Eric Trump uses "shekels" live on TV
No one seems to be talking about how disgustingly anti-semitic Eric was this morning.
They talked about the hurricane and switched gears to the stupid article about the "insider" disrupting the Trump admin.
Eric rattles off a bunch of facts about how well the country is doing, and then drops

webm related

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Crashing this planet with no survivors.





Gets the noggin joggin regardless of whether he's legitimately based or not. Freudian slip, either meaning he deals in shekels or he's memeing.
Do wonder.

Based anti-semetic Zionist. /Netanyahu/ is /ourgoy/.

How can he be this Counter-semetic when his sister is a jewess convert & his dad is israel's bitch?
I'm confused.

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Because he’s not.

Who the fuck goes on CNN & Accuses people leeching off of America to be stealing "shekelz" though?

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Israel currency is actually called the Shekel though. Maybe he just visits Israel a lot.

Considering how often the Trump family is working for jews and how many jews are in that family it's not surprising shekels was accidentally used, he probably hears it a lot

I just wonder why everyone sucks jew cock so much.

Wake me up when he starts talking about gassing Trump cabinet members.

A jewish puppet does.

This. Kikes in real estate use "sheckels" all the time.

So let's get him back here to answer some questions about what the fuck is going on with his dad.

We'll find out if he issues an apology.

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Married to a kike. Sister is a literal kike, married to another kike, gave birth to a kikelet. Daddy is a kike puppet and Israel's top bitch. Fuck them and fuck the blumpf fanboys

You profile-hopping, astroturfing shareniggers shitting this threatd up sure make convincing arguments.

Eric for God Emperor 2024!

That meme is always part of a psyop, every time you say "our guy" (no homo) you open the door to tarnish the words destroying the messenger.

I can picture it now, or maybe there's an anime already: a historical character (Hitler, Jesus, Trump's uncle…) gets transported in time and reborn as Barron Trump to advice/control his father the president in order to save the world from (((the spawn of Satan))).

Nothing makes one "Counter-semetic" like actually dealing with kikes day in and day out.

Regardless, the jews are going to kvetch. *grabs pail to collect righteous salt

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Shut the fuck up keyboard warrior, he accomplished more in those 15 seconds than you will in your lifetime.

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You're fucking retarded, shill



Some non-jews from Jew York use the word shekel ironically.

Reported. Fuck off, reddit. We don’t support zionists here.

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lmao holy fuck look at all the salty kikes ITT

He isn't. While his wife is supposedly a gentile, they were married by Jared in a jewish ceremony.

Reported for supporting zionism and hero worshipping.


see if you can cram a few more buzz words in there, newfag. you stick out like a kike's nose. filtered.

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Reported for supporting zionism and hero worshipping. This is not reddit. Your ZOG emperor is not supported here. His kike children are not supported here.

Salty salty shills



Shills love to argue with each other.

Reported for supporting jews.

Until he turns into /israelsgoy/

lmao get a new script

Name one thing good Trump did. That is not just a small individual event. Just one.

Because there are dozens upon dozens of him being israel's lapdog and it's fucking tiresome. Trump is a shit stepping stone as "accelerationism" would have been better.

>R E P O R T E D
lmao this isn't reddit, kike.

double post sage
Oh and don't name things that he didn't do but rather people did while they foolishly believed a word he said.

You do realize that attacking Tor is a literal CIA shibboleth, right?

Ask me how I know you're a kike

If trump was an israeli puppet we would be at war with russia over syria and assad would be given the saddam treatment.

No, no no, user, you only take one or two lines from the script. You're laying it on too thick. You know what? Pack your stuff, I think you're better suited for shilling on halfchan. DeShawn will be taking over your 8ch IP from now on.

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You don't have a big incurably arrogant sister eh? So you don't know what real hate is then do you?

Must I repeat myself?

lmfao, I gotta say he actually looks pretty good with that style

No, you must delouse yourself, kike. Take your spergout to >>>/trump/

Extremely jewy of you.

Reported for not even trying.

You are mentally ill.

>vote Trump and (((GOP))) you stupid goys otherwise this totally implausible fear mongering scenario would come true and totally excuses our puppet Trump
A (((democrat))) wouldn't have changed a god damn thing, we'd still have the same 1 million more shitskin immigrants a year like we have under Trump, no wall, massive funding for israel and we'd still be in the middle east dying for israel. It's been this way for decades, our country grows increasingly worse no matter which "team" is in charge. Now go ahead and call me a jewish shill, you know I'm right.

No please go back to reddit and stay there.

This thread appears.

It all makes sense. Eric is acting as a distraction to his father's kikery using the same tactics neocon Don has been using: Throw a crumb to the right that get's the left into a frenzy then quietly enact some kiked policy.

Nigger, the Iraq war didn't start until 2003. You need to give the jews a chance to build up support and stage a major false flag before Trump can give them the war they want.

Also if the overton window actually shifted hard right why are so many of you dumb faggots supporting and excusing a bona fide neocohen israel firster who hasn't done anything to change the tide of the browning of our country? You should be furious but instead you continue to give this shitty excuse of a president your unwavering support instead of holding his feet to the fire.

Only a (((fellow white nationalist))) wouldn't know that "the right" in america are all about muh "judeo-christian" kikery, and christian conservatives are the biggest supporters of Israel outside of israel itself. The trump administration updating it's anti-semetic rules is the fucking crumb to the American "right" you stupid faggot. This wasn't some grand conspiracy to create a controversy, it was obviously either a slip up from someone who likely makes off-the-air jokes about the (((media))), or just a completely neutral statement, like saying "a few bucks".


Fox News is owned by the rothschilds through rupert murdoch. Together they own oil wells on occupied Syrian Land which trump hopes to get America into a war to steal just like Hillary would have done too.

Its so obvious!

Fox has always been fucking shit, all opinion and no news at least CNN was good for a while in the 80s when it began before it had a striking agenda.

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I love that these guys are def shitlords

Alex jones we're gonna need you back buddy because no election in the future is going to be the same without you

Does that make me Jewish or you Jewish?

Ummm, he still does his show and his website is still running. You just can't watch it on JewTube, crApple, or Kikerosoft

I think Eric and Don Jr are /ourguys/ they are the same age as me so they grew up with the same kiked anti-white bullshit. Boomers like the pres just don't get it and never will.


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tfw my uber-centrist boomer dad told me the other day that he don't know how any students make it through school these days with all the anti-white and anti-europe propaganda.

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My mom a few months ago said "We can't send the grandkids to that school, it's full of blacks!" Today she's back to "They do the jobs americans wont do" and "Diversity is a strength"

It just doesn't stick with boomers. The propaganda is too ingrained.

Yep, boomers still think it's the 70s.


Where did that come from?
That's entirely false.
Unless they mean fill welfare lines as the filled job.

>(((media))) outlets freak about muh dogwhistles

I watch it on BitChute currently. Proprietary websites feel off to me.

t. triggered TRSodomite

So Eric is trying to distract. Their entire family is a bunch of kikes.

I think it's overplayed it's use.


post more buzzwords.

Yes. I've tried to hang on for as long as possible.
I've tried to support Trump for as long as possible holding out for him to do ANYTHING positive. Trump doing something positive, not the population's reaction causing a positive change
It's been nearly 2 years and I'm at a loss for a single thing Trump has done that's good. For anyone but israel.

Israel needs "anti-Semitism" to deflect any criticism of their fascist state.
collusion between military and business? check

IP hopping so soon?

Is he the real qanon? Eric was always the biggest shitposter.

Pretty sure this was Eric.

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what other scripted shill posts are there?

Any thread in the past few days with the keywords "trump" or "jew" triggers some sort of alert for these bots and they all regurgitate the same talking points and buzzwords we saw from the paid shills 2016. Must be ramping up their shill efforts coming into the midterms.

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Stopping TTIP and TTP, that's two, I know.

Absolute madman.

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90% of all trump support is regurgitated non-sense from scripts low IQ shills use in a weak and impotent effort to maintain control over public perception.

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