Sniffing Out Online Agents

Tech thread for exposing online OPSEC groups and teaching anons how to spot agencies and traps.


1. Suspicious file names and embedded files.
2. coded messaging with comments.
3. hacking your IP address and the limitations of VPN.
4. Google captcha and screenshots of your posts, or filenames that can be traced online.
5. Hacker stuff that most anons wouldn't know about.

No abstract acronyms; don't be a zoomer texting obsessed faggot and just type out what you mean.
This isn't a "how to protect yourself" thread, but a logistics of how these companies gather your data or bait you.

Attached: sniffing your hardrive.jpg (2000x1333, 230.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kike free

well, looks like I found one
how much they paying you Chaim?

He beat you to the punch, faggot

OP is an operative.


Pedo shilling thread? Not clicking on that.

A common tactic they do is try to continually pry information out of various anons to figure out what they know about certain topics. Usually you'll see one or two anons in a thread start conversing about a topic and then suddenly a third user, usually whose sole purpose in the thread is to "cool, moar plz," and "we really need a dedicated thread on this."
Not in all cases, but in many cases, it's a spook. They have keywords and topics they like. They behave similarly too.
OP is probably the butthurt boomer who can't into acronyms in the boston thread but works for one

Any thread with three or more people is off limits to discussion. At that point board culture and anti-cointel kicks in until the thread exhausts.

OP, why do you say words where you clearly have no fucking understanding of what they mean?

Fuck off.

Jesus Christ this thread really triggers (((you))) faggots doesnt it. Yeah I'm the guy from the Boston thread who said we should have this thread, so I made this thread.

That's the entire point of the fucking thread, genius.

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I didnt even think of them as sexual objects. I think its you that might have the issue. Stop looking at children like things to molest and see them as children. Thats your first step to curing your degeneracy.

A lot of grown women around me are singing that song because they heard it on some tick tock sitecwith short videos. Guess they’re all pedophiles.

Not sure what this thread is about. Frustrated with brutal shitposters who apply every sophistic means known to derail, destort, destroy discussion that it makes you think they’re totally evil and cracking into your systems, doing a dossier on you, installing keystroke loggers, preparing you for the trial that’s going to take you to gulag?

This is laughably easy to detect and what I like to do is just bullshit at this point, sending off on goose chases.

Say hi to the agent.

Anyone who uses boomer as a perjorative is also an agent, because it takes the place of more offensive words, and it's generational D&C.

This is what the thread is about

back to the bog with you >>>/trs/

Are any of the websites and methods listed in pic related reliable in any capacity? I've heard spokeo is barely better than a kikle search.

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Guess I just assume that between prism, talpiot, and variations of shariablue all across the nets there is no escape besides logging off the internet (best) and installing gentoo (second best) in terms of defense. In terms of going on the offensive, it seems to mean using other people’s connections, throwaway everything, non-standard/make your own hardware, no accounts/rapidly trashing accounts, infiltration and subversion of any and all checkmark forums. Hm. This is all well know, still only practiced by a few. But beyond that, meh. Maybe stip focusing on political power and bud other kinds. Anything else?

what? fuck off with that

Basically, Zig Forums vs /baph/.

Who am I?

a glow in the dark

t. Neoconservative

Not checking my trips, which trump your dubs.
Kek proclaims it so!

Bumping it.

Attached: shut_it_down.png (1920x816, 626.66K)

how organic
enojoy my trips fags


My kids stuck that earworm in my head 2 weeks ago- thanks user for making me relive that hell.

Jesus christ man, go have kids and stop being so fucking paranoid well, you know what I mean

polite sage for off topic


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Not even Vladimir Putin himself could pull that one off.

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you stupid nigger. you are so fucking hopelessly retarded and lost in a Universe of Unknown Unknowns, while you prance about like a faggot foolishly thinking that you possess one grain of sand of True Knowledge versus the unfathomable Infinite Void, which is so incomprehensible to your slime mould brain that you are not even capable of being horrified by the Nothingness, because you cannot even begin to conceive of its Non-Existence.

you are not allowed to speak ever again about MUHOPSEC and "agents" until you have read the 21,654 pages of TOP SECRET // COMINT Classified
documents which have been leaked to date from Snowden. until you have read each and every page and digested all of that material, you know nothing, you know less than nothing, you know so little that what you think you do know makes you dangerous for the wrong reasons, because you are incompetent and fool hardy.

suck the lead out of a barrel before you shit up another thread here. OPSEC doesn't fucking exist except for faggot wannabe "hacker" LARPERS like @TheGruqggggqqqgqq and the 20,000 attendees of Defcon and you.

if the NSA wants to reach out and fuck your faggot ass, they already got you. and there ain't a goddamn thing you or anybody can do to stop them.
you can't hide. you can't evade an automated system of mass surveillance which is specificially designed to identify every single datum, and map it to someone, some known identity.

what part of "identify every online event we see" and "bulk unselected population scale events" don't you fucking understand you mouth breathing git? what part of NSA TOYGRIPPE and CORALREEF do you think makes your VPN "special" and immune to automated bulk decryption?
what part of NSA currently runs over 25% of Tor exit nodes and so can trivially correlate torpedoes? i know for a goddamn fact that you are too technically illiterate and innumerate to comprehend how big one YOTTABYTE is.

you have no idea of the scale of what you're even up against. you are not even bug splat on a fucking wind shield in a dust storm to the spy machine. you are so less than useless that you actually serve to accomplish the goals of our alphabet boy enemies.

anyone talking that shit about how to beat the NSA or the FBI or any of the Deep State spies deserves to get their jaw smashed.
anyone talking about anything other than assassinating and executing Glow in the Darks ISIS-style is a man who should be ignored, because
we're already so fucking far beyond the pale that anything less than The Day of the Rope isn't enough.

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why make it easier when you can make it harder. Its not about being 100% secure, its about bogging down their resources and making public sentiment hostile to their activities and intentions, because they aren't omnipotent, just another organization made up of people.

If you are into high level shit where the NSA targets you. Don't use a computer.ever. You have to go analog. Otherwise, yes consider your shit pnwed. The whole industry is compromised from the hardware up.

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"kike free" is imkikey nutbaggery and anyone who supports it is nu-Zig Forums

OP is clearly that wingnut who thinks everyone who posts an image from their iPad is this same crazy fat bitch

but it will get you to give up your passphrase lol

this. its about making it EXPENSIVE

Shouldn't the cost of computing go down over time?
That's a lot of shitposting

stopped reading after number 1

Attached: Putin is Stealing your Bits.gif (500x500, 440.75K)

sorry, i don't follow your 'logic'

i read ioerror's quip from the opposite pov. you interpretted it as being about the User, who can use RSA/AES/NTRU/who-gives-a-shit to encrypt their dick pix and lolis and ISIS bomb tutorials and have the guarantee that NSA can't touch them because Rubber Hose Decrypto doesn't scale to billions of Internet Users.

but that's not what i meant.

you want it one way, but it's the other way.

it applies to NSA, not the Users. We The People don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell to summon enough violence to smash NSA and its global regime of spying on every human being at all times.
ideally, RWDS would have a list naming every Glownigger and their home address and the NSA Question would have a trivial final solution, but we all know that's not really going to happen. NSA has ICBMs. you have pea shooters and ridiculous Kekistan flags and Halloween costume Roman Centurion battle shields.
NSA will kick your ass like the Senior.Football team captain stuffing your 14 year old dorky pimpled ass into your locker.

so if hyperviolence isn't going to take back what NSA took from you, then what will?

smarter math, that's what. beat NSA at its own game through Accelerationism.
burn their crypto down faster than they can replace it.

Cryptopocalypse is Coming.

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Where do I start.
What do I read?

holy shit you're retarded

don't ask that dipshit anything

Do you even know of what you speak? Protip, you don't. Read and keep lurking for at least 2 years and then you may be man enough to be a proper faggot.


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where do you think you are?

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What are they going to do with ICBMs against pea shooters? Nuke their own city, house?

Ridiculous, in the end it has only so much power as they can make believe you, fear them. When the populace calls their bluff, like in the case of the Stasi, they are an emperor without clothes.

Don't click links, always use 2 VPNs and NEVER download pdfs, they're bugged.

Just read leaked (((GCHQ))) kike documents, every single underhanded greasy kike strat is there.

Marxist MS Jew Shills don't have an effect anyway just from overtly posting misdirectious bullshit. They just convince themselves that and the occasional npc mental midget.

this guy gets it

Anons check out

If your not a noob its easy to spot.

>we totally need to have a _____ (violent phrase) with 3 people in the woods, its the only way to win goyim

They track you by:

Be wary of the inevitable
It's becoming common glow post number three. I'm waiting for someone to reply to this post saying

Well with credentials like that how could I not believe you?

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- another shitty "discussion" thread with no information, no links, no nothing
- some idiot chimes in with "kike free"
- some other idiots start checking dubs

seriously just ban this shit. It's not good posting.

IRL, the spooks are going to move towards facial recognition systems in public areas. They'll track where you go, who you talk to, how long you talk to them, everything. Some of the cooler systems even analyze walking gaits and patterns. This shit is 100% online and functional in China, and probably coming to Europe very soon. Amazon and others are developing more advanced facial recognition software atm, and they're trying to peddle it to US intel and police agencies. You might recall a few stories where illegals got bagged at airports due to facial recognition scanners, but I don't know if they've rolled it out to public spaces yet in the US. They certainty want to.

99% of commets are shilling in this thread. Lots of hate and triggering. Must of ruffled from feathers.

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Welcome to Zig Forums. Every thread is like that, no exceptions. NO EXCEPTIONS!

And, if you don't agree: You're a kike, shareblue, lefty-pol, troll. /jk

kill yourself faggot
lurk for 2 years before posting again

All this is true, but people in this thread are giving our enemies too much credit. The sheer quantity of data gathered means that only a tiny minority of it is ever analyzed by human eyes.

Frankly, the most common way actionable info on our people is gathered is by our people willingly giving it out. Either directly to reporters or some kind of political quiz. Hell if you go on craigslist you'll probably find places willing to pay you $50 to sit down and talk about your politics. That's why they're shutting down people like Alex Jones. People who are willing to check off the boxes on some kike study about how they want to close the border and deport beaners say they were influenced by Jones or Molyneux or whoever. Doesn't matter that we see Jones and Molyneux as only having part of the truth, they see that those youtube channels are pulling people to the right on the issues that they care about.

This is specifically for America, where the state has not taken action against anyone for statements they have posted on the internet. I believe it's different in Europe where posting criminal comments can potentially draw the ire of actual governments.

1. Suspicious file names and embedded files.
2. coded messaging with comments.
3. hacking your IP address and the limitations of VPN.
4. Google captcha and screenshots of your posts, or filenames that can be traced online.
5. Hacker stuff that most anons wouldn't know about."

No need to do all that.
If it acts autistic, retarded and tries to use it's stupid understanding of human "humour" to channel it's kvenching, it's a jew.

A kike I do smell

Step 1.) Test them for any philosemitism whatsoever, this includes them using "kike" instead of "jew".
Step 2.) Test them for massive use of irony and insincerity.
Step 3.) Congrats, you now know your enemy.

(((Totally organic)))

Learn to catalog, nigger

But your thread title is,

So which is it, faggot? Also, what company, 'baits' anyone? What people need to worry about IS agents. The most difficult to protect against, is informants being run by cunts. Or gov cunts who take over peoples accounts. Anyway, ain't shit happening on image boards. Social media… you have to be pants on head retarded to us if you're doing anything… or have a real life.

OP is a paranoid fag who imagines more shit then he does is my conclusion.

t. cointelpro shariablue kike

Remember to mock the faggot trannie shills and nanny minders. I once heard the Federal Government has 40,000 people employed as Internet shills controlling the narrative, officially to counter foreign propaganda but in reality focusing their efforts on the US public. I was told this information by a retired four star general who didn’t like it one bit.

God fucking damnit, this place is exactly like cuckchan Zig Forums and now there's nowhere else to go except dead boards and pedo Tor sites. When the nukes start flying, Turkey will go right before shitrael

I have a neighbor who is one of the 40,000. They tell people they are cyber specialists so you think they are elbow deep in a server or something when they are just gummint paid shitposters.>>12214182

You should initiate attacks against his wifi.

Hi, I'm a paid shill and basically all we have to do is engage in conversation and shitpost.

It's 9 to 5 and promotions are given out based on senority, pretty easy job. Sometimes we coordinate with the meme labs to put out manufactured content that has a mathematically calculated effect.

Do you ever feel bad or do you just despise the goyim too much to care?

Never try to ask an NPC too many questions, you blow their fuses.

NPCs are often trained to ask a lot of questions instead of answering them. You can easily short circulate their brains by replying to every one of their questions with another question.

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gotta ask yourself, why was this one shut down and who are the sdom working for?

a narcissist's worst fear

this never stops being funny.

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Classic jewish tactic is to declare you delusional/paranoid. See the quoted post. These histrionic brainlets just cant help themselves.

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just download a VM machine and run Kali Linux. it has all the hacking tools that can help like WireShark and ettercap already built in. i literally think it has like 80 tools from networking to packet building. plus if you can program either java or python, you can build your own scripts that can run their library with hacking modules built in.

Why do jews think everyone needs to hear what they have to say?
Keep talking hebe, it's done so well for you so far.


Here's an archive of a guide to forum spies. Read it carefully. There are a lot of posts in this thread that could fall into this category. Remember, an agent is interested in shitting up the entire board and goading other people into idiotic arguments so as to waste time. Anyone who does this doesn't warrant a response regardless if shill or moron.

Qubes (Built for Security / VM every OS) and a Tails/KaliSana dual liveboot usb

Qubes is two years outdated

I too am amused by this. I wonder how much fucking time these retards have wasted.

yeah uh. sharing information is bad. mm hmm. even if it can be pointedly proven it isn't disinfo. sounds good kike.


You were doing so well.
No agency or tool is all powerful. It's just the internet, what do we use it for? Learning, shitposting, watching niggers die on youtube. In 90% of cases internet monitoring doesn't achieve shit. Maybe you catch the terrorists googling bomb materials like retards, but what about the ones that use books? The internet is a game we choose to play, the best part is you can quit any time and never have to worry about it again. I enjoy communicating but I think we would all reach the same conclusions reguardless. Maybe better ones.

Sounds like fun, I want to believe.

I made a board for this kind of info (threads are locked due to spam, with ONE thread open for anons to post tips if they have any).


>Jesus Christ this thread really triggers (((you))) faggots doesnt it. Yeah I'm the guy from the Boston thread who said we should have this thread, so I made this thread.

But you posted it at the wrong Zig Forums, moron.

Lets try this again.


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Do other people get captchas at inconvenient times (mid-discussion) but can't post even after solving them or am I being paranoid?

Captcha only happens (here) once per IP per 24 hours. I never really have any problem with them, at most I have to refresh twice or thrice. Now cuckchan style recaptchas those might take me several minutes for a single recognized completion… That's another story though, good thing I don't post there any more.

Attached: 1421540709153.gif (330x275, 3.97M)

Thanks for the answer. I'm on Tor, so that may be be the difference. The captcha is easy to solve but I can refresh many times and still not be able to post and have to abandon my post or come back to it much later. I think there's only been one time where I've been able to post after refresh at least ten times.