Whats to stop a determined group of say, 1000 individuals from banding together and claiming a piece of Somalia or Sudan as their own?
New country?
namibia pls
Well you need a thousand anons first
Enjoy having a border with literal niggers, nigger.
Okay lets just grant we get 1000 anons who are fit and trained and committed to the violent acquisition and defense of a large piece of land previously belonging to a poor country who cannot defend their borders.
I'm thinking Somalia as its pretty much the poorest place going and least likely to be able to effectively defend itself.
But can build a wall. This would end up being a bit like Israel, which is basically what happened there. jews just started showing up and never stopped.
Malaria and yellow fever for starters
You'll get boycotted by all the jew infested countries (That's all of them) and won't be able to trade, meaning you'll basically be stuck at medieval level tech and have to spend all day to just subsist.
I got a better idea. Nuke Africa.
Best chance at this is to get on a colony ship when we go to space and kill all niggers and leftists in their sleep, cut contact with Earth and go as far away as possible to an uncharted planet.
You basically have 2 options
1: out jew the jew. Find a way to paint what you're doing as a "humanitarian" project or something.
2: Get some kick as smuggling experts. Even then though shit will be more expensive than normal.
Never going to happen, stop fantasizing and focus on how to fix the shit we have going on right now.
The UN.
Here’s what would happen:
If you want your own country, you need at the bare minimum Neutral Neighbors, a large source of revenue (something like mining uranium/oil/gold/etc), a lot more than 1,000 well trained men, air superiority either through ADS or Aircraft, enough armor to repel a direct assault and a productive citizenry class willing to risk their lives and their families lives for whatever ideal you’re selling.
A) The Powers that Be and B) Why would you risk your neck for nigger country when there's perfectly good uninhabited land in White countries that you can uncuck if you have 1000 people.
UN and the United States military!
What a dumb question.
Just set up shop in Ukraine. Getting to fucking Africa with 1000 is fucking mental with the cost alone
Instead of landing on Plymouth rock, Plymouth rock would land on then. Sorry for the black pill.
In Somalia's case, nothing as such, I reckon, but good luck finding
(a) 1000 people
(b) who want to move to Somalia
(c) and have and can ship rifles, LMGs, provisions and fighting vehicles to the Horn of Africa.
A reasonably well-trained Western militia might carve out a piece of territory (but what do I know, I'm just a layman), but then there'd be the issues of acquiring food and infrastructure, as well as that of the Islamic militias which are based there. Somalia might be lawless, but it's not Zimbabwe and you'll have to contend with Taliban-style attacks.
Best option in this regard is to fund the purchase of a large contiguous plot of land, like a 50,000 acre ranch, with mineral rights etc. Then create a private settlement on it.
You’d basically have to call it private property, and only “invite” your “friends” to live there (aka exclusively invite white people but in such a way that you couldn’t be sued for discrimination)
Then you could work the land, extract the resources and create revenue to build it from the ground up. You could basically run a small fascist fiefdom that way as long as you paid taxes and kept quiet. Eventually you might be able to raise enough capital to purchase sovereignty, which is difficult but not unprecedented. Either way, ZOG would come down on you eventually. You’d have to carefully growth and PR with flying under the radar or else you’d end up like Orania.
You don't claim it as your own. You let a subverted psychosocially cucked group of people you control in every way claim it.
A bigger group of determined individuals and/or some well placed missiles.