Boston is burning to the ground, fires break out in over 20 homes simultaneously due to gas explosions and now the whole town is being evacuated

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ETA on some israeli general popping in to the fox studios to blame it on iran?

Boston isn't a town, it's a city, and not Boston isn't burning to the ground. A few buildings are. Who gives a shit? Boston, like all urban areas, is a dump filled with trash.



Lawrence is a spic shithole and Andover is full of wealthy heebs. The israeli CEO of Sig Sauer USA lives there.

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Gas smells being reported all over town.

Of course. It's a major urban area. Major urban area = shit-skins and kikes playing white face.

Lots of gas explosions recently.

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Woops, forgot this part:

Understatement of the year.

There's no gas down there, it's a sewer.

Zig Forumsacks go to Gloomtube, He's gonna be livestreaming today and probably tomorrow, he's got the police scanners for Boston, and covering the Hurricane as well. Stay strongk out there.

Hopefully those affected will be the (((Irish Americans))) who donated to the IRA during The Troubles.

Local radio

WBZ reporting 100 fires in the 3 towns. They will be turning off the power now to stop the explosions.

My theory is some mexican was doing plumbing and crossed a high pressure commercial gas line up with a low pressure gas line and back fed in to the residential main line.
Low pressure residential is 7" of wc or less then 2psi. Commercial service could be over 60PSI.
New England still has tons of gas meters in the basements and they would just vent right in to he house.

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Lawrence was a factory city that got browned.
Andover was a farming town that the wasp owners of the Lawrence factories built their homes in. Then the jews bought out the wasps and farmers and built shitty McMansions all over the place.


Another infestation aided by the greed and religious naivety of the WASP.

This or a HV line has touched the gas main heating it up until the gas inside ignites.

Use solid fuel or electricity.

I know they overcharged you last time, mein Fuhrer.

Hitler dubs confirm don't use gas. Burn Jews directly.


It was enough to make a man shoot himself or run off to Argentina.

That's not a unique story. That's every major city in this country to one extent or another. I wonder if shit-skins were drawn to the city due to work opportunity, due to welfare, due to government policy, or if propaganda had the largest influence. It's amazing how little landmass these 140 million shit-skins take up in this country. Although that has directly aided jewish influence, which exists solely in urban areas, which is also why non-white voting tendencies are exactly the same as jewish voting tendencies. Diversity was always a weapon, and I suppose they figured if they conglomerated their hordes tightly in areas of importance they could more swiftly overtake our politics and shift our society.

Word of the day.

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Any jews or shitskins get gassed yet?

chambers work better if they're airtight, but Germans are reknowned for their inefficiency and terrible engineering.

Good things come from a bit of fun in the sun. Klaus Barbie founded Mattel after all.

Lawrence high school is on fire

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Gas lines wont blow up like that because there is no oxygen in the line. That is why when a house burns down it doesn't spread back up the lines. I bet this ends up being some mexican or dindu AA hire that charged the residential lines with the wrong pressure.

H.P. getting crossed up with L.P. is actually a thing that happens and that is why gas meters have relief vents. Modern building codes do not allow you to put the gas meter inside anymore or if they do you have to run an external vent.

The problem is that there was never a push to force people to move the meters outside or install vents to the outside. . So tons of old houses still have them venting inside.

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Q predicted this


I kind of agree with you, user. Sympathizing with Yankees can be difficult sometimes.

Yankee kikes are even worse than ordinary Yankees.

50 properties, 60-100 fires now.

burn it all down

There are no yankees left in bombston, it's almost all foreigner invaders by now. Do you consider kikes and spics yankee or american? Because I don't.

Lkast they said, its at 70, by local news standarrds, will probably reach 100 by the end of the night. Fingers are crossed the fucking hurricane hits Boston.

How many irish are left there?

It's basically every single town at this point.

The Qniggers already have a circle jerk going.

I never liked anyone with a Boston accent anyway

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Not yet, but it will be soon enough. The cities are starting to leak out.

That's just their resting state

Actually you are wrong, in the UK they earth strap the gas mains with copper. Obviously copper being valuable these on occasion get stolen. If by chance a live comes into contact with an unearthed gas main it will heat up like a kettle element in this spot, pressurizing the main, which fractures, lets in oxygen and ignites the gas either from the heat or sparks caused by the fracturing.
There are dead firefighters due to this very thing.

Cleansing fire in Commiefornia, flames of wrath in Boston

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No, it's basically already there. No, it's not every every every single town, but it's pretty much almost all of them and especially the ones that ever mattered.

Less than 20% and dropping, most of them fucked off elsewhere in Mass because no one wants to live around turdskins and jews

It's Boston Massachusetts


Yeah, the government has been doing something to move shit-skins out of the cities and into our backyards. One of the older housing communities about 40 minutes away from me was bought up by the government and turned into section 8 housing, and filled with niggers from Philly and NY. I live in the mountains. The number of shit-skins went from like 1% to, when I go down to the shopping area, 50% in the past five years (Obama years of course). It's hard to image it's just section 8 housing. I don't know what suddenly motivated all these shit-skins to invade our living space. Luckily my county is still very white. We don't have much shopping centers or anything though, but we have nice safe, quiet housing communities. Mine specifically is gated and the government has no access to purchasing property in it. I think. I have seen big groups of fucking Arabs every now and again, but they're in and out in a weekend, so they probably came here on their dime.

I thought it was the fictional land of Boston, Svetlandia

Let me correct that for you.

You also need to be a banking kike or a chinese communist party official to afford the property prices in Eastern MA.

t. part spud who moved out

It isn’t Boston it’s closer to NH than Boston. It was a gas leak that caused 50+ houses to burn down.


might have something to do with the smart meters

Fellow mountainbro here too, been noticing the same thing. Most people up here are extremely racist though, there was a story in local paper about a coalburner and her nigger boyfriend being the target of constant abuse until they moved away, and just recently some spic kid was beaten into a coma at the high school.

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Its not just section 8. That is just the foot in the door to cover what comes next.

The banks actually give away virtually interest free low payment mortgages now to shitskinns of all types when they buy an actual house. And thanks to the mandatory enforcement of affirmative action those niggers that can pass as human enough to work get work enough to pay for this shit since most companies now pay shitskinns more than whites as an rule in order to avoid hassle when sued. Also whites have been taught to not ask what others make so this shit gets covered up. Shitskinns also talk among their own kin and pass along useful information unlike whites whom have been conditioned to keep the fuck quiet, so anything that will help them gets shot thru the grapevine fast as an bus. Also kickbacks from government at many levels to companies and especially corporations that rent or sell to subhumans now and works as an way to not pay taxes or at least reduce such.

This kinda shit has become an well oiled machine.

Not a good thing in the long run. Unless lots of people in the city die to make up for it.

Not in the mountains, I moved to an area that was not the greatest in terms of having niggers present but it wasnt the worst either. In the few years since I moved here signs started going up "we are building an inclusive community" and it went to shit. My county has always been strongly red but now my city is has enough spics and niggers to tip local elections on their asses. This particular city that I am discussing started all its bullshit by setting up fraudulent veteran charities and never giving the homes they claimed to build to veterans and then laundering the money. They wound up getting caught with the fraud part of it but all it amounted to is some kike resigning. of course But, on a decent note, the amount of people here that realize it is the kikes behind this is something to be happy about.


Here is another similar story:
The west became dark when they opened up the docks


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If the news headlines don't read "mass gas attack in beantown" I will be disappointed.

That's not Boston. That is the suburbs, far outside Boston. Its a shithole, so what ever happens is a improvement.


Bawstin Got Gassed

Top kek

When they declare boston strong marshal law I would like to reach for my rifle or have one at my disposal.

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Nope, the urban areas are gentrified, the suburbs are filling up with ghetto trash.That area use to be a white picket fence town. these things happen differently in assholechetts for some reason. Towns that were affordable and great to raise a family in have turned into junkie heaven.


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This is the extent of how greasy social media is. When it goes from to this.

Elizabeth Warren is angry and has used her injun powers to show it to her constituents.

Get this fucking Rothschild agent off the Confederate TREASONOUS JEW BANKS and slave trade ARMY of my Zig Forums!

Still backstabbing after all these years for you masters. We wouldn't have niggers in America if you hadn't killed Lincoln for the Jews.

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Dixie forever, damnyankee

Lawrence MA is a sanctuary city where literally all of the heroin for eastern MA and southern NH comes from. It has one of the largest Dominican populations outside of DR. Trump even mentioned them specifically in an opiate forum he spoke at in NH. Lights are turned off and we might have some chimp outs, I don't know because I have to imagine the police presence there is massive at this point.

But anyway, this isn't Boston, its a good 30 min ride on I93 north without traffic. Those fart huffing libs are safe at home tweeting about how it's all Drumpf's fault.

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If you're going to correct him correct him correctly!

Both sides were shit.

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UNITED STATE OF American territory, Judah Benjamin!

Fucking rednecks, worship a Jew, serve the Jew, betray their own country, and breed niggers. How could you be any worst?

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The tweet containing this image was edited to have the second image on @MassStatePolice on twatter. For anyone uninitiated.

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Fuck you too, you British Jew

I was wondering what you meant that is fucked up user


I'm a yank, dummy. Stop derailing.

I'm calling out the Rothschild loyalist. I'll say whatever the fuck I want.

inb4 muh russian hackers

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I'm glad I live in a seismic area that does not allow gas pipes.

I looked out this morning and my house was gone
Turns out a gas leak had ruined my day
I lost myself in a familiar song
I closed my eyes and I slipped away…

(electric guitar riff)

I was just keeping tabs on things in the Flo thread, noticed the discrepancy and that has to be the swiftest memory-holings I've ever seen.

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wew top notch police work that uses techniques likely gleamed from studying autists
reminder: the autists do most of the heavy lifting for spooks, intel agencies, and police and they do it better and for free

Low pressure residential is 7" of wc or less then 2psi. Commercial service could be over 60PSI.
New England still has tons of gas meters in the basements and they would just vent right in to he house.

This is the most likely scenario. I've seen hindu crane operators get their rig tangled in power lines and damn near tear down all the power lines for several blocks around with their demented grinning monkeyshines.

When will dear Mr. Hitler return and clean things up?

What does this all mean, user? Is he a beta spook working from home?

not working from home, no, dude is just a typical MSP member. probably one of the "smart ones" if he's manning the internet and twitter stuff.
dude dun goofed and probably tipped off a bunch of faggots they were infiltrating by being too stupid to hit winblows key and type snip then hit enter and use the snipping tool and took a picture instead