I am sick of these god damn blue pilled retarded faggot pieces of shit who think that voting for one party of controlled opposition shills in a two party system (which is the system that exists in the vast majority of white countires) or an orbiter jew party will change a god damn thing.

your local / national governments are at the bottom of the pyramid. white genocide and the NWO is being implemented from the top of the pyramid.

Why the fuck would those who control the system have constructed it in such a manner that the plebs could peacefully prevent them from implementing the NWO?

Fuck you, votecucks, fuck you democracyniggers, you are all total cancer.

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Stop being so bluepilled you faggot shits

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sage is not a downvote, faggot

Fuck off leddit.

Indeed goy, political abstinence is your only option

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First day on the job there sparky? Why don't you go join another KKK cell, I'm sure they're gonna bomb something and not be alphabet soups this time!

No he's in every thread

Still waiting on logistics -=—– pay pay pay!

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True Democracy is always the rule of the failing majority.
I honestly think having one leader is the best system.

But maybe a democratic system of proportional vote amount per familly based on a manus marriage system, where the head of the familly would have the descision could work.


Society is against you, OP. They never appreciated you. Do what your inner voice says.

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Ok tough guy, I'm sure you're a sooper forealzies revolutionary and not just a sperg living in your grandma's basement. Maybe when you siegeposters actually do something other than talk shit on a Mongolian puppet theater forum I might not see you as total laughing stocks but no, you won't.

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Bump. Voting does nothing. Everyone who belongs here already knows this.

The solution is in the book you retard.

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If you’re gonna siegepost then at least pull an Otoya Yamaguchi and do something. You’re right that you can’t vote away genocide, but we need time and voting buys us that. We do need violence too so if you want to do that, go right ahead.

The reality is that insurgency is more of a popularity game than democracy. Either way you have to win the normies. Attack dogs that can't heel get put down.

No it isn't you nigger, the primary message in the book is that we're all fucked and most of the contents are an in-depth explanation why that's the case. A bit of it is how one could possibly change that, but for the most part, you seem to have the contents wrong.
Most siegefags haven't actually read it. Take your own advice and read siege.

As long as you have your guns, burger, you can. But that won't last forever. Your time is limited. You think an insurrection is the correct way? The chad way?

Then stage one already!

The forest was sick.
But the trees kept voting for invasive tree eating bugs and killing the birds capable of hunting them, because we are all one species, the forest species.

You kikes are getting desperate, huh?

The book isn't supposed to be a how to guide, its just an argument against democracy and why doing anything short of a rebellion, a race war, or a societal collapse will not solve our problems.

Yes, we totally won in 2016 didn't we? Tell me this, besides keeping our guns right for a little while longer, what has Donald Trump actually accomplished for us? You can argue about limitations from congress all you want, but in our system this is a guaranteed thing. Explain a feasible way where we could vote our way into anything but delaying the inevitable?

This thread sure triggered the bluepilled fags and glowniggers

You can't use the lowest rung of the controlled system to change actions orchestrated from the very top. Only a retarded nigger would think that this was possible.

t. The Ultimate Avatar

Attached: ex gladio libertas.png (1200x661, 1.28M)

Shill Tracking GUID Detected
Do not download these tagged images

because voting is the only way to be involved in politics

I've read Siege, what the fuck is the point of your worthless post anyway

what time? time to do what? vote some more?

Attached: magagymnastics.jpg (590x382, 169.06K)

So can we just rename them, or do they contain identifying pixels?

Attached: the virgin voter vs the chad surrectionist.jpg (768x968, 347.44K)

Can someone try to post their copy of that meme, to test the CIA niggers edited it for tracking purposes?

Fucking roolcuuucks!!!

This seems like a good enough thread for this. I recently was texted by a group called Moveon about some #resist crap. After a bit of trolling, the tone deaf fuckers actually added me to their group and send me text alerts. Pics related. I signed up to be a part of this conference call on sunday and am interested in what information Ill be able to glean from it. Has anyone else recieved anything like this? What do?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-14-00-54-24.png (480x854 85.04 KB, 97.17K)

Enjoy your ban.

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lmao one simple phrase penetrated so much for it to be remembered like one year later on my first post back

You're so much cringe contained in 4 lines. Like holy shit. I don't even know where to start. I mean dude, using the right vs left meme, like really? And then even the worse thing, trying to push pre 20th century insurrectionists into that left vs right brainlet shit. Like holy shit, even that image and that image name, CRINGE.

He's the "is the right a paper tiger"? thread spammer from last year, who would post a Zig Forums copypasta while spamming 'punch nazis' videos.

I guess this is what happens when you have too much time on hand.

Sounds like it mein führer.

Attached: You should check em.jpg (279x300, 28.94K)

I find it suspicious you guys only show up in full force when it's an election year.

hello cianigger

forgot sage

You’re mentally ill. Go fuck yourself, (((voter.)))


How sinful

Remember to vote in based zogbot blumpf for another four years of absolutely nothing with a side of rapidly accelerating white genocide.

Name one person or party that is not owned by jews. Kill yourself.

Trump won
get over it

How do you pay your bills? oh yeah with jewish currency

who shifted what overton window? do you understand how revolution works? pressure builds until the material conditions for revolution is met and then shit goes down. Trump was a pressure release valve. congrats, faggot, you got played and all of the whites in America got suckered into civic nationalism with drumpfs based niggers

are met kej

Thank you for admitting you cannot name a single individual or political party that is not owned by jews, nor can you give a single reason we should waste our time VOTING LIKE THE JEWS WANT US TO DO IN A JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED SYSTEM, YOU COCKSUCKING REDDIT PIECE OF SHIT.

You’re trash op

Quit obsessing over Jews and fix yourself

Get the fuck out, zionist faggot.

Trump shifted the overton windows because millions of people voted for the guy all of the (((media))) said was a literal nazi for a year plus

did I trigger you faggot? stop supporting zionism and burn all of your cash

You should vote and encourage others to as well. This isn't the only thing you should due though. Asymmetrical warfare is more preferable to a zionist blackpill that discourages normies and blackpillers from attacking within their "Democratic" channel. Encourage more whites to have more children and promote sustainability.

For instance, Trump is a promoter of Zionism and defender of Israel but he contributed to awakening many people to the fact of white identity and America first values.

No, retard, they would've voted for anyone who said the things that blump said, despite the media calling him LiTeRaLlY hItLeR. ZOG shoved a faux-nationalist ZOGbot in when they needed him, to diffuse a white population who were ready to vote in a Hitler.

>>>Zig Forums

the population was in no way ready to vote in a hitler are you fucking delusional mate? and if you really believe that why didn't you step up to the plate like a big man?

Do you think Hitler was many degrees more radical than Trump during election run-up? Flumpf was obviously told to do a lot of plausible deniability dogwhistle acting, but the core message was pretty similar. Just look at the way he bamboozled all of the idiotic newfags into thinking that he wasn't a freemason controlled opposition zogbot.
because I'm not a Hitler, that should be pretty self evident.

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No, Trump supports this "melting pot" kosher diversity. He had Martin Luther Coons niece or whatever introduce him during one of his speeches. He preaches on and on about how his policies are increasing black employment. You have literal Antifa terrorists attacking his supporters and yet he hasn't sent a single FBI agent to investigate them. (And don't give me that shit about the "Deep State" that crap is all made up. These special agents and the military CAN'T refuse to follow the orders of the President, no matter what the Faux News homos keep telling gullible Americans. You'd get prosecuted for disobeying the higher ups, especially if you're in the military. Your ass would get court martialed so fast if you disobeyed the orders of the Commander in Chief. No, the reason the Feds are acting the same as they did under Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. is because Trump is allowing them to.)

This thread, again. Those people, again. Even voting entails more dignity than putting up with pro-Trumpers, pro-Fascists, pro-Hivemind pipo.