Blackwashing’: French art school in hot water after students made to look darker for US promotion
Blackwashing’: French art school in hot water after students made to look darker for US promotion
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amerikeks, not even once
and holy shit, that's not even a good photoshop
Q predicted this
lol amerimutss btfo
gay pierre and his asian boyfirend dead middle
all of its shit
If those were actual students in the original picture I wonder what those faggots think about this. They just got Nero'd.
They turned the tranny in the upper right into a poojeet. kek
Considering how faggy and leftist most art students and artists tend to be, I bet their feelings range from indifferent to ecstatic, since it promotes Diversity™. There are probably at least a couple who are either uncomfortable or furious about it, but it's France in Current Year so they won't say anything. Objecting to being Photoshopped into an Arab or nigger would be racist after all.
I guess that's the response the guy on the far right with his arms crossed would get in return anyway.
This is the best shoop a european art school attempting to attract overseas student can manage?
it depends on the year user
many drawfags go to art school when they are still normies, it is there after witnesing the horrors of postmodernism that they begin their long road towards the redpill
it happened to me, i knew artschool would be full of stinking hippies bgut i never though i would soon learn to despise them and everything they stand for, i never really liked leftism but i tolerated it mostly cus i didn't give a fuck about politics, but leftards in artschool made me care about politcs
i left after the first year, disapointed with the world and with a very strong desire to gas the kikes
Friendly reminder that this is the type of (((art school))) that denied Hitler entry.
You ducked out too early, they could probably sense that you were an outsider right away and you didn't try to blend in. You missed out on the horrorshow.
I pulled off a masters +apprenticeships with a casual lefty facade, I think I disgusted myself with my own behavior and became numb to theirs in turn.
for any art students reading this: inserting rising imagery, beauty and iconography into your work will impress and attract the other students to you, but will instantly set off red flags among faculty. They will ask you about it to probe your leanings, which is easily thwarted by framing the beautiful in a tacitly marxist conceptual pitch (man above nature, class warfare)
Fun fact, there are often open pedos, mascot-tier pathetic narcissists, in older student circles and everyone turns a blind eye. The first place I heard of a "no contact pedo" was in my 4th year studio.
Yes you did.
he OD'd and I snitched on him, which led to his institutionalization and dropout
not enough I know
i witnesed the horror but not the horror caused by marxit indoctrination (degeneracy, hate of beauty, shock value just becos, "thought provoking social mesages", etc) i witnesed the horror of years of neglet in honing clasical skills
i was a good drawfag but kne nothing on how to pain, and i learned more of how to hold a brush, how to mix colors or about how to use diferent types of pain from fellow students than from fag teachers who just encouraged me to"let go objective standards and just express myself"
i could draw the sixtine chaple but not paint it, i went to art school specifically to learn those techniques and to my dismay found there was nobody there who could teach them, at least no body on the school's payroll
i knew Marx was to blame for this cus he was the only thing these fuckwads seemed to care about, but back then i was barelly starting to gaze down the rabbit hole from it's edge
everyone who knew how to draw or paint left in the first 2 years, with the exception of a couple of chads who stayed for the pussy jacuzzi poor bastards, i hope they managed to bail out before metoo became hip with femtards
Isn't it wonderful? For all their communism, the left can't meme, and becomes an indistinguishable melting pot of poor talent.
Not us. We're all autistic and do things out of boredom and become highly specialized and call each other niggers and then devastate these faggots casually
They could've just taken a photo out in public. Would've been hundreds of darkies in the photo.
absolute pottery
French actual art school don't promote and are state owned.
This is a degree farm largely for foreign students (that can boast to have been to art school in France) and rich kids.
That's the proper french Rhine area art school
To give you an idea that's the admission procedure:
Most art school have easier final exam than french art schools have entrance exams…
Reading that page from Richard Williams gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I can't help but see it as another sign of the West's overall civilization decline. All these "art" students are just narcissistic spoiled brats from wealthy families who want to spend all their time on ego-wank and bullshit. None of them want to learn how to draw, none of the teachers even know how to draw, and everyone is fine with this arrangement.
I went to a program that was sort of a mashup of drawing, animation, and software development, but it was at a small Catholic university. The only real Marxism I encountered was from my cunt Philosophy teacher who I clashed with because she spent so much time talking about commie shit like the pay gap and patriarchy. The art and animation teachers were hardasses who knew their craft very well. All of them worked in the animation industry at some point, and they expected everyone to produce and attend class. Everyone got chewed out hard at some point, including me. I learned a lot, and I got a lot better, even if I was burned out by the end. I assumed all programs were similar to that, so it was actually really shocking to me when I found out just how much bullshit went on in most art programs. I don't have it on hand but the picture of the guy's huge carved wooden dragon next to the sculpture of a guy giving himself a blowjob comes to mind.
You cannot even begin to fathom the depth of my jealousy. I've had a passion for drawing and music for my entire life, but every single fucking teacher I've turned to for those was the lowest sort of scum that knew nothing and could teach nothing.
With some help from imageboards, I've managed to cobble together something resembling a degree of competence at both, but the gap between what my skills could be and what they are because of all the fucking time I've wasted in those worthless fucking classes fills me with a vast and deep anger.
I should say I'm kind of an oldfag, and I picked my school based primarily on its location in a large media industry city plus the scholarship, so I don't know if my experience was typical. I'm thinking these days it wasn't and I just lucked out.
Imageboards are an interesting cross-section of people. I've learned about and found a ton of great stuff from imageboards that I never would have known about otherwise. You shouldn't have had to learn about this stuff from /loomis/ or 4/ic/ though, you should have been able to find competent teachers who could at least help guide you. That's not your fault. I blame the general lowering of standards that's been going on for 50+ years now in all walks of life in Europe and North America. Look at what this French school is saying is important. They're not interested in helping improve skills or raising the level of culture. They're expressing that their primary interest is increasing the enrollment of black and brown people, because having too many White students in fucking Europe is somehow a problem now. To what end? Fuck if I know. Comparing what the world looked like in the mid-20th century to how things are now, I don't see how anyone has gotten any benefit from any of this Marxist crap. I really don't see what about his philosophy is appealing to anyone. It's a celebration of mediocrity.
the worst part is the poor guy was feeling bad the night before cus he couldn't finish sculping all the scales in time for the exibith…
Fascinating. In slavland, this seems to be inverted, then: The state-owned ones are pure shit, while the private ones employ enthusiasts who know their areas of expertise. Since the school isn't free, and since the entrance and yearly tests are demanding enough to weed out a third the high-school class (of course the school does not want to kick them out because they want their next year's money, but some fucking people), you'd better believe people sit down on their asses and do their best to learn.
I am a stonesculptor, and even though the craft and heritage care are both so nepotistic you basically have to marry someone's ugly daughter to get jobs, AND the school cost my family money, I don't regret a single day I spent there actually learning all the shit that may be impressive, but is, strictly speaking, useless.
After the four years of high school, in which I slept at school just so I could finish my yearly load of rocksmashing and in which I spent the holidays going around symposiums still basically doing school-related stuff, I went to apply for university, and from talking to the professors, slowly understood there wasn't anything for me to possibly learn in there, that I could not learn by smashing some more stones and reading a book.
It makes me a bit sad that after everybody having told me I had the mindset and moxie it took to be a great artist, I became a shitposter on a Lithuanian patchwork patterning forum, and ended up only drawing and writing in adulthood rather than work with clay and stone. But at the same time, the whole high art society that I hoped to be a part of seems to me like the bigger clowns as the years go by. And, again, it gave me so much to learn it in the first place.
tl;dr private art schools are the good ones in slavland, state-sponsored professors are dickwads that did nothing for the last 30 years and pass their students paintings as their own and WILL NOT FUCKING RETIRE
Well, yeah. Europeans know how Americans tick. Really everyone but delusional American Zig Forumsacks does.
Your archive doesn't work. This one does.
this reeks of talmudist "art"
left guy got blackfaced hard
By the logic that somehow makes a 100% European in the US a mutt, all French are mutts, Germans are mutts, Brits are mutts etc. You're a fucking mutt. Your country isn't 100% European, and your dumb meme implies a populations DNA is directly represented by the nations demographics. So you're a mutt. Every European country is a mutt country according to your meme, nigger.
France is a total mix, you have regular public universities which level varies completely from place to place and subjects, which is both free and without any selection except in post graduate, you show up with the right paperwork filled they HAVE to take you as a student.
The you have some private university that are exactly the same you've described and do a good job, then you have degrees farms like OP or like in the US whose goal is profit first and foremost and are borderline scams.
And then you have elite public "Grandes Écoles", which proper arts schools (Ex-"Beaux Arts" schools) are part of, which are also free but 100% merit based with few seats each years (and therefore tough to enter) and are in fact the actual higher education system in France (not that anyone bothers telling the plebs).
Everyone that is anyone has been to one of those and school status is something that will follow your whole life to an obsessive point. It's like US Ivy League/UK Oxbridge system but cranked up to eleven.
if you can do al that already as an entrance exam, why bother wasting years at school rather than using your portfolio and skill to earn money directly and learn as you get paid
or is there some sort of nepotism involved where lucrative work is handled off by old graduates only to young graduates?
Fun fact: some of the most prestigious American universities aren't in the Ivy League. MIT and Caltech come to mind, which are both far more prestigious than the average Ivy League university (the only truly prestigious IL unis are Harvard, Yale and Princeton).
It was unintentional. Some people just aren't photoshopogenic.
This is good. So this school will not need to take more blacks, because they already have some.
Typically Amerimutt referred to the racial demographics of the USA, and was used to insult any burger poster who appeared to be retarded, i.e. a miscengated mutt with low IQ, but I agree, it seems the influx of uninformed and newfags has dilluted its meaning. Obviously Europe was not monolithic genetically(except for across the European race). Been that way since the Romans conquered Gaul, Charles Magnus conquered the Saxons, Prussians united Germany and so on. Maintaining our own stocks is all well and good, Pan-European plans are probably unrealistic and utopian, but all the same the infighting is very annoying.
To give an idea of how elitist those school are Polytechnique only started to take in women in…
they are trying to make people not attend???
Nor spell it, apparently…
naw they are just trying to make their normies wet.
Now why would any school do this?
Because being capable to do things and having some knowledge of it doesn't mean you're an academically trained artist.
It's not a "liberal art school", it's a proper "artisan" school where you're gonna spend a semester drawing the same shit over and over again 8h a day until you have an exam and if you pass you can properly say that you have a mastery over the X type of drawing and move to another type.
Same if you do some restorative course, they consider that you need to know how to make shit before you learn how to fix it, so you're gonna make I dunno, frames until your fingers bleed.
Same with music.
Also art school in France includes the architecture engineering course (which is still a field largely still dominated by french trained people)…
You don't need a diploma to shit in a can, true. But you can't money with that unless you have a trusted gentlemen merchant to sell it.
However the minute anyone commission some sort of decorative work who else exactly are you gonna call but the local dean of said school? Which is gonna go to a professor which is gonna point a one of his ex-students.
It's not exactly nepotism, someone called France a "networkracy", as it just how everything works, 98% of the people in charge all come from a Great School, so they naturally tend to trust jobs to other people from another Great School (even if it's not their own), and those jobs are the most lucrative.
You can perfectly be self taught and earn a living.
But that's all you will ever do unless you're some especially talented guy (and talented at social networking).
France education system is so fucked (under the name of "equality") you just won't land a high pay job without having a Great School background (or some high value STEM diploma).
Kek'd, as a frog that was on spot !
Hitler's problem was that he couldn't draw people well
Art doesn't need to be about people.
amerimutt and le 56% face have always been /int*/ d&c garbage bait, dipshits, and should be ignored. fucking newfags
Why would you go to a school if you already knew what they were teaching?
My gf is entering first year of Beaux Arts in Bretagne this year. Have you Any experiences/stories to tell ?
Being a europiss-apefrican mutt yourself, you are confused, Hadji.
dude, she can do art at home
just impregnate her
Sure the blackwashing is weird but why are all the white people's faces obscured in some way?
Almost every single whiter person is looking in some bizarre direction or covering their face with hair or hands.
They even photoshoped two guys kissing in the dead center
and all the white faces that aren't obscured are suffering from shrunken heads
I have to actively remind myself that I did this because i'm too lazy and perfectionist to actually put the effort forward into teaching myself.
Maybe I do suck after all.
If I did one gesture sketch for every typo you made, then I wouldn't need to enroll in a figure drawing class.
That second one isn't even the same person. They cut and pasted some random nigger clip art right over the white girl. Wew.