Reminder to vote in the mid-terms.
Reminder to vote in the mid-terms.
What a fucking waste.
Reported for reddit spam.
Topkek they should have dumped him back on the other side
he's here to stay
Kill yourself
oh so now we break their legs, nurse them to health and they can escape the hospital after
all hale indeed. what an improvement.
Too bad wild dogs didn't eat him alive.
OP is always a faggot.
To this date 20 months after trumps promise to build a wall and lock her up we have under 65 miles of fencing on the record.
There was video footage on liveleak
Sharejew pls go
Please post a relevant image.
So how did he manage to scale a 30 ft wall?
Reminder that Trump legalizes 800,000 nonwhites per year. Reminder that there are no net deportations. Reminder that you were lied to. Reminder that you follow a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist who wants all whites exterminated.
Oh yeah this is definitely a shill thread.
100% Trumpnigger thread.
freedom hurts
sage negated
Reported for bumping a slide thread.
This is old news. It has the date on your link. But here's another:
Palm springs is over 70 miles from the border.
Nobody cares, shill.
They have designed walls that can be scaled.
It's probably the closest place the invader could get several hundred thousand dollars of orthopedic care paid for by your insurance premiums and taxes.
sage and report
the wall navy seal can't climb slathered in guqa
Heres a tip for ICE agents… a bullet is cheaper. Just a thought.
We should have lions and wild dogs patrolling it. Oh snap, or maybe some tigers.
I wouldn't want them racemixing into Ligers though. It'd send a mixed message.
As someone in the comments said, "Taller please, we don't need any survivors."
Ok just tigers then…I don't think Lions are too keen on human meat anyway.
couldn't they have sent him to a mexican hospital?
Why would they do that? The US government exists to facilitate white genocide.
Not big enough.
White devil confirmed
They should add gun turrets to shoot anyone who try to climb the wall.
Fake news. He can't finish the wall until he has a Congress that will vote to fund it. He can't arrest Hillary until he replaces Sessions, and he can't replace Sessions until he has a Congress that will confirm a new AG. Why is this so hard to understand? Are you subhuman?
Quit being an autistic fuckwad.
And make the wall out of steel and dig the wall 50 ft into the ground to keep anyone from digging under it.
Rabbi Eli Rabin
You are fake news.
In his defense, it can be a bit annoying to pretend he's the perfect god emperor Reddit wants him to be when he's in the middle of capitulating to Israel and the Kikes in his family.
But I'm aware that he's unfortunately the best we've got, if only because the symbolism of voting someone with his rhetoric in does wonders for the Overton Window
pls stop spamming the thread
Reported for sucking reddit cock
He has full funding appropriated for the wall and the full legal authority to build it. You have no argument and don’t know a goddamn thing about this country.
Not relevant. They don’t apply. The funding exists, the legal authority exists. Congress will never support the wall. Trump simply doesn’t want it. You have no argument and no excuse.
Trump does not want to build a wall.
He can, you know nothing about the authority of the president
Which he can do literally any second of any day.
1. Fire Rod Rosenstein, who is still employed.
2. Fire Jeff Sessions.
Except, yet again, Trump does not want to do this, because he has no intention of arresting anyone. Your Q-hoax is not real. Your reddit narrative is a sham. Kill yourself.
Reported for reddit spam.
Please stop having the thread.
There is no "Trump's Wall." Congress refused to fund it. The only thing that's happening are repairs to already-existing wall. Stop lying
Why is this thread still here?
We've done this before.
Why is another of these threads here?
This. There is video of spics climbing right up it fast with no tools.
How hard is it to make a fucking wall that can't be climbed. Just have a rock climber try to do it on a test sample.
Clearly 30 feet is not enough the fall should kill you. or if you can't make it any higher put a trench filled with sharp spikes on both sides.
Oh, shit, you’re the good guy! No, never mind. I didn’t report you. Sage the thread, man.
Fake news. Omnibus prevents him from using any funds. Stopped reading right there.
This. The libs/media/establishment are still going apeshit 2 years later. People are convinced a white supremacist occupies the white house.
Reminder that Trump has no intention of deporting any nonwhites in any capacity, nor of building a wall, nor of arresting any traitors in the government. Reminder that redditors aren’t welcome here.
should have thrown him back over and let him die like a dog.
Why? I want it deleted.
I want people to see that the mods said they wouldnt allow this shit and here it is. Again.
So does the Tax Money I'm paying that'd be going to the wall actually now go to this Mexican's healthcare costs?
If I was still a mod, it would have been deleted already. I feel your fucking pain. For having five mods, you’d think we would have gotten RID of the gaps in moderation.
Shut up fakenews, you lying fag.
No it doesn't. Congress specifically forbid any funds from the last budget being appropriated for 'The Wall'
Questionable. Its possible he could declare a state of emergency and take military funds for the wall, or something like that – maybe. But, no funding specifically for 'The Wall' exists
So why are you following a traitor?
spic should have used a skyhook
Oh, yeah, btw, you forgot to mention that HE SIGNED THE FUCK OMNIBUS.
And fags like you were sitting in the thread when it was happening saying "HE WONT SIGN IT IT WONT HAPPEN IF YOU SAY HE WILL YOU'RE JUST A SHILL!" and then he did sign it and in that very same thread you fags pouted for about 10 minutes and then immediately forgot that it happened and continued shilling for him.
You are fake news, you lying jewnigger.
Not "any" funds, only the funds for repair. You need to learn what discretionary means.
You haven't paid any taxes that would be going to The Wall bc Congress refuses to fund it
That would be your Payroll Tax, and yes, congrats, you get to pay for this beaner's broken leg
wtf are you talking about? all i said is that the pictures of wall construction aren't for 'The Wall' and that Congress refused to fund it. nothing i said was meant to support or criticize anyone in electoral office - i just pointed out the facts. do with that what you will
I can tell
You need to learn what an argument is
Shut up you faux-bigbrained defender of bureaucracy and false narrative that it cannot be circumvented by the god damned president of the fucking united states if he wanted to circumvent it.
The guy has no fucking balls, won't challenge even when he UNQUESTIONABLY has legitimate legal authority to take an action and gets cucked by the jewdiciary, and now everyone knows that he's fucking toothless because he's been cucked so god damn many times its almost a fucking meme in itself.
1. Trump does not want a wall.
2. Trump does not want to deport nonwhites.
3. Trump does not want to arrest anyone.
4. Full funding and authority for the creation of the wall already exist.
5. Full funding and authority for the mass deportation of nonwhites already exist.
6. Full funding and authority for the mass arrest and military execution of the traitors in local, state, and federal government at all levels already exist.
7. You cannot reconcile your delusional paid shilling fantasies with this reality.
The ‘you’ there applies mostly to the redditors in this thread, not you specifically.
This is fucking embarrassing.
like i said, you don't know what an argument is
see above
Thats a fence. Trump is a liar. Hes going to show you pictures of a fence and tell you its a wall while failing to build a real wall.
Notice how the shareblue shills shit up any thread with positive news about Trump right before the midterms. This is what organized paid shilling looks like.
Perfect jewish faggot impression 10/10 would gas
You are fake news, you lying jewnigger. Shill your sycophantic faggot Zionist ass back to reddit.
GTFO dysnomia
Make me, jew.
wow, get into the oven kike.
Get a real job nigger.
Thank you mods. Sage because fuck this thread in its zionist ass.
Bet you're fat.
you're a kike.
Mods actually doing something good for once.
Good job.
Cry me a river you fake news, lying semite faggot.
If a trumpnigger is being a trumpnigger then expect to be called a trumpnigger.
"a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (on image boards) as a form of speech indicative of advanced shilling and or consensus cracking".