Am I the only one whose biggest gripe is having to live in the old world?

I'm not even from some eastern Euro shithole. I'm from Germany and absolutely despise having to live in Europe instead of murica or canuckistan.

Can't own a gun, almost every business operates like a government agency, no countryside to move to, even need to pay 2k shekels just to get a drivers license, no freedom whatsoever and now surrounded by violent mudshits. Kill me already…

Apparently muh freedoms is only for third world invaders now..

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not really. Immigrants who come for gibs i.e socialism will always have less freedom at the end of the day. They're slave cattle. Pets for lack of a better word.

Do you know where you are, user?

Attached: usury free economics.jpg (279x445, 19.96K)

You certainly can own a gun in Germany.

Yeah fuck off socialist shill.

inb4 my socialist is not that socialism

Socialism is shit and will always be shit. The future lies in the past i.e. monarchism.

After joining a gun club, where petty bureaucrats will carefully evaluate your good goy character and waiting forever to be able to buy one and if you ever use it for self defense you'll do 10 years minimum in prison.

Sounds like freedom to you?

Sound like hardwork, but it's not impossible to get.

In fact, there are 45 millions legal guns in Germany, so quit whining and start doing real things that benefit you.

As a burger this sounds like blackpilling or D&C to me. There are pros and cons to both lands. Accept them, stand and fight.

Also, you can own a black cap revolver i.e. antique weapon without registration.

It's more important to know how to make ammunition. Any German worth his stereotype should have no problem making his own guns.

Ammunition is not as registered as guns, you can freely stock 9mm I think.

That's extremely silly. You're basically a pipe, nail, and spring away from a firearm.

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Meaning, there's more than one way to start a d&c thread.

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And? Ammunition is what matters since they are hard to make, except shotshell.

fellow germanon here.
The Countryside statement is wrong, theres a shitload of older and smaller villages that have empty houses.
You can rent or buy them for dirtcheap because every idiot wants to live near the city.

and the USA is full of hispanics and niggers.

Larping burger detected

Sure you are

there is one major difference you are forgetting about
the police and domestic intelligence services in western europe have been purpusily neutered since the end of the cold war meaning the government can make as many rules as they want they have no means to enforce them, if you are even a little bit creative doing things covertly would be all but invisible to the government
this of course in stark contrast the the usa where the police are fully militarised and proactive in enforcement

Excellent, now Chaim has one point to subvert.

self employed kraut here. proofs? where do i move? currently planning to leave berlin. don't know where to go but want peace and quiet.

also i'm convinced the juice will start a civil war within the next 5-10 years and berlin is not the place to be when that happens.

Standard of Living.
Push everyone's SoL down, so SoL for Poor on the Dole does not seem so bad.
Pretty Simple Plan the EU has. (Lib/Left/Socialist/Dem/sjw in USA as well)
Push SoL down by Stealing Wealth and Raising Cost of Living.
Gov Officials live at the top Like Rock Stars with Free; Travel, Car, Security, Multiple Assistants, Five Star Meals, Working Vacations, etc.
Good Luck OP

The US isnt anything what you think it is like and the only appeal at one point was consumerism and being part of the now fading middle class. Tell you what OP I will trade you spots because anyone not a dumb nigger sees the writing on the wall for the demographic future of the US

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.

Attached: Best Pres.png (219x293, 107.17K)

And lest we forget, the American revolution. Are you seeing a pattern yet? Civil war and conflict are the only way to secure and expand liberty. This is always the case. Civil wars are great as long as the good guys win.

Sage OP is a juice dick sucking hyper faggot d&c shitter


still living in Berlin

You need to reassort your priorities here Bernd.

kikethread saged

Attached: 2008-12-21_100928_feos07.jpg (302x300, 97.16K)

Du bist die Definition von einem Volksverräter.

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And thats how we can tell that you are in fact a kike sitting in tel aviv.

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Don't bother, Hans. The New World is a designated muttland and clownworld. Focus on fixing Germany, you have a better chance than we ever could since as a percentage you're still far more white than any of us.

Not full. I can go months without seeing a nigger or a wetback. If you see them regularly, you either live near a welfare checkpoint or a large corporate entity. In either case, that means you're still a cog feeding the nig-spic cycle.

Attached: wetback population map.jpg (1200x675 964.44 KB, 123.26K)

Get out then.
Zig Forums is natsoc

This bullshit again.
There are about 70 million Germans in Germany (and about 12 million non-Germans). The birth rate of ACTUAL GERMANS is well below replacement.
There are at least 180 million White Americans in the USA and the birth rate of White Americans is still slightly above replacement (not spics, not "white," not kikes, actual genetically White gentile people).
All White countries are under invasion. Acting as if the USA is a lost cause is fully retarded.
180 million White people reproducing above replacement rate is not a lost cause. Why are you spreading demoralization disinfo?
That said, I wish the best for my White cousins across the pond. I truly hope that they reclaim their homelands and REMOVE all the invaders. So too do I hope that the USA and Canada will remove all non-Whites and reestablish the White American homeland.
Also, gas yourself. You're probably a spic shitholer.

wat, when I was in Germany it seemed like it was nothing but countryside.

yes, goy please live in our artificially constructed 56% (((liberty))) melting pot

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Congratulations user, you found out you're a slave to your enemies. Nothing will change unless you do something about it.

There are lots of peaceful villages to live in down in Bayern.


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There are 188 million when subtracting middle easterners and jews

Kill yourself

If you want to live like americans you must overthrow your government. If you want to live better than Americans you must overthrow your government and expel all the niggers.

I'm an American and I'd rather live in Europe. I've been to Bratislava. A city of nearly half million with zero niggers, zero faggotry. Shit, as far as I can tell there are no jews there. At least there are christian crosses in public spaces where that would be forbidden in the USSA. Get on the tram to go to work: everyone is white. And the women…holy shit. First of all they're not fat like american girls. And they look like women…dresses and makeup, not sweatpants and septum rings. Tell them they look nice and they smile and flirt rather than filing a harassment report with the bias police.

I've heard it suggested "imagine a world without niggers." Well I've seen it. It's beautiful and it's in Europe.

Still mad you will never be white moshe?

I use "180 million White Americans" as a conservative estimate.

As for Christianity, I don't want to start up the long running arguments about religion, but are there any churches in the USA that support White Nationalism, support White countries for White people and only White people, and oppose jews being present in our society?

The invasion is everywhere.
I am a White American with ancestors going back to before the Founding and I am never going to surrender my homeland.
Don't forget that the USA alone (3.8 million sq miles) has about the same land area as the entire European land mass combined (3.9 million sq miles. Also, only west-of-the-urals Russia is considered part of "Europe"). Whites running away will solve nothing and will make final White genocide easier for the kike-led hordes.
I've seen a lot of posters lately pushing for Whites to "go to Europe."
We are not surrendering the non European White lands to shitholers. Whites are waking up. I wonder what Whites will do once enough of us go 1488?

I dunno, live in Norway and there is some multiculturalism going on but for now it has not hit my huwhite woods neighborhood.

It kinda sucks that owning a pistol is only for hobby shooting and you cannot protect yourself from scary gentlemen with darker complexions but you can always by an old timer revolver or a flintlock for that sorta thing.

Why don't you kill yourself you whiny faggot, nobody needs worthless defeatist sacks of shit like you.
What the hell are you talking about, 80% of Germany is countryside.

America's problem is the already incredibly high amount of foreigners in the country. Especially when also being a Jewish haven. There's about to come a time when you will damn your Constitution for being so solid, because it will protect the foreigners right to vote you out of your own country. Not saying this to blackpill, but rather as a question why Americans sometimes act superior. Every white nation is under heavy attack from kikes, there's nothing positive to take from that. All we can do is fight together as a united front.

America is shit my man, we're zoghub 1. Every shitty thing you experience in Germany is only an excrescence of what happens here. We have peak degeneracy, more niggers, and are the epicenter of all jewish culture.
At the day you Europeans have a culture, an ethnicity, and a nation state. Americans have none of these things, the Anglo-American culture has been completely wiped out in favor of this cosmopolitan cancer. Ask your average neocon here about what American culture is and they'll tell you cheeseburger, tits, and freedom. There isn't anything besides guns thats makes it worth living here. Most Americans are euro-mutts who have lost touch with our heritage, and this is something you can't get back, unlike guns or freedom of speech. You have to keep fighting man, because if Europe goes so does all semblance of white culture and identity.

Attached: Reich Party Congress, Nuremberg, Germany, 1938..jpg (1400x946, 133.7K)

good post

Wrong. Zig Forums is for all ideologies, just that most of us here lean towards National Socialism. There was a time when Commies and Libertarians used to post here.

Doesn't matter what the constitution says. The (((government))) will give every leniency to invaders same as every other western country, while equally forgoing all passivity to whites. The constitution is already shattered and useless. All that matters is who retains power.

All of which I don't have see in my day to day life because America is huge, so you can easily get away from those things and live in peace still. Unless you live in cities there's no reason you'd have to tolerate any of that. The demographic situation here isn't felt that hard because people are still able to separate. This is why we aren't seeing demonstrations that might actually erupt in real change for the country. We're still too comfortable, with areas of the country getting significantly whiter, and thus better, due to white migration away from niggerholes and spic-hovels. Meanwhile the compact European countries are out of room, thus radicalizing faster.

Stop projecting your own lack of connection with American heritage onto the rest of the country. What you call no culture is an innate quality of American whites to pioneer their own path. Hitler points this out in his second book, that America siphoned off the adventurous, and strong-willed of many European countries, that we are top quality people.
You mock the "freedom" aspect of American culture, but it's in our blood. The people who settled this country did not want to be ruled. Our culture is genetically rooted. As for traditions, they greatly vary depending on where you are in the country. This is why the Anti-Federalist papers exist. A strong argument was made for the states to act more as their own countries with specific ways of life. The less these ways are capable of being peaceably lived by the people rooted in these states, the less will people remain asleep. For now, though, many Americans are still able to live their way.

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This is yet another cultural aspect that has begun to dissapear. You mention whites move away from areas infested by niggers or spics but most of these places are the urban hellscapes which constitute most of the country's population. Eventually all cities will be taken over and well before that happens the inhabitants of those cities will become weak and lose their values. Look at Florida, Texas, or the South West in general and you'll see most people speak the same and behave the same. The cowboy culture is disappearing, your average person identifies as white or as whatever the cool ethnicity of the month is such as German. They have some distant claim to it but besides maybe a few herilooms there is no effort to preserve that culture, even newer spawned cultures like the aforementioned cowboy stuff.
I'm not mocking it, i'm mocking people who see the broadened idea of it combined with superficial shit like hamburgers. That individual state culture is going away, most cities in the south have people who don't even have a mild southern accent anymore because everything is becoming globally internalized. Compared to Europeans who have had their given cultures for thousands of years and managed to maintain them 10x longer than ours were created and faded away means something.
I'm not saying America was never respectable by any means, but ever since the civil and on we've been on a constant downward slope of never ending urbanization and cosmopolitanism.
The OP should stay and defend his shit, not just come to the US where within two generations his family will lose all meaningful connection to their homeland.

88% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

You deserve to have both of your hands cut off for making such a romanticized out-of-touch with reality post, you fapper sack of shit.

Don't listen to this dirtbag, he has the intelligence of an average person and doesn't understand what's happening in the world right now.

If you really think America is "shit" then there's a 100% chance you're living in a big city in a leftist state. Suck a dick and move to Canada, you fuckin' leftist, because it's only leftists and defeatist diarrhea who do nothing about their situation and bitch bto everyone they meet and say pathetic shit like what you wrote. Fuckin' bluepiller.