Immigration helps drive UK population to 66.4 MILLION after births fall to lowest level in a decade and deaths spike with 70 MILLION milestone likely to be hit within the next decade
Major companies are ringing alarm bells, trying to warn Washington about more tariffs
Trump says government should SUE Google, Facebook and Twitter as he claims social media and Internet search giants are 'trying to rig the election' with political bias
Anti-Islamic extremist permanently excluded from entering UK
Disabled grandfather is sacked by Asda after colleague complained about him sharing an 'anti-Islamic' Billy Connolly sketch on his Facebook page
Law around non-consensual taking, making and sharing of sexual images to be reviewed
Ikea moves in on UK housing
Attached: tucker carlson iran.mp4 (640x360, 2.36M)
Attached: D97Kx1DXUAAoceL.jpg (750x917, 70.54K)
*knowingly allows ISIS supporters to go about their business*
Attached: dav cam.jpg (1000x750, 80.54K)
we're going to need so much rope you could tie each piece together and it would reach the fucking sun
But ISIS are state funded assets lad
we have reached peak william
Attached: dn.mp4 (578x974
9.61 MB, 502.89K)