98 Percent of Families Who Illegally Entered the US in 2017 Are Still Here


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The perfect plan.

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.

Our laws and courts are so fucked it's actually illegal to stop this.

What has the Trump admin or Trump's DOJ done about it so far?

I see fags all over Colorado

Sessions set a bunch of precedent in the immigration courts to make assylum very hard to get. But immigrants are still required by law to get a hearing. So trump hired thousands of more judges and he recently made a executive order that all families have to be detained until their court date. This only recently went into effect because they didn't want any 9th circuit court kikes overulling it and setting a bad precedent until the Supreme Court was on lock.

Congress could end this whole charade immediately by annihilating immigration courts but they won't because cucks.

So how can we get this ball rolling?

Harboring – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who – knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

Encouraging/Inducing – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who – encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.

Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.

Bringing Aliens to the United States – Subsection 1324(a)(2) makes it an offense for any person who – knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has not received prior authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, to bring to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever, such alien, regardless of any official action which may later be taken with respect to such alien.

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Can they absorb debt load? Then they aren't going anywhere. Trump works for capital, not for you.

The archive isn't working for me. What's the source?

yes congress and the senate (should really be called lower and upper senate less confusing) are the main perpetraitors (type on purpose) of this shit


*typo on purpose
not that one

not much they can do with all those kikes and the ninth circuit court or whatever in the way

Here's an archive, I couldn't get the examiner nor the republic reports to archive so here's an archive from a PAC website. A link to the examiner article are in this archive but, like I said, are not archived. archive.fo/TKNhO


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Whatever. It's up to Congress to overturn the legislation which was implemented by (((executive order))) - activist judges have proved that any attempt by Trump to reverse Obama executive orders, particularly pertaining to human movements, can be forum shopped and blocked

I'm sure it's just fake news. Trump wouldn't do such a thing to his loyal voting base.


… or genuine natsoc? I'm not certain, just not certain.

Of course, here, it's impossible to find out if someone is pure, untainted by the kike.

As well here, do you notice this period of silence? So strange, such a strange silence!!!

It's this silence that is so unnerving, and why it isn't certain at all we are dealing with any real natsocs.


Just fuck the hell off. Trump is a kike puppet and you fell for it. You don’t belong here.

Oh good, in 2017 we got 1,000,000+ new green card holders!
And we can see Q1 started off on the right foot on average. I wonder what Q2-4 will show?!?!?!?!?

Haha nice try SHARIAblue! If that figure is true than how do u explain my opinion that Trump is a based undercover natsoc wn sleeper cell?


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Dreaming of mass executions.

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What's the cause?
Are these families not illegal enough or huh

For (((some reason))) whenever there's undeniable proof posted Trump is a useless fucking psyop israel puppet, this board goes dead silent. There's never replies to the statistical proof, at best you get a bunch of magapedes sliding and derailing, most of the time they just ignore it and hope it goes away. Have a bump, because this is damning and more genuine anons need to see it and spread it.

of course

Drumph isn't even trying anymore

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The only solution is to start shooting spics. To hell with waiting and hoping the government does something, they won't. If you want to save your nation and country the only way is to exterminate them yourself.

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The federal government is a joke and inefficient

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But executive order is not legislation just a directive of official government policy

And even that is a marked improvement to when you'd be banned for weeks, months, even decades, for not falling in line behind Trump and israel.

Yep, definitely. I caught like 20 bans myself before I just gave up and left the board.

Those who make mass deportations impossible will make mass graves inevitable.

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No, you’re completely fucking wrong. It gets flooded with redditors spamming the mods to “remove the anti-trump posts or be deposed by codemonkey”, and you get a few Zig Forumsacks saying, “Yes, we already know that.” You clearly haven’t been here very long.

Kikey’s gone for good, user. Breathe the free(ish, reddit-tainted) air.

Absolutely baste

But muh fence pictures

Are they even remotely aware of what they support? I guess all they can do is consider anything they don't like to that of ebil Nazi Germany and Literally Hitler™. Where's the valid argument in any of this retardation, anyway? There's absolutely no solid ground to debate with these eternal cuckolds. When they try to act intelligent on an argument it's just virtue signalling after virtue signalling or just flat out clalling your detractors as "trolls".

If only in this timeline. I fear it will be our graves.

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Honestly though, this is perfectly inline with what a civnat would do.

Remember that Obama deported more people in his first term than Trump has in total.

Try believing that when they actually want to get you.

How many times can we say if X happens it will be the end of America.it already happened in 08 . Sure. Trump was the hope of a counter-revolution but regardless if his intent, he failed. We are now beyond return.

Yes, goyim, focus all your anger and violence at the replacable gentile, not us.

Fuck off jewglorifier. We are the agents of our own destruction. The Jew only prospers amongst the weak

Vote if you like, pray if you can. But it is time to prepare the next generation for South Africa, us edition

link is broken

Do you mean 1908? Because you better damn well not be saying that America still existed any year after 1913.

Fag off lolbertarian the fed and income tax returns initially effected no one.

This is how you lose your base, President Trump. Who gives a shit about the economy if whites become a minority?

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Well, he stated from the beginning that he wanted legal immigration. Now we need to push ever farther right from the stepping stone of 2016 towards better actions to halt demographic decline (genocide). The problem, who is worth voting for, or perhaps rather, how can we influence them to adopt more of our philosophy as talking points?

Where's the data?

The archive link doesn't work, liberal fear mongers at it again.

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1. Reported for supporting the ✡Federal Reserve✡ and the ✡income tax✡
2. Reported for not knowing what libertarianism is.


I found the source from

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I agree. Trump is a complete faggot. If he really wanted to get shit done, he should have snapped his fingers and solved the problem instantly. I mean, there's been little to no significant resistance to the immigration policy that he's tried to implement thus far, from neither the democrats nor the establishment GOP, and the courts have pledged total commitment to a unified vision of America's future shared with the President and all Americans; they're just waiting for him to say the word. But he wont, because he's a faggot.
And I think it's getting pretty obvious at this stage that he's trying to fuck us. Just remember how impossible it was to get anything done for israel, what with the uproar from the media and all the establishment players screaming about how "the fucking jews are sucking the lifeblood from this country". The things that he wanted to do domestically should have been a walk in the park, by comparison. But still we have nothing, because Trump is a complete and total faggot. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that everything he said on the campaign trail was a lie, that he's just been stringing us along this whole time, and that this faggot wants to flood us with beaners. It was all part of the plan to begin with.
So fuck Donald Trump, fuck his lies, and fuck him for not even trying. I'm not even going to bother voting this time, because it's all a lie and nothing I ever do matters anyway.

President is a figurehead position. They don't actually control the country, the bankers do. Trying to save the country by election is pointless. We need a complete removal of everyone in power (bankers, businessmen, CFR, everyone).

Based shitpost outlining what these shallow thinkers want Zig Forumsacks to believe.

This thread is being steered towards “fuck Le brumph lets give up,” instead of “how can we keeping pushing right and impose our politics into more mobs of people, politicians or positions of power?”

Is not that we hate trump user, we'll keep voting republican as long as we can, but we need to hurry up.

stop samefagging OP. also,
oh look another Trump d&c thread


Lolbertarianism is nothing more than socialism for capitalists.you get freedom from everything that burdens you, while magicly letting getting government fuck your competitors. Like communism it is just an excuse for the fee to fuckover the many.

Oy very. They know our golem is tricking them.

Its almost as if politicians tell people what they want to hear and the move their goals to a more realistic and comfortable (approved by the masters) position. Trump's campaign was being outspoken and brash and pushing the envelope into more sensitive topics, that others wouldn't touch. He saw what was working with the likes of AfD and UKIP and took those for himself.

Anyway, Trump has so far done little. Even if he went in all guns blazing day one, the issue would then become who would replace him afterwards. Trump is set for a 2020 run as well, so hopefully someone shows up soon who is stronger than Trump, who is more conservative and nationalist than Trump.

California proves you wrong. They tried removing the bean, they failed, they are extinct.

check'd. 4dee chess

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The fed is bullshit with it's debt based ponzi scheme model of finance, but income tax is ESSENTIAL to prevent oligarchy formation.
Excess wealth MUST BE TAXED. The fact that it has not been is a HUGE part of why everything is going to shit. Billionaires WRECK NATIONS.
Without excess wealth being sufficiently taxed, the economy trends towards a few giant capitalists who own everything. AKA oligarchs. Linked to this is the tendency for monopoly formation.
Only by taxing excess wealth through "progressive" tax structures that increase the tax rate as a person or corporation (in a separate, much larger, bracket system) acquires too much wealth can oligarch formation be prevented.
Such a system must be carefully balanced to be effective, but without it the rich get richer and richer until a few giant capitalists own everything (just like Hitler pointed out).
There must be a balance between rewarding personal and business success on the one hand, and preventing oligarch and monopoly formation, encouraging and defending free market, and emphasizing a strong and healthy worker and middle class on the other.
A system that does not tax excess wealth leads to a two class system with hereditary mega rich lording over a vast sea of poor, serf-like proles.
Not a vision of the future I advocate for. Of course, we are already 90% of the way there right now, unfortunately.

The government and their finance partners have become, in a very literal sense, the enemies of the people (IE White America).

Trump was elected, in large part, on two issues.
First, build the wall deport them all.
So far, he has failed miserably in this area. The shitholers are flooding in full steam ahead towards White America genocide. Also, he could have ended ALL "legal" immigration day one for the duration of his presidency. He hasn't.
Second, no more foreign wars.
So far, he has succeeded in this. Of course, all he had to do was nothing for this goal.

That said, I think we should support Trump and redZOG, for now. However, I doubt very much that they will take any meaningful action to stop White genocide. At the same time, keep redpilling Whites and working towards bringing about a great shift in the minds and hearts of White America towards proper Nationalism. Remember, there are at least 180 million White Americans and we are still reproducing above replacement.

The birth rate of palestinians is much higher than jews in israel. This skews the number.

Actually 3, you forgot:
Which he has also failed miserably at.

I always knew Trump was controlled. When they are truly afraid of someone they simply ignore them not plaster their face all over TV 24/7.

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This is what I've been saying all along to people who keep using the (((media))) shitting on him as proof he's not in bed with the jew. An example would be shitskin crime especially against Whites. Does the jew owned media ever report on these things? Fuck no.

Did the media give any attention to the "Yids Rape Kids" blimp that Pat Little was flying around San Francisco.

Well I didn't hear anything about it

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Patrick Little in general is entirely ignored, I'd've never even heard of him if not for this board.

It was a fun thing to watch.
Is one of my favorite URL names of all time.

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