Mods are getting it badly wrong

Mods keep shoa'ing threads with kek gets

Twice in the last few days, 777 gets have been in anchored or deleted threads. I've noticed many interesting and numerically blessed threads being moded out of existence.

Post your caps of lost gets.

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lots of threads being yoked this morning


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I got a 12 hr Ban for posting advertising?
But notification did not show me what post is was for?
I will be more diligent in the Future, but no idea what I did.

The pic you posted was a slide thread that deserved to be deleted, schlomo.

I got banned for "porn" even though I see porn posted here all the time.
what's disturbing is, back in the halfchan days, I came here because they banned me for a pic showing tits.
It's happening all over again.

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Porn was never welcome here. Well photographed whores are still whores.

There was a thread last week where a vol was banning people for being "kike eceleb shills" for posting things about recent censorship. They are wholly compromised, we got rid of imkikey and got a whole bunch of kikes in return. And the meta thread is basically pointless.

Mods seem to have a rule to destroy any meme generating threads.
It's strictly no fun politics board.
2016 was won on the back of memes. Now they are actively stifling them.
Even /tv/ has been more productive lately.

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halfchan is for shitposting, why cant people simply stay there until they are done with shitposting?

You just couldn't keep that facade on.


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Got it fam

quality threads are more important that gets

It's getting boring here you dumb yid.

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Dubs and porn are not "meme generating," you retard.

Then find a new profession if years of larping has brought you no success but only biting your pillows.

You aren't getting pruned because you made an ideological no-no. You got pruned for being low effort cuckchan garbage. We actually have posting standards here, low as they may be.

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Jesus man have some fun once in a while. And Zig Forums is hardly a place to make confessions. People might be reading about your pillow abuse.

Give up, Zig Forums is deceased.

The irony of this is that you're right, but Zig Forums politics are fucking pozzed cryptojew hasbara garbage. No fun, no truth. Just astroturfing kikes in an echo chamber being payed by deluded fools with exorbitant amounts of tax money to spend on social media propaganda fronts like Zig Forums and reddit.

user, I don't know what to say.

Of course I'm right. That was what I meant. These mod + shill teams have no sense of humor just politics their version at least yammering.
Dead threads all over the place with the exception of happening, /sg/ or esoteric ones.
Booting Imkikey was just some half assed dialectics attempt to bring us this dead pan garbage of a board.

Another layer of the irony is that their very existence is a joke, and that the pepe meme that these anti-jew astroturfing cunts worship was created by roy cohn (trump's mossad handler who loves green frogs).

Imkampfy = Heil
He will never be gone, but it doesn't even matter at this point. Zig Forums is a lost cause.

Oh well, I'm phonefagging due to roadtrip and got banned last night for "Religious D&C" because I told a Christian shill to choose between National Socialism or fucking off back to their containment board >>>Zig Forums. On a scale of 1 to Imkampfy, I give the new mods' faggotry a 9/11.

Yeah, Hitler disagreed, shill.

You're not even allowed to discuss anything religion-related anymore, even though the heart of the history of the jewish problem was jesus vs. synagogue of satan (the colloquial 'jews'). RIP Zig Forums

This is true, last time I got banned was for calling out this faggotry when old mods pinned degeneracy due to dubs.
As of last night, I believe it.

golden age got steered back into the dark age


Zig Forums is in the state it's in, because of its affinity for rejecting Christ.

Funny, the West is in the state it's in because of its affinity for a kike named Christ too.

Is this why Mein Kampf was removed from the stickies?


"The Jews are transformed by their encounter with Christ. Those who accept Him become the New Israel known as the Church. They are the true "children" of Abraham and Moses. Those who reject Christ become the "Jews" or followers of Satan. The "Jew," whose father is Satan, "a murderer and a liar from the beginning," defines himself by rejecting Christ and truth. At that moment, Israel ceases to be an ethnic designation. The old Israel was determined by DNA; it was the "seed" of Abraham. The new Israel, which "worships in spirit and truth," is determined entirely by behavior, most significantly acceptance of Christ and his message. The Church is the new Israel."

"St. Paul's epistles are consistent with St. John's Gospel. "Not all those who descend from Israel are Israel," he writes in Romans 9:7, "not all the descendants of Abraham are his true children. Remember: it is through Israel that your name will be carried on, which means that it is not physical descent that decides who are the children of God; it is only the children of the promise who will count as the true descendants.""

"DNA is a chemical; children are acting individuals. The terms of election have changed. Only those "who follow this rule," Paul writes in Galatians 6:16, "form the Israel of God." Just as conscious choice and consistent behavior now form the sole basis for membership in the New Israel, the "Jews" embrace of DNA is the basis for all subsequent ideologies of race from Nazism to Zionism. Proponents of race were always choosing more primitive formulations of community that led to intellectual bondage instead of the freedom based on choice proposed by the Gospels."

— E. Michael Jones, in his book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit & its Impact on World History" (p. 36-37)


I find this to be true.

Said the mod

Stop being a defeatist faggot

Regarding Zig Forums, there was no victory to be had, just a lie to perpetually bewitch the goyim. All that I have learnt, I have gone and found for myself from authors and speakers. Trying to bring that stuff to Zig Forums was a fruitless endeavour for me, that I have now abandoned for my own personal betterment. The only 'defeat' is that I am still here talking to people.

The victory was and is the flow and sharing of information to potential allies, the defeat is to not keep doing it until it is no longer capable at all

Come together, get going, get busy, inspire other people like yourself.

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Mods are randomly deleting/banning the core posters here.

This thread notwithstanding, I've seen tons of valid threads get shoahed, meanwhile they let obvious slide threads on the board.

Email Coemonkey, don't bother with using the meta thread be sure you have actual proof.

Interesting fact is that Abraham and his brothers are claimed to have been J1-FGC11, one of two Semitic family lineages from the J1 Haplogroup, where the modern Arab is most often E1b, E-V12, and E-M81, actual genetic Africans, at least the men.

Also, Afroasiatic languages, which also include Semitic languages such as Amharic, Arabic, and Hebrew, first appeared in Arabian Peninsula, Levant, and Ethiopia, and later spread to North Africa via the Islamic caliphate.

it happened to me, then i saw it happening to others. But tell me how you add to Zig Forums by being a snarky bitch?

What makes a quality thread? the OC might be lame, but the Zig Forumsacks who then respond create the magic. Have you seen the board recently? promising threads deep diving into meaningly shite, filled with throwaway comments and halfchan quality "i'm so fucking clever" one liners.



We've gone full SJW. next up chimpout threads will be racist.


yeah it's a pile of shit because its either global modded by a bunch of shitty masonic yids or local modded by kikefy still

They're getting it wrong??
Wow next you're going to tell me they're jews!