‘Revenge on society’: 11 dead, 44 injured in ramming, knife and shovel attack in China
‘Revenge on society’: 11 dead, 44 injured in ramming, knife and shovel attack in China
Possible false-flag for more state-control over there? Or did 1 of 1 billion chinks just say fuck it?
top kek certainly better than Randy Stair or the Madden shooter.
This happens all the time in China.
The Chinese are like insects, and will kill/consume their fellow "humans" without a second thought. I'm just surprised that this shit doesn't happen more often.
Thats impressive.
Unbeknownst to the outside world, psychotic bugmen assaults are a common occurrence in china. Imagine a giant chiago metropolis, replace the niggers with inbred suicidal chinks and swap the guns for knives, its a fucking warzone in there.
they do this all the time there, often in traffic actually. there are some pretty fucked up videos out there user
Why do I keep hearing this word? Never seen it before, but then a few months ago it started to be fucking everywhere.
The shitskin from the cuckanadian truckening, now all the lefturds know a new word to shame right-wingers since fat neckbeard basement dweller is getting old.
I thought the Chanks just shot anyone who disrupts the Hive?
Pretty much this, knife attacks are a common occurrence in china metro areas, and in the villages too but that's usually muslims in the south.
Chinese society is as dysfunctional as it gets.
That's no incel.
Yeah I heard that every week the chinky bug government has to deal with 100,000 people rioting in various locations for various 'injustices'. Not surprised given their population size. Also, they are fucking inhuman savages that have no care for life at all…that is why we call them BUGs.
Where'd all their kung fu motherfuckers go to? They should have stopped this in a heartbeat. The hollyjew lied to us?
Well that pretty much confirms future foreign policy with them consisting of the testing the best way to spread neutrons in high coverage formations, over and over again.
Also fuck bugs in case anyone hasn't done it yet:
Damn those assault shovels! Won't somebody PLEASE think of the trenches?!
If only the knife was restricted to 10 round magazines instead of infinite ammo it would slow him down.
i thought it was rare-ish
Go for the politicians, retard, who do you think governs it?
Do it you fucking bugmen
Can some foreign politics autist give us a picture of how soon China is to collapse?
muslim or just another fed up chink?
Thanks yhwh he only had a shovel, had he a gun he could've killed more people.
but they can't tank every village and city so if enough of them did it it would get real interesting
The earliest i see it collapsing is during ww3
A chink civil war would be autistic. Could we see over 500 million dead bugs?
My rule for 'disasters' in nest countries is divide by four to get a realistic comparison with the fatalities in a Western one.
It's only rare for the news to leak out. They have knifings all the time.
Collapse ? they're expanding their influence as we speak, as well as creating more ways to control their own society and further advance the bugmen mentality the chinks have, where there will be one queen (CCP and it's leaders) and billions of soldier/drones to serve them.
Yes they can. They have many empty cities they can relocate the obedient ones into.
Not to mention whatever the niggers do in Sinospheric Africa.
lol no chinks are retards and china is a house of chinese checkers
you beat me to it, gj user
I don't know, within the next decade or so depends on how quick I can become President.
Autism aside, the demographic issues in China, combined with them not doing anything at the right time(see: building civillian highways when their was no private ownership of vehicles, building cities to make it look like they're booming when no one lives there etc.) makes me honestly think they'll be in real trouble within that two decade timeframe, basically 2040s to 2050s. I have no confidence their civilizational model will survive through the 21st century to be honest. Doesn't mean they won't go down kicking and screaming, but I just don't see the recipe for success in them. Kinda like how Russia doesn't seem to ever do much except endure, or does things at odd times.
Mind you I say that assuming that, by necessity, the West will also restructure in the coming decades. Once that happens, which I think is inevitable, there's no long term future for the Chinese. Especially not given their mainland's geography, although they're certainly trying to colonize everywhere. Although I feel like the US will sooner annex Canada than let it become a bug colony like it is doing so swiftly, and Africa will eventually overtake them.
Plus China has the whole problem of liberalized youths coming back from the West after education which is going to cause some problems internally, especially since those youths are the natural successors for the current elites. If the few smarter chinks I knew in college are any indication, China is fucked now that they've had a taste of the degenerate fruit of the West.
even if the majority of mainland chinks are dumb bugmen, the top bugmen in their society are working their way to further control all these drones with their monitoring technology, facial recognition, etc etc.
They know very well that their country is extremely unstable and their history is full of cases where the population revolted against the central government. That is why chinks are so obsessed with total control.
In order for their society to fall, things would have to get very nasty, and chinks have witnessed thousands of disasters, wars and mass killings in their entire timeline.
Shoveldog on bugmen. Beautiful
"Voices have been raise in China to urge the government to finally ban assault cars, assault knives and assault shovel."
Something they are already trying to interfere with by persecuting Chinese students in Australia who are participating in student elections within their host universities.
Their buildings and other infrastructure are more danger than assault cars. Elevators and escalators of peace.
You guys should read this book for a look inside Chinese society.
until they run out of cities to tank
11 dead
44 injured
China sentences people multiple times for the same offense and releases them, a country that disappears people for even thinking about voicing dissent.
Sounds extremely likely.
More likely than three buildings coming down at freefall speed into virtually their own footprints after planes struck two of them, I'll grant you….
It's just the ai controlled vehicle propaganda like everywhere else.
pick one
100's a day
the news is going to push the "ebil china" narrative since china = syria = iran
I fucking hate jews so much
It's a forced lefty meme that heavily exaggerates the threat of frustrated virgins as some sort of isis equivalent, it's an attempt to validate feminist first world problems with a credible "threat".
Heavily originates from leaflands cuck government, essentially skyrocketed in use after the one-off van attack there.
That is all there is to it.
Nah, china is shit because its people are shit and have no culture, history, or souls for that matter.
chinese confirmed soulless bug people
Correct. The only reason they have any power whatsoever is because we handed it to them economically with our materialism.
It was more greed than materialism. We could have produced our shiny toys here, but the profit margins weren't good enough.
About time someone did this shit in a shit-skin country.
"We" didn't do that. We facilitated it though by accepting the low-quality junk in return for a low price tag. Although if "they" never fucked with our industry and our economy to begin with, we'd be able to purchase high quality stuff for roughly the same prices, like people did back in the '60s. I'll buy a saw made in USA 50 years ago over a saw in the same price range made today in some third world dump.
He probably got kicked off the internet after opening a thread with so decided to van of peace instead of shitpost
Yes, but the downfall of the working class was the concept that they too could have the latest technology; just for cheaper at (((slightly less quality))).
Incel forums are pretty entertaining. It's like r9k before it became a normie board
But i don't recommend going to those boards, if you're depressed, it will just make you feel a lot worse and hopeless.
Literal sub-humans. Notice how no one gives a shit about other people being run over. They aren't even startled. They only show some semblance of emotion when the car is about to run them over, then a bit of panic shuts in. I'm really beginning to believe only we are capable of empathy. I don't see it in any non-white countries.
Apparently they had a civil war in the mid 1800's. 10 million men showed up for battle, a size that would have dwarfed Waterloo, but as soon as they got there they discovered that they had consumed all the food and forage for a couple hundred miles diameter and they were all in grave danger of starving to death so everyone just fled the scene in search of food, before the battle could take place. Truly fucked up shit.
True, because only we are human. Elephants and dolphins also have empathy. Once the dolphin to English translator is completed, assuming a reverse is also possible, dolphins could easily compete in the workforce with soulless niggers.
Read Ways That Are Dark.
The author tells about how he witnessed a livestock boat crash, and instead of helping the people, the Chinese swam out, and stole pigs and chickens, leaving the crew to drown.
China is a nightmare. Work on an assembly line every day screwing in a single screw on a single part of an iPhone for 12 hours a day and still barely afford to live. This is why people used to go postal. Boring, horrible, demeaning, low-pay work. And when you try to kill yourself there’s a suicide net that catches you and you get sent back to work.
This btw is my theory why autism is becoming more prevalent. I think the elites want an autist workforce that won’t break down like this when doing repetitive work. A force that will follow orders even if they are morally questionable. I think they are using society to test and find the right vaccine mix to do it and create an army of high-functioning autismos.
sorry for run on sentence
top kek
I've heard dolphins are very prone to try to rape people, dragging them down under water and killing them in their efforts. That's pretty niggerish. They'd be good competition.
Dolphins just like to have sexual encounters with other creatures who also have intense orgasms. Dolphins have more self respect but if they didn't, dolphin brothels would be everywhere.
Just tax them, that will solve the problem.
Where in the article does it say INCEL?
Looking through an additional 9 articles, no mention of INCEL.
One said he was diagnosed with gastric cancer and heart disease.
OPs who write posts with false headlines should have all their posts deleted and be banned.
Herro, comwade, fank yu fo making it to fread to defend grorious chinese honurr
This just in
School of dolphins commit tahurrush on EU aid worker.
Mediterranean designated no go area.
Flipper flipped the fuck out but, females warned not to be finphobic. Told," if you can't keep them at arms length use your rape alarm to block their blowhole."
Apparently you like being LIED to.
7.31 yuan has been deposited into your piss bucket
Fank yu fo yur patwiotism, comwade!
Post more chinkicide videos.
Is this the new shilling tactic? Make Zig Forums suck by pointlessly shouting down legitimate criticism? Defend false headline posters.
You're making me miss the merciless ban hammer of imkamphy.
You pollute the world with your posts. Go die of shame.
wouldn't shock me
I'll let you in on a secret, CHINA NUMBAH WUN!
Serioisly, this is just a response to chink shills flooding the site over the past couple weeks
11 and 44
Those digits
not bad, really
You know, I wonder what the number is for shovel kills in WW1. Or what the highest amount of kills for one shovel is.
Imagine being this fucking retarded
What a faggot
I think they kind of opened Pandora's box already, though, just based on my own experience. Even if it ends in more 1989.
He who nigger? I already posted the bugspray further upthread. Fucking newfag fucks.
The Chinese economy is mostly smoke and mirrors. Their state-supported lending system, which is hooked to the pension system, is already creaking.
All we need is a small downturn in the global economy and the promise of a prosperous future (main reason anyone follows the commies) will go up in flames, right along with government buildings/members.
If the EU splits suddenly, China dies with it. I give it a decade, tops.
I have that book and I agree it's worth a read.
well why aren't you posting it up?
From what i've seen society does not deserve anything good. Shame more didn't die.
For the good of all China should be balkanized into smaller countries. Right now they are way too big and influential both in Asia and on the world stage.
Don't they have some law that if you touch an injured party you can be sued? I mean, I wouldn't touch those assholes either if i was going to be potentially sued and imprisoned for my trouble.
I see empathy in all kinds of people but it IS different between races. There's gradients to it and we happened to land on the highly empathetic side, often to our detriment.
Sure thing Chaim. I live in China and the only violence I have seen is among muh dicking white trash that somehow made it here, presumably working as engrish teachers with their BA in basket weaving. Chinese people argue with words but not once I have seen a physical altercation involving them.
Knife attacks commonly involve muslim separatists, funded by (((them))) looking to destabilize China.
These freemasonic Jews never give it a rest do they?
kek it's hard to see violence when you're chained to an injection molder 18 hours a day
It does happen. You just don't hear about it. They're called bug people for a reason.