Dotard Trump says official hurricane death toll was made up by Democrats make him look bad

He added: "I love Puerto Rico!”

Bringing aid to Puerto Rico

Hurricane Florence: New satellite video shows storm raging as it heads toward US east coast

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You do realize you're not going to sway a single vote away from Trump, right?

Reported. You don’t belong here. >>>/reddit/

You do realize your vote doesn't matter anyways? Either way your voting for the kikes. Do you seriously think this guy is going to actually do any good in the ZOG government?

You do realize that entire argument is circular and thus nonsensical, right?
You claim you want a white demographic, but the reason you want it is to win elections but you also say elections don't matter so we shouldn't vote anyway. Isn't not voting the same as already having gone extinct then?

Kikes pick the presidents, not us.

I see ShareBlue is back.

Friendly reminder that NGOs blocked aid to their island behind its government's back just to spite plumf.

Bump and reported. You aren’t on reddit. Your ZOG emperor isn’t worshipped here.

The only reddit here is you, faggot

Bump because it triggers you, paid jewish shill.


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Then why do they kikes keep making these anti-trump posts?

swayed my vote

are you seriously this dumb, nigger?

politics is 100% based on demographics

who the fuck goes to reddit in the first place? how do you even know it's shit? exactly, fag

now go suck david brock's dick

Why were so many jewish leftists against Bush (who got less of the jewish vote than Trump), even though he was the best thing that happened for Israel, even letting them do 9/11?

inb4 formatting

The reason race matters isn't that you believe White people vote for the "right" jew-party.

Hello GOP shill
(This is your cue to leave)

The point is this mega-triple-nigger shilling only helps get him re-elected. If they would stop pushing the anti-trump meme so hard, people would actually allow themselves to form their own opinion and he's not a likeable guy. jews are just too fucking full of themselves to realize when they need to back out of an argument.

(this is your cue to stop sucking dick)

you probably won't though

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you fags have become a parody of yourselves. thanks for the laugh.

Actually, I'm never voting for this fat nosed piece of shit kike bastard. If Hillary won, we would be out in the streets killing and taking back this country already.

Attached: TrumpTouchingWall11.jpg (760x507, 48.77K)

jews don't fight. they hide behind the guise of theater.
Look >>12147536
there's fucking joan hard at work. If they would just take that money and put it into a FARRRR right candidate that preached full 1488 and propped him up as an actual potential candidate, they would sway at least 5 million votes from Trump.
That's money well spent, not this shilling bullshit that's as transparent as the piercing holes in their lefty hoods.

shove your free pass, I'm just commenting on the predictability of the autitsts around here.

Not really. We would have been stronger since there wouldn't be the illusion of victory, but aside from that, nothing would really change. The kikes like us at a slow boil, they aren't going to just outlaw guns and revoke the first amendment out of nowhere, like so many Trumpniggers fear.

wrong, kike. acceleration is happening because of victories. violent death threats, shootings and attempted stabbings of GOP officials. none of this would have happened if hillary won. you don't win by losing, Truedeau

This is getting humorous to watch him repeating the same circle with zero results.

USA supplied the gibs, mudman-agement failed here.

Bait thread summary:
This board needs to be fumigated.

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Getting the "right" jewish puppets in isn't winning. All that's happening is people are getting even more invested in the party of Leon Trotsky and 9/11.

reminder that the shills had no part in your decision. none.
it's a complete waste of money. the chans control public perception, not the shills. The shills only reinforce our bias due to their obvious shillery. Without them, we would be free to form our own opinion based on Trump himself and he is not a likeable character. He's an annoying billionaire.

You making fun of something doesn't provide an argument against it, kikeold. It only makes you look more of a cuckitor than you already are.

Reported. You don’t belong here, reddit.


perfect example
nobody knows what the fuck you're saying.
You read at most 2 lines of that and it's instant shutoff to the brain because it's like eating glass. then to finish with an insult to people here, oh yeah that's going to sway opinions! I don't even know what your trying to do with this post?


Actually all the shilling against him is going to make his fans more angry and more likely to vote for him again "just because fuck you."


Way to out yourself kike.

Attached: trumpnoooooooooooooooooooooo.mp4 (400x224, 816.71K)

lol neck yourself

Trump has done enough to dissuade Zig Forums from helping him again.

why not "Donutcase"

Check out how angry these kikes are.

Attached: kike wedding.mp4 (226x400, 5.64M)

Because syllables and phonemes have to match, idiot.


So do I. They keep to themselves and hate that they are owned by the US. Unironically based people with a shit local government

Why not meme P.R independence?

Kill yourself, Miguel. You're the worst of the spics.

just "Donut" then