Arab Clans in Germany

Arab Clans in Germany

Arab clans pretty much run the underworld by now in Germany. Most of them arrived penniless in the 80s and now dominate due to their strength in numbers and their willingness to use brute force whenever they see fit.

Any incident involving one of their members usually results in the whole extended family showing up, which can be up to 100 people. This means anyone thinks twice about messing with them.

They also keep the police at bay by following around police officers after work back home and intimidating them.

As much as I despise arabs, family clans are the only workable structure for white survival one we turn minority. Individualism would be our death.

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kike free. bump for truth

Organize your firends and family into mafia tribes. The law has no meaning whne it's kiked and designed to destroy us. We return to viking ways. Take total responsibility for your own kin. Fuck up anyone who messes with you. Network with other tribes. We all know the signs of the path of light.

[ciatation needed]

It's not just Arabs. Plenty of Kurds, Niggers, Russkies and Dagos are in on it too.

The problem is that Western society has done away with "Guilt by association". The only way to properly handle shit like these clans is to hold them ALL accountable for the actions of their individual members, i.e. exterminate them all street by street.

Citation for what?

That's just a day of the rope LARP fantasy.

I don't see a DOTR coming ever tbh

Muslims probably make up a quarter of the German population by now.

In my opinion rather than believing in some fantasy of Hitler resurrect that will never come true, emulating clan structures - robbing, extorting and kidnapping good goys and kikes is the way to go.

Criminal proceeds can now be confiscated more easily, however if your IQ is above arab level it's not that hard to figure out how and where to stash ill gotten gains.

what's the matter, you don't like a universalist reality?

The structure doesn't matter since Arabs will always get off easy while actual Germans will face the full force of the law when they do wrong. As long as the state is on the side of the invaders, you are fucked.

you think whites are just suddenly going to become murderous berserkers? its over. the whites who do have the balls to commit violence all work with niggers/spics/mudshits to make shekels for themselves. the only whites that will group up are gutter sewage eugenics tier skinhead types that will get massacred and routed in any real conflict. our fathers failed us and its almost saturday goys, time to crack open some budweisers and cheer on the roided sportsball niggers that for some reason we have chosen to root for while our wives and daughters contemplate why we are watching muscular apes in our spare time. and you wonder why racemixing is so prevalent. you have no balls and whites have never primarily fought wars of conquest against shitskins. only brother wars and the occasional confederations to try and keep the hordes from eradicating us totally. its not in your blood to win this struggle. go ahead and physically castrate yourself to match your mental castration. you may disagree but everyone around you is what i just described. you lost.


What about it, fuckface? It doesn’t exist anymore. No one will ever be brought up on RICO charges ever again. The jews own the courts.

nice blackpill ahmed
We are not going to become berserkers
We ARE berserkers
We always have been
We are not cowards no matter what you think
We are letting you lot get stronger so it's a fair fight
And also so you feel the misery of your defeat all the more keenly because you really believed you had won already

i couldnt cringe harder if i wanted to. i bet you dont even lift or own a gun.

Once my children are grown and independent, instead of golfing and vacationing im going to you know exactly what.

nah its still used. only for eugenics tier skinhead types like i said though because all other whites are castrated cuckolds.


Then white are so many whites so metrosexual and fruity? Why do white male Millennials and Zoomers have such comically high pitched voices? They are the most overtly gay race right now, maybe only after Asians. Even openly gay black men are more manly than "heterosexual" whites.

It hurts to say, but it's the truth. THE WHITE RACE HAS BECOME A RACE OF FAGGOTS!!! Just look at how high prison rape is in American prisons. 30% of white inmates have been reported to be raped, and those are just the ones reporting it. If a white nationalist actually did something magnificent IRL, if he's arrested and goes to the penitentiary, he's going to become the Prison Princess.

Thanks for letting us know you are a nigger/kike.

Jews are the fruitiest of fruity faggots

this as well. half the guys under age 25 sound like literal faggots whether openly gay or not. the other half just want nigger bull friends they can pretend to be hard with instead of actually being hard and being prepared to stab/shoot/ko niggers who so much as say something disrespectful to them. then theres another percentage of "redpilled" guys who spend their time in nigger hate threads ranting about how much they hate niggers but the only thing theyve ever done about it is make cringeworthy threads dedicated to venting about niggers because they wont ever do anything about it. lmao.

nah im the one who will do something pointlessly because ive embraced reality and hate it. youll be here a delusional pussy until you die in your old folks home surrounded by cackling spics and sheboons who dont give you your medicine and sell it to the last of the young whites who only want to do drugs and party. its funny, white musicians cant even pretend to act hard anymore so they just make the most cringeworthy satanically embracing garbage imaginable to keep themselves from acknowledging the fact they are total vaginas.

hell, half of those under 40 sound like they're wayward as well, it's just that the younger ones have been so accustomed to it that they don't care how high their voice is

it's really, really, REALLY disturbing to think that they way the average early twentys/late teen white male talks today would have been seen as stereotypically gay just a mere 15 years ago in most parts of the country including even many liberal areas outside of maybe california

so they either sound like faggots or niggers or even faggot niggers like jake paul
only a slim minority of gen z even sounds close to the old normal

You sound like a LowTierGod level 'new age black man' eternally ass ravaged over your own inferiority.
Kill yourself, it will ease your pain.

sadly true. whenever i hear a call-in show and get a sense of what's out there, the level of soy genuinely frightens me. We still have the brains though tbh, but in every other category, things are fucked

i dont understand how that random of an assumption would be the thing that comes to your mind. probably because im not a fucked pussy like you, faggot.

So you just admitted to being a cuck? Good to know.

look at all the shills flocking to this thread like its all you can eat matzos in tel aviv
its very tranparant blackpill when a thread about germany gets replies specific to burgeristan, which have no meaning in europe

also DOTR will happen eastern euro bros will start it and export it as they still have the balls
just look at former yugoslavia that was a commue multicultural utopia untill one day it was not and neighbours were slaughtering each other in the streets

so have a bump against the shills OP

whatever helps you exist guy. just try to forget what you read.

Good cuck! Just try to forget what you read.

make an argument for why im a cuck and ill respond. or keep shitposting. i dont care.

Man, you sure are trying to demoralize, didn't you say you don't care? Go choke on that blackcockpill you fucking semen connoisseur.

Literally accepting your own self defeat, you're a cuck my dude, get use to it.

Yes, but it would also be the death of civilisation. As a nation we just need to stomp this fuckers. They have nothing against a well trained police-force or army.

You do know that the sportsball leagues' ownerships are infested with jews?
By the way, ignoring your rambling, what race are you?

cuck isnt the right word. is fixing a bayonet after running out of ammunition being a cuck? thats probably the best analogy i can make. its not like your realistically going to bayonet somebody who still has ammo. its pretty much accepting your own self defeat but raging against it. id be a cuck if i surrendered to the enemy or slit my wrists with the bayonet instead.

this guy is a cuck.

So how are you fixing yourself? Because is sounds like you've pretty much surrendered to the enemy.
Especially with this post. It really sounds like you hate whites.





yeah i hate everybody except a few anons ive been able to relate to and those who fought and died for the reich

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Considering shit-skins are the ones lusting after male ass in prison, let's see the rape numbers for niggers and other shit-skins. The entire sagging pants trend started with shit-skins and was a shit-skin way of showing they're ready to be fucked in prison.

So are you just waiting for "the right moment" so to speak, to rise up?
Or have you just accepted the supposed extermination of the white race?

Dumb-fuck, that's all people. Niggers sit on twitter, or in their ghetto talking shit, but they never, and will never do anything. The same goes with all shit-skins. You monkeys all have your little zones, and you never leave them, you just talk shit from behind friendly lines. If it weren't for the government giving you money or housing outside of your little ghetto (giving you the opportunity to create another ghetto), you'd never leave.

i cant predict how ill feel but i havent found a fresh redpill in a long time so theres nothing really left for me to do but destroy what i cant stand. good thing the prospect of violence against that doesnt bother me otherwise id be lost like a lot of anons who are fucked vaginas terrified of confronting reality.

They dominate due to their willingness to sell drugs to kids, and yes like they do, create many sons and train them well.

exhibit a

Filtered. This isn't a place for shit-skins. Go back to twitter.

Start fight clubs. Start Groups. Get into the combats.

I know it's shitty, but I still suggest on not giving up no matter what. Get /fit/, and stay uncucked is the best advice I could give for now, just see how far this clown world goes.

I don't know, something that only applies to fucking burgers perhaps?

Most of the Eastern Euros I have met are as Vicky as the Americans.

Arabs seem to have taken over the bikie criminal gangs in australia as well

All you need to achieve power in Germany is nonwhite phenotype, numbers, and the willingness to use violence because modern Germans are cucks. As soon as the nonwhites have enough people to overthrow white control, they will. Germany is what a soon to be conquered nation looks like.

Reminder that leftists completely support the invasion and conquering of all white countries. They're as much your enemy as any opposing soldier in any war. The future belongs to the people who can leverage the most violence against the others.

And not get fucked in the process. War is determined by both numbers and skill.

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Skill is nonessential if the people you wish to conquer are cucks. And Germans are cucks. I've never met more pathetic people. Their Austrian brothers are much more alpha male, though.

and the only way to keep an extended family strong is to have a paterfamilias for extended family horizontally and vertically 3 generations
that means your 2/3rd degree cousins are the strongest mans responsiblity
privilege doesnt come without duty

does anyone know if europoor families used to operate in the same way? I am Scottish by ancestry and my family knows their crest, tartan, etc, and "clan" which is basically our surname. Did our "Clans" operate in the same way? What role did clans have in old Europe.

Sorry for the ignorance.

Pic related is what the Arabians are up to in my country.

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I mostly agree with you. Think about when Jews were still weak minorities and they schemed endlessly about stealing the wealth of the peoples they lived amongst. They would do ANYTHING to extract wealth from their hosts. Whites should be operating in the same way. I honestly just wish I had some ride or die homies so we could make money.

There are lots of ways of moving money around. Here in Canada the Chinks have sophisticated underground banking networks. You can literally hand a guy cash and they will pass money between shell bank accounts and send it offshore for you. You just need offshore accounts set up beforehand. Funnily enough, lots of Chink criminals here have Israeli bank accounts.

I'll always be your homie, mein Fuhrer.

It sure wasn't the black and white same as what you asked.

If you're talking about mutual protection, social safety net, etc. then yes.
If you're talking about kidnapping whores and beating them until they work in your brothel, then mostly no.

They said that about Germans during Weimar, too.
Then they killed millions of us. Rightfully, of course.
They were right all along, have always been right.
About everything.

The methods used to subvert and extort from civilized society are not going to work against those same enemies in order to restore national order.

They keep prodding us until shit hits the fan and then we're the bad guys. Again.

Hide behind the police like the faggot you are. Police and other western services allows individualism.
Look at this same kind of faggotry
Literally we can still be selfish faggots, but still be communities and comes together to kill random people. In what kind of twisted world does that make any sense? That's the same faggoty that thinks that democracy is not an illusion, that you can at the same time rule, and be the ruler, while it's a total logical none sense. You can't be the object and the actor at the same time.

Either you give up your selfishness, your narcissism, to build a community, either you die, like you deserve to.

There is a certain reality: the immigrants are better than western people, because they still have ground in their tradition. Look at this thread, (mostly) full of atheist faggots who wants to still prosper in their narcissism and individualism, their ignorance while just going out of having full killing people at some point. Such childish.
If you want to bring back the german/latin/celtic etc… races in europe, YOU HAVE TO REVIVE TRADITION. There is no other way. Or you'll end up like soulless butchers, like our governments were in the past two centuries. Or like this caricature of the fatass in his mobility scooters shooting with machines guns killing everything in front of him, laughting very hard drinking his coca cola. You don't want to be this.
As Evola says, virility is first spiritual virility. The true value of a race is first its spirituality. That's what niggers don't have, and in fact most of the son/daughter of immigrants who were raised in Europe. Most of immigrants are ignorants, that have a distance touch to their original tradition. I'm obviously not talking about the criminals, that have nothing to do with it.

Tradition is more important than race. That's why empire thrived in the past, while including a lot of different people. Because they all believed in spirituality. You even can have religious liberty, because the precise terms is not important. And because forcing conversion is a total none sense (and what destroyed the catholic empire in europe, with the marranos, frankism etc..).

This is alt right terrorism.

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Whites surrendered their wealth because of Christianity. It is inescapable trap.


I think the formation of clans may naturally start to happen as more and more people tune out from the system. I think we should set aside any form of birth control. Get on welfare and use the system to the fullest, just like those Arabs do. Do work, if you can, just get paid in crypto instead of fiat. Don't pay any taxes of course.

We need to 'use' the system, because the system is supposed to be for us, but it's actually working against us. 98% of the money that we pay is not used for our children but to bring in immigrants to kill our children.

We need to have the knowledge to do things that we considered to be 'bad'. One day, it could become necessary to know this.

In the past, we could rely on the system (or thought we could). Today, if we are attacked there is no justice anymore. We should know everything from how to move stealthily, to how to pick locks, hacking, etc.

This. Every fucking nigger and spic drug dealer leader should be robbed. Snipe them, gas them, tranquilize them.. whatever. No one will miss them and the police (if they would be involved) will think it's a rival gang. A squad of high IQ whites could get rich as fuck robbing the non-whites and would also clean the streets out of the trash.

A-are Whites finally waking up? We have a chance to test our strength and mind for once in our lives and we can become White brothers cleaning up Europe by doing it. Siege larpfags and are just that. We have a chance to LIVE everyday off the loot we get from these fucks. It's not going to be easy, or maybe it will be? But at least we can live like our fathers again and get back to being touch White men with stories to back ourselves up.

I propose housing as well. Say in Germany, we head over and get some decent housing established as a means of living, keep everything fucking there in terms of verbal discussion. When outside we are good boys going to church.

Why does it seem like their young males aren't as susceptible (for lack of better word) to feminization as whites seem to be?
Do they eat better food?

1. They don't go to school.

2. They don't speak the language as better as the natives so they don't understand the propaganda.

3. They're not Christians.

No shit Sherlock+

BTW individualism already killed us…


So you don't agree that cuckstianity feminizes whites? After all.. kike Jesus was the biggest cuck: "if you kill your enemies, they win"

Jesus was meant to die thus no need to defend him.

Cuckstianity is a problem…thats why we adopt aggressive Crusadianity and slay the heathen.

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We could say the same thing about the white race..

This actually was how Australia worked about a decade ago (they turned the dial up to 10 after that). You all know the story about the riots in '05, but you don't know what it did to the psyche of the local Arabs. After a rape gang was caught and sentenced to prison, the Lebanese prisoners didn't welcome the rapists, but bashed them near to death. Why? They feared that whites would take revenge on their families for what had happened. They assumed this was how we work because that was how things worked back home and they saw us do it one time.

The government came down hard on the entire country after the riots, but the dividends of that were to prevent the rise of British style rape gangs: the cops and the Arabs alike both fear stoking tensions.

This user. But I think we need to be clever about it. We laud our 'big brains' but then we don't do anything to preserve what we have. I can't tell you how many times I have considered picking a target and starting the ethnic cleansing. But honestly, I am pretty fucking smart, so I decided to go back to university and study biology instead, why do things the hard way when biological methods can do that work for you? Should our people die in the street when viruses and prions can do the work for us by selectively targeting our enemies?

I doubt that 'criminal gangster' in your genes, user. Just as some people are higher IQ some people are better at criminal activity (obviously). Best to learn which is which. You can't say that subhumans are worse at everything…in this case they all carry the criminal gene and are simply better at it than you are…

You are really focusing on the wrong things. Guns are last century. This century belongs to biological and chemical warfare. Get with the program user because the other races #1 all have a plan for world domination #2 are rapidly working to secure their own future of their people ALONE.

No, you are just weak and afraid and you think that by being edgy, you won't be weak and afraid anymore, it won't work,.

Also, the way to defeat a bunch of loose clans, it to unite under the banner of a state and use the entire economy of that state to destroy those loose clans that threaten the state.

I don't see you surviving

THIS. Act locally think globally. Expansion is everything. Everyone inside the tribe need to have a role and goal to fulfill, from children to elders.

I think it would be a good exercise for us in coordinated tribal movement but it is not the solution. There is only one REAL solution and that is ensuring a world that is European ONLY.

Show me where that was written in the bible?

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That is the same situation Hitler was in. I'll say that we cannot dream about ruling anything if our faterland is almost gone. 14

clans and tribes are for swarthykin. if the swarthy cause problems in white man's civilization then it is time for the white man to rid the cities of the swarthykin. time to make the swarthy afraid.

The main problems on the entire earth come from those Turk/satanist/frankist/jew/sabbateans now. They need to be exterminated and all their people with them. The people in the green circle are atheists turk (calling themselves 'jews') faggots - literally…they are pedophile FILTH on this planet.

See we keep repeating the same thing over and over and the parasites keep closing in. We need to ERASE the subhumans from history once and for all…we don't need a repeat of WWII every 100 years. We need biological or bio/chemical agents to erase the rest of humanity off the planet. Because otherwise we are going to be forced to fight the shitskins off every 100 years.

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What degrees cover this sort of thing? I live in the UK and I would definitely be able to study things like this. Also what books should I read about this kind of thing.

Your image is trash and so are you.

by that logic all southerners would be niggers, they've been around eachother for a similar time frame, and they even have the same religion

Calm down, rabbi, you'll have a heart attack.