Redpill History Of The "Jew"

I know it will be anchored for telling the truth but I'm a Zig Forumslack and will always not give a fuck about being censored or silenced or threatened by the powers that be.

The common use of the term "Jew" is a Roman term for Judeans. Judah was a tribe that came to be after Persia moved nomadic tribes ("Hebrew" = nomad in the Aramaic) into the region. It was a very common tactic for both Persians and Assyrians to defeat a people, make them wander for a generation or two, until they forgot who they were, then "gift" them new lands which the Empire would claim to be your "ancestral land". It was easier that genocide and they already had enough slaves, so they would just move people and erase their history, thereby establishing loyalty.

So where did they move them? To a land previously built up and owned by Egypt. Thus the Moses story… The buildings were still Egyptian so they had to create a narrative.

Why the narrative?

Because Greeks (Alexander) defeated Persia and the locals were loyal to Persia. They essentially (they being the Levite magi) collected every group in the region and established 12 tribes (13) to fight against the Greek occupation. This is when you FIRST see the Torah appear (or anything "jewish" for that matter). This is why even modern Judaism is about destroying/bondage/demoralization of every group they touch while building NATIONALISM for them alone. Because this is what it was born out of.

If you know Zoroastrianism, you know the Torah is based off of it (lots of Christianity too). Christians fuck everything up with their theories and Jews play off of their thousands of narratives to promote their "chosen" status. But in the end, the Judeans were just post-Persian nomadic tribes that were moved into the area (book of Ezra) to establish loyalty to the Empire.

Modern "Jews" were a group of people who wanted to bible larp because the Empire worshiped a chosen people, but also be anarchist against the Empire. Hence the Talmud.

The Talmud appears after Jesus was suppose to of existed. Jesus was raised in Zealot territory. He established a passive resistance ethos against Rome, to protect his religion which was under occupation by Rome. He warned everyone that they were going to lose any war they attempted. So they murdered him for it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

JFC did you just decide to write shit down without a single reference to account for your words?
None of that shit matches a single historical document. None.
FFS, learn to keep your mouth shut on subjects you don't know about.
There are no jews and Romans did not refer to anyone as jews. They were pharisee and hebrew. That's it. Apocalypse AD70 leaves us with no Judeans. None.
7 different historians saying the same thing

But yeah, I'm sure your unreferenced word holds more merit than 7 people that were there.

I dont give a shit if its hebrews, jews, judeans or people from a really specific part of the levant. They wormed themselves into the heart of europe after they did the same shit in sumeria thousands of years before that.

Alexander was Macedonian. The Greeks fucking HATED him.

Yeah it's 100% matching. It's an draft that allows people to look into the history without all the lies and mysticism.

You want "refferences" you googley faggot? Well, guess what. This isn't a college debate. It's not a fucking thesis. It's a god damn statement based on 20yrs of research. You can support it or shill it with the 10,000000000000000000000 difrferent opinions. But REAL history doesn't have mysticism or Jewish controlled wikipedia lies. It's based on physical facts.

lol, you're not even on the BASICS of this subject. You're just making shit up. You haven't even read the bible for fucks sakes let alone Roman documents.


Yeah, that's a Jewish lie. Thanks for promoting Jewish lies

No it's not, you goon. You skipped about 250 years from being exiled to egypt to being BTFO by romans. You don't even know your fucking timeline.
Stop defending idiocy. If its a subject that interests you, study it.

Then cite your fucking sources, cocksmith.

There is no history for that. Nothing.

OK, my source is EVERY FUCKING LIVING DOCUMENT ON THE SUBJECT. Because everything else is speculation.

Also WTF? Your lies are dated to be around 1200bce. That's not 250yrs

Name. Them. If you are confident in your statement, this should not be difficult.

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Sigh… I dont mean to be a total dick here. But you're asking me to name sources which is a common Leftist INSPIRED tactic.

I have a history degree so I'll explain to you how investigations work in this field:

1. physical evidence
2. first and accounts (people there)
3. second hand accounts (people around the area or time
4. Historians opinion

So this is a hierarchy of evidence. 1. being more important than 2.3.4…

So basically what you're asking me is for 4. But I don't have 4. because everything is so fucking kiked. 1.2.3. are like MOUNTAINS of evidence and info that it would take me about 200 replies to display.

The reason I made this history thread wasn't to prove to you that Israel never existed, or that Persia established the first tribal associations in the region that later became the Biblical tribal characters, but to give an over-lay of information (a statement) about the step by step historical narrative of ACTUAL EVENTS.

It would take me like a 3hr video to prove it to you and even then you would be crying because that's how redpills work.
Best thing to do is give reasons why I'm wrong, rather than ask for historical academic convenience and agreement when we all know damn well the Jews have taken over all outlets.

Point being, it's too much info to drop when I know damn well the mods are going to anchor thread

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minus the Kazar theory

Go back to Reddit.
I don't care about your fucking piece of paper; I care about what you can prove.
What a fucking cop-out.

Fuck you, eat shit, kill yourself.

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Interesting theory. The one reason I have to doubt that the Jews were this nomadic tribe is because a parasite must gradually evolve in proximity into a biological parasite. Your theory states the Jews were always what we understand to be modern racial Jews (agreed), but that population group suddenly changed lifestyles immediately after their displacement, which is doubtful.

Perhaps a lot of what you say is true, and the Jews simply co-opted the history of other peoples.

in proximity with its hosts*

pathetic reponse. I actually sighed
I said this because I was teaching you the actual trade of history and how it is conducted. The science if you will… It's not "what's your source bro!" college faggot snarky shit. That's now how history is investigated – it's not appealing to authority!

Of course you ignored this because you have an agenda to shitpost

Yeah, you're dumb and lazy. You want to be spoon fed like a baby. This is typical of people who are indoctrinated from birth to appeal to authority.

Empire wars will do that. They mix everything up.

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Yes, keeping in mind the Khazar theory is un-cited in it's source. I think they're just turk gypsies who ran a con at the right time and the right place. Merchants that convinced people that it was too dangerous to transport gold so they better let them handle it between outposts through IOU's. Couple people die, they take their money and an empire is underway.

Time to crumble the parasites.

Yes, the ancient (((magic))) of alchemy, turning worthless metal into gold

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You're the same Johnny Faggot who shitposts on the news boards, aren't you? Be honest. You think you're clever by differing your posting style, but the asinine assertions backed by literally fucking nothing are the same.

worthless paper and wax
remember the ever-important wax seal

Have you read The Biological Jew? It's a peach!

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le sigh i didn't come here to educate you, you lowly plebs. i came here to tell you how it actually happened so just open your eyes and look at the real history you sheeple. no i won't provide any evidence of any of this.

You're going to like it. Should be required reading for all the /nupol/ arrivals
lurk 2 years and read the biological jew!

It's difficult to do without actually making like a 3hr video or something. I would have to force you to read history books, look at evidence collected, and so on.

Point being it's a template of info for you to consider. And I posted it because nobody is saying it. Every version of Jew history is tied into either some deep esoteric theory, Christian "we wuz", or some Jewish controlled opinion.
Maybe I'll make a video someday but the entire point of Zig Forums isn't to satisfy your freshman level of intelligence inquiry but to challenge the bluepill matrix of common thought.

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So the sumerian swindle is a lie then? Its impossible the jews where in iraq before the levant?
Wheres the lie?

Do I really need to read it? Is something new that hasn't been said? I've been redpilled for like 6yrs and have been here since the first flood.

The lie is in the cultural lineage. It would be MORE correct to say Neanderthal hybrids swindled white aristocratic Sumerians out of pure biological instinct, than to say a bunch of "Hebrews" or "Judeans" (invented around 350BC) existed that far back and were a culture that far back. When you promote Jews being really, really old and mysterious, you give them meme magic.

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Yeah, that's not authority. If I said, "I was a plumber and I'll explain to you how…" that's not implying I have the backing of the water department

It implies you have the knowledge acquired by a plumber, or by a student of history, in your faggot case. Funny thing is, I have a good friend who actually does study history and he would shit all over you. Can I prove this? No, no I can't, but I do not assert that I can without conclusive fucking evidence you cocksucking retard.

Your call. I wouldn't say it's anything you don't know but a different way of looking at a subject. It's a scientific analysis of the jew as a parasite and it's quite compelling.

Right, so I told you how to change your toilet's seal and the step by step method. I didn't give you authoritative references. You have to do your homework but now it should be super easy.

hmm, alright I'll take a look. thanks

You you said "your toilet's seal is fucked up and I'm the only one who knows how to fix it." I asked you "How?" You replied "Well first you have to have a college degree but trust me I know what I'm talking about."

The key word in my post was 'gradually'. Jews are biological parasites, the subversion they exhibit is an instinctual act to reduce their hosts biological fitness.

They did not become this overnight as you claim.

No, I gave you a step by step process of historical investigation. 1-4. And you should consider it because it's really important to learning about history. Physical evidence first. First hand account (I was there and shit) second. People living around that time third. And then LAST LAST LAST you go for acedemic opinions.

That's a huge lesson to learn, for real! Don't be a snarky internet zuckercuck and ingore this.

Yes, but the identity did happen with time and culture. It's like the difference between a German and a NatSoc German. What you refer to as the Jew may actually be something way more Lord of the Rings (Neanderthals).

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oh my bad, I didn't know I was arguing with a retard

Then show me your number one. you still haven't done that, and all I have asked for is evidence. You claim to have it, but when asked to provide you fucking shift like the slimiest Jew. Failing that, where are your first hand accounts? Failing those, where are your "people living around that time" (also known as historical accounts)? Your academic opinions are shit because they have NO FUCKING EVIDENCE.

I asked for one goddamn thing. Evidence. You failed to provide. Why should I believe you?

You won't convince anybody but yourself with that attitude OP. Sure it may make you feel good but you'll look like an idiot to everyone else, to your own blindness.

The Niggers guide to history is

1-Things buried in the ground are there for a reason, they're not important.

2-Books are just for people who can't remember stories.

3-That which is most aggressively stated is the truest

4-What anybody else says is wrong.

5-White people caused every misfortune in history

6-History can be enhanced by certain substances.

its as much an "identity" for a jew to subvert as it is for a dog to chase a stick.

Finally a decent thread and OP on the topic. Thank you for putting it succinctly.

Is Tacitus one of them? Or do you want to be selective? Tacitus names the jew. The archaic form of jew is used in his works.

This is consistent with their religious stories told as history, as seen in the old testament.

Asked and answered

Then set up a pre-made copy of the data so you can post it with minimal effort. Wait after your anchor a while, and post it again if it's valid (don't spam).

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Whatever the case may be, the modern yid has enough crime under his belt, and enough bile in his (lack of a) soul to warrant his utter and absolute destruction. As long as a single kike is left alive, they are a giant threat to civilization itself.
What I'm trying to say is that these pieces of shit need to be ruthlessly hunted down and destroyed in a swift and brutal way. The time for mercy has long since passed and it's time for high punishment for their endless list of crimes against all that is pure and good in man and nature. Give them an inch and they take the whole fucking planet.

Don't give a flying shitfuck where they came from, how they got here,or how long they been plying there trade as it is all moot.

The only thing that matters in the present is that they are made to go away along with all their schemes permanently from existence.


There is only one authority here: not the individual, not God or gods, but Hitler.

Dispelling the myth is dispelling their meme magic.

Everyone who says something I am certain Hitler would disagree with is some other archetype: the jew, Johhny Neptune, leddit, etc.


(((Mods))) here are attempting to hide this, start emailing codemonkey NOW demanding an explanation!!!

The Torah regurgitates many passages from the Nag Hammadi verbatim. It's hilarious that anyone takes it seriously.

Imagine trying this hard to troll someone on a site used by degenerates to have random hook ups with other degenerates.

I get dispelling myths like the holohoax however getting into the biblical bullshit just leads to a merry go round of semantics which the jews love.

In actuality it is much simpler then all than debatable antiquity leaving them room to squirm in, it is much easier to Just prove they are parasites who cause harm on their white hosts over and over again through recorded history so they need to be exterminated or at the very least expelled and stripped of all wealth/power and influence forever.

Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy

You are way more important than you think you are
You are a direct threat to the A.I

"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody… which do you choose"

Defeat THEM by never backing down

Enjoy and redpill
"NEVER give up ground, always have a strong will, and never let them censor you"

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You sound like a schizophrenic dude. Even entertaining your insane rambles and spending 30 minutes giving you the benefit of the doubt Google'ing any historical basis or reference for these claims, I've found nothing.
lmao no it's not, there's not a single piece of literary evidence EVER of Roman's using the term jew
lmao no it's not, a quick Google search can disprove that too
Dude, you're a fucking schizo for real

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Jews are not Judeans or from the ancient Israelites. They were Biblical Canaanites (descendants of the first Jew, Cain), and then Edomites. Around the times of Jesus they moved into Jerusalem and pretended to be real Judeans, like what they have done in all their other white host countries. Adam and Eve were the first white people, all Jews are the descendants of Satan, every Jew is a devil and an antichrist, all other non-whites are descendants of demons fucking animals, and when Jesus returns all non-whites are getting thrown into the Lake of Fire. Christian Identity is the one true faith, don't believe what Jews and Judeo-Christians tell you about the Bible

explain the attacks on 23andme for showing assnazi jews as khazar and the big shit show from it.

They couldn't have used the term Jew because the 'J' was only invented in the late 1400's. It did not exist before that. So 'jews' the word was never even heard of before 1400's. Prior to this time most people used the 'Y' to indicate Yehuda or Yerusalem. Anyway, ever since I learned the history of the letter 'J' I thought this whole argument was silly.


#5 camping this one to ban anyone who points out the neanderkike connection? Highest fucking admixture is Tuscany because of the umayyad conquest dragging in ME shitskin genes.

Speaking of The Biological Jew, that weirdo fuck Sven Longshanks made an audiobook of it, it's on jewtube. Good background noise.

people are just asking for some firm ground for your claims. im not expecting a full page of citations, but im not knowledgeable enough of the subject, so despite my inclination to believe you, i have no choice but to write it off as bs, because you've yet to name a primary source document to support your claims. just point us in the right direction by naming a few undeniable, original sources. the burden of proof is on you.

I understand that there's jewish bias in the history curriculum and secondary sources. i also understand your aversion to standard academic procedure, but you can't deny the legitimacy of those standards while also citing a degree as your qualification and using "freshman level" thinking to delegitimize others. If that were true, these freshman-level thinkers would be MORE qualified because they don't adhere to the established academic standards.

sources are needed to support your claims. its not a liberal or conservative matter, it's just logical discussion. unless one can verify claims and determine them to be valid, it would be ridiculous to believe them. the only exception is religious belief, which is inherently illogical and faith-based. dont expect us to have faith in something that can easily be proven or disproven with sources.

8. We wuz

Wew lad

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All desert savages must be exterminated.

Look up goy guide to history.

Found the faggot.

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It's seeing the forest through the trees. So for example of primary sources:
1. Everything written about the establishment of the Judean province of Persia (see the book of Ezra).
2. Everything written about conquered peoples and how they were managed by both the Persians and Assyrians. A model Rome would later use to tax and dominate while still leaving the culture to its own devices for the most part. A good source for this would be the Jewish Wars by Josephus, the New Testament, and Roman authors who wrote about managing the Empires.
3. Zoroastrianism (same stories, even the baptism of Jesus matches the baptism of Zarathustra). The Noah story. The Garden and first men (mannu I think) serpent story. It's all there.
4. The story of Alexander the Great and his generals splitting up the Provence.
5. Stronge's Exhaustive Concordance (unrevised) for the linquistic traditions that reveal things like "Hebrew" or what have you. Our history is hidden in the etymology. Just as modern internet tards obsess on symbolism of the Freemasons, etymology is just as important.
6. Egyptian history in the region of Israel. Look into the different Pharaohs who moved there, summered there, built there… You begin to see why it was built up.
7. The Hittites empire falls (I think during the ancient dark age of 1250BCE) and many tribes scatter down into the region, establishing tribes.
8. The history of Babylonian culture (not the faggot internet version of gods and Joe Rogan shit – but the real history in the region).

What you have to understand is you're talking about a fruit basket on the sea that many empires took control of. So it's not one story (the bible). It's many different periods.

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stopped reading here

just to make it more obvious that youre full of shit; any sources on this?

and yet you cant seem to remember or cite a single one of the things you studied in those 20 years

i think thats enough pol for tonight

Right about you

So frustrating talking to people. I hate people so much/


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You again?

I see the neanderthal spammer got a new gimmick after the "jews are neanderthals" and "nordics are jews" gimmicks started yielding diminishing returns. Nice to see he kept some of his old tricks, such as of accusing people of being jews/leftists for asking for sources, though.

Please get help.

You again?

So does the holohoax

Yeah thats cool i don't care though.

Wew indeed

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Godless heathen, piss off. The enemy of my enemy can still be my enemy, crypto-kike.

WTF is wrong with your shitty webstie CIA?

With the yellow I banded my front

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Real thread is here:


i dream that one day people that write out sigh or ugh will be extinct


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This isn't FOX news comment section, you cunt

Snobby nerds get the rope.

Sorry for out of order

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