Major redpilling idea here

Major redpilling idea here.

I work for a contractor, and my work takes me into various schools and offices in the area I'm in. I was just in the administrative offices of a grade school, and pinned on the wall was a poster for the school staff's "Alert Team." Among the tasks for this group was "Steer social construction" and "Examine whiteness." These are the people that we leave children with for 30 hours a week. The poster had the name of the school, and the school's logo on it and everything, so this is signed off on from the top down.
The problem is, normalfags are unaware of this.
I say we change that.
Those of you that have a job that involves traveling to clients, if you see SocJus shit on the walls, take a picture of it. If a poster at your college has the school logo on anti-white or misandrist propaganda, take a picture, or better yet, take it off the wall. The veil between their agenda and their public persona is thinning, but it's still there. We need to tear it off entirely.
There's a growing white consciousness in America, and this has the potential to deepen it. Taxfags that bitch about where their money's going will be FURIOUS about their local school conspiring to teach their children to apologize for their skin color. That's not to mention that parents often have very little interaction with the learning process itself apart from parent-teacher conferences.
Some people have a hunch this is going on, others don't. This is why pictures are key. If you tell people our schools are full of Marxists, they'll think you're just some Alex Jones-listening retard. But if you show them a picture of Marxist planning to indoctrinate our children complete with the school's logo on it, watch their tune change.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump. pic of poster?

The janitor was up my ass the whole time or I'd have one

Come back when you have documentation of "examine whiteness" then because that's a spicy memetic weapon in the right hands. The real push that needs to be made towards the education system is the removal of all teachers who aren't parents. This cuts out the roastie, the faggots, the muh dick niggers, and a lot of the kikes. As long as there are non-parents involved in education at any level it will be shit because the purpose will never be the welfare of the child, and always the absorbing of (((curriculum))). Parents don't want to financially uphold non-parents through taxes anymore and this is one of many ways in which the productive are extorted

Yes. Should have usedy our cellphone to text your wife, then snap a photo. Or just say screw it, if it's just the janitor? See if you can get back there and get us photos of the next one.

Hmmm. What type of contractor we're talking about here exactly? It doesn't just so happen to be a military contractor or something?

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slight of hand, "oh wow cool poster, got to share this with my wife, she'd love it."

Attached: sadfasfdasd.PNG (320x439, 305.66K)

IT, Electrical services etc.. use your brain, user.

Just be careful, OP: they may probably will try to claim that photography is unlawful in government buildings, even though you are most likely within your rights to do so (the law typically applies to Federal buildings and even then mostly just restricted areas), not to mention getting blackballed once they figure out you're not with the program.
Godspeed, and keep fighting the good fight.

That is the shittiest excuse lmao.

Better even yet, don't. The tide is against this SOCJUS bullshit, and their propaganda is weak. Leaving it up has the reverse intended effect.


bullshit, this has nothing to do with schools and the like, and more for areas with "sensitive" materials such as courthouses.

Good point, document everything found instead with several pictures. has the right idea, just pretend its cool and you want to show it to your diverse family unit.

But also make sure to wait a bit before showing them off. You don't want their images to go viral and link it to your trip, for example

He's a shill, just ignore him.

t. civilian contractor for military projects

Do you honestly expect them not to abuse and misapply the law to further their ends?
I'm just giving OP a heads-up of the kind of dirty tricks he can expect.
OP might be on to something

holy fuck user. I knew Unitarians were some of the cuckiest of the cucks but this is absurd. If only they knew how much we've been transforming our Whiteness kek

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This is all by that William J. Gardiner guy too. There's not a lot of info on him

He looks like a sodomite to me.

This stuff is pretty hilarious.

you want to redpill more people? copy the poster and distribute it. nobody likes SJW shit anyway, the further they push, the more white people awaken.
do you even accelerationism bro?

Attached: be advised.jpg (242x208, 4.67K)

Did he at least give you a reach-around?

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if it's real just PS the picture and spread it around. They won't know the difference anyway and if it's really there, just put "Found this at FatArfrican Elementary in Watts, CA."

This is actually kinda smart. Just keep pushing shit people don't like until they speak up about it.

Former Unitarian Universalist here, this doesn't surprise me at all. That community is full of kikes.

ban women from full time jobs so that they can be more involved in their children's education. Attending parent teacher interviews, conferences, reviewing the curriculum for any nefarious lefty shit, islam, transgenderism etc.


It's Christianity for sodomites and communists if you want to imply that Christianity isn't communism to begin with.

I would never imply that user

Unitarian Universalist Association
24 Farnsworth Street | Boston, MA 02210
(617) 742-2100 | [email protected]
[email protected]

Attached: emu 3.jpg (1920x960, 103.45K)

Fax: (617) 367-3237

i left my message. that voicemail needs a fillin. act parental.

Look into the "brown is the new White" book & that author needs to be addressed

Don't, they'll just put another one and you will get in trouble for no real gain. Documenting it and spreading it so the parents will see it is what's most important, while having the chance to keep doing it.

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This fat, greasy neckbeard has literally spent the past 7 hours banning users and deleting/bumplocking threads. That's nearly an entire work shift. Hell, there are people who don't even work that many hours in a day at a legitimate job. When's ya shift over, polfaggot1? I bet you can't wait to clock out so that you can go bang your hot 10/10 gf, right? Oh wait, you don't have one. You just jerk yourself off in your mother's basement, you sweaty NEET.

Get fucked, and get a job.

Oh, and hi, turkroach, aka polvol6. You ain't fooling anyone.


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Wow great job op, didn’t even show yours but you want to see mine.

omg a real-life modded Ysolda

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defender of the white race aint ya?
go dig like anons do. if ya cant bring back the poster and we will.

Speaking of Red Pilling ideas, why not use the few times Jews have told the truth about their NWO conspiracy to red pill the Normies. Something like this: ”The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.” -Baruch Levy, 1879.

Spreading this and other Jeiwsh Red Pills all over the internet could be an effective way of spreading info. I know its been spread among the choir, but I am talking about it spreading it to normie channels from many different sources. They can ban one person for spreading the truth or a group, but an organized information campaign by a large number of people to fight their disinformation campaigns about themselves seems like a legitimate idea. I have never seen it attempted before but its worth a shot.

yeah, this is a troll post by an israeli college student, the only kind of user of this side besides 12 year olds

"Major redpilling idea here."

Let me guess kvench on pol out of fear and try post retarded pictures desperately trying to contain your disgusting retarded estrogen-fueled mind?

Any other ideas? Go ask some of your long-nosed comrades for support if stuck don't be shy.