Cuckchan shoad the thread we had up so i moved it here, lacking lots of the info posted. Get digging again lads.
Podesta at pitfire pizza + suss photos
Other urls found in this thread:
Capped most of it
Good work, user. Shocked how quickly they shut it down tbh. Still more to find i reckon.
part deux
I love pizza bread.
Its just sooooooo gooooood
And the last part. I had it still open on screen before it shoa'd, probably missed some posts at the end.
Haha! just made a cuckchan post asking if they had something to hide by censoring decent posts. Guess what? Censored less than a minute later. Fucking traitors.
it must have been hard for Podesta to wait this long
sadly they are probably trying to save the platform. Pressure from outside is increasing. Just get research done and lets fuck (((them)))
go back. inb4 mods here delete it too, they show themselves to be just as comped often also this fuck looks like a heroin addict trying to score some dope
Podesta is just one cunt, it's a fucking institution is what sickens me. Anyway, surely there's more to find. We didn't really dig on google maps, reviews ect for anything suss.
Funny they shut it down right after i posted this
The pizza looks good tbh.
Chaimsel outed himself on cuckpol
I'm not sure if I should be insulted or laughing at how stupid they are.
4pleb is down, on the 10th they tweeted anons think it is Conspiracy when the archive is down. HRMMMMM
The capchas are broken, so only pass users can post. In a way, that might actually increase quality
The current thread on halfchan is a shitfest of shills.
checked em
I have been waiting for them to use a ploy like this to go after imageboards either now or leading up to 2020. They have been studying how user works and know as long as they can provide just enough to dig it will be like moths to flames. They know that quality memes come from this place and places like it. They know their own "professional" memes fall flat or worse yet get co opted and turned back against them.
I'm sure they at least grasp at the fact that memes as propaganda play off the subconscious and require a kernel of truth to latch into someone’s psyche. To harvest truth from the bowels of reality requires crowd sourced autism in an environment of absolute free speech. They can't purge the autists but they can make it harder to coordinate.
Blessed be thy gets.
Go back to cuckchan nigger and take your qlarp shit with you.
opsec alert. avenge me if something happens. this is a copy and paste that has been spread around you are but 1 of many
my right hand man was hit by tossed into a van. he had a gun put into his mouth. all he could tell me was to "beware the man with no nose"
a native guy with tip of nose gone fermor stmarys 14 he is on again after being on the bus on as i am on my way home. the time was 8:54 at st marys and fermour it is thursday the 13 th of september. i had to go home to feed my cat … my house had been searched again…. this is 3rd time in a month.
a bald white guy that was on the bus the guy with no nose guy on the way home to feed my cat and was on the bus after seeing no nose on the 14 bus on the way downtown. it was 9:33 st annes and st marys and when white bald guy was on the bus. first time he has on bus he looked at me a few times. the second time he wouldnt look at me and after a while i stared and glared at him yet he wouldnt look at me. also on the first bus was a native guy with a black hat sitting in the middle seat of the last row. he looked at me and then nodded to someone standing behind me… the bald white guy was in the area that native hat guy had nodded to…
we are legion
The amount of faggotry here is too much for me.
Lol , you are a weak faggot
How has noone else commented on this yet?
Ok I looked through their entire Instagram page and nothing. There aren't even any weird comments or hashtags on the (few) pics of kids. Look at it yourself and see if I missed something, but I really think this is just a regular pizza place. It's nothing at all like the cometpingpong stuff, unless they removed anything before we could see it.
If the user who claims to have foiled a plot by 4chan mods to have someone whack a Podesta lookalike is telling the truth, it could conceivably be an ordinary restaurant. Either way, I don't think this lead's going anywhere. Still going to bump this because the last few posts in the 4chan screencaps are funny as fuck.
Think that's legit mod coms or just some user false flagging? Either way hilarious, they are a shitshow dumpsterfire
Fucking faggot pedos, truly the lowest scum on the planet. I take perverse pleasure knowing how much they shit their pants that places like this exist.
lets not forget
its all so tiresome…
I couldn't make this shit up if i fucking tried guys
I got banned for posting in that thread. Haha. Fucking pussy faggot mods.
This fat, greasy neckbeard has literally spent the past 7 hours banning users and deleting/bumplocking threads. That's nearly an entire work shift. Hell, there are people who don't even work that many hours in a day at a legitimate job. When's ya shift over, polfaggot1? I bet you can't wait to clock out so that you can go bang your hot 10/10 gf, right? Oh wait, you don't have one. You just jerk yourself off in your mother's basement, you sweaty NEET.
Get fucked, and get a job.
Oh, and hi, turkroach, aka polvol6. You ain't fooling anyone.
what a faggot.
i sure am glad polvol 1mods this place
haha nod really
I will personally hunt down and snuff any mod in their sleep if they ever even THINK about saying shit like this + a false ban.
Fuckin try me mods.
Pitfire pizza in LA, right next to a preschool of course.
2018 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025
(OP here) Thanks for the good research lads, got pulled into an emergency situation, had to leave town. Back, i'll go autist mode for the next few days and see what i can find.
I take back after seeing the full sized version of the images. That is a satanic pedo restaurant. Some spirit cooking going on in there.
Realistically what's probably happening is both Zig Forums and 4chan are compromized, but they're tailoring the dialogue so that it's promoted into two diverse streams of extremism so they can goad us into action against ourselves.
Yeah, totally could never be mods just fucking with you cause they know it'll fucking work every single time.
Scepticism is great, as long as it's reasonable. I agree, this shit is fucking everywhere.
CHALK preschool appeared innocent at first, started researching benefactors and came across doug and jen oleff. Parents of Wyatt Oleff, that retarded looking kid who starred as the jew in IT.
Did more digging on them and found out Jennifer is an artist. She paints some very interesting pictures, with MK and Pedo symbology.
Accidentally posted that pic 3 times but u get the message. I wonder how that kid got his acting contract?
OY VEY, Oleff my son!
VICE is still in need of a good number of neckings.
That's unreal, fucking cunts. We will have a reckoning.
Vice (((journalists)) are begging to have their tongues cut out.
fuck these scumbags
Guy next to pitfire doesn't have a sloped head or chin that pedosta does, so it's probably a similar looking dude. All the same, the place looks pozzed as fuck at the very, very least.
It's clearly fucking Podesta.
How many pro-pedo articles has Vice made this week?
And as usual.
Here's a fucking IRC log from Rizon/#4chan and the bitch ass faggots who moderate the forums. Sam day we started the new Podesta investigation and the captcha system fully locked up on 4chan.
Fuck you kike. I know there's comp'd mods on fucking 8pol to.
Fuck you you little faggot.
Aaaand dropped. This is real life, not the fucking DaVinci code. You got something to say then fucking say it, posting cryptic shit like this makes me think its some larper beating his dick at his own presumed cleverness.
Didn't make it clear enough, Jen and Doug Oleff, parents of that kike child actor funded the preschool right next to the Pitfire pizza joint in Pedowood. Plus Jen has some pedo as fuck artwork.
fucking bump
Gross pose, gross body, some kind of collar or shit that a girl would wear on the neck? Jews are gross.
Can someone archive this thread? I'm a dumbass.
you know what would be really funny
if @IsaacKappy went to one of these Pitfire Pizza locations and livestreamed himself ordering a salad or some shit
problem with is that it doesnt archive the embedded pics. 4plebs does.
here's some 4plebs archives:
Still get a lot of the info with just the text, can find the pictures just by researching. Better than nothing.
So…Does anyone else notice that the Chalk logo looks like a kid lying down, from the C head to the K legs…The sun beams could be distress indicators and the look on the face could be interpreted variously as well.
Oh, just found that both movies featuring the young Wyatt Oleff (son of the owner of the Chalk preschools) were directed by….wait for it; JAMES GUNN. Director of questionable tweets about questionable topics cough cough.
Chalk is a franchise. Has anyone checked similar pizza joints around the other locations besides westwood?
Concentric circles resemling mk ultra spirals all over images on westwood page. Circles in circles in circles in fact.
Nigga that's normal handwritng with a smily in the C.
It looks the same when I write it. No I'm not gowing to post my handwriting on here, but use your brain.
Dirtiest thing about CHALK was the funders Doug and Jen Oleff, shifty people and their son's in Pedowood.
Close, but the k is dirty. The tilt and short top right portion make it look like spread legs with a penis. It's incredibly obvious.
Actually, i kind of see that now, but there is still plausible deniability.
So I don't come here much but I was one of the OP's on cuckchan for this topic. After posting that I have been banned 3 times for basically nothing, 24 hours each. First was for 'offtopic', which was bullshit. Second was for 'announcing sage', which everybody does all the fucking time and I have never bee banned for in ten years of shitposting, third was for posting porn. I posted tits, which has always been okay.
Pretty sure they don't want me posting anymore pizza related material.
strange repeating numbers
Vice is pretty pedo, like this series of kids they made to tell dirty jokes.
Vice is international as fuck, would not be surprised at all if they were engaged in smuggling. Excuses to move large quantities of money and resources from one place to another with no raised eyebrows. DOTR is coming.
I posted this here, because the Voat mods will probably delete the post there.
Voat and halfchan are such shitholes now.
It sickens me that he'll probably never face the death penalty he so richly deserves.
We all share that feel.
It sickens me too, but never say never, user. There is no justice in this world but what men take for themselves.
Holy, shit that's suss, user. A great reminder of how infested Christian religious institutions are by these degenerates. Can't trust anyone.
just gonna leave this here
pizzagate thread on here just shoad
Care to explain, user?
Is this some new MK Ultra device?
It looks like it's a shitty ghetto part of London that it's in.
Doubtful, but the photo doesn't make any sense in the caption's context.