototype would only survive 20 years based on the corrosion they were accumulating. No, it costs far more. That's why nobody is doing it. Natural gas is dirt cheap. Building a plant and procuring 100 years of fuel, natural gas comes in at less than half the price per MW compared to thorium reactors.
Justin Torres
Guys how do I make my own Thorium generator or battery?
Wyatt Gonzalez
Yeah fuck off with this primitive shit. Harness the quantum ether like many scientists before us and ascend to the stars or stay here doomed to be pushed around by kikes, on a dying planet of mud races and polluted by the nuclear and plastic jew. It was foretold by Kek/Tet and the greatest gets of Zig Forums.
Not true, it was developed in the 40s for jet engines.
If anything, whites would be less immune to it, since melanin is basically sunblock. Our bodies might be better at getting rid of cancer after it's formed though.
Many oil companies directly fund environmentalist groups, and are the main push behind the global warming fraud. They do it openly, ostensibly for PR, but really because oil is going nowhere no matter how many Teslas are sold, and the easiest way to make money is not to explore for new gas fields but rather to drill the same fields for higher and higher prices. This would wake up the environmentalist normies, if they were even remotely open to reason instead of emotional rhetoric.
Another path to that is showing off how easily we could have colonized space already. We had all the technology in the 60s and 70s to do so, and to make it profitable to boot.
Landon Powell
im an electronic technician and ive worked in a few powerplants so far but ive never seen a physical thorium reactor ive seen a lot of things on the internet, but few things in reality and usually for a very good reason: reality and internet do not work the same
im in my late 20ies and i will go back to become a full engineer instead of just technician and producing energy is one of my major interests in this life, and all i have to tell you that unless a functional real life thing of x exists, i dont really care so far ive built functional scaled down models of gas turbines, diesel engines/generators, hydro turbines, photovoltaic (solar) cells and so on in my own garage with my own free time and money, just for fun what would i need to build a scaled down, conceptual thorium generator? and the most basic question of all: why isnt someone powering his shit up with these hyped up 'promised energy' shit i keep seeing on the net 24/7?
Connor Martinez
This is old stuff…
They have better toys than this one in backstages.
This is why technologies have to be study and build by the "public domain", so we don't get fucked every century to have new shit
Robert Bell
the chinks invested billions into thorium power and went nowhere. the fact is anyone who thinks it is easy is full on fucking retarded and doesn't understand nuclear physics.
Chase James
You're retarded, but I chuckled.
That is a depiction of the Egyptian creation account where the god Atum is said to have emerged from the primordial sea as a lotus flower, and made everything else. It's not a light bulb: youtu .be/j9w-i5oZqaQ?t=5222
Adam Mitchell
So, spend some time to study RF waves and Electrostatic, if it's not done already…
Brandon Cox
The problem is it doesnt make bomb grade material so its not interesting to kikes and kike puppets. Its very safe as OP said, normal reactors are hard to keep from blowing up but easy to start, these are hard to start but easy to keep from blowing up. Thats my understanding. You have to actively stop a normal reactor from meltdown, these you have to keep them going or else they shut off.
Luke Rivera
they milk the old system for maximum profits the leaders are ocd autists scared of being dethroned.
Jonathan White
Why thorium reactors are not as common as fission reactors ?
Adam Wilson
Thorium reactors are fission reactors. Moron.
Jaxson Wood
I don’t share, and I see my friends have arrived.
Jonathan Bell
We need to research the small Thorium reactor technologies for the homes.
Jeremiah Flores
Why don't you fucking suppose he meant "common fission reactors" vs. LTFR you fucking faggot? How does your behaviour in any way further his understanding of the subject?
This is why we can't have nice things. Faggots like you who pretend to be smart pointing out what might just be an error. Utter faggot
Jason Mitchell
Step 1: Force feed them the changes because (((they))) won't just let it happen.
Step 2: Populace is forced to accept it's better, demands changes.
Step 3: Kikes shriek "muh holocaust" and make a string of documentaries, papers and movies about how thorium reactors were used by ebil nazis and 6 gorillion
Step 4: Populace worth saving connects dots
Step 5: Ebola chan released along with related siblings courtesy of Nurgle on the rest of the planet
Step 6: World domination
Step 7: Galactic expansion
Reasonable timeframe - 50 years.
Nolan Collins
Fixed it with above post, you can thank me later.
Grayson Ross
In the engineering business there is a huge difference between sales pitch technology and deployment grade technology. Thorium obviously has never been able to deliver on their marketing bullshit, so it has never been implemented.
Jason Lee
That's a gross oversimplification, given that the NRC would take any proposal and sit on it for a decade or four and then the inevitable 6E6 awsuits from every watermelon liberal group on the planet would have to be individually adjudicated all the way to the supreme court.
It's probably less complicated to just invent time travel and go fix the timeline so that Hitler wins the war, then return to the present and drive an inexpensive thorium powered flying car on your holiday trip to Mars.
Caleb Torres
The reactor was built, it was operating.. The project was abandoned because they couldn't use the reactor to generate nuclear weapon material. At a billion $ per reactor, you don't build it unless somebody ponies up the money. In those days, that meant the Fedgov. And the fedgov didn't want reactors that were too clean to make bomb components.
Ryan Collins
U building ur own spaceship bro?
Brayden James
this this this! politicians and merchants talk the talk nonstop, you cant get them to shut the fuck up for two minutes meanwhile engineers deploy the tech this thorium shit has been 100% merchant and 0% engineering so far
Grayson Robinson
People have tried over and over only to get killed or otherwise jewed. big oil will never let you invent a clean safe abundant energy source. so yeah, we do need to fix the big problem holding humanity back.
Joshua Harris
Are you fucking retarded? There is a research reactor up and running (re)developing the materials needed to make the commercial reactors work.
I get the feeling that you are some kind of kike from the way you type. One of the lower IQ variations maybe.
Connor Scott
if this thing is commercially viable, why dont you build me one commercially viable thorium reactor then? i can make you a banana reactor, just pay me a trillion dollars per kilowatt hour and i will figure out a way to buy some banana land somewhere, grow the fucking bananas and burn them or i dont even fucking know, maybe this banana reactor of mine isnt commercially viable but neither is your "research reactor"
do give me a call when you have a commercially viable reactor tho, i have nothing against that, just spare me the sales pitch, "research reactors" and all the other buzzwords, you are not getting me to invest money in your perpetual "ten years away, soon (tm)!" shit
Ryder Martinez
tfw you actually want to believe so many escaped and will be coming back
Go back to Zig Forums. Practice your falseflagging before coming back.
Isaiah Johnson
Are you fucking retarded? Why won't you address the fact chinks and poos invest billions into this and that that piece of shit 'reactor' is garbage? Anyone who masters this shit makes tons of shekels but nobody can do it because they cannot beat physics.
Chase Perry
God damn that made me kek. We need a virgin uranium vs chad thorium maymay asap.
Isaac Hughes
Of course not, they want it for themselves. Why are you idiots so stupid that you think "big oil" exists. They are "big energy". They don't give two shits what they use to produce energy, all they care about is making money. Why do you think they are cashing in on the "green energy" scam so big? If thorium reactors were profitable, they would be running them already.
Adrian Flores
India is already doing this. We let ourselves get beaten by poos.
Thorium is regulated by the US government as a nuclear precursor.
This means that handling it requires licences suitable for building nuclear bombs. Guess how easy those are to obtain.
Obviously, this has killed LTFR in the West, but it has also handed the rare earth metal market to China, because a lot of US rare earth deposits are "contaminated" with Thorium, making them unhandleable.
Thus, China has a strategic advantage over the US, pollution is increased because bugmen care not for the environment and Thorium reactors are dead in the water.
Thanks Obama.
Aiden Edwards
There isn't enough thorium isotope in the world to replace coal. Put your money on solar satellite power.
Very wrong, it's all over the planet, it's cheap, and we've already dug up countless tons of it, and it's sitting in barrels at quarries, just waiting for someone to start using it. Solar satellite power is a great idea too, though.
What's the deal with fusion these days? Still a meme, or have we made any real progress? I remember a joke that went something like
Brody Garcia
A typical ton of Utah or Wyoming coal contains enough thorium to generate more power that the coal itself. Thorium is the component of coal smoke that causes cancer. Obviously it's dispersed through the coal and hard to extract, so it is mined from ores with higher concentration, but there's plenty of thorium waiting to be mined. It's one of the more common elements.
Jaxson Price
Government regulations you stupid fucking retard nigger
Brayden Jenkins
i miss the exodus days
Brandon Diaz
Elon is that you?
Anthony Jones
Nothing could be further from the truth. They already have all of their capital tied up in a few areas. All of their infrastructure. They are entrenched and so are their major stockholders. They are not switching until the absolute last possible moment when they don't have a choice – and if that means they need to buy technology licenses from a foreign country who beat them to the punch, then they'll do that because they'll still get their money from you.